Free Contraceptive Program = 40% Drop In Teen Birth Rate

"Dont think I need to cite such a thing. I think it is just a matter of fact. But if you have evidence to the contrary go ahead and supply it."
What is a matter of fact?
That the rate of teens using IUDs is up since getting them for free.
It is up. I was asking these questions though.

Do you have the number of IUDs available in the state before the program?

What was the rate of teens on IUDs before and after the program?
Not necessary to cite such numbers. It's your standard of evidence.
Not necessary to cite numbers for what?
For any reason. It's a fact that more Colorado teens are using IUDs now that they get them for free. So it's not necessary to post the numbers.
What is a matter of fact?
That the rate of teens using IUDs is up since getting them for free.
It is up. I was asking these questions though.

Do you have the number of IUDs available in the state before the program?

What was the rate of teens on IUDs before and after the program?
Not necessary to cite such numbers. It's your standard of evidence.
Not necessary to cite numbers for what?
For any reason. It's a fact that more Colorado teens are using IUDs now that they get them for free. So it's not necessary to post the numbers.
You don't need to cite numbers for any reason? Why?
What is a matter of fact?
That the rate of teens using IUDs is up since getting them for free.
It is up. I was asking these questions though.

Do you have the number of IUDs available in the state before the program?

What was the rate of teens on IUDs before and after the program?
Not necessary to cite such numbers. It's your standard of evidence.
Not necessary to cite numbers for what?
For any reason. It's a fact that more Colorado teens are using IUDs now that they get them for free. So it's not necessary to post the numbers.
numbers for what?

Providing contraceptives to teens at low or no cost is a win-win-win for Republicans i.e. less abortions for their evangie base, lowers taxes for their tax cutting base and-----and less funding for medicare and family planning clinics that most conservatives/Republicans seem to hate.

Q) Why are conservatives/Republicans in CO trying to kill this successful program?

Colorado claims contraceptive program caused big drop in teen birth rates
By Electa Draper
The Denver Post

A state health initiative to reduce teen birth rates by providing more than 30,000 contraceptive devices at low or no cost has led to a 40 percent drop in five years, Gov. John Hickenlooper said Thursday.

The Colorado Family Planning Initiative, funded by a private anonymous donor for five years, has provided intrauterine devices and other implants to low-income women at 68 family-planning clinics across Colorado since 2009.

The clinics are in local health departments, hospitals and private nonprofit facilities. The program also provided training and technical assistance to family planning clinics statewide.

"When families are planned and women have children when they're ready and want them ... it's really a better situation for everyone," Hickenlooper said during his state Capitol news conference.


The family-planning program has saved $5.68 in Medicaid costs for every dollar spent on the contraceptives, the state said. The state has saved millions in health care expenditures — $42.5 million in public funds in 2010 alone based on the latest available data.

The decline improved Colorado's standing among states from having the 29th-lowest teen birth rate in 2008 to being ranked 19th among states and the District of Columbia in 2012.


Condomns don't cost that much so I don't know why the government has to step in.

Providing contraceptives to teens at low or no cost is a win-win-win for Republicans i.e. less abortions for their evangie base, lowers taxes for their tax cutting base and-----and less funding for medicare and family planning clinics that most conservatives/Republicans seem to hate.

Q) Why are conservatives/Republicans in CO trying to kill this successful program?

Colorado claims contraceptive program caused big drop in teen birth rates
By Electa Draper
The Denver Post

A state health initiative to reduce teen birth rates by providing more than 30,000 contraceptive devices at low or no cost has led to a 40 percent drop in five years, Gov. John Hickenlooper said Thursday.

The Colorado Family Planning Initiative, funded by a private anonymous donor for five years, has provided intrauterine devices and other implants to low-income women at 68 family-planning clinics across Colorado since 2009.

The clinics are in local health departments, hospitals and private nonprofit facilities. The program also provided training and technical assistance to family planning clinics statewide.

