Free speech hating liberal sissies want Maher removed as speaker

Steve's new cable darling is Bill Maher, you do know he's jewish??

But if he ever wore a dress, Steve would be done with him.

Anyway... frankly, I don't blame a lot of these college kids, rebelling at these six figure honorariums celebrities get to say not much of anything at their schools while they get saddled with debt for the rest of their lives.
How stupid to say this is the hatred of "free speech".

If steve was able to think any further than his own knee-jerk hatred, he would realize this is the exercise of free speech.

Maher has a right to his opinions and the university has a right to theirs.
Libs are trying to bully him off campus

You're in favor of free marketplace making decisions - until its your shills getting the axe. When it was Ted Nugent who didn't get a gig, you nutter RWs whined and cried for weeks about it. When the truth is told about lushbo's like, you all just squall like babies.

Get a new whine cuz this one is really dumb.
I realize dittoheads love to see the world as a giant game of cowboys and indians as they prattle on with liberal this and liberal that used to describe just about anything that does not march in lockstep with their simple minded Manicheanism,. but it is Maher who is the liberal here. The authoritarian leftists at Berkeley wouldn't know a liberal principle if it slapped them across the face. They are simply exhibiting a mindless herd mentality every bit as severe as that of the worst dittohead.

If anybody wants to defend liberalism by defending Maher here, though, that's just fine with me.
I realize dittoheads love to see the world as a giant game of cowboys and indians as they prattle on with liberal this and liberal that used to describe just about anything that does not march in lockstep with their simple minded Manicheanism,. but it is Maher who is the liberal here. The authoritarian leftists at Berkeley wouldn't know a liberal principle if it slapped them across the face. They are simply exhibiting a mindless herd mentality every bit as severe as that of the worst dittohead.

If anybody wants to defend liberalism by defending Maher here, though, that's just fine with me.

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Berkley is a lost cause. The Muslim students association is very powerful and they have the school by the balls.
Berkley is a lost cause. The Muslim students association is very powerful and they have the school by the balls.

and having convinced people that resisting their political ideology is the stuff of racism, they can move the bar even further towards their desired ends.
I love watching righties project.

because you righties hate education, I'll probably have to explain.

Projection, in this case, is where someobody projects their own reaction onto others who may, or may not share it's sentiment.

Righties turned on President Bush after the end of his presidency. They kept him off camera for nearly 4 years.

So see differences of opinion amongst Democrats, and righties seem to think it indicates some sort of paradigm shift, when really it's just a dissagreement.

Maher, Obama, whatever....the right is still light years away from swaying Democrats, women, and minorities to it's anglocentric Christian messaging
This is the garbage that has infiltrated Berkley:

or at least San Diego.

That stupid idiot women looked to be a convert, so I would think she has some serious personal issues.

In general, though, some of the trends I have seen happening on the left over the last few decades are the rise of multiculturalism/identity politics replacing liberalism in terns of influence as well as an increasingly reactive mind set where anything associates with "right wing" results in stupid people supporting the opposite. In the case of David Horowitz, here we have a former socialist turned (for lack of better term) Neocon, who, like many of the original Neocons saw America's mission in terms of spreading liberal, western values to illiberal places in the world. Accordingly, the knee-jerk leftists end up opposing such an agenda since all they know is that Neocon is just shorthand for bogeyman, and so they oppose the liberalization along with everything else.

The far left is much more like the far right in terms of politics and these freaks are more like the skinheads of the right than they are traditional liberals. ,

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