Freedom Convoy: Ottawa residents 'prisoners in own homes'

That is photoshopped
What could those twuckers have been thinking as they travelled hundreds, if not thousands of miles to get to Ottawa?
Surely they understood that their cause had been defused on the fact that 90% of cross border twuchers were vaccinated and that Canada's mandate was redundant due to US mandate being in place?
And now when asked what they're doing in Ottawa, no two can come up with the same answer! Some say they want to be 'free' but they don't know what particular 'free' they're missing. Canada's already one of the freest countries in the world!

Those twuckers obviously didn't have their 'ears on' and didn't have their brains on either!

On a positive note, they can get their 'airhorns' on and that makes them appear larger than life.
If the trucking industry stopped we'd be on our knees in 5 days ninny

I think this whole thing is pretty dern funny Skippy
It's hilarious! But the twuckurs won't say what they want. They're confused and getting cold and miserable and one of them is going to do something stupid, then the police will get serious.

I say, let them protest peacefully at least until the daffodils bloom! Eventually they'll find a cause!

Can anybody think of a good one?

Stop Covid? They'll have to talk to Mr. Covid about that.
The delusion is strong here with the antivaxxers.

The Canadian response to these thugs is "What a bunch of losers." It's been a PR catastrophe for the Canadian right.
Seems to be a catastrophe for the city as well.

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