Free mental health treatment for gun enthusiasts

In order for you to get sent to psych eval, you'd need to have your parents, school, place of work talk to police. The police would then decide if there was a good enough case. If the police agree they would refer you to the program. The program would screen people out so that only the crazy were admitted.

Or something like that. It wouldn't be a trivial thing to get sent to psych eval.

And it would save lives.
In order for you to get sent to psych eval, you'd need to have your parents, school, place of work talk to police. The police would then decide if there was a good enough case. If the police agree they would refer you to the program. The program would screen people out so that only the crazy were admitted.

Or something like that. It wouldn't be a trivial thing to get sent to psych eval.

And it would save lives.
Sandy Hook, police were notified that the boy had mental issues, was allowed to murder children.

Parkland, police were notified that the boy had mental issues, was allowed to murder children.

Seems that the government keeps failing to do what it is paid to do, protect its citizens. Let teachers carry their own weapons, and soon the massacres would go away.
My daughter is a legal CCP holder, there hasnt been a single incident where she works.
Yes, we know that. That's why an extra effort is being suggested.

Wow, still at square one. Dude, we can't spend the whole thread trying to hep along the slow kids. Go catch up.

Sweetie, it's not that I don't understand what you want ... Just that you aren't going to get it ... :thup:

So why don't we provide free government sponsored mental health care to mentally ill gun enthusiasts.

If the psychiatrist says they're too crazy for guns, they don't get to have access to guns anymore.

This would be a small group of people. The decision of the psychiatrist can be appealed.

What do you think?
The section I bolder is the reason it would never work. No gun owner in America is going to attend any sort of “session” with someone who has been given the power to disarm them. Not one. Not ever.



Guy loses his mind, kills 4 people.

So why don't we provide free government sponsored mental health care to mentally ill gun enthusiasts.

If the psychiatrist says they're too crazy for guns, they don't get to have access to guns anymore.

This would be a small group of people. The decision of the psychiatrist can be appealed.

What do you think?

The ones who need mental health treatment are the democrats who keep releasing known, violent killers.......

Only the insane would bitch about gun violence, then keep releasing violent gun criminals...

Seattle, Washington’s most populous city, had a record number of drive-by shootings in 2021. By July, the city’s drive-by shootings had doubled over the year before.

It’s a problem.

So why are Washington Democrats offering up a bill in the state legislature to lower the penalties for drive-by shootings? Well, there’s woke and then there’s just plain stupid. Washington state Democrats are vying to become the best stupid they can be, bless ’em.

Currently, Washington law holds that a drive-by shooter should get an aggravated enhancement if he is arrested and prosecuted—and that’s a big if. Such an enhancement could land a drive-by murderer a life prison sentence.

But under a bill proposed for the upcoming Washington state legislature by white, woke ex-con state Rep. Tarra Simmons and her co-sponsor David Hackney, the reduction in penalties is a move toward “racial equity.” That’s right, drive-by shooting prosecutorial outcomes are racist. Never mind all the black and brown people who are the disproportionate victims of drive-by shootings.

Why are our civil rights sarcastic to you?
Do to the fact that you are not very bright, I'll try to write a simple answer to your dumb question.

The sarcasm was based on this part of the 2nd A.:

"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms
, shall not be infringed.

Some of the people are infringed and denied the right to keep and bear arms:

  • Those who have a civil commitment as a danger to themselves or others;
  • Those convicted of violent crimes, i.e. felonies and misdemeanors;
  • Those who have a dishonorable discharge from our armed forces;
  • Anyone to bring a gun or other weapon to a civil or criminal courtroom, and in most states in any public building.
How do you think that would work? How do you intend to have a person evaluated? Does your plan have every citizen undergoing psychiatric evaluation and the expense of the taxpayer? Only people who choose to exercise a Constitutionally protected right?

You're going to need more specifics before any discussion can begin...

My guess is that Otis Mayfield intends to look to the Союз Советских Социалистических Республик for guidance. Desiring to exercise one's Second Amendment rights is to be treated as a form of вялотеку́щая шизофрени́я.
In order for you to get sent to psych eval, you'd need to have your parents, school, place of work talk to police. The police would then decide if there was a good enough case. If the police agree they would refer you to the program. The program would screen people out so that only the crazy were admitted.

Or something like that. It wouldn't be a trivial thing to get sent to psych eval.

And it would save lives.
There needs to be a Second Amendment Satire sub-sub forum, that’s where this belongs, assuming you’re not serious.

Otherwise, you should know this will never happen – and appropriately so; such a ‘program’ would be a violation of the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.
How about, to anyone and everyone? Not forced, just voluntary. Make it accessible and available. Even the craziest people sometimes have moments of clarity, guilt, etc.
You know that if you go on record as being troubled (anxious, depressed, worried, etc.) that someone, somewhere will find a way to use that against you and relieve you of your 2nd Amendment rights if they are allowed to do so.
In general, any civil service position which allows access to classified information requires a psych eval.
My experience has been that they're not so much interested in whether you're 'crazy' or not but if you're financially stable with no huge debts. They're concerned with you possibly being persuaded or coerced into stealing and selling classified and secret information in exchange for having said debt forgiven.



Guy loses his mind, kills 4 people.

So why don't we provide free government sponsored mental health care to mentally ill gun enthusiasts.

If the psychiatrist says they're too crazy for guns, they don't get to have access to guns anymore.

This would be a small group of people. The decision of the psychiatrist can be appealed.

What do you think?

I'd be willing to accept this if we put the same program in place for every single one of the Constitutional Rights ... no bill of mental health, no rights.
I'd be willing to accept this if we put the same program in place for every single one of the Constitutional Rights ... no bill of mental health, no rights.


If you're crazy, and you say crazy things, who cares?

If you're crazy, take your gun and kill tattooists, that's a problem.

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