Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Ah, are you another "think history" graduate? I don't need to dispute the best historians in American as they have agreed with me since 1948. Of course, those historians have probably not mastered the "think history" method as yet, still relying on the old dig for the truth method.
You merely chose to ignore the an administration full of commies, actions deliberately intended to assist Stalin, economic policies that harmed millions of Americans and prolonged the Great Depression, imprisoning Americans for no reason, nearly expanding the Supreme Court to impose his will, imposing unconditional surrender terms prolonging the war leading to millions of additional deaths, claiming Hoover was an radical interventionists then intervening more, lying to Americans in 1940 when he proclaimed over and over that no american boys would fight in Europe while making plans for them to do just that, refusing to negotiate with Japan and imposing sanctions against them forcing them to war, ignoring the unwritten rule by Washington to two terms, running in 1944 while on his death bed and lying about it....and on and on it goes...but dunces still think him GREAT!

And you are an apologist for Imperial Japan- that Japan was forced 'to war'.

Are you just anti-American or just totally ignorant of history.
Not too worry someday a better president will come along and FDR will lose his hold in the top three American presidents area. The problem is it's all in the books now and if the Republicans keep electing people like Bush, (fifth worst) it will take some time, maybe a century or two.

You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Ah, are you another "think history" graduate? I don't need to dispute the best historians in American as they have agreed with me since 1948. Of course, those historians have probably not mastered the "think history" method as yet, still relying on the old dig for the truth method.
You merely chose to ignore the an administration full of commies, actions deliberately intended to assist Stalin, economic policies that harmed millions of Americans and prolonged the Great Depression, imprisoning Americans for no reason, nearly expanding the Supreme Court to impose his will, imposing unconditional surrender terms prolonging the war leading to millions of additional deaths, claiming Hoover was an radical interventionists then intervening more, lying to Americans in 1940 when he proclaimed over and over that no american boys would fight in Europe while making plans for them to do just that, refusing to negotiate with Japan and imposing sanctions against them forcing them to war, ignoring the unwritten rule by Washington to two terms, running in 1944 while on his death bed and lying about it....and on and on it goes...but dunces still think him GREAT!
Well apparently the American people of his time thought so and were willing to violate an unwritten rule and elect FDR to a third term and then to a fourth term. They might still be electing FDR today if they could.
Who was on his death bed lying about running for another term, Washington or FDR?
The dunces you speak of are America's greatest historians and have so spoken since they began rating presidents.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.
Ahhhh...I just realized something. One of the reasons the Progtards are so enamoured of Roosie is that s/he was a proto-Trangenderer!
Ahhhh...I just realized something. One of the reasons the Progtards are so enamoured of Roosie is that s/he was a proto-Trangenderer!

Well.....I didn't quite mean it that way.....

....more like a serious bro-crush.

But it is difficult to come up with a comprehensive explanation for all Roosevelt did for Stalin and Soviet Communism....
..from awarding the recognition that they desired early in his career.... giving materials that our troops could have used via Lend Lease.... opening a second front in Normandy vs. the more accessible Adriatic/Italy avenue... the deaths of 150,000 American and Allied lives through Stalin's 'unconditional surrender' doctrine.

If not the bro-crush....then it had to be either mental illness, or he was actually a communist.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Ah, are you another "think history" graduate? I don't need to dispute the best historians in American as they have agreed with me since 1948. Of course, those historians have probably not mastered the "think history" method as yet, still relying on the old dig for the truth method.
You merely chose to ignore the an administration full of commies, actions deliberately intended to assist Stalin, economic policies that harmed millions of Americans and prolonged the Great Depression, imprisoning Americans for no reason, nearly expanding the Supreme Court to impose his will, imposing unconditional surrender terms prolonging the war leading to millions of additional deaths, claiming Hoover was an radical interventionists then intervening more, lying to Americans in 1940 when he proclaimed over and over that no american boys would fight in Europe while making plans for them to do just that, refusing to negotiate with Japan and imposing sanctions against them forcing them to war, ignoring the unwritten rule by Washington to two terms, running in 1944 while on his death bed and lying about it....and on and on it goes...but dunces still think him GREAT!
Well apparently the American people of his time thought so and were willing to violate an unwritten rule and elect FDR to a third term and then to a fourth term. They might still be electing FDR today if they could.
Who was on his death bed lying about running for another term, Washington or FDR?.......

