Freedom Convoy: Ottawa residents 'prisoners in own homes'

Only against black people, duck? So in addition to being a CCP commie, you are a racist who supports violence against people as long as they are not black. SMH, you are truly a piece of work.
I refuse to be baited into having to say that I'm a commie or I'm not a commie. I might or might not even be a Marxist.

It's rude to ask such questions.
I refuse to be baited into having to say that I'm a commie or I'm not a commie. I might or might not even be a Marxist.

It's rude to ask such questions.
Commie deflection noted. But you don't deny that you advocate for violence against people as long as they are not black, duck. That is what you stated very clearly in post #59. Thank you for admitting you are a racist who advocates violence against non-blacks.
It's not about vaccine.

It's about erosion of liberty.

I have no doubt many truckers participating are, themselves, vaccinated.

But they're not buying into forcible vaccination.

I can't get at all excited about a liberal bent on suicide. In fact, I'd be fully supportive.
Similarly, being fully vaccinated - by my own choice - I'm fully supportive of your right to decline.

Vaccine Passports = sewn yellow stars and tattooed wrists.
Actually I'm sure Canadian government is starting to wake up. They are talking over 700,000 18 wheeler convoy from California to Washington DC. If true, that would be close to a 10,000 mile convoy.
And yet you think such thing is a possibility. That's how delusional you've become.

Your Candadians managed 121 trucks. And you're raving about 700,000. Completely nuts.

Protests in Canada's capital city against a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US-Canada border have entered their third consecutive day.
Citing "traffic, noise and safety issues" from the so-called Freedom Convoy, Ottawa police asked the public to avoid the downtown area on Monday.
Some downtown stores, including a shopping mall, will also be closed.
Demonstrators have been mostly peaceful but behaviour by some members of the crowd has been strongly criticised.
A GoFundMe page to support the convoy has now raised over C$9m ($7m; £5.2m).
At an invite-only news conference on Sunday, Benjamin Dichter and Tamara Lich - the two organisers behind the page - said they aimed to create a "logistics nightmare" to put pressure on the Canadian government.

The convoy began as a call to end a vaccine mandate imposed by the Liberal government on 15 January that would require unvaccinated Canadian truckers returning from across the US border to quarantine once they return home.
But it has since grown into a push to end all vaccine mandates nationwide and what they see as government overreach of Covid-19 restrictions.
The crowd of demonstrators - the truckers and their supporters - were estimated to be in the thousands on Saturday as the gathered on and around parliament hill. The crowd has since thinned but many protestors have indicated they plan to stay on until their demands are met.
Around 90% of Canada's 120,000 cross-border truckers are vaccinated, in line with the country's adult population, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called the protestors "a fringe minority".
Mr Trudeau left his Ottawa home with his family over the weekend and has been staying at an undisclosed location amid security concerns.

Members of parliament will be returning to the House of Commons on Monday after nearly two months on recess. Existing permissions for MPs to work remotely may allow legislators to avoid the protestors that have converged on parliament hill.
On Sunday, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson said residents "feel they're prisoners in their own homes".

Also over the weekend, the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies slammed the use of Nazi symbols by some protestors as "a heinous form of Holocaust distortion".
Reports on social media indicate that truckers in the US may be planning a similar demonstration that would see them drive from California in the West to the country's capital in Washington DC.

Link :
Cheers to our patriotic mates in Canada. :thup:
Antifa and BLM have already stated they planned to plant their people there, waving swastikas, causing problems, delivering it can all be blamed on the Truckers....which will then be blamed on Trump in some form or another.
I read somewhere that someone in Canada is having a cow because the bike lane is closed. Fuck your right....KEEP THAT BIKE LANE OPEN. What a bunch of fucking morons. Canadian Truckers need to head to the USA since some of their own people are bitching and complaining.
I refuse to be baited into having to say that I'm a commie or I'm not a commie. I might or might not even be a Marxist.

It's rude to ask such questions.

Why do you have to hide your political affiliation?

I am a strict constructional federalist, with social libertarian leanings.

Not so hard, right?

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