Free Internet at Your Expense for Low Income Families

What Do You Think of Providing Free Internet etc. for Low Income Families?

  • Sure. Why not? Give them all of it.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • OK for free internet etc. IF non educational sites are blocked.

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Federal government charity for any cause is a bad idea.

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters
Yes, lets be generous to the extent we each can, and learn what is your duty as the child learns to suckle.

There is ample historical evidence of the value placed on charitable giving by many, if not all, cultures. The word ‘charity’ itself comes from the Greek caritas, meaning brotherly love. Trattner (1974), in his review of the ancient and Judeo-Christian background of the American social welfare system, traces the origins of charity to its sources in antiquity. The Code of Hammurabi (1750 BC) in ancient Babylonia discussed the importance of protecting the weak from the strong. In India, the Buddah taught that “all other forms of righteousness are not worth a sixteenth part of the emancipation of the heart through love and charity.” The Old Testament shifts the concept of helping the poor from one of charity to one of justice: it is an obligation to provide for the poor and infirm. Further, the poor have a right to receive and are obligated to take what is provided for them. Early Christianity, in a manner derived from its background in the Old Testament, identified a duty to give to the poor and the right of the needy to receive help.

Steven E. Zemmelman, M.S.W., Ph.D. | Publications
Begone knave. Something with the intellectual capacity of a squashed apricot can be no further amusement to us here.

I knew you would cave in like a 100 year old rusted can of shit.:lol::lol:

And now we must give Shittoe the glamorous Victorious Stewie award. A filled diaper.
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I do not discount the hardships endured by the truly poor and that keeps me working with charitable organizations who deal with these people everyday.

BUT. . . .

Walk into most low income/welfare family residences and you will see a working television set, usually some sort of game console for the kids, telephones including cell phones, usable furniture, and all the 'necessary' appliances. Also, as often as not, there will be an empty beer bottle or pack of cigs on the end table. Many have computers and/or a working automobile. And sometimes this stuff is really nice stuff. Sometimes it is given to them. Sometimes they are acquiring supplemental income under the table from some source. There is little risk of getting caught hiding income if you're smart about it.

Those of us who couldn't afford highspeed internet or Wifi at some point, or who live in areas where it is not available, made do with dial up services. There are a number of those that are free.

Given how few folks in those housing projects would use internet service for much of anything other than recreational purposes, I think the federal government can find much more profitable uses for the people's money. Better yet let the people keep their money and use it to buy things, build things, invent things, develop things, invest in things that will create jobs so the poor folks can get one and be able to afford their own Wifi.

You do realize people go on social programs from all walks of life, including the affluent. So they may own a new BMW, washer & Dryer, a paid off home, jewelry, yacht, swimming pool, fur coats, $100. blouses & shirts, 300 pair of shoes & purses, cosmetic bar, etc. And now they are going through the process of selling it all off.

Use your head to think a little. They still have to eat, maybe buy baby foods, etc. Just because they drive a BMW those welfare grocery's go into, they still need a car & phone to work. Their kids may have every digital toy in the world, and still be eating welfare foods for dinner. THINK!!! They maybe selling everything they have, but you have to have a buyer, and spend money for ads, etc.
Its a bribe and others have to pay for it ... ITS NOT FREE !!!!!
Ask your local supplier ...
I say we cut the student loan & college grant programs. Take that money provide free internet & on-line education to everyone. It will save us the trillion dollars in student loan debt.

Hell Apple already provides 340,000 free college lectures on their iTunes-U program. Us tax payers are getting stuck with the tab for all these overpaid college professors pension funds. Make them put their courses on-line in the cloud so the country can benefit from all this money we dole out.
Hmmmm, just where does the Constitution authorise this payout to the paupers?

Just where does it say you can't abort a baby? ............

Abortion is a State issue. Very simply the Feds ONLY have the specifically enumerated powers thus no power to forbid or require abortion but ALSO no power to forbid or require ANY State action on the issue.

There is a Constitutional protection of privacy. States cannot take away your constitutionally protected right of privacy. The constitution is the supreme authority in such a case.
Just where does it say you can't abort a baby? ............

Abortion is a State issue. Very simply the Feds ONLY have the specifically enumerated powers thus no power to forbid or require abortion but ALSO no power to forbid or require ANY State action on the issue.

