Free Internet at Your Expense for Low Income Families

What Do You Think of Providing Free Internet etc. for Low Income Families?

  • Sure. Why not? Give them all of it.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • OK for free internet etc. IF non educational sites are blocked.

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Federal government charity for any cause is a bad idea.

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters

Not a chance on the saint thing, and virgins are boring and dumb.

Well i do live on this strip of land, and know what these people strip out of the working people here who pay their way in life. They dont deserve free wifi when the rest of the city must pay for it themselves.

Yes, and they have the SAME access to it as i do. It is not free, it is paied for by the restaurant or cafe.

It is also BUM heaven. It is open to the public so there is not "rich" or "poor" to it. The "poor" are able to access this area. I am not able to access the "poor" area.

And so will they.

How do i know they dont "deserve" free wifi delivered into their free public housing? by virtue of the fact that they are not working and paying for it themselves. The poor ALREADY have access to free wifi as you have pointed out.

If the elderely are the targets of the wifi then they dont need it to "look for a better job" now do they? Sorry to burst your bubble here, but the target is the young who have never paid into anything.

They could have provided you countless services when they were working and paying taxes.

The majority of people in public housing are institutional welfare recipients.

You maybe in one of those units yourself is lady luck deals you a bad hand.

That may be, but i sure as hell wouldn't expect or demand anything for free. Wifi is not something you need to stay alive.

It does seem you are a bit to late to complain now, isn't it? And you say you can't access the area of the poor? What do they have a poor parking zone or what? You know I hear this BS line from cons all the time, "i sure as hell wouldn't expect or demand anything for free." What did you plan to do, prostitute yourself for food & a bed? Just curious where your mind went on that remark.

Not a chance on the saint thing, and virgins are boring and dumb.

Well i do live on this strip of land, and know what these people strip out of the working people here who pay their way in life. They dont deserve free wifi when the rest of the city must pay for it themselves.

Yes, and they have the SAME access to it as i do. It is not free, it is paied for by the restaurant or cafe.

It is also BUM heaven. It is open to the public so there is not "rich" or "poor" to it. The "poor" are able to access this area. I am not able to access the "poor" area.

And so will they.

How do i know they dont "deserve" free wifi delivered into their free public housing? by virtue of the fact that they are not working and paying for it themselves. The poor ALREADY have access to free wifi as you have pointed out.

If the elderely are the targets of the wifi then they dont need it to "look for a better job" now do they? Sorry to burst your bubble here, but the target is the young who have never paid into anything.

They could have provided you countless services when they were working and paying taxes.

The majority of people in public housing are institutional welfare recipients.

You maybe in one of those units yourself is lady luck deals you a bad hand.

That may be, but i sure as hell wouldn't expect or demand anything for free. Wifi is not something you need to stay alive.

It does seem you are a bit to late to complain now, isn't it? And you say you can't access the area of the poor? What do they have a poor parking zone or what? You know I hear this BS line from cons all the time, "i sure as hell wouldn't expect or demand anything for free." What did you plan to do, prostitute yourself for food & a bed? Just curious where your mind went on that remark. If you ended up homeless in a disaster, how would you survive??
This project's condition is not unique. When people who do have any self respect are given something for which they did not pay, they will not care for it. Period.
The city of Chicago did not tear out railings, shove all kinds of crap into the plumbing, steal the copper wiring and sell it for scrap. paint graffiti on every square inch of painted surface, steal everything that was not bolted down, break the locks off doors, etc.Why offer internet service to people who for the most part do not own a computer. Or at least one they did not steal.

I am not sure what this has to do with the free internet? I see the same thing in 50% of the top crust & middle class homes being foreclosed on. Somehow they want something to remember the old house by, like all the appliances, wiring, light fixtures, solar, heat & air & hot water, etc. Now I do image these people owed computers, so I see no connection to poverty.

You don't see a connection? Sad.
There is a huge difference between a foreclosed home in a suburban neighborhood and a dilapidated pub,ic housing project in the slums of Chicago.
The issue is what are people who have not the means to even own a computer going to do if HSI became available in that area?...The answer, a whole bunch of money is wasted on providing another taxpayer funded freebie.
How many times must the do-gooders be shown that making the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results is idiotic.

You got yourself two back to back wars & three major bailouts, so why don't you tell me about doing the same thing over and over?
And in one of those units could be the person who mugged me. A lot of maybes.

