Free Palestine

BLUF: What! Who said the UN Security Council had to authorize it.
Resolution 181 itself.

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;​

The General Assembly requested the Security Council implement the plan. The Security Council did not.

Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan and went to war with Israel.
Not so. Israel was not attacked.

Arab League declaring war on Israel is a matter of basic, readily available historical fact: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan. You didn’t know that after 11+ years of posting on the same topic? Troll.
Deflection. You are not following what I said. Nobody attacked Israel.

Oh now I get it. All those Arabs surrounding Israel were there to offer peace to Israel. Right Tinmore?
Is deflection all you got?

But Tinmore, why didn't you answer my question as too why Israel was surrounded by Arabs? Surely it must have been to make peace, right Tinmore?
HELLO! Anybody home? Golly gee. What happened to Tinmore?
How can I respond to an irrelevant post?
Irrelevant post?
OK, but still nobody attacked Israel.
BLUF: What! Who said the UN Security Council had to authorize it.
Resolution 181 itself.

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;​

The General Assembly requested the Security Council implement the plan. The Security Council did not.

Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan and went to war with Israel.
Not so. Israel was not attacked.

Arab League declaring war on Israel is a matter of basic, readily available historical fact: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan. You didn’t know that after 11+ years of posting on the same topic? Troll.
Deflection. You are not following what I said. Nobody attacked Israel.

Oh now I get it. All those Arabs surrounding Israel were there to offer peace to Israel. Right Tinmore?
Is deflection all you got?

But Tinmore, why didn't you answer my question as too why Israel was surrounded by Arabs? Surely it must have been to make peace, right Tinmore?
HELLO! Anybody home? Golly gee. What happened to Tinmore?
How can I respond to an irrelevant post?
Irrelevant post?
OK, but still nobody attacked Israel.
I guess when Arabs expelled Jews from all their holy cities - that's what they thought,
right before getting defeated in humiliation by the former dhimmis.

After all - even the phrase "Free Palestine" was coined by Jews.
BLUF: What! Who said the UN Security Council had to authorize it.
Resolution 181 itself.

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;​

The General Assembly requested the Security Council implement the plan. The Security Council did not.

Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan and went to war with Israel.
Not so. Israel was not attacked.

Arab League declaring war on Israel is a matter of basic, readily available historical fact: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan. You didn’t know that after 11+ years of posting on the same topic? Troll.
Deflection. You are not following what I said. Nobody attacked Israel.

Oh now I get it. All those Arabs surrounding Israel were there to offer peace to Israel. Right Tinmore?
Is deflection all you got?

But Tinmore, why didn't you answer my question as too why Israel was surrounded by Arabs? Surely it must have been to make peace, right Tinmore?
HELLO! Anybody home? Golly gee. What happened to Tinmore?
How can I respond to an irrelevant post?
Irrelevant post?
OK, but still nobody attacked Israel.

Troll, you were already educated that Arabs attacked Israel, as Arab historian Fouad Ajami recounts...
The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State
BLUF: What! Who said the UN Security Council had to authorize it.
Resolution 181 itself.

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;​

The General Assembly requested the Security Council implement the plan. The Security Council did not.

Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan and went to war with Israel.
Not so. Israel was not attacked.

Arab League declaring war on Israel is a matter of basic, readily available historical fact: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan. You didn’t know that after 11+ years of posting on the same topic? Troll.
Deflection. You are not following what I said. Nobody attacked Israel.

Oh now I get it. All those Arabs surrounding Israel were there to offer peace to Israel. Right Tinmore?
Is deflection all you got?

But Tinmore, why didn't you answer my question as too why Israel was surrounded by Arabs? Surely it must have been to make peace, right Tinmore?
HELLO! Anybody home? Golly gee. What happened to Tinmore?
How can I respond to an irrelevant post?
Irrelevant post?
OK, but still nobody attacked Israel.

Troll, you were already educated that Arabs attacked Israel, as Arab historian Fouad Ajami recounts...
The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State
Why don't you post a 1948 map of Israel then we can discuss the areas that were attacked.
RE: Free Palestine
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This, once again is a manipulation of the historical record. This, with links, has all been presented to you in the last 10 days.

