Free money in ghetto hypothetical: What would you do?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Lets have a discussion on hypothetical here. Lets say Robin Hood went into the ghettos of Chicago, LA, NY, Miami and Atlanta. In each ghetto, he took 200 random males, age 18, from the worst parts of each ghetto. EACH male was offered the following choice:

Choice A: You get a $40,000, 4-year all expenses scholarship to the State University of your choice. Full tuition paid. Room and board paid. $100 a week for food and entertainment, adequate for college kid. Basically, a 4 year college education, free of charge, no money out of pocket. However, you can ONLY spend that money on the above and must graduate to recieve full benefits.

Choice B: You get a brand new $30,000 Lexus, with 22-inch rims, sound system, custom interior. $5,000 Flat screen TV. $5,000 shopping spree for clothing from any designer of your choice.

Choice C: A $40,000 investment into your rap career. We'll pay you $5,000 a month for the next 6 months, and $10,000 for supplies, and give you full access to a recording studio to make your rap CD. In 6 months, no more money, roll the dice with your rap career's 1st CD cut, unsigned, no guaranteed record deal, just do what you can for 6 months to make best CD possible.

Choice D: We will guarantee you a job for the next 40 years, until you retire, making $40,000 a year with full benefits. So long as you perform your duties, on time, do solid work and be a reliable employee, you will be guaranteed this job for the next 40 years until you retire. Full benefits. The work will be hard. You will be expected to perform your job well, but it is a job you will be trained well to do. Monday-Friday. 8-5pm. Start immediately.

What choices do you think will have the highest %'s chosen?

NOW.....take another 200 random males.....but not from the ghettos. From suburbs. From suburbs near military bases. With kids raised by military families. Their choices?

Or, take 200 random males from the country. Rural areas of Utah, North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming. What choices would they make most?

I think we'll get to the root of many "race" issues with this question, and the simple solution that so many people are too lazy and pathetic to accept: Raising your kids right.
I have to agree.

That is why these kids are doomed to live their lives in the ghetto
that's extremely hypothetical.

the root of the issue is that the accolades mentioned, in the real world, normally come out of recognition of talent and potential. i came out of the 'ghetto' in los angeles, i wasnt offered anything but the scholarship option, and to the best school in the city (state, country, world). i took that. fight on!

i cant rap that well, 22s look gay, and i'll hate to make $40k my whole life or do the same job my whole life.

personally, i think city kids have better judgment, contrary to what you seem to be getting at.
If its a choice between the Bling and long term gain....they will take the Bling
they'll take the scholarship or the rap money. if some dude came to the neighborhood with this bullshit i think the posse would have got him for 2 lexus deals, and $120k in rap finance. only 2 of us ended up going to college, but we had offers of money a decent schools anyway. i would have killed it in a lexus freshmen year! plus 5k in threads.... WHAT!
Ignorant 18-year-old ghetto dwellers would take the Lexus 99.9% of the time.
i didnt realize this was another circle-jerk for for self-righteous fux to project their failure onto the less fortunate.

*puts on plastic suit*

these deals get real unsanitary after a few minutes.
i didnt realize this was another circle-jerk for for self-righteous fux to project their failure onto the less fortunate.

*puts on plastic suit*

these deals get real unsanitary after a few minutes.

Motivated ghetto youths already have Choice A available to them and ignore it in the pursuit of Choice B and C
You SOBs I grew up in an all black neighborhood of which you call the "ghetto" and at the age of 54 have been working at a job of which I've had for 20+ years. You make me sick with your undercover rhetoric about Black people not wanting to work like you. My parents both worked all of their lives and never depended on the government to take care of us until my father was diagnosed with cancer and could no longer work. He drew social security which is all we ever got from the government. Your sorry asses are going to pay for your hatred one day and I am sure glad I will not be in your shoes when it happens. By the way since I'm part White, you make me so NOT proud to have your blood in my veins.
Lets have a discussion on hypothetical here. Lets say Robin Hood went into the ghettos of Chicago, LA, NY, Miami and Atlanta. In each ghetto, he took 200 random males, age 18, from the worst parts of each ghetto. EACH male was offered the following choice:

Choice A: You get a $40,000, 4-year all expenses scholarship to the State University of your choice. Full tuition paid. Room and board paid. $100 a week for food and entertainment, adequate for college kid. Basically, a 4 year college education, free of charge, no money out of pocket. However, you can ONLY spend that money on the above and must graduate to recieve full benefits.

Choice B: You get a brand new $30,000 Lexus, with 22-inch rims, sound system, custom interior. $5,000 Flat screen TV. $5,000 shopping spree for clothing from any designer of your choice.

Choice C: A $40,000 investment into your rap career. We'll pay you $5,000 a month for the next 6 months, and $10,000 for supplies, and give you full access to a recording studio to make your rap CD. In 6 months, no more money, roll the dice with your rap career's 1st CD cut, unsigned, no guaranteed record deal, just do what you can for 6 months to make best CD possible.