"When families are planned and women have children when they're ready and want them ... it's really a better situation for everyone," Hickenlooper said during his state Capitol news conference.


The family-planning program has saved $5.68 in Medicaid costs for every dollar spent on the contraceptives, the state said. The state has saved millions in health care expenditures — $42.5 million in public funds in 2010 alone based on the latest available data.

The decline improved Colorado's standing among states from having the 29th-lowest teen birth rate in 2008 to being ranked 19th among states and the District of Columbia in 2012.


Condomns don't cost that much so I don't know why the government has to step in.
Just we could give our welfare recipients Depo-Provera like Israel does to their Ethiopians.

Ethiopian women in Israel given contraceptive without consent World news The Guardian

Again, Israel leading the way when America should.
Easily. IUDs are not very popular unless given for free to poor teenagers.
Do you have the number of IUDs available in the state before the program?

What was the rate of teens on IUDs before and after the program?
"Dont think I need to cite such a thing. I think it is just a matter of fact. But if you have evidence to the contrary go ahead and supply it."
What is a matter of fact?
That the rate of teens using IUDs is up since getting them for free.
It is up. I was asking these questions though.

Do you have the number of IUDs available in the state before the program?

What was the rate of teens on IUDs before and after the program?

Prior to CO's LARC program 1 in 170 young low income women received some form of LARC. After the start CO's LARC program, 1 in 15 young low income women leading to these...
RESULTS: By 2011, caseloads had increased by 23%, and LARC use among 15–24-year-olds had grown from 5% to 19%. Cumulatively, one in 15 young, low-income women had received a LARC method, up from one in 170 in 2008. Compared with expected fertility rates in 2011, observed rates were 29% lower among low-income 15–19-year-olds and 14% lower among similar 20–24-year-olds. In CFPI counties, the proportion of births that were high-risk declined by 24% between 2009 and 2011; abortion rates fell 34% and 18%, respectively, among women aged 15–19 and 20–24. Statewide, infant enrollment in WIC declined 23% between 2010 and 2013.

and these...
CONCLUSIONS: Programs that increase LARC use among young, low-income women may contribute to declines in fertility rates, abortion rates and births among high-risk women.

After analyzing the success of the LARC program...
State health director Larry Wolk says that the program has largely been a success. "Our teen birth rate has dropped 40 percent over the last four years," says Wolk. "The decline in teen births has been accompanied by a 34 percent drop in abortions among teens." A study published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health credited the changes to the free contraceptives.

Which lead to Republican state representative Don Coram...
Fewer abortions should mean success for liberals and conservatives alike, right? That's what Republican state representative Don Coram, who's sponsoring the bill, thinks. He says that the program saves state money because it decreases the number of births Medicaid covers and lowers the state's enrollment in welfare. "If you're anti-abortion and also a fiscal conservative, I think this is a win-win situation for you," Coram says.

IOW's killing the CO LARC program is favoring what Republicans call murder over what most of the rest of us call BC.
Do you have the number of IUDs available in the state before the program?

What was the rate of teens on IUDs before and after the program?
"Dont think I need to cite such a thing. I think it is just a matter of fact. But if you have evidence to the contrary go ahead and supply it."
What is a matter of fact?
That the rate of teens using IUDs is up since getting them for free.
It is up. I was asking these questions though.

Do you have the number of IUDs available in the state before the program?

What was the rate of teens on IUDs before and after the program?

Prior to CO's LARC program 1 in 170 young low income women received some form of LARC. After the start CO's LARC program, 1 in 15 young low income women leading to these...
RESULTS: By 2011, caseloads had increased by 23%, and LARC use among 15–24-year-olds had grown from 5% to 19%. Cumulatively, one in 15 young, low-income women had received a LARC method, up from one in 170 in 2008. Compared with expected fertility rates in 2011, observed rates were 29% lower among low-income 15–19-year-olds and 14% lower among similar 20–24-year-olds. In CFPI counties, the proportion of births that were high-risk declined by 24% between 2009 and 2011; abortion rates fell 34% and 18%, respectively, among women aged 15–19 and 20–24. Statewide, infant enrollment in WIC declined 23% between 2010 and 2013.

and these...
CONCLUSIONS: Programs that increase LARC use among young, low-income women may contribute to declines in fertility rates, abortion rates and births among high-risk women.