Yeah, a lot of maybes. So you got mugged huh? It is getting worse, you should pack a gun before you end up dead.
It's a dumb idea to raise taxes for ANYONE just because bankers and auto makers don't know how to balance a ledger.

They should be allowed to fail like everyone else who fucks up as hard as they did. If we HAD let them fail, we'd be coming out of this for real, instead of lying to ourselves that All Is Well!

Yes indeed, it would have helped immencely, but not comming out of a crisis as you might suppose. The debts are all real, not just some of them. You need to go back to 2000 before Bush thought it a great idea to spend the surplus.


Try $5,000,000,000,000+ debt.

God your stupid.

They should be allowed to fail like everyone else who fucks up as hard as they did. If we HAD let them fail, we'd be coming out of this for real, instead of lying to ourselves that All Is Well!

Yes indeed, it would have helped immencely, but not comming out of a crisis as you might suppose. The debts are all real, not just some of them. You need to go back to 2000 before Bush thought it a great idea to spend the surplus.


Try $5,000,000,000,000+ debt.

God your stupid.


Another idiot piece of shit-tao believing the surplus myth
They should be allowed to fail like everyone else who fucks up as hard as they did. If we HAD let them fail, we'd be coming out of this for real, instead of lying to ourselves that All Is Well!

Yes indeed, it would have helped immencely, but not comming out of a crisis as you might suppose. The debts are all real, not just some of them. You need to go back to 2000 before Bush thought it a great idea to spend the surplus.


Try $5,000,000,000,000+ debt.

God your stupid.


"President Clinton announced Wednesday that the federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 amounted to at least $230 billion"

You are first class imbecile with his head up his ass as usual, dumb fuck. :lol::lol::lol:
Yes indeed, it would have helped immencely, but not comming out of a crisis as you might suppose. The debts are all real, not just some of them. You need to go back to 2000 before Bush thought it a great idea to spend the surplus.


Try $5,000,000,000,000+ debt.

God your stupid.


"President Clinton announced Wednesday that the federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 amounted to at least $230 billion"

You are first class imbecile with his head up his ass as usual, dumb fuck. :lol::lol::lol:

There was never a year of surplus under Clinton... whether he advertised it as such or not... the debt NEVER decreased in ANY year... yes, he REDUCED the deficit working with congress, but there has been no surplus since 1957... P-E-R-I-O-D

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

Has it occurred to anybody that financial reasons are not the only reason to oppose 'free internet' to residents in government subsidized housing?

I have long argued that it is a bad deal for the federal government to fund any of PBS and NPR as that gives government way too much influence over information provided to the people. There is a reason that protection of the Press was included in the First Amendment along with protection of free speech and religion. No people can remain free if the means of communication and ability to communicate are not unfettered in any way.

That is why those seizing the government of any nation first seize control of the media along with restrictions on religion and permissable content of speech.

When the government becomes an important funder of any part of the media or means of communication, there is far too much temptation, even likelihood, that those in power in government will utilize bribes, threats, or directives to influence what is communicated.

And wen it is in the interest of government to ensure that a dependent class of people remain dependent (and therefore faithful and dependable supporters of a specific ideology or party), how could it not be tempting for those in power to decide what information will and will not be allowed via that 'free internet'.

I think it wise that government not be involved in any content of any public communications or media other than that affecting the national security of everybody.
Has it occurred to anybody that financial reasons are not the only reason to oppose 'free internet' to residents in government subsidized housing?

I have long argued that it is a bad deal for the federal government to fund any of PBS and NPR as that gives government way too much influence over information provided to the people. There is a reason that protection of the Press was included in the First Amendment along with protection of free speech and religion. No people can remain free if the means of communication and ability to communicate are not unfettered in any way.

That is why those seizing the government of any nation first seize control of the media along with restrictions on religion and permissable content of speech.

When the government becomes an important funder of any part of the media or means of communication, there is far too much temptation, even likelihood, that those in power in government will utilize bribes, threats, or directives to influence what is communicated.

And wen it is in the interest of government to ensure that a dependent class of people remain dependent (and therefore faithful and dependable supporters of a specific ideology or party), how could it not be tempting for those in power to decide what information will and will not be allowed via that 'free internet'.

I think it wise that government not be involved in any content of any public communications or media other than that affecting the national security of everybody.

