Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

I have been accused of being a lot of things on this board, but that is a first.

I guess when one is a brainwashed statist fool, commies are around every corner...but somehow the commie loving FDR is not one. CRAZY!!!
So why do you hate many of our freely elected presidents? Your not one of the dumbass revolution guys are you?
PC outlines documented proof and your response is to call her a commie.

You must have a very low IQ. The State loves dummies like you.
So why have America's most noted historians always rated FDR as one of America's top three presidents, and recently rated FDR the greatest American president?
Once again all you ever offer is your childish appeal to authority.

Try using your brain for once.
I try to use experts in most endeavors, medicine, military, history, law, and so on, expert opinion is what the big boys use, and what do you use, someone's opinion?

You misuse the term 'expert" when you count on individuals whose opinions run counter to facts.

Again....I provide facts and conclusions based on those facts.
I ripped you pretty good in post #33, huh?

This one:

Let's remind all that I had to put you in your place earlier, proving that

1. Contrary to your claim that Senator Joseph McCarthy "ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations," you could come up with a single non-communist, or supporter of communism, whose life was "ruined."

Not a single one.

2. Contrary to your lie that FDR didn't demand communist Henry A. Wallace as his vice-president...or he wouldn't run....I destroyed that propaganda lie as well.

In short, you've been revealed as a lying FDR-lap dog.

You are infatuated with your hatred of FDR

Once again you display how much Conservatives despise the fact that FDR:
  • Led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany
  • Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment
  • Created the GI Bill, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Depositers bank insurance.
You just can't stand that FDR helped Americans- and Conservatives didn't.

Helped Americans? Like, when he imprisoned thousands of American citizens based on their etnicity sand national origin?

No- that was one of FDR's- and America's most horrible mistakes. Something that to this day many Conservatives here at USMB applaud.

How did FDR help Americans?

  • Led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany
  • Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment
  • Created the GI Bill, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Depositers bank insurance
Conservatives seem appalled that FDR did any of these things.

0% unemployment? That's not true

Virtually- there were more jobs than there were workers by 1944.

You claimed unemployment reached zero under Roosevelt.

"Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment" in post #43

You've been caught in a lie again.

1. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundreds of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %. Even in 1941, in the midst of the military buildup, 9.9 % of American workers were unemployed.
"The 10 Big Lies About America: Combating Destructive Distortions About Our Nation" Medved

2. It is an accepted fact that WWII caused the greatest decrease in unemployment.....certainly not FDR's policies.
I ripped you pretty good in post #33, huh?

This one:

Let's remind all that I had to put you in your place earlier, proving that

1. Contrary to your claim that Senator Joseph McCarthy "ruined the lives of innocent Americans with false accusations," you could come up with a single non-communist, or supporter of communism, whose life was "ruined."

Not a single one.

2. Contrary to your lie that FDR didn't demand communist Henry A. Wallace as his vice-president...or he wouldn't run....I destroyed that propaganda lie as well.

In short, you've been revealed as a lying FDR-lap dog.

You are infatuated with your hatred of FDR

Once again you display how much Conservatives despise the fact that FDR:
  • Led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany
  • Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment
  • Created the GI Bill, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Depositers bank insurance.
You just can't stand that FDR helped Americans- and Conservatives didn't.

Helped Americans? Like, when he imprisoned thousands of American citizens based on their etnicity sand national origin?

No- that was one of FDR's- and America's most horrible mistakes. Something that to this day many Conservatives here at USMB applaud.

How did FDR help Americans?

  • Led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany
  • Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment
  • Created the GI Bill, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Depositers bank insurance
Conservatives seem appalled that FDR did any of these things.

0% unemployment? That's not true

Virtually- there were more jobs than there were workers by 1944.
Good job FDR! Your war to save Soviet Communism, resulted in so many dead people and men away from home to fight your stupid war, that the unemployment rate improved. Only a dunce would find this commendable.
Although Franklin Roosevelt lied about coming up with the idea of 'unconditional surrender,' as he lied about coming up with Lend Lease, and about having written Haiti's constitution.... was Stalin who authored both 'unconditional surrender,' and Lend Lease (using Armand Hammer to bring it to Roosevelt).

