Freedom Is Not Free

RR would take the $$$ and votes of the SJs of the world then tell his people, 'turn him out into the alley.'
If there was ever an American president who is/was treated by his supporters as a messiah it was Reagan.

Ah so, explain this then:

Ah yes, and KNB, Obama is doing the same thing Reagan did. He is funding the Syrian Rebels and a terrorist group in Egypt. Where's your outrage over that?
Are you kidding? Obama is a fucking war criminal because he's murdered civilians with remote-controlled planes in at least 6 different countries that the US hasn't declared war against. The Left has plenty of outrage toward Obama. You god-damned Conservatives are too fucking stupid to understand what Occupy was about.

We the People are pissed off at Obama for not changing Bush's failed policies, even though now we have to divert so much attention to reining in the retarded Teabagger monster that almost forced our country into default.

You assholes keep touting the name of Ronald Reagan when it was he and his administration (the very same people in George W. Bush's administration) who set the stage for this monumental clusterfuck in the first place.
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That's a "deflection"? Reagan sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America.

That's your definition of a "real" President? Terrorism and genocide, huh? Then you should love Obama for escalating Bush's failed war of terror against the same terrorists who Reagan was funding.
Genocide? Reagan really makes you commies seethe with anger and venemous hatred, doesn't he? That's a good thing. :lol:
Yeah. Genocide.

Saddam gassing the Iraqi people, Contra death squads raping and murdering entire towns of civilians in Nicaragua, arms-for-guns-for-hostages, the School of the Americas. The planned extermination of People. Genocide.
You need to get at least somewhat informed before you start throwing out bogus shit like that. First off, the weapons were sold to Iran, not Iraq, and they were not chemical weapons. They were obsolete tow missiles and only enough to sustain them in battle for about 3 weeks, and none of them were used on civilians.

Second, there were no "Contra death squads". That was a bullshit story advanced by Moscow for U.S. liberal consumption, and useful idiots like you predictably ran with it like they knew you would.
Reaganism has been a catastrophe for the country and the world, everyone BUT the greedy idiot rich. The only thing keeping it going is the total bs Pub propaganda machine and Raygun's Unfairness Doctrine.
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Freedom Is Not Free

Wow! $17 trillion worth of freedom. $5 trillion on the Iraq/Afghan wars, yea we won Sharia law! Con freedom bought us the PATRIOT ACT. I think I feel con freedom ramming me in the ass. Con freedom is the big capitalistic lie. And if capitalism worked, it wouldn't be so fucking expensive.
Reaganism has been a catastrophe for the country and the world, everyone BUT the greedy idiot rich. The only keeping it going is the total bs Pub propaganda machine amd Raygun's Unfairness Doctrine.
Dude, you really suck at this.
Ah yes, and KNB, Obama is doing the same thing Reagan did. He is funding the Syrian Rebels and a terrorist group in Egypt. Where's your outrage over that?
Are you kidding? Obama is a fucking war criminal because he's murdered civilians with remote-controlled planes in at least 6 different countries that the US hasn't declared war against. The Left has plenty of outrage toward Obama. You god-damned Conservatives are too fucking stupid to understand what Occupy was about.

We the People are pissed off at Obama for not changing Bush's failed policies, even though now we have to divert so much attention to reining in the retarded Teabagger monster that almost forced our country into default.

You assholes keep touting the name of Ronald Reagan when it was he and his administration (the very same people in George W. Bush's administration) who set the stage for this monumental clusterfuck in the first place.

Ah yes, but at least Reagan didn't run from a challenge. Or ride bicycles. But your arguments come full circle... it's Bush's fault. How cliche. If you were truly outraged at Obama, why are you showing more of it to Republicans, then?
Freedom Is Not Free

Wow! $17 trillion worth of freedom. $5 trillion on the Iraq/Afghan wars, yea we won Sharia law! Con freedom bought us the PATRIOT ACT. I think I feel con freedom ramming me in the ass. Con freedom is the big capitalistic lie. And if capitalism worked, it wouldn't be so fucking expensive.
No, that's George Soros' dick.
Genocide? Reagan really makes you commies seethe with anger and venemous hatred, doesn't he? That's a good thing. :lol:
Yeah. Genocide.

Saddam gassing the Iraqi people, Contra death squads raping and murdering entire towns of civilians in Nicaragua, arms-for-guns-for-hostages, the School of the Americas. The planned extermination of People. Genocide.
You need to get at least somewhat informed before you start throwing out bogus shit like that. First off, the weapons were sold to Iran, not Iraq, and they were not chemical weapons. They were obsolete tow missiles and only enough to sustain them in battle for about 3 weeks, and none of them were used on civilians.

Second, there were no "Contra death squads". That was a bullshit story advanced by Moscow for U.S. liberal consumption, and useful idiots like you predictably ran with it like they knew you would.
The National Security Archives say that you're wrong. I know you won't read any of this, but here it is anyway:
National Security Archive/Publications/Documents Readers/The Iran-Contra Scandal
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War
DoD SOA Manuals
The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations
Yeah. Genocide.

