Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

As far as I know "stupid and offensive" is still free speech. He expressed his religious views and was terminated for it.

Free speech doesn't apply to the employer, you moron.

That is like saying I can call my boss an asshole and not be fired. Get a clue.

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That's a first. Anything they produce can be considered free speech, with exception of their actors of course. If the government resorts to censoring them for what they put on television for no good reason, they'll contend they have the right to free speech. How is it fair for the network to have free speech rights but not it's employees and performers?

If you call your boss an asshole to his or her face, pack your bags, you're fired.

On the other hand, if you called him an asshole out of earshot, he can't hold you liable nor can he fire you for it.

Yes he/she can. The fact you don't think so proves you know nothing about employment laws.

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Are you challenging my first amendment right to trash your OP?

Tissue? You don't seem to mind trashing the first amendment rights of those you disagree with.

No, I'm challenging you to put forth a cogent argument. You failed.

I proved you wrong last night. I proved that you were wrong to claim that A&E had no right to put a morals clause in his contract,

I proved then that you were to claim that didn't apply to performers in reality shows.

The entire premise of your thread, that Robertson possesses some sort of constitutional right not to have his employment terminated at A&E for reasons of his behaviour,

on or off the show,

has been comprehensively destroyed...your obstinate denials notwithstanding.

You didn't do anything of the sort. I remember you not answering me when I posited this:

How do you know what's in his contract? How do you know there's "morals clause" in his contract? Have you read it personally?

1) There is a "morals clause" in his contract"


2) You are speculating. With no way to back up your contention.
They did not violate his Civil Rights.

They didn't discriminate against him because of his race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

They suspended him because he said something stupid and offensive.

Where in the Civil Rights Act does it say a company can't discriminate against someone because they make stupid comments?

As far as I know "stupid and offensive" is still free speech. He expressed his religious views and was terminated for it.
There's plenty of stupid to go around in this event.

He was kinda stupid to say what he said (yes, I know he has the right to say such things)

A&E was stupid to make a deal out of it. (yes, I know they have the right to drop celebrities they think are reflecting adversely on their network)

Phil Robertson is a silly person on a silly show....he has an excuse.

What is A&E's excuse for being silly?

Their excuse is a lot of silly people watch those loons, and apparantly buy the crap that is advertised during commercials. (I only watched one and part of another episode)
Free speech doesn't apply to the employer, you moron.

That is like saying I can call my boss an asshole and not be fired. Get a clue.

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That's a first. Anything they produce can be considered free speech, with exception of their actors of course. If the government resorts to censoring them for what they put on television for no good reason, they'll contend they have the right to free speech. How is it fair for the network to have free speech rights but not it's employees and performers?

If you call your boss an asshole to his or her face, pack your bags, you're fired.

On the other hand, if you called him an asshole out of earshot, he can't hold you liable nor can he fire you for it.

Yes he/she can. The fact you don't think so proves you know nothing about employment laws.

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Alright, quote the exact law where it says your boss can fire you for something he had no control over. If you aren't representing him or his franchise, how can he fire you? Okay?
He said blacks were happier in the pre-civil rights era.

Yeah, when he tilled the fields with them, side by side, picked cotton with them, he has a unique perspective that you don't. He never once heard a black man or woman badmouth whites.

Really? He grew up in the South in the 50's and 60's and was somehow magically unaware of the ongoing civil rights movement?

That's some sort of unique perspective?

It's standard issue white Southern mythology...'s wishing you were in the land of cotton...old times there are not forgotten...

You might be unaware that was just the argument used against Herman Cain when he was studying instead of marching.

Herman Cain's Reasons For Avoiding The Civil Rights Movement Don't Make Sense
I don't agree with the guys views. But, they do seem to be his sincere religious beliefs. What is the big deal? He is not advocating violence or hatred against gays. Let it go people.

Then why did he compare it to bestiality?