Chica, the USSR was still a treaty ally of Germany on March 11, 1941 when FDR signed the Lend-Lease Act. Armand Hammer returned to the US from the USSR in the late 1930's before Germany invaded Poland on Sept 1, 1939, which started WWII just days later. Germany didn't declare war on the USSR until June 22, 1941.

You are trying to make the case that the USA, through FDR, was in bed with the USSR to render aid (Lend Lease) to the enemies of our allies in Europe BEFORE Germany broke the Pact of Steel between Germany, Italy and the Udupe (signed May 22, 1939). Lend-Lease was initially for England and only later on after Germany's declaration of war and initiation of Operation Barbarossa expanded to the USSR. You're a fool for posting lies about easily obtainable undisputed facts and then trying to get them to fly,

You're full of horseshit as usual, but being caught out once again with your bare ass hanging out won't stop you from dancing around the actual facts, changing the narrative or just plain lying, and you know I've caught you doing that often enough! The return of this thread is a waste of bandwidth on the net, Chica as you were warned!!

Clean up your language: it shows you to be a loser.

1. "The millionaire industrialist, Armand Hammer played a key role in laying the foundations of Lend-Lease.As a dyed-in-the-wool collaborator of Lenin´s and Stalin’s in procuring Western, especially American, assistance in the industrialization of the November 1940 Armand Hammer met with FDR in the White House. He and the president discussed the idea of developing American military assistance to Britain, the Neutrality Act and Roosevelt’s campaign promises not to embroil the United States in the European war to the contrary. Roosevelt thereupon suggested to Hammer that he discuss this plan with Harry Hopkins.Hopkins twice traveled to New York City, Hammer´s base of operations, to discuss this idea with officials and businessmen there.” Roosevelt's Lend-Lease Act: The Arm and Hammer / Hammer and Sickle Connection

a. The program was finally authorized by Congress and signed into effect on March 11, 1941. By November, after much heated debate, Congress extended the terms of Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union, even though the USSR had already been the recipient of American military weapons and had been promised $1 billion in financial aid. FDR signs Lend-Lease - Mar 11, 1941 -

2. From a review of "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer," by Edward Jay Epstein: The meticulously documented exposé of a celebrated American philanthropist - and traitor - that reads like a classic thriller.
New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the Year
Winner of the Financial Times Book Award
The dossier on Hammer tells another story. With unprecedented access to the files of both American and Soviet intelligence agencies as well as Hammer's own secretly taped conversations, investigative author Edward Jay Epstein lays bare the appalling fraud, unconscionable corruption, international treachery, and personal betrayal that indict beyond doubt this ruthlessly manipulative opportunist who courted American presidents and conspired with every Soviet leader from Lenin to Gorbachev.

3. And this about the man who shared lunches with Roosevelt, and Harry Hopkins: "Hammer sometimes claimed that his father had named him after a character, Armand Duval, in La Dame aux Camélias, a novel byAlexandre Dumas, fils. In fact, according to multiple biographers, Hammer was named after the "arm and hammer" graphic symbol of theSocialist Labor Party of America(SLP), in which his father, a committedsocialist, had a leadership role at one time.[8](After theRussian Revolution, a part of the SLP under Julius' leadership split off to become a founding element of the Communist Party USA.) Later in his life, Hammer confirmed that this was the origin of his given name.[2]" Armand Hammer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stalin was far smarter than his erstwhile ally, Adolph Hitler,and his long time stooge, Franklin Roosevelt, whose actions can only be characterized as those of a love-sick, slobbering admirer of Stalin's.

Stalin used Roosevelt, and envisioned exactly what he wanted post-war.
He used Hitler.
He made Roosevelt his servant, giving him orders via Harry Hopkins and Armand Hammer among other spies who were welcomed by FDR into his administration.

Now stop licking his boots and get off your knees.
Great thread PC. Thank you for once again exposing FDR for the commie dupe traitor he was.

It is truly amazing that so many Americans continue to beleive the lies about Stalin's Stooge, like the poster dupes in this thread...Even after the truth is clearly exposed.

Imagine 65 years from now, dupes will be singing praises to Obama.