After analyzing the success of the LARC program...
State health director Larry Wolk says that the program has largely been a success. "Our teen birth rate has dropped 40 percent over the last four years," says Wolk. "The decline in teen births has been accompanied by a 34 percent drop in abortions among teens." A study published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health credited the changes to the free contraceptives.

Which lead to Republican state representative Don Coram...
Fewer abortions should mean success for liberals and conservatives alike, right? That's what Republican state representative Don Coram, who's sponsoring the bill, thinks. He says that the program saves state money because it decreases the number of births Medicaid covers and lowers the state's enrollment in welfare. "If you're anti-abortion and also a fiscal conservative, I think this is a win-win situation for you," Coram says.

IOW's killing the CO LARC program is favoring what Republicans call murder over what most of the rest of us call BC.
Caseloads increased by 23%, but teen birthrates fell by 40%?

What is responsible for the rest of the drop I wonder?

Providing contraceptives to teens at low or no cost is a win-win-win for Republicans i.e. less abortions for their evangie base, lowers taxes for their tax cutting base and-----and less funding for medicare and family planning clinics that most conservatives/Republicans seem to hate.

Q) Why are conservatives/Republicans in CO trying to kill this successful program?

Colorado claims contraceptive program caused big drop in teen birth rates
By Electa Draper
The Denver Post

A state health initiative to reduce teen birth rates by providing more than 30,000 contraceptive devices at low or no cost has led to a 40 percent drop in five years, Gov. John Hickenlooper said Thursday.

The Colorado Family Planning Initiative, funded by a private anonymous donor for five years, has provided intrauterine devices and other implants to low-income women at 68 family-planning clinics across Colorado since 2009.

The clinics are in local health departments, hospitals and private nonprofit facilities. The program also provided training and technical assistance to family planning clinics statewide.

"When families are planned and women have children when they're ready and want them ... it's really a better situation for everyone," Hickenlooper said during his state Capitol news conference.


The family-planning program has saved $5.68 in Medicaid costs for every dollar spent on the contraceptives, the state said. The state has saved millions in health care expenditures — $42.5 million in public funds in 2010 alone based on the latest available data.

The decline improved Colorado's standing among states from having the 29th-lowest teen birth rate in 2008 to being ranked 19th among states and the District of Columbia in 2012.


Condomns don't cost that much so I don't know why the government has to step in.

Neither do birth control pills

That is why it makes sense for our society to step in and make them freely available to anyone who wants them

Birth control is cheaper than abortions and unwanted pregnancies
Just because it's "FREE" doesn't mean it can INSURE the teeny weeny is going to go GET them and USE THEM

this whole thing is another way to MILK you into supporting everyone's else CHILDREN
Just because it's "FREE" doesn't mean it can INSURE the teeny weeny is going to go GET them and USE THEM

this whole thing is another way to MILK you into supporting everyone's else CHILDREN

And thats the idea behind widespread access to birth control

So you don't have to support their children...we know how much that enrages conservatives

Providing contraceptives to teens at low or no cost is a win-win-win for Republicans i.e. less abortions for their evangie base, lowers taxes for their tax cutting base and-----and less funding for medicare and family planning clinics that most conservatives/Republicans seem to hate.

Q) Why are conservatives/Republicans in CO trying to kill this successful program?

Colorado claims contraceptive program caused big drop in teen birth rates
By Electa Draper
The Denver Post

A state health initiative to reduce teen birth rates by providing more than 30,000 contraceptive devices at low or no cost has led to a 40 percent drop in five years, Gov. John Hickenlooper said Thursday.

