Fred Phelps has died

He was never going to live forever. His family church will be run by someone else. It's just one family after all.
As much as he deserves a circus at his own funeral, I hope gays just ignore him....let him die without fanfare

He doesn't deserve it
This guy will have lots of explaining to do when he's face to face with God for his judgement. Should be a very brief conversation...
Members of the military should hold signs outside of his funeral that read:


They have way too much class, unlike his nutcake followers.
but his church lives on.


It is with great pleasure I'm posting this for the third time today.

but his church lives on.


Who gives a shit....That's the point. By trying to shut up these goofballs, we give them a forum. Ignore them. Marginalize them. Without the attention of the media or the public, nobody cares.
Pointing fingers as though to say "you can't say/do that", gives these morons what they desire. Publicity.
So stupid.
Members of the military should hold signs outside of his funeral that read:


They have way too much class, unlike his nutcake followers.

How is that going to bother his ex followers? They excommunicated him for whatever reason. They will probably protest his funeral.
I can't envy the condition he is going to be in on the other side. Perhaps there are some mental health issues that can explain his actions being so contrary to scriptures.

Regardless, I hope he made his peace with God. I recommend everyone else move on with your life.

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