Apparently some humans refuse to accept truth and much prefer lies. Is it ignorance or brainwashing or something else?

FDR was such a terrible President that during his Presidency- the United States both became the worlds most powerful country- and also entered into an unprecedented era of growth and prosperity.

No wonder Conservatives hate FDR.
Yep...assist in destroying the industrialized world, then claim you are great at growing the economy.

Can't fix stupid.
You are infatuated with your hatred of FDR

Once again you display how much Conservatives despise the fact that FDR:
  • Led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany
  • Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment
  • Created the GI Bill, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Depositers bank insurance.
You just can't stand that FDR helped Americans- and Conservatives didn't.

Helped Americans? Like, when he imprisoned thousands of American citizens based on their etnicity sand national origin?

No- that was one of FDR's- and America's most horrible mistakes. Something that to this day many Conservatives here at USMB applaud.

How did FDR help Americans?

  • Led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany
  • Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment
  • Created the GI Bill, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Depositers bank insurance
Conservatives seem appalled that FDR did any of these things.

0% unemployment? That's not true

Virtually- there were more jobs than there were workers by 1944.
Good job FDR! Your war to save Soviet Communism, resulted in so many dead people and men away from home to fight your stupid war, that the unemployment rate improved. Only a dunce would find this commendable.

FDR's " war to save Soviet Communism,..."

Succinct, accurate, and pungent!

Although Franklin Roosevelt lied about coming up with the idea of 'unconditional surrender,' as he lied about coming up with Lend Lease, and about having written Haiti's constitution.... was Stalin who authored both 'unconditional surrender,' and Lend Lease (using Armand Hammer to bring it to Roosevelt).

Chica, the USSR was still a treaty ally of Germany on March 11, 1941 when FDR signed the Lend-Lease Act. Armand Hammer returned to the US from the USSR in the late 1930's before Germany invaded Poland on Sept 1, 1939, which started WWII just days later. Germany didn't declare war on the USSR until June 22, 1941.

You are trying to make the case that the USA, through FDR, was in bed with the USSR to render aid (Lend Lease) to the enemies of our allies in Europe BEFORE Germany broke the Pact of Steel between Germany, Italy and the Udupe (signed May 22, 1939). Lend-Lease was initially for England and only later on after Germany's declaration of war and initiation of Operation Barbarossa expanded to the USSR. You're a fool for posting lies about easily obtainable undisputed facts and then trying to get them to fly,

You're full of horseshit as usual, but being caught out once again with your bare ass hanging out won't stop you from dancing around the actual facts, changing the narrative or just plain lying, and you know I've caught you doing that often enough! The return of this thread is a waste of bandwidth on the net, Chica as you were warned!!

Clean up your language: it shows you to be a loser.

1. "The millionaire industrialist, Armand Hammer played a key role in laying the foundations of Lend-Lease.As a dyed-in-the-wool collaborator of Lenin´s and Stalin’s in procuring Western, especially American, assistance in the industrialization of the November 1940 Armand Hammer met with FDR in the White House. He and the president discussed the idea of developing American military assistance to Britain, the Neutrality Act and Roosevelt’s campaign promises not to embroil the United States in the European war to the contrary. Roosevelt thereupon suggested to Hammer that he discuss this plan with Harry Hopkins.Hopkins twice traveled to New York City, Hammer´s base of operations, to discuss this idea with officials and businessmen there.” Roosevelt's Lend-Lease Act: The Arm and Hammer / Hammer and Sickle Connection

a. The program was finally authorized by Congress and signed into effect on March 11, 1941. By November, after much heated debate, Congress extended the terms of Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union, even though the USSR had already been the recipient of American military weapons and had been promised $1 billion in financial aid. FDR signs Lend-Lease - Mar 11, 1941 -

2. From a review of "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer," by Edward Jay Epstein: The meticulously documented exposé of a celebrated American philanthropist - and traitor - that reads like a classic thriller.
New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the Year
Winner of the Financial Times Book Award
The dossier on Hammer tells another story. With unprecedented access to the files of both American and Soviet intelligence agencies as well as Hammer's own secretly taped conversations, investigative author Edward Jay Epstein lays bare the appalling fraud, unconscionable corruption, international treachery, and personal betrayal that indict beyond doubt this ruthlessly manipulative opportunist who courted American presidents and conspired with every Soviet leader from Lenin to Gorbachev.