The Colorado Family Planning Initiative, funded by a private anonymous donor for five years, has provided intrauterine devices and other implants to low-income women at 68 family-planning clinics across Colorado since 2009.

The clinics are in local health departments, hospitals and private nonprofit facilities. The program also provided training and technical assistance to family planning clinics statewide.

"When families are planned and women have children when they're ready and want them ... it's really a better situation for everyone," Hickenlooper said during his state Capitol news conference.


The family-planning program has saved $5.68 in Medicaid costs for every dollar spent on the contraceptives, the state said. The state has saved millions in health care expenditures — $42.5 million in public funds in 2010 alone based on the latest available data.

The decline improved Colorado's standing among states from having the 29th-lowest teen birth rate in 2008 to being ranked 19th among states and the District of Columbia in 2012.


Easy enough to get why republicans are always against these sorts of programs.

By admitting free birth control reduces pregnancies, abortions, and sexually-transmitted diseases, you're as much as saying people don't give a shit about God, listening to God's laws, or do anything because "God says so." You're saying that trusting in God wont work. But doing something arguably sinful will.
I generally think if we are going to subsudize sex then we should attach conditions to it like no gay sex. It is free so and we are paying for it so why can't the government have some say over how it is used.

Providing contraceptives to teens at low or no cost is a win-win-win for Republicans i.e. less abortions for their evangie base, lowers taxes for their tax cutting base and-----and less funding for medicare and family planning clinics that most conservatives/Republicans seem to hate.

Q) Why are conservatives/Republicans in CO trying to kill this successful program?

Colorado claims contraceptive program caused big drop in teen birth rates
By Electa Draper
The Denver Post

A state health initiative to reduce teen birth rates by providing more than 30,000 contraceptive devices at low or no cost has led to a 40 percent drop in five years, Gov. John Hickenlooper said Thursday.

The Colorado Family Planning Initiative, funded by a private anonymous donor for five years, has provided intrauterine devices and other implants to low-income women at 68 family-planning clinics across Colorado since 2009.

The clinics are in local health departments, hospitals and private nonprofit facilities. The program also provided training and technical assistance to family planning clinics statewide.

"When families are planned and women have children when they're ready and want them ... it's really a better situation for everyone," Hickenlooper said during his state Capitol news conference.


The family-planning program has saved $5.68 in Medicaid costs for every dollar spent on the contraceptives, the state said. The state has saved millions in health care expenditures — $42.5 million in public funds in 2010 alone based on the latest available data.

The decline improved Colorado's standing among states from having the 29th-lowest teen birth rate in 2008 to being ranked 19th among states and the District of Columbia in 2012.


Easy enough to get why republicans are always against these sorts of programs.

By admitting free birth control reduces pregnancies, abortions, and sexually-transmitted diseases, you're as much as saying people don't give a shit about God, listening to God's laws, or do anything because "God says so." You're saying that trusting in God wont work. But doing something arguably sinful will.

Birth control is readily available to anyone who buys it. I don't see why the government has to interfere with this...oh...wait....the government has to make everything happen. Individuals can't do anything on their own.
Just because it's "FREE" doesn't mean it can INSURE the teeny weeny is going to go GET them and USE THEM

this whole thing is another way to MILK you into supporting everyone's else CHILDREN

And thats the idea behind widespread access to birth control

So you don't have to support their children...we know how much that enrages conservatives

The solution for not supporting the children of welfare recipients is to eliminate welfare completely. Problem solved.
Just because it's "FREE" doesn't mean it can INSURE the teeny weeny is going to go GET them and USE THEM

this whole thing is another way to MILK you into supporting everyone's else CHILDREN

And thats the idea behind widespread access to birth control

So you don't have to support their children...we know how much that enrages conservatives

The solution for not supporting the children of welfare recipients is to eliminate welfare completely. Problem solved.

Sorry troll

Not biting...try someone else

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