Saddam gassing the Iraqi people, Contra death squads raping and murdering entire towns of civilians in Nicaragua, arms-for-guns-for-hostages, the School of the Americas. The planned extermination of People. Genocide.
You need to get at least somewhat informed before you start throwing out bogus shit like that. First off, the weapons were sold to Iran, not Iraq, and they were not chemical weapons. They were obsolete tow missiles and only enough to sustain them in battle for about 3 weeks, and none of them were used on civilians.

Second, there were no "Contra death squads". That was a bullshit story advanced by Moscow for U.S. liberal consumption, and useful idiots like you predictably ran with it like they knew you would.
The National Security Archives say that you're wrong. I know you won't read any of this, but here it is anyway:
National Security Archive/Publications/Documents Readers/The Iran-Contra Scandal
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War
DoD SOA Manuals
The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations
All I had to do was read the forward in your first link to know it's an opinion piece. Official government documents don't aren't prefaced with opinions. Didn't bother to look at the other ones as I'm sure they are opinion pieces as well. Try again.
Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy
  1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.
  2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.
  3. Reagan was a hawk.
  4. Reagan shrank the federal government.
  5. Reagan was a conservative culture warrior.

Those five pretty much cover every reason conservatives think Reagan is some sort of demigod.
Here's something that'll really agitate you commies. The electoral map after the 1984 election. Biggest electoral landslide in history. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

By CLYDE H. FARNSWORTH, Special to the New York Times
Published: November 21, 1986

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20— The executive board of the World Bank approved a $250 million loan to Chile today despite strong objections by human rights groups and Democratic members of Congress.

The Reagan Administration, which had considered voting against the loan, abstained in the decision.

Sources at the World Bank reported that France and Spain also abstained and that Italy voted against the loan.

Altogether, 47 percent of the weighted vote either opposed or abstained. The United States commands 20 percent of the vote.

But despite the unusual indications of displeasure, the loan was carried by the required majority vote of the World Bank, a 151-member lending institution. Most of the institution's loan votes are unanimous. Sentiment Against Loan

Human rights groups and trade unions had waged strong campaigns against the loan on grounds that the Government of Gen. Augusto Pinochet has extensively abused human rights.

The World Bank's new president, Barber B. Conable Jr., said in an interview Wednesday that he was aware that Chile was a ''controversial case,'' but that it ''has a good adjustment program and we are anxious to avoid politicizing this institution.''

The American abstention, a State Department official said, ''was designed to send a strong signal of our displeasure and serious concern about human rights violations.''

But human rights advocates raised questions about what appeared to be a change in the American position since last July, when the Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America, Elliott Abrams, told the House Banking Committee he would recommend a no vote. Such a vote, combined with the use of political influence, could have led enough other countries to vote no to block the loan, these human rights advocates maintain.

State Department officials said Mr. Abrams was giving a personal opinion last July. ''He has always said, as we have always said, that our decision would be taken at the time of the vote,'' the State Department spokesman, Charles E. Redman, said. Mr. Abrams himself declined to return a phone call. Lawmakers Disappointed

In urging a no vote earlier this week, the Democrats who make up the majority in the House subcommittee on international development institutions said they were ''not aware of evidence that respect for human rights has improved significantly for Chile in the intervening time'' since July.

An aide to the subcommittee expressed its ''disappointment'' tonight with the Administration stand.

A ''sense of Congress'' statement in the spending bill that cleared Congress last month called on the Administration to oppose all loans to Chile until its Government ''has ended its pattern of gross abuse of internationally recognized human rights.''

Section 701 of the International Financial Institutions Act requires that the United States oppose loans to countries with patterns of consistent violation of human rights. But the legislative background of that law permits opposition to be recorded as an abstention, Congressional specialists said.

The State Department distributed a statement by Robert B. Keating, the United States executive director on the Bank's board, that lauded Chile's ''excellent'' economic management but expressed concern about human rights. Sending a Signal

Administration officials said privately that they wanted to send a signal to the Pinochet Government without blocking the loan, which they said would not only intensify political unrest in the country but lead to an anti-American, nationalist backlash that would slow progress toward democracy.

Some officials also said they were worried about reports of Soviet arms caches in Chile and prospects of further political disorder.

Through last year, the Reagan Administration had approved World Bank loans to Chile while blocking any lending by international institutions to Nicaragua, which is now in arrears to the World Bank.

The $250 million structural adjustment loan to Chile is intended to help its Government accelerate exports and domestic savings and permit recovery of growth and employment.

Not free here either.
Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy
  1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.
  2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.
  3. Reagan was a hawk.
  4. Reagan shrank the federal government.
  5. Reagan was a conservative culture warrior.

Those five pretty much cover every reason conservatives think Reagan is some sort of demigod.
1. Not when he left- and the world hated him...
2.Ended up being uts for just the rich. State and local taxes went up, hurting the non-rich most.
3. He was a chickenhawk fool, gave OBL and Saddam their starts, wrecked Cenral America for dictators.
4. Tripled the debt, and BULLSHYTTE, hater dupe.
5. Distracted the dupes with abortion, pot, AIDS DIVISION AND rw HATE...ACTUALLY did NOTHING but divide and kill...made blaming the poor acceptable. See sig para 1. Dingbat.

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