Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

You didn't do anything of the sort. I remember you not answering me when I posited this:

How do you know what's in his contract? How do you know there's "morals clause" in his contract? Have you read it personally?

1) There is a "morals clause" in his contract"


2) You are speculating. With no way to back up your contention.

You're changing the subject.

You claimed it was impossible for there to be a morals clause in his contract. Now grow up.

I'm sorry, did I catch you obfuscating? I said its impossible to place clauses in a contract that prohibit a person from having religious opinion or taking advantage of constitutional rights.

As I have pointed out, Robertson's Civil Rights were indeed violated, his comments did not meet any of the criterion set forth in EEOC guidelines to warrant his suspension or termination.

That's not what you said. If he signed a contract that enables A&E to terminate their relationship with him because of certain behaviour,

that is binding and enforceable.
So you agree A&E can fire him?

A&E can do whatever they want.

But let's be clear that this isn't A&E behind this;

{"Phil and his family claim to be Christian, but Phil's lies about an entire community fly in the face of what true Christians believe," said GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz. "He clearly knows nothing about gay people or the majority of Louisianans — and Americans — who support legal recognition for loving and committed gay and lesbian couples. Phil's decision to push vile and extreme stereotypes is a stain on A&E and his sponsors who now need to reexamine their ties to someone with such public disdain for LGBT people and families."

Cruz, who cited an August Public Policy Polling survey showing 56 percent of Louisiana residents supported same-sex marriage, stopped short of calling for an all-out boycott of "Duck Dynasty."

Despite Phil's strong words, however, he insists he's a Christian who doesn't condemn others — even if they are "sinners" in his mind.

"We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job," he told the magazine. "We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus — whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?"

Still, Robertson insisted that his family "really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off. We ought to just be repentant, turn to God, and… everything will turn around."

And it seems that the tide is already turning, considering the fact that once GLAAD issued its statement, Phil was quick to clarify — and soften— his previous remarks.

"I myself am a product of the '60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior," the TV star said in a statement released by A&E Wednesday. "My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other."

And there you have it — at least for now. While Phil is standing by his opinions, he might be feeling a bit repentant about the way he originally stated them.}

This is your filthy party and it's GLAAD pitbull engaging in a campaign of slander and libel to intimidate anyone who would dare voice an opinion in contrast to the official party dogma.

GLAAD could violate his first amendment rights even less than A&E.
And prove they are in a campaign of slander and libel. Taking offense to his words isn't slander.

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Robertson had every right to say what he said, and the television network had every right to kick him off of their property for saying it. And now, viewers have every right to punish the network by boycotting them until they bring Robertson back, as many have pledged to do.

And, the sane and patriotic adults have every right to continue to fight for equal rights for gays and blacks, as guaranteed by our Constitution.

(I didn't include women and others vilified by the rw because the ignorant old fart didn't include them in his asssinine rant.)

There is no civil right to a favorable opinion from Phil Robertson.
Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.

How the fuck is that "racist"? Do you know what racism means? Apparently not.

Define it.

On second thought, it is bigoted and racist.

Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers, especially from the Southern United States. It is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks),and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).

By the 2000s, the term had expanded in meaning to refer to bigoted, loutish reactionaries who are opposed to modern ways, and has often been used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal. At the same time, some Southern whites have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.

Redneck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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You're changing the subject.

You claimed it was impossible for there to be a morals clause in his contract. Now grow up.

I'm sorry, did I catch you obfuscating? I said its impossible to place clauses in a contract that prohibit a person from having religious opinion or taking advantage of constitutional rights.

As I have pointed out, Robertson's Civil Rights were indeed violated, his comments did not meet any of the criterion set forth in EEOC guidelines to warrant his suspension or termination.

That's not what you said. If he signed a contract that enables A&E to terminate their relationship with him because of certain behaviour,

that is binding and enforceable.

You failed to answer my question. Do you know such a clause exists in his contract? Speculation does not an argument make.
Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers, especially from the Southern United States.[1][2] It is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks),[3] and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).[4][5][6]

By the 2000s, the term had expanded in meaning to refer to bigoted, loutish reactionaries who are opposed to modern ways,[7] and has often been used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal.[8] At the same time, some Southern whites have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.[9]

This is the real reason for the fake outrage. At its heart it is race and class bigotry. The bigotry is a stereotype and is offensive. It needs to stop. I do not agree with Phil's words, however, I do not dismiss him because he grew up poor or is from the South.

Those that have those views are themselves extremely bigoted and intolerant.
I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

If having religious beliefs and having the guts to stand up for them is ignorant and hateful then a majority of the country is ignorant and hateful----and so were the founders of this country.

The ignorance and hate is coming from those of you on the left, who are determined to destroy anyone who does not comply with your statist politically correct bullshit.

You can say anything you want about Christians or white people, but say one negative thing about a gay, black, or a muslim and you are to be destroyed.