3. And this about the man who shared lunches with Roosevelt, and Harry Hopkins: "Hammer sometimes claimed that his father had named him after a character, Armand Duval, in La Dame aux Camélias, a novel byAlexandre Dumas, fils. In fact, according to multiple biographers, Hammer was named after the "arm and hammer" graphic symbol of theSocialist Labor Party of America(SLP), in which his father, a committedsocialist, had a leadership role at one time.[8](After theRussian Revolution, a part of the SLP under Julius' leadership split off to become a founding element of the Communist Party USA.) Later in his life, Hammer confirmed that this was the origin of his given name.[2]" Armand Hammer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stalin was far smarter than his erstwhile ally, Adolph Hitler,and his long time stooge, Franklin Roosevelt, whose actions can only be characterized as those of a love-sick, slobbering admirer of Stalin's.

Stalin used Roosevelt, and envisioned exactly what he wanted post-war.
He used Hitler.
He made Roosevelt his servant, giving him orders via Harry Hopkins and Armand Hammer among other spies who were welcomed by FDR into his administration.

Now stop licking his boots and get off your knees.
Great thread PC. Thank you for once again exposing FDR for the commie dupe traitor he was.

It is truly amazing that so many Americans continue to beleive the lies about Stalin's Stooge, like the poster dupes in this thread...Even after the truth is clearly exposed.

Imagine 65 years from now, dupes will be singing praises to Obama.

Apparently some humans refuse to accept truth and much prefer lies. Is it ignorance or brainwashing or something else?

FDR was such a terrible President that during his Presidency- the United States both became the worlds most powerful country- and also entered into an unprecedented era of growth and prosperity.

No wonder Conservatives hate FDR.
Yep...assist in destroying the industrialized world, then claim you are great at growing the economy.

Can't fix stupid.

Let me remind all that Stalin demanded 'unconditional surrender' and 'pasturization' of Germany to make certain that the anti-Nazi, anti-communists in Germany could not stop his transcontinental march after the war.

"The Red Army is relentless in its quest to control as much of Europe as possible, with Stalin taking full advantage of Dwight Eisenhower's timidity. The Russians are seizing more land, and more people are coming under their occupation.

Patton is incensed. "You cannot lay down with a diseased jackal," he recently insisted to a group of journalists. "Neither can we ever do business with the Russians."
When Undersecretary of War Robert Patterson visited the Third Army, Patton openly lobbied for at least 30 percent of all American troops to remain in Europe, "Keeping our forces intact. Let's keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to these people.
This is the only language they understand and respect. If you fail to do this, then I would like to say to you that we have had a victory over the Germans but have lost the war."

Even Patton's nemesis, British field marshal Montgomery, agrees: when accepting the surrender of German soldiers, he ordered his troops to stack the Wehrmacht rifles in such a way that they could easily be redistributed should the Germans and British need to defend themselves against a Russian advance.

In time, of course, Patton's predictions will come true, and the world will have to live with the consequences of American gullibility."
"Killing Patton," O'Reilly and Dugard, p. 259-260
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Regent knows more about history than you can ever dream to know. He actually lived through some of the periods you discuss and knew people via family and friends of that era. All you have are a library full of conspiracy books and agenda-driven partisan commentary hack works.
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Regent knows more about history than you can ever dream to know. He actually lived through some of the periods you discuss and knew people via family and friends of that era. All you have are a library full of conspiracy books and agenda-driven partisan commentary hack works.

Actually, what I have is education, versus your indoctrination.
That's why I've always able to document what I post.

Seems that incenses you.

But...for my amusement, could you reprise your post about Franklin Roosevelt being the 'moral compass' of the nation?
Seems to be a fav among those of us who know Roosevelt's actually record.
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Regent knows more about history than you can ever dream to know. He actually lived through some of the periods you discuss and knew people via family and friends of that era. All you have are a library full of conspiracy books and agenda-driven partisan commentary hack works.

Actually, what I have is education, versus your indoctrination.
That's why I've always able to document what I post.

