Free Speech? Whats that?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
So you voice your disdain for the Obama Administration, and you get fired from your job because of it.

A White House national security aide has been fired after officials discovered he was anonymously bashing Obama administration officials on Twitter.

Tweeting from the handle @natsecwonk, Jofi Joseph had been slamming the administration from Feb. 2011 until last week when the White House found out about it and shut down the account.

Among the tweets, he called top White House advisor Valerie Jarrett a "vacuous cipher," referred to Sarah Palin as "white trash" and wondered whether Huma Abedin was "wearing beer goggles" on the night she met her husband, Anthony Weiner. He even suggested that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) was "on to something with the Hillary Clinton whitewash of accountability for Benghazi."

WH Nat'l Security Aide Jofi Joseph Fired After Bashing Obama Admin on Twitter | Fox News Insider
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.
oh, so now employers have to respect diversity of political views at the workplace?

you should be allowed to bash your boss and not get fired?
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

Ummm no.

Since when should your job be contingent on your political leanings or support for one administration or another?
Conservatives think its ok for bosses to fire a worker who bashes them for years on Facebook...unless the boss' name is President Obama.
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

Ummm no.

Since when should your job be contingent on your political leanings or support for one administration or another?

"Political leanings" have nothing to do with it.

Insulting your boss and co-workers on the internet is what's at issue here.
"Among the tweets, he called top White House advisor Valerie Jarrett a "vacuous cipher," referred to Sarah Palin as "white trash" and wondered whether Huma Abedin was "wearing beer goggles" on the night she met her husband, Anthony Weiner. He even suggested that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) was "on to something with the Hillary Clinton whitewash of accountability for Benghazi."

these Tweets could be very damaging for the administration and for the country as a whole. they show total disrespect to members of the public, govt. staff, and others.

this person failed to live up to the standards expected of National Security aids.

the firing was correct.
oh, so now employers have to respect diversity of political views at the workplace?

you should be allowed to bash your boss and not get fired?

When your boss is the President, there's an added element of complexity... namely politics. My grandmother had to keep quiet about who she voted for in the 1960's while she worked at UGA.
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

Ummm no.

Since when should your job be contingent on your political leanings or support for one administration or another?

"Political leanings" have nothing to do with it.

Insulting your boss and co-workers on the internet is what's at issue here.

Yeah it does. If I had money I'd bet you a hundred bucks that if he had bashed John Boehner or Mitch McConnell... maybe some other Republicans, the White House would have been quiet.

It's hypocritical.
Ummm no.

Since when should your job be contingent on your political leanings or support for one administration or another?

"Political leanings" have nothing to do with it.

Insulting your boss and co-workers on the internet is what's at issue here.

Yeah it does. If I had money I'd bet you a hundred bucks that if he had bashed John Boehner or Mitch McConnell... maybe some other Republicans, the White House would have been quiet.

It's hypocritical.

You don't have a hundred bucks? Ask your meal ticket to front you the cash. I will make the bet. But lets use Sarah Palin instead of Boehner or McConnell. Deal?
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My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

Ummm no.

Since when should your job be contingent on your political leanings or support for one administration or another?

I guess it's sort of like working for Ben and Jerry's and then going online to say that the ingredients come from China instead of Vermont.
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

There is a quantum difference in bashing your boss and criticizing the government. Bashing your boss is bad judgment. Criticizing the government is a First Amendment right.
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

Ummm no.

Since when should your job be contingent on your political leanings or support for one administration or another?

Since the US Constitution became null and void.
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

Ummm no.

Since when should your job be contingent on your political leanings or support for one administration or another?

Since the US Constitution became null and void.

Point taken. :D
My friend made the mistake of bashing his boss on facebook, without remembering that he had added him as a friend. He got fired.

"Free Speech" doesn't protect you from the consequences of that speech.

There is a quantum difference in bashing your boss and criticizing the government. Bashing your boss is bad judgment. Criticizing the government is a First Amendment right.

In what sense is calling Sarah Palin "trailer trash" "criticizing the government"?

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