Freedom Is Not Free


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
Now THERE was a President.

[ame=]FREEDOM IS NOT FREE | A Soldier's Pledge - YouTube[/ame]
That's a "deflection"? Reagan sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America.

That's your definition of a "real" President? Terrorism and genocide, huh? Then you should love Obama for escalating Bush's failed war of terror against the same terrorists who Reagan was funding.
That's a "deflection"? Reagan sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America.

That's your definition of a "real" President? Terrorism and genocide, huh? Then you should love Obama for escalating Bush's failed war of terror against the same terrorists who Reagan was funding.

Everyone has flaws and yeah he did sell arms to free people, I thought liberals love that? And then he funded anti-commies, we know they didn't love that.

But again dumbass you want to start a thread on Reagan go ahead, otherwise deal with the content of a man with faaaaaaaaaaar more stature than Obama.
If there was ever an American president who is/was treated by his supporters as a messiah it was Reagan.
Let's be fair. It is difficult for manny nutters to accept what they have become. They have lost control of their self regulators. Knowing that they have put such great men and women up as leaders over the past 15 years forces them to look back to a time when they had a firmer grasp. A time when the guy they voted for was smart enough to stop before diving head first into the crazy pool.
That's a "deflection"? Reagan sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America.

That's your definition of a "real" President? Terrorism and genocide, huh? Then you should love Obama for escalating Bush's failed war of terror against the same terrorists who Reagan was funding.

Everyone has flaws and yeah he did sell arms to free people, I thought liberals love that? And then he funded anti-commies, we know they didn't love that.

But again dumbass you want to start a thread on Reagan go ahead, otherwise deal with the content of a man with faaaaaaaaaaar more stature than Obama.
well, you thought wrong ...
Raygun was a great inspirational speaker. As a corporate shill who cut his teeth doing inspirational speeches for his corporate masters. A B actor and P (for Puppet) president.

He made America feel good again, deep down in it's gut........

The grand daddy of Pseudo-Conservatives everywhere!
President Reagan. A man already beginning the sad decline into Alzheimers. Made into an icon by his handlers, a puppet because he was declining mentally. An excellent example of the 'Conservative' foolishness.
President Reagan. A man already beginning the sad decline into Alzheimers. Made into an icon by his handlers, a puppet because he was declining mentally. An excellent example of the 'Conservative' foolishness.
If you read his writings you'd learn that's bogus. A puppet? How so? I remember the Reagan years and I see the Obama years. Your narrow worldview won't change reality.
That's a "deflection"? Reagan sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America.

That's your definition of a "real" President? Terrorism and genocide, huh? Then you should love Obama for escalating Bush's failed war of terror against the same terrorists who Reagan was funding.
Genocide? Reagan really makes you commies seethe with anger and venemous hatred, doesn't he? That's a good thing. :lol:

Vets Get A Raw Deal Va Medical $ Cut As Needs Increase
Posted: March 17, 1987

Many of the boys who hit the beaches during World War II and Korea are getting old. Another thing they are getting, according to the Paralyzed Veterans of America, is the economic shaft by the Reagan administration. The proposed fiscal 1988 budget delivered to Congress displays a coldheartedness that makes an enemy offensive look like a child's game of tag.

The entire budget for the Veterans Administration allows dollars rather than medical need to determine health care policy for 28 million Americans who have served in the Armed Forces. The proposed budget continues a 10-year trend that has kept the VA's budget well below the level required to meet the expanding medical needs of the growing number of men and women who served both in war and peace.

Reagan's '88 budget for veterans represents a shortfall of more than $300 million from the requests for medical care funds. The proposed cuts, according to the Paralyzed Veterans of America, occur at a time when World War II veterans are aging and confronting disability and illness. It is estimated that these veterans, and some of those who fought in Korea, will need three times the amount of medical attention they had required earlier in their lives.

Yet, in spite of this, the proposed budget will result in a reduction of VA health care, personnel and services. According to Jack Powell of the PVA, ''This reduction reflects a sense of hardheadedness that should make even the most insensitive bureaucrat shudder."

If by some twisted form of psychology, Congress buys into the Reagan budget proposal for the VA, private and public health systems will have to find a place and a way to care for the needs of many of the displaced veterans. The worst of it will occur when the permanently disabled veterans begin to need long-term hospitalization and diagnostic services. Millions of American veterans have been financially dependent on the VA for housing, medical services and loans. The new cuts will force them to involve themselves with unfamiliar arrangements that are already overburdened by disadvantaged non- veterans.

The people who have been running this country for six years include some of the most shortsighted and incompetent executives in recent history. Their rhetoric has never matched the reality. Sometimes the reality can be better appreciated when this whole business of budget cutting hits home. Currently, that is exactly where the Reagan administration's knife is finding its target.

My mother's brother is a veteran of the Korean War. He served in the Army and escaped the Chinese and the North Koreans with his life. In later years, he had a severe stroke, which partially paralyzed him and caused him to lose his ability to speak coherently. He has spent the last eight years in a veterans' residence in New Jersey, where he is comfortable and most of his physical needs are satisfied.

However, it has become apparent in recent weeks that his medical condition is deteriorating and he will require hospitalization. Due to the reduction in funding for facilities and services, my uncle must be taken to the closest VA hospital, in Wilmington. To take a man to another state for medical treatment, placing him for the most part out of easy reach of family and friends, is callous and inefficient. The VA claims that, as the money dwindles, more and more of this type of dislocation will become necessary.

The idea that we must cheat our disabled ex-servicemen and women out of their deserved benefits is both reprehensible and disloyal. Moreover, it sends a signal to new military recruits from all branches of the service that when they need their country the most, the power brokers will be out to lunch. Perhaps new recruiting posters for the Armed Forces should read, "Uncle Sam wants you until you are too old or disabled."

Vets Get A Raw Deal Va Medical $ Cut As Needs Increase -
That's a "deflection"? Reagan sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America.

That's your definition of a "real" President? Terrorism and genocide, huh? Then you should love Obama for escalating Bush's failed war of terror against the same terrorists who Reagan was funding.
Genocide? Reagan really makes you commies seethe with anger and venemous hatred, doesn't he? That's a good thing. :lol:
Yeah. Genocide.

Saddam gassing the Iraqi people, Contra death squads raping and murdering entire towns of civilians in Nicaragua, arms-for-guns-for-hostages, the School of the Americas. The planned extermination of People. Genocide.
That's a "deflection"? Reagan sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America.

That's your definition of a "real" President? Terrorism and genocide, huh? Then you should love Obama for escalating Bush's failed war of terror against the same terrorists who Reagan was funding.

Everyone has flaws and yeah he did sell arms to free people, I thought liberals love that? And then he funded anti-commies, we know they didn't love that.

But again dumbass you want to start a thread on Reagan go ahead, otherwise deal with the content of a man with faaaaaaaaaaar more stature than Obama.
well, you thought wrong ...

with liberals you never know, I guess you guys loved the sandinistas? or you wanted our hostages to be tortured, or maybe you wanted us to invade Iran?

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