Choice D: We will guarantee you a job for the next 40 years, until you retire, making $40,000 a year with full benefits. So long as you perform your duties, on time, do solid work and be a reliable employee, you will be guaranteed this job for the next 40 years until you retire. Full benefits. The work will be hard. You will be expected to perform your job well, but it is a job you will be trained well to do. Monday-Friday. 8-5pm. Start immediately.

What choices do you think will have the highest %'s chosen?

NOW.....take another 200 random males.....but not from the ghettos. From suburbs. From suburbs near military bases. With kids raised by military families. Their choices?

Or, take 200 random males from the country. Rural areas of Utah, North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming. What choices would they make most?

I think we'll get to the root of many "race" issues with this question, and the simple solution that so many people are too lazy and pathetic to accept: Raising your kids right.

Some of us "ghetto kids" don't have parents, have incompetent parents, abusive parent and/or mentally ill parents.

How are you supposed to know the grown up thing to do when you weren't raised?
Lets have a discussion on hypothetical here. Lets say Robin Hood went into the ghettos of Chicago, LA, NY, Miami and Atlanta. In each ghetto, he took 200 random males, age 18, from the worst parts of each ghetto. EACH male was offered the following choice:

Choice A: You get a $40,000, 4-year all expenses scholarship to the State University of your choice. Full tuition paid. Room and board paid. $100 a week for food and entertainment, adequate for college kid. Basically, a 4 year college education, free of charge, no money out of pocket. However, you can ONLY spend that money on the above and must graduate to recieve full benefits.

Choice B: You get a brand new $30,000 Lexus, with 22-inch rims, sound system, custom interior. $5,000 Flat screen TV. $5,000 shopping spree for clothing from any designer of your choice.

Choice C: A $40,000 investment into your rap career. We'll pay you $5,000 a month for the next 6 months, and $10,000 for supplies, and give you full access to a recording studio to make your rap CD. In 6 months, no more money, roll the dice with your rap career's 1st CD cut, unsigned, no guaranteed record deal, just do what you can for 6 months to make best CD possible.

Choice D: We will guarantee you a job for the next 40 years, until you retire, making $40,000 a year with full benefits. So long as you perform your duties, on time, do solid work and be a reliable employee, you will be guaranteed this job for the next 40 years until you retire. Full benefits. The work will be hard. You will be expected to perform your job well, but it is a job you will be trained well to do. Monday-Friday. 8-5pm. Start immediately.

What choices do you think will have the highest %'s chosen?

NOW.....take another 200 random males.....but not from the ghettos. From suburbs. From suburbs near military bases. With kids raised by military families. Their choices?

Or, take 200 random males from the country. Rural areas of Utah, North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming. What choices would they make most?

I think we'll get to the root of many "race" issues with this question, and the simple solution that so many people are too lazy and pathetic to accept: Raising your kids right.

Some of us "ghetto kids" don't have parents, have incompetent parents, abusive parent and/or mentally ill parents.

How are you supposed to know the grown up thing to do when you weren't raised?
Let's see...books, media, internet, church, boys/girls clubs. The list goes on for those willing.
Lets have a discussion on hypothetical here. Lets say Robin Hood went into the ghettos of Chicago, LA, NY, Miami and Atlanta. In each ghetto, he took 200 random males, age 18, from the worst parts of each ghetto. EACH male was offered the following choice:

Choice A: You get a $40,000, 4-year all expenses scholarship to the State University of your choice. Full tuition paid. Room and board paid. $100 a week for food and entertainment, adequate for college kid. Basically, a 4 year college education, free of charge, no money out of pocket. However, you can ONLY spend that money on the above and must graduate to recieve full benefits.

Choice B: You get a brand new $30,000 Lexus, with 22-inch rims, sound system, custom interior. $5,000 Flat screen TV. $5,000 shopping spree for clothing from any designer of your choice.

Choice C: A $40,000 investment into your rap career. We'll pay you $5,000 a month for the next 6 months, and $10,000 for supplies, and give you full access to a recording studio to make your rap CD. In 6 months, no more money, roll the dice with your rap career's 1st CD cut, unsigned, no guaranteed record deal, just do what you can for 6 months to make best CD possible.

Choice D: We will guarantee you a job for the next 40 years, until you retire, making $40,000 a year with full benefits. So long as you perform your duties, on time, do solid work and be a reliable employee, you will be guaranteed this job for the next 40 years until you retire. Full benefits. The work will be hard. You will be expected to perform your job well, but it is a job you will be trained well to do. Monday-Friday. 8-5pm. Start immediately.

What choices do you think will have the highest %'s chosen?

NOW.....take another 200 random males.....but not from the ghettos. From suburbs. From suburbs near military bases. With kids raised by military families. Their choices?

Or, take 200 random males from the country. Rural areas of Utah, North Dakota, Texas, Wyoming. What choices would they make most?