Washington was a man of honor who understood that America ought not have one man holding office long enough to become a potential dictator. Every president after Washington had the sense of honor to follow his example, until the scumbag fdr came along. Only after that dishonest, power-mad, inhumane, racist, un-American SOB did we have to enshrine Washington's wisdom in a Constitutional Amendment. You are not doing your hero any favors with this line of reasoning.
You've already been put in your place, and characterized as one of those who has given up his ability to think for himself.

No one is disagreeing with your decision.

Why are you back?
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Ah, are you another "think history" graduate? I don't need to dispute the best historians in American as they have agreed with me since 1948. Of course, those historians have probably not mastered the "think history" method as yet, still relying on the old dig for the truth method.
You merely chose to ignore the an administration full of commies, actions deliberately intended to assist Stalin, economic policies that harmed millions of Americans and prolonged the Great Depression, imprisoning Americans for no reason, nearly expanding the Supreme Court to impose his will, imposing unconditional surrender terms prolonging the war leading to millions of additional deaths, claiming Hoover was an radical interventionists then intervening more, lying to Americans in 1940 when he proclaimed over and over that no american boys would fight in Europe while making plans for them to do just that, refusing to negotiate with Japan and imposing sanctions against them forcing them to war, ignoring the unwritten rule by Washington to two terms, running in 1944 while on his death bed and lying about it....and on and on it goes...but dunces still think him GREAT!
Well apparently the American people of his time thought so and were willing to violate an unwritten rule and elect FDR to a third term and then to a fourth term. They might still be electing FDR today if they could.
Who was on his death bed lying about running for another term, Washington or FDR?
The dunces you speak of are America's greatest historians and have so spoken since they began rating presidents.
Ah, so that is how history is learned, one just thinks history for oneself and bingo there history is. Well it might work for you but not for some, I prefer history that is researched using historical methods as taught in historiography classes. Still, as I remember, wasn't that how Professor Higgins taught music, but that was a movie. Is there where you learned to think-history, a movie that teaches one how to think-history?
You keep repeating yourself. Offering the same idiotic appeal to authority, but are unable to dispute any of the heinous actions, constant lying and deceptions, and the terribly ineffective policies of Stalin's Stooge.
Ah, are you another "think history" graduate? I don't need to dispute the best historians in American as they have agreed with me since 1948. Of course, those historians have probably not mastered the "think history" method as yet, still relying on the old dig for the truth method.
You merely chose to ignore the an administration full of commies, actions deliberately intended to assist Stalin, economic policies that harmed millions of Americans and prolonged the Great Depression, imprisoning Americans for no reason, nearly expanding the Supreme Court to impose his will, imposing unconditional surrender terms prolonging the war leading to millions of additional deaths, claiming Hoover was an radical interventionists then intervening more, lying to Americans in 1940 when he proclaimed over and over that no american boys would fight in Europe while making plans for them to do just that, refusing to negotiate with Japan and imposing sanctions against them forcing them to war, ignoring the unwritten rule by Washington to two terms, running in 1944 while on his death bed and lying about it....and on and on it goes...but dunces still think him GREAT!
Well apparently the American people of his time thought so and were willing to violate an unwritten rule and elect FDR to a third term and then to a fourth term. They might still be electing FDR today if they could.
Who was on his death bed lying about running for another term, Washington or FDR?.......

Washington was a man of honor who understood that America ought not have one man holding office long enough to become a potential dictator. Every president after Washington had the sense of honor to follow his example, until the scumbag fdr came along. Only after that dishonest, power-mad, inhumane, racist, un-American SOB did we have to enshrine Washington's wisdom in a Constitutional Amendment. You are not doing your hero any favors with this line of reasoning.

Glad you included the term "dictator."

A possible explanation for Roosevelt's actions and attitiudes was that he wanted to swim with the sharks, and be a shark.

He had excellent relations with Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.... fact his economic policies reflected, prominently, those of other dictators.

"Many people were arrested for not complying with NRA regulations. Jack Magid of New Jersey, for example, was jailed for violating the “Tailor’s Code” by pressing a suit for 35 rather than the NRA required 40 cents."

When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.

This help?
1.[The 'unconditional surrender policy] helped prolong the war in Europethrough its usefulness toGerman domestic propagandathat used it to encourage further resistance against the Allied armies,and its suppressive effect on theGerman resistancemovementsince even after a coup againstAdolf Hitler:

"...those Germans — and particularly thoseGerman generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt bytheir inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve thetreatment meted outto their country."
Michael Balfour, "Another Look at 'Unconditional Surrender'",International Affairs(Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 46, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), pp. 719-736

Was Roosevelt stupid...???