Because it is also a choice of deviant sexual behavior... Much like murder is a crime and shoplifting is a crime, even if they are not exactly the same thing
Yeah, when he tilled the fields with them, side by side, picked cotton with them, he has a unique perspective that you don't. He never once heard a black man or woman badmouth whites.

Really? He grew up in the South in the 50's and 60's and was somehow magically unaware of the ongoing civil rights movement?

That's some sort of unique perspective?

It's standard issue white Southern mythology...'s wishing you were in the land of cotton...old times there are not forgotten...

That is some bigoted shit against Southerners. But I guess in your world that is okay. Anymore thoughts about your fellow Americans? Asshole.

lol, the guy who uses his nick and avatar to make fun of black people is calling me the bigot.

Did you have anything of value to say, Cletus?
I am American by birth and southerner by the Grace of God all 59 years of my life.
Crossed the lines many a time years ago, been shot at, beat up, left for dead, own 3 businesses and a strong fiscal conservative that votes Republican most of the time.
Flannel shirt wearing, beer swillin, shine sippin, deer huntin, fishin, southern drawl talkin and as country as one could be.
And one that knows how to wade through the bull shit which is what this is all about.
Robertson can say what he wants to all day long and NO ONE has stopped him. He VOLUNTARILY stopped and is obeying his superiors at A & E.
A real man would have told A & E to fuck themselves if this was about freedom of speech.
This is about money and more power to Robertson IF HE AND HE ALONE made the choice to keep receiving large checks in return for the conditions of his employment with A & E.
Amazing the dumb asses here that believe he is being FORCED to not have freedom of speech.
Phil Robertson wimped out for the cash. No problem, maybe I would have also but NO ONE stopped him from saying a damn thing.
What you posted doesn't violate his free speech. You are the one who is as dumb as fuck. Learn what the first amendment protects you from and get back to me, loser.

Luissa-Matters, you're a leftist and dumb as a fucking lamppost. Because you are a leftist, you think that civil rights are granted by the government, as a really nice thing that our rightful rulers do.

But the sentient people in this nation grasp that civil rights exist apart from government, no government can grant them, only infringe. Jefferson knew this, and wrote the bill of rights to RESTRAIN the federal government from INFRINGING on civil rights.

AS your filthy party attacks the civil rights of others, using the corrupt media, which is nothing more than the propaganda wing of the party, to viciously attack anyone who holds a view contrary to those which are promoted by the party.

Bunch of totalitarian thugs - but that is what leftism is all about, totalitarianism.

While the anti-Culture forces of the left claim that the parties have changed over the years, one need only look at the founder of the Republicans, Thomas Jefferson, and see a dedication to civil liberty and individual rights - contrasted with the founder of the democratic party, Andrew Jackson, who engaged in genocide, was an unrepentant racist and slaver, and sought ever growing government control of the individual.
So, TV networks can freely infringe on constitutional freedom without the slightest of thoughts? Does anyone not see the problem with this? Or are you unfamiliar with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

A&E violated the hell out of it.

SEC. 2000e-2 (a)(1)

(a) Employer practices

It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer -

(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

They did not violate his Civil Rights.

They didn't discriminate against him because of his race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

They suspended him because he said something stupid and offensive.

Where in the Civil Rights Act does it say a company can't discriminate against someone because they make stupid comments?

As far as I know "stupid and offensive" is still free speech. He expressed his religious views and was terminated for it.

Sorry bud.. you do not have the right to keep a job after you have said something that is against what your employer wants to portray... you have the freedom to say it.. the employer has the freedom to react or not react, including firing your ass... and the government has the restriction to prevent legislating law or governmental action that prosecutes you because you said something offensive
Really? He grew up in the South in the 50's and 60's and was somehow magically unaware of the ongoing civil rights movement?

That's some sort of unique perspective?

It's standard issue white Southern mythology...'s wishing you were in the land of cotton...old times there are not forgotten...