I think we'll get to the root of many "race" issues with this question, and the simple solution that so many people are too lazy and pathetic to accept: Raising your kids right.

Some of us "ghetto kids" don't have parents, have incompetent parents, abusive parent and/or mentally ill parents.

How are you supposed to know the grown up thing to do when you weren't raised?
Let's see...books, media, internet, church, boys/girls clubs. The list goes on for those willing.

How does any of this even relate to what I said?
My son recently spent 6 weeks teaching in Africa. Those kids would like nothing more than a solid education.

I don't think this is a race issue; it's a socioeconomic one (Just like so many other "racial" issues). I would say that ignorant poor white kids with no daddy at home would blow the money as well. Stupidity does not discriminate.

My position is that kids (esp. boys) need fathers or other strong male role models in their life to guide them. Single moms are just too damn tired, and schools in the ghetto are merely there to keep the kids safe and off the streets.

The situation will never improve until people within that community say "ENOUGH". No more screwing around with multiple partners and having to go on Maury to find out who's the daddy. But that won't happen as long as people tout that as socially acceptable.
My son recently spent 6 weeks teaching in Africa. Those kids would like nothing more than a solid education.

I don't think this is a race issue; it's a socioeconomic one (Just like so many other "racial" issues). I would say that ignorant poor white kids with no daddy at home would blow the money as well. Stupidity does not discriminate.

More self-deluded, reality-denying crap.



If all this were to be cured by "fathers", where the hell are those magical, Cosby-like black fathers?

They don't exist.

When they do, they are RARE.

Blacks are a totally different subspecies of humanity. They aren't going to turn white by us hoping for it. They evolved under different circumstances and today have totally different behavioral patterns. IT IS A FACT.

Blacks have what they call "short time horizons," i.e., they don't think too far into the future.

That's why they WOULD take the Lexus over the education.

In a warm jungle, that choice might make some sense, because the weather there always provides food. So why think of the future?

People hate the idea I just laid out though, so they always want to say "well, it's not race, it's class." But you're just running from an uncomfortable truth. And you make yourself feel even better by bashing anyone who points out the truth as a "racist."

But pointing out reality doesn't make one a "racist."

It makes one a realist.
Some of us "ghetto kids" don't have parents, have incompetent parents, abusive parent and/or mentally ill parents.

How are you supposed to know the grown up thing to do when you weren't raised?
Let's see...books, media, internet, church, boys/girls clubs. The list goes on for those willing.

How does any of this even relate to what I said?
It's an answer to your question about how you are supposed to know the grown up thing to do....
You SOBs I grew up in an all black neighborhood of which you call the "ghetto" and at the age of 54 have been working at a job of which I've had for 20+ years. You make me sick with your undercover rhetoric about Black people not wanting to work like you. My parents both worked all of their lives and never depended on the government to take care of us until my father was diagnosed with cancer and could no longer work. He drew social security which is all we ever got from the government. Your sorry asses are going to pay for your hatred one day and I am sure glad I will not be in your shoes when it happens. By the way since I'm part White, you make me so NOT proud to have your blood in my veins.

This is not a racial issue, it is a social issue. With close to 70% of black youths growing up without a father, black children miss out on the structure and economic networking capability other cultures get. Education is not valued in these communities and is in many cases discouraged. A black child who studies hard and seeks to excel academically is accused of "acting white" by his peers.
No matter what your economic situation, a path to education and enty level jobs is available. You don't need a $40,000 "gift" to get an education or job opportunity. What you need is drive and a strong work ethic.
This is not a racial issue, it is a social issue.

How many times must this be repeated for it to come true?

With close to 70% of black youths growing up without a father, black children miss out on the structure and economic networking capability other cultures get. Education is not valued in these communities and is in many cases discouraged. A black child who studies hard and seeks to excel academically is accused of "acting white" by his peers.
No matter what your economic situation, a path to education and enty level jobs is available. You don't need a $40,000 "gift" to get an education or job opportunity. What you need is drive and a strong work ethic.

But can you see how this argument just goes in circles? At what point does blame actually come to land on the actors, i.e., BLACK PEOPLE?

In your world, it never does. There's always a missing black father to blame for the young black person being a criminal or a failure.

What if it's just not in the nature of blacks -- especially men -- to stick around? Have you ever considered a biological reason for that?
What if it's just not in the nature of blacks -- especially men -- to stick around? Have you ever considered a biological reason for that?

No I haven't because there is overwhelming proof that a biological reason doesn't exist
i didnt realize this was another circle-jerk for for self-righteous fux to project their failure onto the less fortunate.

*puts on plastic suit*

these deals get real unsanitary after a few minutes.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not anything close to a failure. This year, I had more taxes than ever taken from me for two reasons:

1- I made more in 2009 than ever before ($180K+)

2- Obama is president, thus, taxes are getting harsher.

I'm just a bit disappointed to see my welfare being wasted on people who refuse to wise up and make smart choices with the small helping hand they are getting.

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