There is a Constitutional protection of privacy. States cannot take away your constitutionally protected right of privacy. The constitution is the supreme authority in such a case.
Oh I'd LOVE for someone to point out that explicit phrase, and not rely on semantic twisting for that bad boy.

And I love it how you come out with "The constitution is the supreme authority" bollocks when we know damn well you don't mean it because your ilk spends it's entire effort in destroying it for some socialist worker's 'paradise' as long as you rule it.

Lie fucking lie lie lie.

Show me the clause that guarantees a 'right to privacy'.
I voter OTHER

If the provider or outside charity wants to start a program for low income children then more power to them.

The govt however should be restricted to emergency food and emergency critical assistance.
I voter OTHER

If the provider or outside charity wants to start a program for low income children then more power to them.

The govt however should be restricted to emergency food and emergency critical assistance.
basically FEMA. sure I'm game.
I voter OTHER

If the provider or outside charity wants to start a program for low income children then more power to them.

The govt however should be restricted to emergency food and emergency critical assistance.
basically FEMA. sure I'm game.

Wow, I had forgotten about this old thread, but I'm glad it was resurrected because with a 15 trillion dollar debt growing at billions of dollars every day, I think everybody should take a long, hard look at this stuff and a lot of stuff we don't absolutely have to have before we cast our votes in the primaries and then in November.

What is more important? Borrowing more and more from China, further eroding our own dollar, compromising our credit rating which makes it ever more expensive to borrow, and pushing the nation over the cliff into bankruptcy. . . . or . . . .

Using the people's money to provide high speed internet to low income families?

For those who don't care about the deficit/debt, should we also buy them computers and software so they can use that high speed internet?

Think of all the stuff the government is currently spending money on. How much of that do we absolutely have to have? And is it worth bankrupting the country?
How does the country who invented the internet only rank 32nd in Household Download speed at 12.44Mbps?
You can thank...the providers which have the technology to significantly boost speeds but figure "why should we spend the money when we can charge upwards of $50 per month and the customers will just have to accept it".. AND the Not In MY Back Yard(NIMBY's)...People who want things but have a shit fit if infrastructure needs to be built anywhere near their home or anywhere along the routes they travel. These are usually the people who bitch the loudest because their cell phone or wireless internet doesn't work.
Another culprit is that most people on high speed internet receive it from cable tv companies. These outfits in their sole interest which is to report a profit for their investors, continue to squeeze as many customers onto neighborhood distribution points or 'nodes' as possible.
The more custys on each node, the slower the internet will creep as more people get on line.
Just think. This young couple would be eligible for that free internet at your/our expense:

[ame=]Judge Judy - Taxpayers Supporting His Rent...haha - YouTube[/ame]
So the crackheads near Ybor City can now send emails about their crack deals thanks to the Federal Govt.....and they can also plan out their drive-by shootings too.
Great idea.

Internet is a wonderful resource for people looking for jobs..or wanting to learn new skills on the cheap.

Whatever happened to working a little extra hrs.
Whatever happened to saving a little on the side to get something
Whatever happened to cutting back on a few things to get that extra something.

When people desired something they came up with a plan.
Now we want government to be the answer to our every need. :(
Coming soon for Low Income Folks. . . .Free Internet access and Other Perks


So what do you think? Is it a good use of your hard earned tax dollar to provide free internet access, computer instruction, and low cost computers to folks while you are busting your butt to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and you pay for your internet access and full price for your computer as well as whatever you need to use it?

Or will the payoff of better skilled and trained people be worth it?

Would you approve of all porn sites, shopping sites, gaming sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. being blocked by the internet provider to ensure that the computers will be used only for research and educational purposes?

Please discuss.

The Tampa Housing Authority has secured a $2.1 million federal grant to provide broadband Internet access to 23 public housing sites. Details are being finalized with Bright House Networks, which will provide the service, and residents will be connected beginning March 1.

The project will be the first such one in Florida and one of the few in the nation.

Internet access will be available to about 3,400 residents for free for the first two years. After two years, residents will be able to pay for the access for the next three years for $18.35 per month.