BLUF: What! Who said the UN Security Council had to authorize it.
Resolution 181 itself.

Requests that
(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;​

The General Assembly requested the Security Council implement the plan. The Security Council did not.

The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC) considered it implemented. The UNPC, in that only one of the two parties, accepted the guidance. See: Posting #73. The link to the UNPC Media Announcement.

Most Respectfully,
Oh really? There was a list of points in the plan. Which ones were implemented?

I await your response.
Still nothing, huh?
BLUF: What! Who said the UN Security Council had to authorize it.
Resolution 181 itself.

Requests that

(a) The Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation;​

The General Assembly requested the Security Council implement the plan. The Security Council did not.

Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan and went to war with Israel.
Not so. Israel was not attacked.

Arab League declaring war on Israel is a matter of basic, readily available historical fact: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan. You didn’t know that after 11+ years of posting on the same topic? Troll.
Deflection. You are not following what I said. Nobody attacked Israel.

Oh now I get it. All those Arabs surrounding Israel were there to offer peace to Israel. Right Tinmore?
Is deflection all you got?

But Tinmore, why didn't you answer my question as too why Israel was surrounded by Arabs? Surely it must have been to make peace, right Tinmore?
HELLO! Anybody home? Golly gee. What happened to Tinmore?
How can I respond to an irrelevant post?
Irrelevant post?
OK, but still nobody attacked Israel.

Troll, you were already educated that Arabs attacked Israel, as Arab historian Fouad Ajami recounts...
The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State
Why don't you post a 1948 map of Israel then we can discuss the areas that were attacked.

Um, Israeli statehood was established in 1948, “genius.”
RE: Free Palestine
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: What! But still nobody attacked Israel. OK. That is disinformation.

Why don't you post a 1948 map of Israel then we can discuss the areas that were attacked.

You know very well this question is a trap. During the first half of 1948, the region was a territory under the Mandate.

During the second half, the region was in conflict between the Israeli Defense Force facing the combined forces of the Arab League.

See the source image

Oh really? There was a list of points in the plan. Which ones were implemented?

Again, another trick question. The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), under the guidance of the Security Council, was in continuous contact with the National Council for the Jewish State (and the prepared Israeli Provisional Government). The UNPC was satisfied that the intent outline in the Steps Preparatory for Independence (in the Partition Plan) were sufficiently carried out to the point that would allow the UNPC to support the formal announcement for independence (self-determination). The Security Council rendered no objection, neither did the outgoing Mandate Administration; with their flag in hand, retired. The Arab Higher Committee was not in the loop, and thus only addressed:
The Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine. The Arab States recognize that the independence and sovereignty of Palestine which was so far subject to the British Mandate has now, with the termination of the Mandate, become established in fact, and maintain that the lawful inhabitants of Palestine are alone competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions without any external interference.​
And with that, the International Armed Conflict (Arab - Israeli Conflict) between Israel and the League of Arab States (LAS) was triggered.

I await your response.

You are just being a bit pushy.

Still nothing, huh?

Well, since you asked. Evidently, the LAS did NOT think the Arab Palestinians were competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions. Upon the Armistice, they actually never withdrew from the field and maintained a military presence. Jordan eventually annexed the West Bank and the Egyptians established a Military Governorship over the Gaza Strip. And what? The Arab Palestinians got nothing.

Yeah, the Arab Palestinians, asked the LAS to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security. How did that work out for them?

Most Respectfully,
RE: Free Palestine
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: What! But still nobody attacked Israel. OK. That is disinformation.

Why don't you post a 1948 map of Israel then we can discuss the areas that were attacked.

You know very well this question is a trap. During the first half of 1948, the region was a territory under the Mandate.

During the second half, the region was in conflict between the Israeli Defense Force facing the combined forces of the Arab League.

See the source image

Oh really? There was a list of points in the plan. Which ones were implemented?

