'Free speech for all who's speech aligns with my speech'....Is that kind of the Democrat mantra?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

Quite true, I am afraid. Just think about and examine our current situation here in America. Anyone who disagrees with the mass media meta-narrative that George Floyd was intentionally murdered for the color of his skin is immediately set upon by packs of social justice political officers either here online or out in the real world. We're Americans, we all rarely agree on everything all the time and we're not supposed to, that's normal. America is a fusion reactor of countless ideas and ways to implement them, think about them. But the democrats truly do wish to enforce politically correct speech and thought, there's no doubting. Google something against the narrative and see the result. I am an American citizen and I shall say whatever the fuck I want, think whatever I want.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

No, that is the Donald Trump mantra. Everyone who disagrees with anything he says is "fake news".

Notice how the people from the CDC are no longer on TV contradicting Dumb Donald.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

No, that is the Donald Trump mantra. Everyone who disagrees with anything he says is "fake news".

Notice how the people from the CDC are no longer on TV contradicting Dumb Donald.

Wrong. PC is a left-wing invention and it has taken a firm hold. If anyone disagrees with a liberal talking point they are automatically labeled a racist, a homophobe, an elitist, a fascist, etc. This is why so many companies are scared to speak out and play the PC politics. They don't believe in 1/2 the crap they say, but they have to say it our of fear. God forbid we tick off the adolescents running and voting for the Democratic Party.
Just like how you "compromise" with them, by you abandoning your principles.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

Another case of the "3rd" round of Red Scare.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

Another case of the "3rd" round of Red Scare.

Since you often proclaim not to be a LefTarded Dem this thread probably doesn’t bother you… Right… Unless today you are a LefTarded Dem?
Just like how you "compromise" with them, by you abandoning your principles.
If only republicans had principles! They need to get some morals first and then some ethics.

I can all but guarantee you the voting preferences of the looters and rioters. They aren't Republican. Democrats are the party of the immoral and it ain't even close.
I find it sad that you think, ha ha, republicans are moral god fearing saints. Just look at the people who wantonly disrespect human rights.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

Dem's long to abolish free speech and free will. Those control freaks want to rule with an iron fist, telling you what you can say, think, do, eat, drink. There's not one aspect of your lives they don't want to control including how much water you can use to flush your toilet.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

Dem's long to abolish free speech and free will. Those control freaks want to rule with an iron fist, telling you what you can say, think, do, eat, drink. There's not one aspect of your lives they don't want to control including how much water you can use to flush your toilet.

Wow, this one deserves an award.

It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

Dem's long to abolish free speech and free will. Those control freaks want to rule with an iron fist, telling you what you can say, think, do, eat, drink. There's not one aspect of your lives they don't want to control including how much water you can use to flush your toilet.

How ironic, I had this discussion with Coyote quite recently...I think she implied that a trampling of the First Amendment is warranted when she thinks it is.

I wish I could say I'm surprised but Dems have zero respect for the law and our rights under US Constitution. They are simply obstacles that obstruct their attempts to rule us.
It's been moving this direction for years but it appears the party is becoming more and more transparent with every passing day as they feel they have garnered enough public support to move closer to fully admitting to their commie-lite intentions. Come clean Dems...own your commie intent.

Dem's long to abolish free speech and free will. Those control freaks want to rule with an iron fist, telling you what you can say, think, do, eat, drink. There's not one aspect of your lives they don't want to control including how much water you can use to flush your toilet.

How ironic, I had this discussion with Coyote quite recently...I think she implied that a trampling of the First Amendment is warranted when she thinks it is.

How ironic, I had this discussion with @Coyote quite recently..

Have a link to that discussion?

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