Unconditional surrender.....FDR's obedience to Joseph Stalin....and his greatest blunder.

How about this?

2. Many Allied leaders agreed with General Wedemeyer, that Roosevelt's 'unconditional surrender' announcement unified and stiffened Germany's resolve not to surrender, ....they knew that it would prolong the war. Included with Wedermeyer were Winston Churchill, Brit foreign minister Anthony Eden, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Ambassador to Moscow Averell Harriman, and others.
"The Memoirs of Cordell Hull in two volumes," 1570, 1575


To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ration of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almostan additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to 'unconditional surrender.'

3. BTW.....the same view comes from the German side."All to whom I talked dwelt onthe effect of 'unconditional surrender' policy on the prolonging of the war. They told me that, but for this- and their troops, the factor that was more important- would have beento surrender sooner, separately or collectively."
"The German Generals Talk," byBasil H. Liddell Hart, p. 292-293

" surrender sooner, separately or collectively."

a. The disastrous consequences of the unconditional surrender policy soon became evident. Captain Harry Butcher, Eisenhower's naval aide, noted in his diary on April 14, 1944: "Any military person knows that there are conditions to every surrender. . . . Goebbels has made great capital with it to strengthen the morale of the German army and people.Our psychological experts believe we would be wiser if we created a mood of acceptance of surrender in the German army which would make possible a collapse of resistance. . . ."
"My Three Years With Eisenhower: The Personal Diary of Captain Harry C. Butcher, USNR, Naval Aide to General Eisenhower...," byHarry C. Butcher

It's soooooo easy to put you in your place.

When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.
WTF! Do you know of the horrific bombings inflected by the allies against Germany and Japan? Unbelievable suffering committed by Americans on civilians, but I guess you think that justified because Hitler bombed London...but you forgot to mention....funny how you always do forget, that the allies bombed Berlin beforehand.

But I know...facts mean nothing to you.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.

This help?
1.[The 'unconditional surrender policy] helped prolong the war in Europethrough its usefulness toGerman domestic propagandathat used it to encourage further resistance against the Allied armies,and its suppressive effect on theGerman resistancemovementsince even after a coup againstAdolf Hitler:

"...those Germans — and particularly thoseGerman generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt bytheir inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve thetreatment meted outto their country."
Michael Balfour, "Another Look at 'Unconditional Surrender'",International Affairs(Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 46, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), pp. 719-736

Was Roosevelt stupid...???

Unconditional surrender.....FDR's obedience to Joseph Stalin....and his greatest blunder.

How about this?

2. Many Allied leaders agreed with General Wedemeyer, that Roosevelt's 'unconditional surrender' announcement unified and stiffened Germany's resolve not to surrender, ....they knew that it would prolong the war. Included with Wedermeyer were Winston Churchill, Brit foreign minister Anthony Eden, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Ambassador to Moscow Averell Harriman, and others.
"The Memoirs of Cordell Hull in two volumes," 1570, 1575


To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ration of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almostan additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to 'unconditional surrender.'

3. BTW.....the same view comes from the German side."All to whom I talked dwelt onthe effect of 'unconditional surrender' policy on the prolonging of the war. They told me that, but for this- and their troops, the factor that was more important- would have beento surrender sooner, separately or collectively."
"The German Generals Talk," byBasil H. Liddell Hart, p. 292-293

" surrender sooner, separately or collectively."

a. The disastrous consequences of the unconditional surrender policy soon became evident. Captain Harry Butcher, Eisenhower's naval aide, noted in his diary on April 14, 1944: "Any military person knows that there are conditions to every surrender. . . . Goebbels has made great capital with it to strengthen the morale of the German army and people.Our psychological experts believe we would be wiser if we created a mood of acceptance of surrender in the German army which would make possible a collapse of resistance. . . ."
"My Three Years With Eisenhower: The Personal Diary of Captain Harry C. Butcher, USNR, Naval Aide to General Eisenhower...," byHarry C. Butcher

It's soooooo easy to put you in your place.
Great stuff PC...I guess reggie does not consider that information history, since some government statist toady did not write it.

I am guessing the FDR lovers on this forum have never read the truth. So, their natural response is to disagree proving their ignorance.

The truth for some is difficult to accept, but it should not be. Politicians are the lowest life forms on the planet...and pols like FDR are even lowest of the low.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.
WTF! Do you know of the horrific bombings inflected by the allies against Germany and Japan? Unbelievable suffering committed by Americans on civilians, but I guess you think that justified because Hitler bombed London...but you forgot to mention....funny how you always do forget, that the allies bombed Berlin beforehand.

