Free masons in the government

I love being eduacted about Freemasonry by those who are not in the Fraternity. :doubt:

I love reading these threads. Keeps me up to speed on what our next dastardly plan is without the need to spend the $5 it would cost me to pick up my copy of Masonic Conspiracy Monthly. Thanks USMB!
•Federal Emergency Management Agency - the martial law government


So is Catharism not the Gnostic Christian Religion that believes in a Great Architect and a God. Is this not the what you deal with?

Yeah, I know that. I was wondering what PHEMA was. If they are one and the same I guess you've answered my question so thanks.

Martial Law Government? :lol: You can sure tell this is a Conspiracy Theory thread.
my grandfather always told me that mason law is above any other law.

The Brother was mistaken. Some Mason's consider the Masonic code to be above anything else, but it is taught in Lodge that it is not.

Also, that Oath you posted, is missing several points. We still keep a few things to ourselves. ;)

Fair point. I have little knowledge of the workings of irregular lodges.
my grandfather always told me that mason law is above any other law.

The Brother was mistaken. Some Mason's consider the Masonic code to be above anything else, but it is taught in Lodge that it is not.

Also, that Oath you posted, is missing several points. We still keep a few things to ourselves. ;)

Fair point. I have little knowledge of the workings of irregular lodges.

Prince Hall Lodges here in Illinois are no longer clandestine and I have attended a few here in Illinois out of curousity.
You might be looking at our agruement here the wrong way. Let me clear a few things up on my behalf.

I will say that the free mason organization is being used as the SCAPEGOAT and although you may obviously know more then I do, the root of our agruement is vanilla and you are just the ones to hear the discontent becuase you are the ones with most known information out to date.

The issue here is not just the Masons, It is the entire concept of societies with secrets.

A few of us figured out that the way life is being lived is forced and conditioned. The people of today know no other way so most are content running on the tread mill just to have a few dollars.

You may think that we are targetting the wrong crowd but they are one in the same.
If people actually have questions about the Freemasons I can answer questions. I am not here to attack anti-Masons, but just to dispel the myths and lies that have surrounded Freemasonry.
The problem is we have today is lack of realistic thought. I hear people say "so what if these politicians are in a faternity" or "Just cause their in this faternity, doesnt mean their bad", and so on and so forth. The problem I have isnt with every freemason. Not all are bad, I know very many do good work. Its the higher ups and ones in power that ruin it for all. when I mentioned realistic thought, think about this. These politicians and military leaders all made oaths to uphold the constitiution and the civilians best interests. Now here comes the problem, freemasons make a oath as well, an oath to take care of their fellow brothers, an oath above all others. so when you have these people in powerful positions that are in this brotherhood, there alligence no longer belongs to America and its people, but to the faternity. Thats how corruption slowly gets bigger and bigger.

I have an invitation coming, so do I get to rule the world to ?
If you want to get technical about it, freemasons help create america, theyve had their hand in every major creation of the constitution and decision making here in america.
If you are curious on the exact numbers. Here they are:

Signers of the Declaration of Independence: 56 Total Signers. 9 Freemasons (9 of 56 = 16%)
Signers of the U.S. Constitution: 39 Total Signers. 13 Freemasons (13 of 39 = 33%)
Generals in the Continental Army: 74 Generals. 33 Freemasons (33 of 76 = 46%)


There have also been 14 US Presidents who have been Master Masons. The last being Gerald Ford.

Its the higher ups and ones in power that ruin it for all.
I love this as so many can't even give a basic description of the hierarchy. The Blue Lodge (governing body being the Grand Lodge) is the superior body of Freemasonry, it is the trunk of the tree. The appendant bodies such as the Scottish Rite, Shriners, and York Rite are just branches of the tree still being dependent on the Blue Lodge, and in fact require the Grand Master's permission to operate within the jurisdiction; recognition is a pain event today. Being expelled in an appedant body means you lose membership just there, but being expelled from the Blue Lodge means you lose membership in all Masonic bodies.

To put it out there, the Scottish Rite is not the superior body just because of the numbered degrees. In fact, the York Rite outnumbers the Scottish Rite in number of degrees and orders, with its invitational bodies. It was also 11 York Rite Masons who established the AASR in the US.