Seems that incenses you.

But...for my amusement, could you reprise your post about Franklin Roosevelt being the 'moral compass' of the nation?
Seems to be a fav among those of us who know Roosevelt's actually record.
I have no problem saying that the President who put the welfare of the masses in front of the welfare of the rich had an outstanding moral compass. He was not perfect and he made mistakes, but he had the heart of a good Christian and cared about the poor and the oppressed more than others of his era. That is why he won every election time after time, four of them. You use a dishonest method of comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in.
Although Franklin Roosevelt lied about coming up with the idea of 'unconditional surrender,' as he lied about coming up with Lend Lease, and about having written Haiti's constitution.... was Stalin who authored both 'unconditional surrender,' and Lend Lease (using Armand Hammer to bring it to Roosevelt).

Chica, the USSR was still a treaty ally of Germany on March 11, 1941 when FDR signed the Lend-Lease Act. Armand Hammer returned to the US from the USSR in the late 1930's before Germany invaded Poland on Sept 1, 1939, which started WWII just days later. Germany didn't declare war on the USSR until June 22, 1941.

You are trying to make the case that the USA, through FDR, was in bed with the USSR to render aid (Lend Lease) to the enemies of our allies in Europe BEFORE Germany broke the Pact of Steel between Germany, Italy and the Udupe (signed May 22, 1939). Lend-Lease was initially for England and only later on after Germany's declaration of war and initiation of Operation Barbarossa expanded to the USSR. You're a fool for posting lies about easily obtainable undisputed facts and then trying to get them to fly,

You're full of horseshit as usual, but being caught out once again with your bare ass hanging out won't stop you from dancing around the actual facts, changing the narrative or just plain lying, and you know I've caught you doing that often enough! The return of this thread is a waste of bandwidth on the net, Chica as you were warned!!

Clean up your language: it shows you to be a loser.

1. "The millionaire industrialist, Armand Hammer played a key role in laying the foundations of Lend-Lease.As a dyed-in-the-wool collaborator of Lenin´s and Stalin’s in procuring Western, especially American, assistance in the industrialization of the November 1940 Armand Hammer met with FDR in the White House. He and the president discussed the idea of developing American military assistance to Britain, the Neutrality Act and Roosevelt’s campaign promises not to embroil the United States in the European war to the contrary. Roosevelt thereupon suggested to Hammer that he discuss this plan with Harry Hopkins.Hopkins twice traveled to New York City, Hammer´s base of operations, to discuss this idea with officials and businessmen there.” Roosevelt's Lend-Lease Act: The Arm and Hammer / Hammer and Sickle Connection

a. The program was finally authorized by Congress and signed into effect on March 11, 1941. By November, after much heated debate, Congress extended the terms of Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union, even though the USSR had already been the recipient of American military weapons and had been promised $1 billion in financial aid. FDR signs Lend-Lease - Mar 11, 1941 -

2. From a review of "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer," by Edward Jay Epstein: The meticulously documented exposé of a celebrated American philanthropist - and traitor - that reads like a classic thriller.
New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the Year
Winner of the Financial Times Book Award
The dossier on Hammer tells another story. With unprecedented access to the files of both American and Soviet intelligence agencies as well as Hammer's own secretly taped conversations, investigative author Edward Jay Epstein lays bare the appalling fraud, unconscionable corruption, international treachery, and personal betrayal that indict beyond doubt this ruthlessly manipulative opportunist who courted American presidents and conspired with every Soviet leader from Lenin to Gorbachev.

3. And this about the man who shared lunches with Roosevelt, and Harry Hopkins: "Hammer sometimes claimed that his father had named him after a character, Armand Duval, in La Dame aux Camélias, a novel byAlexandre Dumas, fils. In fact, according to multiple biographers, Hammer was named after the "arm and hammer" graphic symbol of theSocialist Labor Party of America(SLP), in which his father, a committedsocialist, had a leadership role at one time.[8](After theRussian Revolution, a part of the SLP under Julius' leadership split off to become a founding element of the Communist Party USA.) Later in his life, Hammer confirmed that this was the origin of his given name.[2]" Armand Hammer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stalin was far smarter than his erstwhile ally, Adolph Hitler,and his long time stooge, Franklin Roosevelt, whose actions can only be characterized as those of a love-sick, slobbering admirer of Stalin's.

