Free Day Care, Free College


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Worthless parasites must be loving all the free gifts progressives want to hand out for their votes...
Hail collectivisim !!!
Worthless parasites must be loving all the free gifts progressives want to hand out for their votes...
Hail collectivisim !!!

Finally something I can get in line with. Free day care.... BUT only for those on welfare. Then the parents can be put to work on those shovel ready jobs or at a minimum, pick up trash on our highways. A subsidized environmental chain gang if you will

Obama is finding a solution to a problem instead of just bitching about people on welfare ..

Perhaps if we open a way out of depending on government money, some will take the step to change and better themselves. Get BA and get a paying job where they can raise a family on their own.
As it is right now they are financially in a rut and just stay on welfare from generation to generation....
Obama is finding a solution to a problem instead of just bitching about people on welfare ..

Perhaps if we open a way out of depending on government money, some will take the step to change and better themselves. Get BA and get a paying job where they can raise a family on their own.
As it is right now they are financially in a rut and just stay on welfare from generation to generation....

I feel if they want a free education, there is already a method to do so....

Join the military

Well yes, but when they are on a oversea's job no one is there for the children if it is a single parent household.

I will say that I have seen some lazy ass people taking advantage of the system

But some people really want to change ..

Back when I was in college , the junior colleges were pretty much free. Now it is quit expensive.

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