As I said in another thread, we are living in a very fucked up society. A society where good honest people are demonized and sexual deviants and exhibitionists are idolized.

Stupidity like that is why I have Lud on ignore
GLAAD could violate his first amendment rights even less than A&E.

Again, you're a leftist and dumber than a bag of hammers - but th 1st amendment does not confer civil rights, it merely constrains the federal government from infringing those rights.

And prove they are in a campaign of slander and libel. Taking offense to his words isn't slander.

That's what the citation was for, Luissa-Matters...

Fucking KOS can't give you better talking points than this?
How the fuck is that "racist"? Do you know what racism means? Apparently not.

Define it.

On second thought, it is bigoted and racist.

Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers, especially from the Southern United States. It is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks),and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).

By the 2000s, the term had expanded in meaning to refer to bigoted, loutish reactionaries who are opposed to modern ways, and has often been used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal. At the same time, some Southern whites have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.

Redneck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We posted this at exactly the same time. Please see my post above. This is all about class and race. It is deeply offensive.
You didn't do anything of the sort. I remember you not answering me when I posited this:

How do you know what's in his contract? How do you know there's "morals clause" in his contract? Have you read it personally?

1) There is a "morals clause" in his contract"


2) You are speculating. With no way to back up your contention.

You're changing the subject.

You claimed it was impossible for there to be a morals clause in his contract. Now grow up.

I'm sorry, did I catch you obfuscating? I said its impossible to place clauses in a contract that prohibit a person from having religious opinion or taking advantage of constitutional rights.

As I have pointed out, Robertson's Civil Rights were indeed violated, his comments did not meet any of the criterion set forth in EEOC guidelines to warrant his suspension or termination.

You would have a point if he was fired due to his religion, but he was not, so you have no point.

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I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.


Good of you to admit that teachers can be ignorant, even someone with a Master's Degree in Education.

Phil Robertson | Duck Commander

Thank you so much. I did not know that about Phil Robertson. I saw the episode where they were looking for the drawing for the original duck call patent. Those drawings were not made by an ignorant man but by a man who takes a lot of delight in being underestimated.

Wow, 38 pages of posts already.

I'm curious: Has anyone tried to explain precisely how punishing people and intimidating people, simply for saying what they're thinking, is going to open communication and heal the nasty divisions and animosities that plague our country?

Or does anyone really give a shit?

You didn't do anything of the sort. I remember you not answering me when I posited this:

How do you know what's in his contract? How do you know there's "morals clause" in his contract? Have you read it personally?

1) There is a "morals clause" in his contract"


2) You are speculating. With no way to back up your contention.

You're changing the subject.

You claimed it was impossible for there to be a morals clause in his contract. Now grow up.

I'm sorry, did I catch you obfuscating? I said its impossible to place clauses in a contract that prohibit a person from having religious opinion or taking advantage of constitutional rights.

As I have pointed out, Robertson's Civil Rights were indeed violated, his comments did not meet any of the criterion set forth in EEOC guidelines to warrant his suspension or termination.


Here's a complete contract for a TV show similar to the Duckheads. Read paragraph 13. See also section 8(a) and throughout the contract, which makes it clear the Producer OWNS the Artist's life and what they can do during the term of that contract. Read the whole thing and get an idea how the business works.

Once again since you haven't been listening, this is a voluntary agreement entered into by both parties. Has nothing to do with "Constitutional rights". There is no Constitutional right to appear on a TV show. If you want to do so, you do so under the terms of the Producer, or you don't get a show.

Again, what television sells is illusions. Such an arrangement is part and parcel of creating that illusion. Granted, A&E isn't exactly aiming for high art here but they're producing cheap entertainment -- by mutual agreement. What you're suggesting is that they (A&E) don't have the right to create and sell that product.

However if you're suggesting they should be constrained to dabble only in socially relevant fare, let's hear it.
Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

If having religious beliefs and having the guts to stand up for them is ignorant and hateful then a majority of the country is ignorant and hateful----and so were the founders of this country.

The ignorance and hate is coming from those of you on the left, who are determined to destroy anyone who does not comply with your statist politically correct bullshit.

You can say anything you want about Christians or white people, but say one negative thing about a gay, black, or a muslim and you are to be destroyed.

As I said in another thread, we are living in a very fucked up society. A society where good honest people are demonized and sexual deviants and exhibitionists are idolized.

The amount of bigotry and hatred expressed in this thread toward white southerners has been stunning.

So now its "white southerners" who are the victims?

You fools are so full of shit.

WHO really cares what the old fart said?

You do realize that the hit show actually gets ONLY 14 million viewers. (Like your alcoholic, drug addicted hero limbaugh) Compare that to the population of the US.

Believe me - nobody but you ignrernt haters give a fuck about this non-issue and the show will go on, with said old ignernt redneck fart at the helm.
It is about punishing the guy plain and simple. He did not adhere to the PC orthodoxy. Therefore, he must he silenced and excommunicated. Nobody wants a real dialogue. This is not about encouraging free is about stifling free speech.
How the fuck is that "racist"? Do you know what racism means? Apparently not.