But I know...facts mean nothing to you.
My facts tell me that civilian industrial targets were not allowed by the British until two days after the area bombings of Rotterdam by the Germans on 14 May 1940. My history also tells me the first bombing of Berlin consisted of dropping 8 bombs on 7 June 1940. Maybe we have different history books.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.
WTF! Do you know of the horrific bombings inflected by the allies against Germany and Japan? Unbelievable suffering committed by Americans on civilians, but I guess you think that justified because Hitler bombed London...but you forgot to mention....funny how you always do forget, that the allies bombed Berlin beforehand.

But I know...facts mean nothing to you.

Both sides did indeed bomb civilian targets during World War 2.

And to you- there is no difference between the United States- Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union

Clearly we see differently.

Which is why I consider FDR a great President for leaving the United States the most powerful country in the world, leading Americans into our most prosperous era-

While you wish that the United States had remained poor, and third rate.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.

This help?
1.[The 'unconditional surrender policy] helped prolong the war in Europethrough its usefulness toGerman domestic propagandathat used it to encourage further resistance against the Allied armies,and its suppressive effect on theGerman resistancemovementsince even after a coup againstAdolf Hitler:

"...those Germans — and particularly thoseGerman generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt bytheir inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve thetreatment meted outto their country."
Michael Balfour, "Another Look at 'Unconditional Surrender'",International Affairs(Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 46, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), pp. 719-736

Was Roosevelt stupid...???

Unconditional surrender.....FDR's obedience to Joseph Stalin....and his greatest blunder.

How about this?

2. Many Allied leaders agreed with General Wedemeyer, that Roosevelt's 'unconditional surrender' announcement unified and stiffened Germany's resolve not to surrender, ....they knew that it would prolong the war. Included with Wedermeyer were Winston Churchill, Brit foreign minister Anthony Eden, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Ambassador to Moscow Averell Harriman, and others.
"The Memoirs of Cordell Hull in two volumes," 1570, 1575


To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ration of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almostan additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to 'unconditional surrender.'

3. BTW.....the same view comes from the German side."All to whom I talked dwelt onthe effect of 'unconditional surrender' policy on the prolonging of the war. They told me that, but for this- and their troops, the factor that was more important- would have beento surrender sooner, separately or collectively."
"The German Generals Talk," byBasil H. Liddell Hart, p. 292-293

" surrender sooner, separately or collectively."

a. The disastrous consequences of the unconditional surrender policy soon became evident. Captain Harry Butcher, Eisenhower's naval aide, noted in his diary on April 14, 1944: "Any military person knows that there are conditions to every surrender. . . . Goebbels has made great capital with it to strengthen the morale of the German army and people.Our psychological experts believe we would be wiser if we created a mood of acceptance of surrender in the German army which would make possible a collapse of resistance. . . ."
"My Three Years With Eisenhower: The Personal Diary of Captain Harry C. Butcher, USNR, Naval Aide to General Eisenhower...," byHarry C. Butcher

It's soooooo easy to put you in your place.
Great stuff PC...I guess reggie does not consider that information history, since some government statist toady did not write it.

I am guessing the FDR lovers on this forum have never read the truth. So, their natural response is to disagree proving their ignorance.

The truth for some is difficult to accept, but it should not be. Politicians are the lowest life forms on the planet...and pols like FDR are even lowest of the low.
You guys never get your facts right. I just showed how you misinformed with your nonsense about the allies starting area bombing in Europe and bombing Berlin. The Germans actually started using the tactic with their volunteer legions in Spain.
We see who has the Roosevelt Infatuation.

You should avoid using words whose definition is unknown to you.

Before being a smartass, it is wise to first ensure one is smart. Otherwise one is merely being an ass. Someone should have informed you.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.
WTF! Do you know of the horrific bombings inflected by the allies against Germany and Japan? Unbelievable suffering committed by Americans on civilians, but I guess you think that justified because Hitler bombed London...but you forgot to mention....funny how you always do forget, that the allies bombed Berlin beforehand.

But I know...facts mean nothing to you.
My facts tell me that civilian industrial targets were not allowed by the British until two days after the area bombings of Rotterdam by the Germans on 14 May 1940. My history also tells me the first bombing of Berlin consisted of dropping 8 bombs on 7 June 1940. Maybe we have different history books.
Do you deny massive aerial bombings of German and Japanese civilians during the war?

