Free mental health treatment for gun enthusiasts

That's true.

The only thing I would add is that parents, school or place of work could report you to police. The police would look into it and see if there was evidence that you were crazy. If the cops think you're crazy too, they could put you in the program where you receive free mental health care.

It could even be that the psychiatrist says that you can get your guns back as long as you agree to take your meds.
Ah, the defunded police are already broke. Resources already stretched. We all know the reasons why. You were saying....



Guy loses his mind, kills 4 people.

So why don't we provide free government sponsored mental health care to mentally ill gun enthusiasts.

If the psychiatrist says they're too crazy for guns, they don't get to have access to guns anymore.

This would be a small group of people. The decision of the psychiatrist can be appealed.

What do you think?
/----/ As soon as democRATs provide mental health services for this feak

The problem you have is that you keep relying on the worthless government to do something, yet both incidents could of been avoided but thanks to the brown turd Obammy, the police couldnt do anything until it was too late.

Thanks Obama...

Ignoring Trump let the crazy come out.

May 8 2019
The U.S. was shaken by two mass shootings last weekend that claimed at least 31 lives and injured dozens.

Saturday's attack in El Paso, Texas, was one of the most deadly in the country's history, where 22 people were killed and as many more wounded in a shooting at a shopping mall.

The suspect, Patrick Crusius, 21, is a white male from Allen, Texas -- almost 700 miles away.

Another massacre in Dayton, Ohio followed just 13 hours after Texas. Nine victims were killed along with the lone suspect who was shot dead by local police. More than a dozen others were wounded.

The 24-year-old suspect, Connor Betts, from Ohio.

Stephen Paddock, a 54-year-old white man, opened gunfire at a concert from the 32nd floor of a hotel, killing 58 people in the city in 2017.

A white shooter, Devin Patrick Kelley, opened fire on a small church in Sutherland Springs claiming 25 lives and an unborn child.
These people were not adjucated mentally infirm; under federal law, they have the right to own a gun
As such, the The President cannot constitutionally simply add their names to the list of people who cannot own a gun.
If you were not intentionally ignorant and dishonest, you'd know this.
HOLY FUCK, what a retard.

Why do think their claim for SSI was for?
Mental fucking, illness, like you, idiot.
One does not have to pass a test to exersize a right. In Fact that is Unconstitutional.
"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

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