Stalin used Roosevelt, and envisioned exactly what he wanted post-war.
He used Hitler.
He made Roosevelt his servant, giving him orders via Harry Hopkins and Armand Hammer among other spies who were welcomed by FDR into his administration.

Now stop licking his boots and get off your knees.
Great thread PC. Thank you for once again exposing FDR for the commie dupe traitor he was.

It is truly amazing that so many Americans continue to beleive the lies about Stalin's Stooge, like the poster dupes in this thread...Even after the truth is clearly exposed.

Imagine 65 years from now, dupes will be singing praises to Obama.

Apparently some humans refuse to accept truth and much prefer lies. Is it ignorance or brainwashing or something else?

FDR was such a terrible President that during his Presidency- the United States both became the worlds most powerful country- and also entered into an unprecedented era of growth and prosperity.

No wonder Conservatives hate FDR.
Yep...assist in destroying the industrialized world, then claim you are great at growing the economy.

Can't fix stupid.

As I said-

FDR was such a terrible President that during his Presidency- the United States both became the worlds most powerful country- and also entered into an unprecedented era of growth and prosperity.

No wonder Conservatives hate FDR

I can't fix your stupid- perhaps you would have preferred that the United States not respond when Germany declared war on the United States, perhaps you prefered that United States not respond to the attacks on Pearl Harbor.

FDR didn't feel that way- and led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany and Italy- and apparently you are still upset about that.
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Regent knows more about history than you can ever dream to know. He actually lived through some of the periods you discuss and knew people via family and friends of that era. All you have are a library full of conspiracy books and agenda-driven partisan commentary hack works.

Actually, what I have is education, versus your indoctrination.
That's why I've always able to document what I post.

Seems that incenses you.

But...for my amusement, could you reprise your post about Franklin Roosevelt being the 'moral compass' of the nation?
Seems to be a fav among those of us who know Roosevelt's actually record.
I have no problem saying that the President who put the welfare of the masses in front of the welfare of the rich had an outstanding moral compass. He was not perfect and he made mistakes, but he had the heart of a good Christian and cared about the poor and the oppressed more than others of his era. That is why he won every election time after time, four of them. You use a dishonest method of comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in.

So....his contempt for Jews, blacks and Asians fits with "he had the heart of a good Christian" and "comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in."

Would you say the same about his compatriots, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini?
He was pals with all three.
Or...don't you care to judge those via "comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in."

Gads, you're a fool.
And I mean that in only the kindest way.
Helped Americans? Like, when he imprisoned thousands of American citizens based on their etnicity sand national origin?

No- that was one of FDR's- and America's most horrible mistakes. Something that to this day many Conservatives here at USMB applaud.

How did FDR help Americans?

  • Led the United States to victory over Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany
  • Led the United States from 25% unemployment to zero unemployment
  • Created the GI Bill, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and Depositers bank insurance
Conservatives seem appalled that FDR did any of these things.

0% unemployment? That's not true

Virtually- there were more jobs than there were workers by 1944.
Good job FDR! Your war to save Soviet Communism, resulted in so many dead people and men away from home to fight your stupid war, that the unemployment rate improved. Only a dunce would find this commendable.

FDR's " war to save Soviet Communism,..."

Succinct, accurate, and pungent!


As stupid and inaccurate as everyone of your posts- look at the chart below- this describes the exact reason why PC hates FDR

PC would have prefered the United States to fail- but FDR led the United States from 25% unemployment to virtually zero unemployment.

Established Social Security, the GI Bill, unemployment insurance, and bank depositors insurance.

Let the United States to an era of unprecedented prosperity and power.

Of course PC hates FDR.........
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Regent knows more about history than you can ever dream to know. He actually lived through some of the periods you discuss and knew people via family and friends of that era. All you have are a library full of conspiracy books and agenda-driven partisan commentary hack works.

Actually, what I have is education, versus your indoctrination.
That's why I've always able to document what I post.

Seems that incenses you.

