Free speech hating liberal sissies want Maher removed as speaker

This is the garbage that has infiltrated Berkley:

or at least San Diego.

That stupid idiot women looked to be a convert, so I would think she has some serious personal issues.

In general, though, some of the trends I have seen happening on the left over the last few decades are the rise of multiculturalism/identity politics replacing liberalism in terns of influence as well as an increasingly reactive mind set where anything associates with "right wing" results in stupid people supporting the opposite. In the case of David Horowitz, here we have a former socialist turned (for lack of better term) Neocon, who, like many of the original Neocons saw America's mission in terms of spreading liberal, western values to illiberal places in the world. Accordingly, the knee-jerk leftists end up opposing such an agenda since all they know is that Neocon is just shorthand for bogeyman, and so they oppose the liberalization along with everything else.

The far left is much more like the far right in terms of politics and these freaks are more like the skinheads of the right than they are traditional liberals. ,

The point is that these Muslim Students Associations have infiltrated many many campuses and are now promoting their agenda of Jihad and anti Americanism.
The point is that these Muslim Students Associations have infiltrated many many campuses and are now promoting their agenda of Jihad and anti Americanism.

Yes, this is obvious.

I was explaining why I think they have found such fertile ground among the useful idiot portion of the left.
Maher, in my opinion, can be annoying at times. On occasion he'll say something I can agree with, even if he tempers it a bit. Though I disagree with him on some things I strongly believe in his right to say them and will fight against anyone who tries to take our precious right to free speech away.

That said, I don't think it can be said that his right to speak is being taken away by those liberal viewers. They too have a right to boycott. The conversation, I feel, would be better off focusing on the issue itself, since it doesn't seem that any rights are being suppressed here. If I am wrong please inform me otherwise. I for one like how Maher sometimes bucks against the zealous-liberal hivemind. It is something to see how liberals treat other liberals who differ on points, if even slightly.
This is the garbage that has infiltrated Berkley:

or at least San Diego.

That stupid idiot women looked to be a convert, so I would think she has some serious personal issues.

In general, though, some of the trends I have seen happening on the left over the last few decades are the rise of multiculturalism/identity politics replacing liberalism in terns of influence as well as an increasingly reactive mind set where anything associates with "right wing" results in stupid people supporting the opposite. In the case of David Horowitz, here we have a former socialist turned (for lack of better term) Neocon, who, like many of the original Neocons saw America's mission in terms of spreading liberal, western values to illiberal places in the world. Accordingly, the knee-jerk leftists end up opposing such an agenda since all they know is that Neocon is just shorthand for bogeyman, and so they oppose the liberalization along with everything else.

The far left is much more like the far right in terms of politics and these freaks are more like the skinheads of the right than they are traditional liberals. ,

The point is that these Muslim Students Associations have infiltrated many many campuses and are now promoting their agenda of Jihad and anti Americanism.
They get most of their funding from Islamic theocracies, so they are more of a fifth column than independent associations.

The greatest irony is where they condemn 'islamophobia' and 'western imperialism', but go all quiet on human rights abuses in the Islamic world, which might give reason why people should be concerned about Islamic teachings.
The greatest irony is where they condemn 'islamophobia' and 'western imperialism', but go all quiet on human rights abuses in the Islamic world, which might give reason why people should be concerned about Islamic teachings.


and they whine endlessly about "European colonialists" in Israel while supporting the unfettered ability for Muslims to set up shop complete with no-go zones in London, Brussels, Malmo or anywhere else they can gain a colonial foothold.
Lol ! Love it ! How does it feel Bill when your so called tolerant liberal brethren turn on you ?
Yep. They turned on the atheists. 'Liberals'* rant on about how the right wing want to set up a Christian theocracy, but here they are forcing an atheist off air for criticizing Islam - something that happens only in an Islamic theocracy. Bill's tv career is finished, so he should become an author full time like Harris.

*They don't deserve the name liberal, for quashing free speech in the name of religion.

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