These politicians and military leaders all made oaths to uphold the constitiution and the civilians best interests. Now here comes the problem, freemasons make a oath as well, an oath to take care of their fellow brothers, an oath above all others. so when you have these people in powerful positions that are in this brotherhood, there alligence no longer belongs to America and its people, but to the faternity. Thats how corruption slowly gets bigger and bigger.
Our oaths don't interfere with our lives outside of the fraternity. We are charged to be good citizens, family members, and to help ALL in need. Masons shouldn't give into corruption or nepotism. We are taught that our duties to God, family/friends, country, and employment come before the Fraternity.

I've been in the Freemasons half the time I've been in the military and it has not earned me any undue reward. I haven't been promoted above others who deserved it. In fact, I've had to fight my way up the enlisted system. The few officers in my unit and a few other senior enlisted I've met in my travels haven't even become Worshipful Masters while I have.

Our leadership structure/organization and legislative process stops corruption, and even equips the bodies with the ability to expel members who are shown to be a bad apple.

Notice the he swears to uphold the laws and the constition of the Lodge and not of the United States.
Well, not all Masons are Americans, but we do in fact charge our members to be good citizens. I'm a proud US citizen, soldier, and a staunch Constitutionalist. As not all Masons are US citizens it would be kind of inappropriate to bound them to be subjective to the US.

Can you possibly use paragraphs? That was really tough to read, though I did find the part bolded quite interesting.

You appear to be implying that the laws and constitution of the lodge are incompatible with the law of the land and the U.S. Constitution. Are they? What do they say?

This is fascinating.
Our constitution and by-laws are concerned with the operations, rules, and regulations of that particular jurisdiction. They talk about membership requirements, election requirements, lodge duties, and so on. The constitution and by-laws are subject to amendment and change by the voting members of the specific body. For the Lodge it is, for my Lodge, every Master Mason in good standing. At the Grand Lodge, the voting members are Past Masters, Lodge delegates (top 3 leaders of the Lodge), Grand Lodge officers, and Past Grand Masters of that Grand Lodge. This is pretty similar to how the appendant bodies organize their voting members.

their constitution is higher than the laws of our country, for reason being they feel they created this country.
We do not believe this in any way or fashion.

they see us regular everyday people as barbarians, not equal to them in anyway. they even set their watches 5 mins. ahead so they are not insync with the everyday world.
Really? :cuckoo:

if all members knew what was going on, they eventually would leak it out. thats why not all members can know. so when people attack freemasonary, dont attack it as a whole, attack the leaders.
Then how do you know about it?

now what i do say i only say from the mouths of freemasons, shriners themselves. people like john todd, bill schnoebelen, etc. who have left positions as masons and shriners, who can prove that they were members, who can prove anything they back up, certificates, pictures, documents.
You mean the guy who says he was a Catholic, Mormon, Witch, Vampire, Satanist Freemason?


If you read his books, he is the one who provides the dates for this graph.

hell even on of the freemasons mascot, george washington, denounced masonry towards the end of his death. he went on to say "for the most part child's play," and that "it might be used for the worst of purposes." after 1753 george washington stopped attending lodge meetings all together. towards the end he made some speeches against masonry.
For your reading pleasure:

5. Didn't George Washington renounce Freemasonry?


George Washington remained a member of the Craft from his initiation into the Lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia No. 4 on November 4, 1752 until the day he died on December 14, 1799, when he then, at his widow’s request, received a masonic funeral. George Washington’s papers are available online at

This hoax got its start in 1837 with the publication of a tract by Joseph Ritner, Governor of Pennsylvania. Although easily debunked, it was reprinted by E. A. Cook & Co., Chicago, in 1877, shortly after Prof. Charles Albert Blanchard (1848-1925), a founder and first lecturer of the National Christian Association published a rewriting of the same story entitled Was Washington a Freemason?

and i love when a mason says all freemasons are good. ahhh its nice to that freemasonry can do no wrong.
I don't think any Mason will say that. Not all take to the lessons imparted on its members and apply them. Some join for sinister, mercenary, or selfish reasons. We always endeavor to expel those who deserve it.

my grandfather always told me that mason law is above any other law.
If that were true, your grandfather was wrong and as a Brother Mason, if he were still around, I would admonish him of his erred opinion.
You must follow the rules of your odrer. You gave up freedom.
The obligations I took do not inhibit my freedoms. The Constitution and By-Laws of any of the various Masonic bodies do not restrict me in any of my rights. I still work where I want, eat what I want, drink what I want, hang out with who I want, and so on. Attendance to any Masonic meeting or event is not mandatory nor is there retribution for absence.

Maybe you can point out what rights I've lost.
I believe I said freedom not rights.

Any time one joins a group you give up some freedoms.

do you have the freedom to tell the world about the secret aspects of your order?
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