That is some bigoted shit against Southerners. But I guess in your world that is okay. Anymore thoughts about your fellow Americans? Asshole.

lol, the guy who uses his nick and avatar to make fun of black people is calling me the bigot.

Did you have anything of value to say, Cletus?

No my avatar is making fun of epsilon weeny troll boys like you. :)
Why do all of those supporting the hillbilly keep leaving out his other comment about gays that takes it beyond religion?

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Maybe because they are normal???
I don't agree with the guys views. But, they do seem to be his sincere religious beliefs. What is the big deal? He is not advocating violence or hatred against gays. Let it go people.

Then why did he compare it to bestiality?

Because it is also a choice of deviant sexual behavior... Much like murder is a crime and shoplifting is a crime, even if they are not exactly the same thing

Notice how the gays zeroed in on bestiality and let "swindler" slide.
Yeah, when he tilled the fields with them, side by side, picked cotton with them, he has a unique perspective that you don't. He never once heard a black man or woman badmouth whites.

Really? He grew up in the South in the 50's and 60's and was somehow magically unaware of the ongoing civil rights movement?

That's some sort of unique perspective?

It's standard issue white Southern mythology...'s wishing you were in the land of cotton...old times there are not forgotten...

You might be unaware that was just the argument used against Herman Cain when he was studying instead of marching.

Herman Cain's Reasons For Avoiding The Civil Rights Movement Don't Make Sense

Are you disputing that there is a mythology surrounding the old South, or what?
Tissue? You don't seem to mind trashing the first amendment rights of those you disagree with.

No, I'm challenging you to put forth a cogent argument. You failed.

I proved you wrong last night. I proved that you were wrong to claim that A&E had no right to put a morals clause in his contract,

I proved then that you were to claim that didn't apply to performers in reality shows.

The entire premise of your thread, that Robertson possesses some sort of constitutional right not to have his employment terminated at A&E for reasons of his behaviour,

on or off the show,

has been comprehensively destroyed...your obstinate denials notwithstanding.

You didn't do anything of the sort. I remember you not answering me when I posited this:

How do you know what's in his contract? How do you know there's "morals clause" in his contract? Have you read it personally?

1) There is a "morals clause" in his contract"


2) You are speculating. With no way to back up your contention.

You're changing the subject.

You claimed it was impossible for there to be a morals clause in his contract. Now grow up.
So you agree A&E can fire him?

A&E can do whatever they want.

But let's be clear that this isn't A&E behind this;

{"Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe," said GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz. "He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans — and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families."
Cruz, who cited an August Public Policy Polling survey showing 56 percent of Louisiana residents supported same-sex marriage, stopped short of calling for an all-out boycott of "Duck Dynasty."
Despite Phil's strong words, however, he insists he's a Christian who doesn't condemn others — even if they are "sinners" in his mind.
"We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job," he told the magazine. "We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus — whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?"
Still, Robertson insisted that his family "really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off. We ought to just be repentant, turn to God, and… everything will turn around."
And it seems that the tide is already turning, considering the fact that once GLAAD issued its statement, Phil was quick to clarify — and soften— his previous remarks.

"I myself am a product of the '60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior," the TV star said in a statement released by A&E Wednesday. "My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other."

And there you have it — at least for now. While Phil is standing by his opinions, he might be feeling a bit repentant about the way he originally stated them.}

This is your filthy party and it's GLAAD pitbull engaging in a campaign of slander and libel to intimidate anyone who would dare voice an opinion in contrast to the official party dogma.
Where has anyone denied Robertson his religious freedom?
That one is a whopper there.
More power to the Robertson family, I admire the hell out of them as they did it the old fashioned way. They EARNED everything they have.
But to claim this is religious persecution is absurd.
Robertson had every right to say what he said, and the television network had every right to kick him off of their property for saying it. And now, viewers have every right to punish the network by boycotting them until they bring Robertson back, as many have pledged to do.


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