In addition to having Internet access, the housing authority also will make available a selection of computer training options, including basic computer and Internet keyboarding, Microsoft A+ Certification and an online computer curriculum for school-age children.

The program also will help residents get computers of their own by offering 1,000 computers for only $125 and will install almost 200 computers in two communities to offer residents a designated work space. The authority also will launch a website for residents to provide information on housing, employment opportunities, and the like.
Coming soon to Tampa public housing: Free Internet access
How about affordable internet? My brother bought my dad a iPad. I was going to pay for a year internet. I thought it’d be $30 a month more added to his dish bill. It was $65 a month.

Where is all that money going? If we all pay $65 a month to have internet how rich are these companies?

We need to have $30 a montth internet option.
Coming soon for Low Income Folks. . . .Free Internet access and Other Perks


So what do you think? Is it a good use of your hard earned tax dollar to provide free internet access, computer instruction, and low cost computers to folks while you are busting your butt to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and you pay for your internet access and full price for your computer as well as whatever you need to use it?

Or will the payoff of better skilled and trained people be worth it?

Would you approve of all porn sites, shopping sites, gaming sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. being blocked by the internet provider to ensure that the computers will be used only for research and educational purposes?

Please discuss.

The Tampa Housing Authority has secured a $2.1 million federal grant to provide broadband Internet access to 23 public housing sites. Details are being finalized with Bright House Networks, which will provide the service, and residents will be connected beginning March 1.

The project will be the first such one in Florida and one of the few in the nation.

Internet access will be available to about 3,400 residents for free for the first two years. After two years, residents will be able to pay for the access for the next three years for $18.35 per month.

In addition to having Internet access, the housing authority also will make available a selection of computer training options, including basic computer and Internet keyboarding, Microsoft A+ Certification and an online computer curriculum for school-age children.

The program also will help residents get computers of their own by offering 1,000 computers for only $125 and will install almost 200 computers in two communities to offer residents a designated work space. The authority also will launch a website for residents to provide information on housing, employment opportunities, and the like.
Coming soon to Tampa public housing: Free Internet access
How about affordable internet? My brother bought my dad a iPad. I was going to pay for a year internet. I thought it’d be $30 a month more added to his dish bill. It was $65 a month.

Where is all that money going? If we all pay $65 a month to have internet how rich are these companies?

We need to have $30 a montth internet option.

If you think you can make a profit by providing competent high speed internet for $30, go for it. But be sure to let me know because I'll be your first customer.
Coming soon for Low Income Folks. . . .Free Internet access and Other Perks


So what do you think? Is it a good use of your hard earned tax dollar to provide free internet access, computer instruction, and low cost computers to folks while you are busting your butt to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, and you pay for your internet access and full price for your computer as well as whatever you need to use it?

Or will the payoff of better skilled and trained people be worth it?

Would you approve of all porn sites, shopping sites, gaming sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. being blocked by the internet provider to ensure that the computers will be used only for research and educational purposes?

Please discuss.

The Tampa Housing Authority has secured a $2.1 million federal grant to provide broadband Internet access to 23 public housing sites. Details are being finalized with Bright House Networks, which will provide the service, and residents will be connected beginning March 1.

The project will be the first such one in Florida and one of the few in the nation.

Internet access will be available to about 3,400 residents for free for the first two years. After two years, residents will be able to pay for the access for the next three years for $18.35 per month.

In addition to having Internet access, the housing authority also will make available a selection of computer training options, including basic computer and Internet keyboarding, Microsoft A+ Certification and an online computer curriculum for school-age children.

The program also will help residents get computers of their own by offering 1,000 computers for only $125 and will install almost 200 computers in two communities to offer residents a designated work space. The authority also will launch a website for residents to provide information on housing, employment opportunities, and the like.
Coming soon to Tampa public housing: Free Internet access
How about affordable internet? My brother bought my dad a iPad. I was going to pay for a year internet. I thought it’d be $30 a month more added to his dish bill. It was $65 a month.

Where is all that money going? If we all pay $65 a month to have internet how rich are these companies?

We need to have $30 a montth internet option.

If you think you can make a profit by providing competent high speed internet for $30, go for it. But be sure to let me know because I'll be your first customer.
What are the costs? I bet these monopolies make a fortune.

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