Again, another trick question. The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), under the guidance of the Security Council, was in continuous contact with the National Council for the Jewish State (and the prepared Israeli Provisional Government). The UNPC was satisfied that the intent outline in the Steps Preparatory for Independence (in the Partition Plan) were sufficiently carried out to the point that would allow the UNPC to support the formal announcement for independence (self-determination). The Security Council rendered no objection, neither did the outgoing Mandate Administration; with their flag in hand, retired. The Arab Higher Committee was not in the loop, and thus only addressed:
The Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine. The Arab States recognize that the independence and sovereignty of Palestine which was so far subject to the British Mandate has now, with the termination of the Mandate, become established in fact, and maintain that the lawful inhabitants of Palestine are alone competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions without any external interference.​
And with that, the International Armed Conflict (Arab - Israeli Conflict) between Israel and the League of Arab States (LAS) was triggered.

I await your response.

You are just being a bit pushy.

Still nothing, huh?

Well, since you asked. Evidently, the LAS did NOT think the Arab Palestinians were competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions. Upon the Armistice, they actually never withdrew from the field and maintained a military presence. Jordan eventually annexed the West Bank and the Egyptians established a Military Governorship over the Gaza Strip. And what? The Arab Palestinians got nothing.

Yeah, the Arab Palestinians, asked the LAS to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security. How did that work out for them?

Most Respectfully,
Whose tune are you dancing to. That is quite some duck.
Now could you answer the question?
RE: Free Palestine
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: As the maps plainly show, the LAS Forces of Lebanon Syria Jordan and Egypt attacked Israel.

Whose tune are you dancing to. That is quite some duck.
Now could you answer the question?

I put a map showing the territory status.
If you are not able to compare the two, I'm very sorry.
BUT, any reasonable person can see the arrows.

Now, if you want to contest or challenge the information which the two maps present, then we have something to talk about. If you want to dicker about names, then disregard my response. But don't pretend the answer is not there.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Free Palestine
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: What! But still nobody attacked Israel. OK. That is disinformation.

Why don't you post a 1948 map of Israel then we can discuss the areas that were attacked.

You know very well this question is a trap. During the first half of 1948, the region was a territory under the Mandate.

During the second half, the region was in conflict between the Israeli Defense Force facing the combined forces of the Arab League.

See the source image

Oh really? There was a list of points in the plan. Which ones were implemented?

Again, another trick question. The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), under the guidance of the Security Council, was in continuous contact with the National Council for the Jewish State (and the prepared Israeli Provisional Government). The UNPC was satisfied that the intent outline in the Steps Preparatory for Independence (in the Partition Plan) were sufficiently carried out to the point that would allow the UNPC to support the formal announcement for independence (self-determination). The Security Council rendered no objection, neither did the outgoing Mandate Administration; with their flag in hand, retired. The Arab Higher Committee was not in the loop, and thus only addressed:
The Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine. The Arab States recognize that the independence and sovereignty of Palestine which was so far subject to the British Mandate has now, with the termination of the Mandate, become established in fact, and maintain that the lawful inhabitants of Palestine are alone competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions without any external interference.​
And with that, the International Armed Conflict (Arab - Israeli Conflict) between Israel and the League of Arab States (LAS) was triggered.

I await your response.

You are just being a bit pushy.

Still nothing, huh?

Well, since you asked. Evidently, the LAS did NOT think the Arab Palestinians were competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions. Upon the Armistice, they actually never withdrew from the field and maintained a military presence. Jordan eventually annexed the West Bank and the Egyptians established a Military Governorship over the Gaza Strip. And what? The Arab Palestinians got nothing.

Yeah, the Arab Palestinians, asked the LAS to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security. How did that work out for them?

Most Respectfully,

Hmmm. Not any mention at all of Palestine on the map. And yet there are those who tell us "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land."
RE: Free Palestine
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: What! But still nobody attacked Israel. OK. That is disinformation.

Why don't you post a 1948 map of Israel then we can discuss the areas that were attacked.

You know very well this question is a trap. During the first half of 1948, the region was a territory under the Mandate.