Interesting comment. Have you ever considered that the Government is people elected or appointed by the people to do their business? As evidenced during the past two national elections the people retain the power to fire the government.
Now, commercial television is controlled by the advertisers, and the people have no ability to 'fire' CEO's, company presidents or boards of directors.
Suggesting the government is or has a plan to take over commerical broadcasts because it funds (partially) PBS and NPR is ... (be nice Wry!) ... um, unlikely.
Yes indeed, it would have helped immencely, but not comming out of a crisis as you might suppose. The debts are all real, not just some of them. You need to go back to 2000 before Bush thought it a great idea to spend the surplus.


Try $5,000,000,000,000+ debt.

God your stupid.


"President Clinton announced Wednesday that the federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 amounted to at least $230 billion"

You are first class imbecile with his head up his ass as usual, dumb fuck. :lol::lol::lol:

Well assmunch, you'd better call the U.S. Treasury, because they reported as of FY 2000 there was $5.674178 TRILLION national debt and the deficit was $17.91 BILLION.

Shitforbrains you are as usual. And note to self... Bill Clinton is a profligate liar. Just ask his wife.
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Has it occurred to anybody that financial reasons are not the only reason to oppose 'free internet' to residents in government subsidized housing?

I have long argued that it is a bad deal for the federal government to fund any of PBS and NPR as that gives government way too much influence over information provided to the people. There is a reason that protection of the Press was included in the First Amendment along with protection of free speech and religion. No people can remain free if the means of communication and ability to communicate are not unfettered in any way.

That is why those seizing the government of any nation first seize control of the media along with restrictions on religion and permissable content of speech.

When the government becomes an important funder of any part of the media or means of communication, there is far too much temptation, even likelihood, that those in power in government will utilize bribes, threats, or directives to influence what is communicated.

And wen it is in the interest of government to ensure that a dependent class of people remain dependent (and therefore faithful and dependable supporters of a specific ideology or party), how could it not be tempting for those in power to decide what information will and will not be allowed via that 'free internet'.

I think it wise that government not be involved in any content of any public communications or media other than that affecting the national security of everybody.

Interesting comment. Have you ever considered that the Government is people elected or appointed by the people to do their business? As evidenced during the past two national elections the people retain the power to fire the government.
Now, commercial television is controlled by the advertisers, and the people have no ability to 'fire' CEO's, company presidents or boards of directors.
Suggesting the government is or has a plan to take over commerical broadcasts because it funds (partially) PBS and NPR is ... (be nice Wry!) ... um, unlikely.

But do you DARE fire the people who have made you dependent on their laws, appropriation bills, and grants? That's what the left is unwilling or incapable of understanding. When those in government have the power to give you the goodies or withhold them, if you're one who values those more than personal freedom or one who has allowed himself/herself to become dependent on them, you will keep voting them in. And that is what make government charity so corrupting and indefensible and ultimately counterproductive and destructive. Those in power will continue to increase their power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth by buying enough votes to keep themselves in power and don't mind that they are training generations of people to become forever dependent on and slaves to their power.

The federal government should not be involved in dispensing any form of charity from the public treasury.
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And furthermore... it isn't charity when it's confiscated from one and given to another.
Has it occurred to anybody that financial reasons are not the only reason to oppose 'free internet' to residents in government subsidized housing?

I have long argued that it is a bad deal for the federal government to fund any of PBS and NPR as that gives government way too much influence over information provided to the people. There is a reason that protection of the Press was included in the First Amendment along with protection of free speech and religion. No people can remain free if the means of communication and ability to communicate are not unfettered in any way.

That is why those seizing the government of any nation first seize control of the media along with restrictions on religion and permissable content of speech.

When the government becomes an important funder of any part of the media or means of communication, there is far too much temptation, even likelihood, that those in power in government will utilize bribes, threats, or directives to influence what is communicated.

And wen it is in the interest of government to ensure that a dependent class of people remain dependent (and therefore faithful and dependable supporters of a specific ideology or party), how could it not be tempting for those in power to decide what information will and will not be allowed via that 'free internet'.

I think it wise that government not be involved in any content of any public communications or media other than that affecting the national security of everybody.

Yes, a Little knowledge is a bad thingy. I was thinking how these poverty stricken people could use the internet to learn more about the benefits they are eligible for. To prepare a case if the government is challenging a benefit, etc. At last they will have help.
And furthermore... it isn't charity when it's confiscated from one and given to another.

Soggycuntmouth is wrong again, as usual.

Definition of CHARITY
1: benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity
2a : generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering; also : aid given to those in need
b : an institution engaged in relief of the poor
c : public provision for the relief of the needy

Hey dumb fuck, you using Rushkies dictionary again??? :lol::lol::lol:

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