But...for my amusement, could you reprise your post about Franklin Roosevelt being the 'moral compass' of the nation?
Seems to be a fav among those of us who know Roosevelt's actually record.
I have no problem saying that the President who put the welfare of the masses in front of the welfare of the rich had an outstanding moral compass. He was not perfect and he made mistakes, but he had the heart of a good Christian and cared about the poor and the oppressed more than others of his era. That is why he won every election time after time, four of them. You use a dishonest method of comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in.

So....his contempt for Jews, blacks and Asians fits with "he had the heart of a good Christian" and "comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in."

Would you say the same about his compatriots, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini?
He was pals with all three.
Or...don't you care to judge those via "comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in."

Gads, you're a fool.
And I mean that in only the kindest way.
Oh, STFU. You are dishonestly comparing an American President to three dictators who made mass arrest confiscated their property and turned the arrested into slave labor or executed them. The sin you complain about is that the American President gave the unemployed jobs instead of enslavement and death and instead of confiscating their property, gave them a chance to keep it and even build on it. You are trying to compare dictators who only cared about obtaining and growing military might to a leader whose priority were the masses that depended on him to make life better for them. He succeeded and they loved him for it.
You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Regent knows more about history than you can ever dream to know. He actually lived through some of the periods you discuss and knew people via family and friends of that era. All you have are a library full of conspiracy books and agenda-driven partisan commentary hack works.

Actually, what I have is education, versus your indoctrination.
That's why I've always able to document what I post.

Seems that incenses you.

But...for my amusement, could you reprise your post about Franklin Roosevelt being the 'moral compass' of the nation?
Seems to be a fav among those of us who know Roosevelt's actually record.
I have no problem saying that the President who put the welfare of the masses in front of the welfare of the rich had an outstanding moral compass. He was not perfect and he made mistakes, but he had the heart of a good Christian and cared about the poor and the oppressed more than others of his era. That is why he won every election time after time, four of them. You use a dishonest method of comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in.

So....his contempt for Jews, blacks and Asians fits with "he had the heart of a good Christian" and "comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in."

Would you say the same about his compatriots, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini?
He was pals with all three.
Or...don't you care to judge those via "comparing his values to he values of later eras and ignore the reality and circumstances of the period of time he had influence in."

Gads, you're a fool.
And I mean that in only the kindest way.
Oh, STFU. You are dishonestly comparing an American President to three dictators who made mass arrest confiscated their property and turned the arrested into slave labor or executed them. The sin you complain about is that the American President gave the unemployed jobs instead of enslavement and death and instead of confiscating their property, gave them a chance to keep it and even build on it. You are trying to compare dictators who only cared about obtaining and growing military might to a leader whose priority were the masses that depended on him to make life better for them. He succeeded and they loved him for it.


FDR at his death, left Americans as the most powerful nation in the world, and enjoying unprecedented prosperity.

What exactly is the America that PC and his fellow FDR haters wish for?

An America that rolled over for Japan and Germany?
An America with 25% unemployment?
An America with no GI Bill, no Social Security, no unemployment insurance, no bank depositers insurance.?
An America that was a third rate industrial and military power?
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Ah, are you another "think history" graduate? I don't need to dispute the best historians in American as they have agreed with me since 1948. Of course, those historians have probably not mastered the "think history" method as yet, still relying on the old dig for the truth method.
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Ah, are you another "think history" graduate? I don't need to dispute the best historians in American as they have agreed with me since 1948. Of course, those historians have probably not mastered the "think history" method as yet, still relying on the old dig for the truth method.
You merely chose to ignore the an administration full of commies, actions deliberately intended to assist Stalin, economic policies that harmed millions of Americans and prolonged the Great Depression, imprisoning Americans for no reason, nearly expanding the Supreme Court to impose his will, imposing unconditional surrender terms prolonging the war leading to millions of additional deaths, claiming Hoover was an radical interventionists then intervening more, lying to Americans in 1940 when he proclaimed over and over that no american boys would fight in Europe while making plans for them to do just that, refusing to negotiate with Japan and imposing sanctions against them forcing them to war, ignoring the unwritten rule by Washington to two terms, running in 1944 while on his death bed and lying about it....and on and on it goes...but dunces still think him GREAT!

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