During the second half, the region was in conflict between the Israeli Defense Force facing the combined forces of the Arab League.

See the source image

Oh really? There was a list of points in the plan. Which ones were implemented?

Again, another trick question. The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), under the guidance of the Security Council, was in continuous contact with the National Council for the Jewish State (and the prepared Israeli Provisional Government). The UNPC was satisfied that the intent outline in the Steps Preparatory for Independence (in the Partition Plan) were sufficiently carried out to the point that would allow the UNPC to support the formal announcement for independence (self-determination). The Security Council rendered no objection, neither did the outgoing Mandate Administration; with their flag in hand, retired. The Arab Higher Committee was not in the loop, and thus only addressed:
The Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine. The Arab States recognize that the independence and sovereignty of Palestine which was so far subject to the British Mandate has now, with the termination of the Mandate, become established in fact, and maintain that the lawful inhabitants of Palestine are alone competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions without any external interference.​
And with that, the International Armed Conflict (Arab - Israeli Conflict) between Israel and the League of Arab States (LAS) was triggered.

I await your response.

You are just being a bit pushy.

Still nothing, huh?

Well, since you asked. Evidently, the LAS did NOT think the Arab Palestinians were competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions. Upon the Armistice, they actually never withdrew from the field and maintained a military presence. Jordan eventually annexed the West Bank and the Egyptians established a Military Governorship over the Gaza Strip. And what? The Arab Palestinians got nothing.

Yeah, the Arab Palestinians, asked the LAS to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security. How did that work out for them?

Most Respectfully,

Hmmm. Not any mention at all of Palestine on the map. And yet there are those who tell us "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land."

Palestine was Britain’s fictional name for the British Mandate, formed after collapse of the Ottoman Empire during which time there wasn’t any place “palestine”⤵

RE: Free Palestine
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: What! But still nobody attacked Israel. OK. That is disinformation.

Why don't you post a 1948 map of Israel then we can discuss the areas that were attacked.

You know very well this question is a trap. During the first half of 1948, the region was a territory under the Mandate.

During the second half, the region was in conflict between the Israeli Defense Force facing the combined forces of the Arab League.

See the source image

Oh really? There was a list of points in the plan. Which ones were implemented?

Again, another trick question. The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), under the guidance of the Security Council, was in continuous contact with the National Council for the Jewish State (and the prepared Israeli Provisional Government). The UNPC was satisfied that the intent outline in the Steps Preparatory for Independence (in the Partition Plan) were sufficiently carried out to the point that would allow the UNPC to support the formal announcement for independence (self-determination). The Security Council rendered no objection, neither did the outgoing Mandate Administration; with their flag in hand, retired. The Arab Higher Committee was not in the loop, and thus only addressed:
The Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine. The Arab States recognize that the independence and sovereignty of Palestine which was so far subject to the British Mandate has now, with the termination of the Mandate, become established in fact, and maintain that the lawful inhabitants of Palestine are alone competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions without any external interference.​
And with that, the International Armed Conflict (Arab - Israeli Conflict) between Israel and the League of Arab States (LAS) was triggered.

I await your response.

You are just being a bit pushy.

Still nothing, huh?

Well, since you asked. Evidently, the LAS did NOT think the Arab Palestinians were competent and entitled to set up an administration in Palestine for the discharge of all governmental functions. Upon the Armistice, they actually never withdrew from the field and maintained a military presence. Jordan eventually annexed the West Bank and the Egyptians established a Military Governorship over the Gaza Strip. And what? The Arab Palestinians got nothing.

Yeah, the Arab Palestinians, asked the LAS to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security. How did that work out for them?

Most Respectfully,

Hmmm. Not any mention at all of Palestine on the map. And yet there are those who tell us "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land."

Palestine was Britain’s fictional name for the British Mandate, formed after collapse of the Ottoman Empire during which time there wasn’t any place “palestine”⤵

View attachment 348566View attachment 348567
So then, Israel is stealing their own land. Very cleaver those Zionists.

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