Freedom of Religion in Oregon - Churches Open Again Like They Should be After Court Order

Intelligent Christians of all political stripes are staying home.

There is no rational reason at all why any sane person with better than a single-digit IQ would even think of granting you any vestige of credence, in presuming to speak for intelligent being of any sort, or Christians, or least of all, intelligent Christians.
What do you think of this church?
They have four physical locations, and they're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. I for one am no longer welcome on any of the top social media platforms online. said:
It has become apparent that the responsible, honorable, and Christ-like thing to do at this time is to suspend all of our on-site gatherings.
The language from the site is reminiscent of the general bans of excommunication issued by the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church over large areas of Europe during the Middle Ages.

Why are Protestant churches in America now subject to general papal bans of excommunication issued through local "health" authorities with respect to "mental" as well as physical health?

In that old-fashioned point of view, a man was considered gay if he was overly concerned with matters of other men's health.
Intelligent Christians of all political stripes are staying home.

There is no rational reason at all why any sane person with better than a single-digit IQ would even think of granting you any vestige of credence, in presuming to speak for intelligent being of any sort, or Christians, or least of all, intelligent Christians.
There are such people as intelligent Christians.Then there is you. Intelligent? probably not. Christian? Probably not. I think of you as one of those guys with a small penis, a big gun, and no brain. You wouldn't know Jesus if he walked up to you and kicked you in the ass.
There are such people as intelligent Christians.Then there is you. Intelligent? probably not. Christian?

Again, no sane person would ever regard you as credible to judge who is or is not intelligent, nor who is or is not a Christian.

You have nothing to do whatsoever, either with Christianity, nor with intelligence.

Probably not. I think of you as one of those guys with a small penis…

Why are you obsessed with my penis?

Isn't that one of those obsessions that you're so fond of falsely accusing others of having? In any event, you wouldn't know anything about my penis, anyway, any more than you would know anything about Christianity or intelligence.

I know that you are not a Christian. This is obvious. You appear to be in the small dick/big gun group. As for intelligence:do you have any? Your penis is not of my concern and I do not want anything to do with anything that frankie graham has touched. That's just too gross.;.
You appear to be in the small dick/big gun group.
That's the Freudian concept of People is envy.
As for intelligence:do you have any?
Those ladies use a lot of street slang about "intelligence," head, or a boss or president of some sort. There's a lesbian "secret service" where they cut too much hair, and do too many manicures and pedicures, on a more or less regular basis, with or without an appointment, or it's a "standing appointment" or something like that.
Maryland mostly reopened Friday except gestapo two largest counties that to no thinking persons surprise have the largest positives because they have the largest populations, Duh gee
By next Tuesday we willl see the effects of that
Liberals desperately need to conjour something up for Maryland like they did Georgia lest the reopening prove to be the non disaster that they desperately need to avoid.
I know that you are not a Christian. This is obvious. You appear to be in the small dick/big gun group. As for intelligence:do you have any? Your penis is not of my concern and I do not want anything to do with anything that frankie graham has touched. That's just too gross.;.

You're the one who keeps mentioning it, and purporting to have any knowledge about its size. Not that there is any rational reason why you would claim to have any knowledge of its size, or any other characteristics, nor that anything about it would be any of your business. I haven't made any mention of it at all, other than indirectly, in response to the obsession that you are now expressing over it.

So why are you so obsessed about my penis, and what is the basis for the bizarre fantasies that you seem to have about it? Do you have any vestige of an idea just how creepy you are being? If it was a man openly expressing such obsession here, with your intimate parts, I think everyone would clearly see that for what it is. I bet if it was me making such posts about you, and you complained to the moderators, they'd probably smack me down for sexual harassment, and they'd be entirely right for doing so.
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I encourage religious nutbags to gather at all costs!!! Paging Dr. Darwin!
Some kind of Wiccan convocation of gay men in the restroom, I suppose. Does a guy really have to worship other guys' scrotums that much? There is a general association of women with sinfulness in their minds, but nothing at all wrong with all that male-onlybonhomie and camaraderie of men with men.
This is a crooked judge and a corrupt church. It is time that churches were stripped of their tax exempt status. Maybe these churches ought to read the Bible. jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's. That means that churches should obey laws. No one is telling them that they can't worship. Our churches are doing live streaming over the internet.

Our freedoms do not belong to Cæsar, especially not those that our Constitution explicitly asserts belong to us, The People.

Figures you would ignore the teachings of Jesus. He clearly was not advocating breaking the law. The Constitution has it's limitations. You cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. Services can be streamed online. You seem to think that freedom means you do whatever the hell you want to do. These churches should be locked up and tell the judge to go fuck himself. Their tax exempt status should be removed.
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You cannot yell fire in a crowded theater.
Shut the damned firetrap theaters down. I don't want to hear that red-light district claptrap. The ancient Romans were smart enough to build their amphitheaters out of fireproof concrete with quarried stone and Portland cement and the plans allowed adequate egress so that people could not possible be trampled or crushed to death by the crowd in a panic.

The Romans were experts at the bread-and-circuses business. Dare I say the consummate professionals? Modern city hall aldermen fall far short of the ancient Roman senators with their dumbass Democrat labor union local building codes in every district under the sun.
Figures you would ignore the teachings of Jesus. He clearly was not advocating breaking the law. The Constitution has it's limitations. You cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. Services can be streamed online. You seem to think that freedom means you do whatever the hell you want to do. These churches should be locked up and tell the judge to go fuck himself. Their tax exempt status should be removed.

And what credibility do you think a Godless government-worshiping piece of filth such as yourself has, in presuming to speak for Jesus?
And what credibility do you think a Godless government-worshiping piece of filth such as yourself has, in presuming to speak for Jesus?
America will be doomed if Biden wins and the atheist liberals get their way again.

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