Freedom Convoy: Ottawa residents 'prisoners in own homes'

But what mandates? Nobody seems to know now that they're reached Ottawa? The vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the border is redundant and N.A. because of US mandate already in place.

This diesel guzzling thing could be possibly making a point against 'climate change' if anything. It's added huge amounts of diesel stench to the air.
Hold on duck, I'll have some US truckers bring you another load of straws to grasp.
By who? Linkie? I know you avoid those like the plague.

On freedom you'll find America listed at 54th. little buddy. This is one of the reasons why we shouldn't ever depend on America to protect us. A more military mindset can only degrade freedom.

On freedom you'll find America listed at 54th. little buddy. This is one of the reasons why we shouldn't ever depend on America to protect us. A more military mindset can only degrade freedom.
Cool...........You finally gonna build up your militaries and defend yourself.............THAT IS AWESOME NEWS.

On freedom you'll find America listed at 54th. little buddy. This is one of the reasons why we shouldn't ever depend on America to protect us. A more military mindset can only degrade freedom.
Once again you are reacting to that little ring in your socialist bill. For every socialist stat you produce, I can produce another that disagrees in total or in part. As I said in an earlier post--how many people are busting down Canada's doors -- critical thinking in other words quit letting people lead you around by the bill.
Cool...........You finally gonna build up your militaries and defend yourself.............THAT IS AWESOME NEWS.
Canada has no reason to build up our military. We have no enemies posing a threat. Certainly not Russia!
And China doesn't operate that way, they are completely concerned with flexing their muscle on economic supremacy through peaceful means.

And the rest of the world would be foolish to balk at what China is offering.
Once again you are reacting to that little ring in your socialist bill. For every socialist stat you produce, I can produce another that disagrees in total or in part. As I said in an earlier post--how many people are busting down Canada's doors -- critical thinking in other words quit letting people lead you around by the bill.
Oh fuddle duddle off! You're becoming nothing but an annoying distraction now.
It's pretty funny how the left is repulsed by the " workers of the world uniting "

It's the cherry on top


It's a conspiracy
The delusion is strong here with the antivaxxers.

The Canadian response to these thugs is "What a bunch of losers." It's been a PR catastrophe for the Canadian right.
Actually I'm sure Canadian government is starting to wake up. They are talking over 700,000 18 wheeler convoy from California to Washington DC. If true, that would be close to a 10,000 mile convoy. That would be amazing, Biden would be getting his diaper changed a lot! Lol
What could those twuckers have been thinking as they travelled hundreds, if not thousands of miles to get to Ottawa?
Surely they understood that their cause had been defused on the fact that 90% of cross border twuchers were vaccinated and that Canada's mandate was redundant due to US mandate being in place?
And now when asked what they're doing in Ottawa, no two can come up with the same answer! Some say they want to be 'free' but they don't know what particular 'free' they're missing. Canada's already one of the freest countries in the world!

Those twuckers obviously didn't have their 'ears on' and didn't have their brains on either!

On a positive note, they can get their 'airhorns' on and that makes them appear larger than life.
They could pull a blm on them and destroy Ottawa. You would support that right?

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