Define it.

On second thought, it is bigoted and racist.

Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers, especially from the Southern United States. It is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks),and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).

By the 2000s, the term had expanded in meaning to refer to bigoted, loutish reactionaries who are opposed to modern ways, and has often been used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal. At the same time, some Southern whites have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.

Redneck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That still doesn't qualify as "racist".
Racism means the belief that one race is superior to another. Not present. Even in this cherrypicked definition.

Consider the source of this comment. Not exactly one of our deep thinkers. :rolleyes:
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If having religious beliefs and having the guts to stand up for them is ignorant and hateful then a majority of the country is ignorant and hateful----and so were the founders of this country.

The ignorance and hate is coming from those of you on the left, who are determined to destroy anyone who does not comply with your statist politically correct bullshit.

You can say anything you want about Christians or white people, but say one negative thing about a gay, black, or a muslim and you are to be destroyed.

As I said in another thread, we are living in a very fucked up society. A society where good honest people are demonized and sexual deviants and exhibitionists are idolized.

The amount of bigotry and hatred expressed in this thread toward white southerners has been stunning.

So now its "white southerners" who are the victims?

You fools are so full of shit.

WHO really cares what the old fart said?

You do realize that the hit show actually gets ONLY 14 million viewers. (Like your alcoholic, drug addicted hero limbaugh) Compare that to the population of the US.

Believe me - nobody but you ignrernt haters give a fuck about this non-issue and the show will go on, with said old ignernt redneck fart at the helm.

I can tell you have a lot of love and tolerance in your heart. :) :clap2:
And let me clear a few things up. I never profess to be correct in all things, and after continuing research in case law, contract law and labor law, Phil Robertson has a right to say what he wants, and A&E has a perfectly good right to suspend him under the law. However, I find fault with the contention he made his comments within the controlling interests of the company. GQ is an unaffiliated entity with A&E, and I perceive any actions performed outside of controlling interests of the company to be out of bounds and non regulated.

I acknowledge the rights of both parties. But I do take issue with the principles involved. I see one side teaching and preaching all things tolerance, but at the drop of a hat will excoriate someone for holding a specific racial or sexual view. That isn't tolerance. The same can be said for GLAAD. All they had to do was not pick up the latest issue of GQ, move on with their lives, not take down someone for expressing their viewpoints. This has more to do with not adhering to the political correctness of our times than it does with his religious rights.

I have gay friends who simply tell me that they want to be left alone, they don't want to bring attention to themselves for their views on sexuality. I was listening to Eric Erickson last night on the radio, he told his viewers of a gay friend he has that proclaimed that GLAAD made his life harder on him for their expressions of intolerance to differentiating viewpoints. Such behavior by GLAAD was damaging any hopes of nationwide tolerance of his right to marry than anything else.

Tolerance is the bigger issue here, not litigation or the law. Hypocrisy, bigotry, racism, and political correctness are all the bigger issues.
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Why is it you Communists that everyone conform EXACTLY to your opinion, or you try to destroy them?

Oh that's right, because you are engaged in a war against basic civil rights.

Civil rights? Nobody is calling for the hillbilly to be arrested.

Pierce Morgan certainly implied just that.

CNN's Piers Morgan: First Amendment doesn't apply to 'racist' Phil Robertson - National Policy & Issues |

Pierce Morgan is one of the millions of submissive, cowardly, shy, insane, idiotic and unbalanced Britons who don't have enough self-respect to reject the very idea that a brood of incompetent yahoos, (i.e. Royal Family) who, due to the fact that they entered this world thru a privileged birth canal, are superior in every respect to those who work for a living, you know, those who are disparagingly referred to by the likes of Princes Philip, Charles, William, Harry etc. and their mindless acolytes, as COMMONERS.

Pierce Morgan is a COMMONER, and a stupid one at that.

As are all Britons, who still endorse the idea of Monarchy, but had enough lack of integrity to come to the United States in order to make living.

When these pathetic nobodies spout off about "FREEDOM" they should remember why the Founding Fathers of America left England.
Define it.

On second thought, it is bigoted and racist.

Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers, especially from the Southern United States. It is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks),and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).

By the 2000s, the term had expanded in meaning to refer to bigoted, loutish reactionaries who are opposed to modern ways, and has often been used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal. At the same time, some Southern whites have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.

Redneck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That still doesn't qualify as "racist".
Racism means the belief that one race is superior to another. Not present. Even in this cherrypicked definition.

Consider the source of this comment. Not exactly one of our deep thinkers. :rolleyes:

When someone calls me a redneck, Pogo, they intend for me to believe that I, my kind, and that this certain segment of my race are inferior to them. (I'm not white, I'm Cherokee, but this is for sake of argument). The fact that there are references to skin color should indicate some elements of racism are involved.
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