Do you deny that Hitler was successfully taking out UK armament sites and had not attacked London UNTIL Berlin had been hit by the allies?
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.
WTF! Do you know of the horrific bombings inflected by the allies against Germany and Japan? Unbelievable suffering committed by Americans on civilians, but I guess you think that justified because Hitler bombed London...but you forgot to mention....funny how you always do forget, that the allies bombed Berlin beforehand.

But I know...facts mean nothing to you.
My facts tell me that civilian industrial targets were not allowed by the British until two days after the area bombings of Rotterdam by the Germans on 14 May 1940. My history also tells me the first bombing of Berlin consisted of dropping 8 bombs on 7 June 1940. Maybe we have different history books.
Do you deny massive aerial bombings of German and Japanese civilians during the war?

Do you deny that Hitler was successfully taking out UK armament sites and had not attacked London UNTIL Berlin had been hit by the allies?
You said or implied the allies had started the area bombardment strategy by bombing Berlin first. I am saying the tactic known as carpet bombing was first used by Germany.

The first British air raid on Berlin took place on 25 August 1940. It was a retaliation raid for the German raid on London on 23 August. The Germans opened that can of worms.
When the OP slams FDR she is slamming what has come to be known as "America's Greatest Generation". She portrays them as stupid fools who were easily scammed by the evil communist FDR. To PoliticalChic and her lap dogs like Gipper, The GREATEST GENERATION was the dumbest generation. To them, the generation that brought into being the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen were all stupid fools who were not smart enough to pick a leader.

Of course that's a bald-faced lie, the sort you boot-lickers use to attempt to excuse Roosevelt's actions.

Roosevelt oversaw the slaughter of 150,000 members of that 'greatest generation' by acceding to Stalin's demand for 'unconditional surrender.'

There is no excuse for that.
You have never been able to substantiate that silly claim about unconditional surrender. Hitler had committed grievous war crimes including the unprecedented bombing of London and heinous crimes against innocent civilians in conquered territories, including Belgium, Holland, Denmark and France. The determination to destroy the Nazi's and demand unconditional surrender had nothing to do with what Stalin wanted. The allies would settle for nothing less than the Nazi's on their knees begging for mercy.

This help?
1.[The 'unconditional surrender policy] helped prolong the war in Europethrough its usefulness toGerman domestic propagandathat used it to encourage further resistance against the Allied armies,and its suppressive effect on theGerman resistancemovementsince even after a coup againstAdolf Hitler:

"...those Germans — and particularly thoseGerman generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt bytheir inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve thetreatment meted outto their country."
Michael Balfour, "Another Look at 'Unconditional Surrender'",International Affairs(Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Vol. 46, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), pp. 719-736

Was Roosevelt stupid...???

Unconditional surrender.....FDR's obedience to Joseph Stalin....and his greatest blunder.

How about this?

2. Many Allied leaders agreed with General Wedemeyer, that Roosevelt's 'unconditional surrender' announcement unified and stiffened Germany's resolve not to surrender, ....they knew that it would prolong the war. Included with Wedermeyer were Winston Churchill, Brit foreign minister Anthony Eden, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Ambassador to Moscow Averell Harriman, and others.
"The Memoirs of Cordell Hull in two volumes," 1570, 1575


To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ration of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almostan additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to 'unconditional surrender.'

3. BTW.....the same view comes from the German side."All to whom I talked dwelt onthe effect of 'unconditional surrender' policy on the prolonging of the war. They told me that, but for this- and their troops, the factor that was more important- would have beento surrender sooner, separately or collectively."
"The German Generals Talk," byBasil H. Liddell Hart, p. 292-293

" surrender sooner, separately or collectively."

a. The disastrous consequences of the unconditional surrender policy soon became evident. Captain Harry Butcher, Eisenhower's naval aide, noted in his diary on April 14, 1944: "Any military person knows that there are conditions to every surrender. . . . Goebbels has made great capital with it to strengthen the morale of the German army and people.Our psychological experts believe we would be wiser if we created a mood of acceptance of surrender in the German army which would make possible a collapse of resistance. . . ."
"My Three Years With Eisenhower: The Personal Diary of Captain Harry C. Butcher, USNR, Naval Aide to General Eisenhower...," byHarry C. Butcher

It's soooooo easy to put you in your place.
Germany was given a conditional surrender you dopey dingbat. It was what they got at the end of World War I. They began violating it immediately. They secretly found ways to build their military and soon were developing terror bombing in Spain as the volunteer Condor Legion. It was determined early on that they would not get another chance.

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