Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

LGBT should produce a show to be the opposite of "Duck Dynasty".

Its stars should be those who are not man and male enough to grow a beard.

Its stars should be those who, at the end of the show, - like Duck Dynasty - display the basic tenets of their life style.

You know, as the "Duck Dynasty" cast prays.

Let the new show, you know, the one that would be the opposite of "Duck Dynasty" end with gays extolling the great taste of your own excrement on the male member of your partner, extricated from your anus five seconds ago, in order to counter act the vicious and homophobic attack on same sex acts, known as homosexuality.

And call the new show, - keeping in mind their obsession with rear ends - "The Goose Dynasty".

Boycott A&E.

Or even more effectively, watch A&E, note their advertisers and NEVER EVER do business with them, again.

And tell all your friends about it.

What happened to "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"?

Obviously, those on the straight side are adult, mature and smart enough not to take offense but to change channels.
Under U.S. workplace law covering both public and private employees, the courts have generally held that you are allowed to share your religious beliefs as long as they don't offend your co-workers, create safety issues, impact the profitability of the company, or misrepresent them as the views of your employer.

1) Did he offend his co-workers?

No. His co-workers happen to be the rest of his family.

2) Did he breach the safety with his comments?

No. Religious beliefs as innocuous as Robertson's couldn't possibly endanger the wellbeing of anyone at A&E. That is unless you're a militant gay rights group named GLAAD.

3) Did he negatively impact the profitability of the company with his religious views?

No. In fact, his show had religious elements contained within, even with such, his show had 14 million viewers each week. A boon for the company's bottom line.

4) Did he present his views as the views of his employer?

No. Nowhere in his interview with GQ did he indicate that A&E shared his views on homosexuality.

Religious discrimination involves treating a person (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because of his or her religious beliefs. The law protects not only people who belong to traditional, organized religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, but also others who have sincerely held religious, ethical or moral beliefs.

Religious Discrimination

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of l964 prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals because of their religion in hiring, firing, and other terms and conditions of employment. The Act also requires employers to reasonably accommodate the religious practices of an employee or prospective employee, unless to do so would create an undue hardship upon the employer (see also 29 CFR l605). A reasonable religious accommodation is any adjustment to the work environment that will allow the employee to practice his religion. Flexible scheduling, voluntary substitutions or swaps, job reassignments and lateral transfers are examples of accommodating an employee's religious beliefs.

Employers generally should not schedule examinations or other selection activities in conflict with a current or prospective employee's religious needs, inquire about an applicant's future availability at certain times, maintain a restrictive dress code, or refuse to allow observance of a Sabbath or religious holiday, unless the employer can show that not doing so would cause an undue hardship.

An employer can claim undue hardship when asked to accommodate an applicant’s or employee's religious practices if allowing such practices requires more than ordinary administrative costs, diminishes efficiency in other jobs, infringes on other employees' job rights or benefits, impairs workplace safety, causes co-workers to carry the accommodated employee's share of potentially hazardous or burdensome work, or if the proposed accommodation conflicts with another law or regulation. Undue hardship also may be shown if the request for an accommodation violates the terms of a collective bargaining agreement or job rights established through a seniority system.

An employee whose religious practices prohibit payment of union dues to a labor organization cannot be required to pay the dues, but may pay an equal sum to a charitable organization.

It is also unlawful to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate based on religion or for filing a discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or litigation under Title VII.

Facts About Religious Discrimination
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I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.
Robertson had every right to say what he said, and the television network had every right to kick him off of their property for saying it. And now, viewers have every right to punish the network by boycotting them until they bring Robertson back, as many have pledged to do.

And, the sane and patriotic adults have every right to continue to fight for equal rights for gays and blacks, as guaranteed by our Constitution.

(I didn't include women and others vilified by the rw because the ignorant old fart didn't include them in his asssinine rant.)
I proved you wrong last night. I proved that you were wrong to claim that A&E had no right to put a morals clause in his contract,

I proved then that you were to claim that didn't apply to performers in reality shows.

The entire premise of your thread, that Robertson possesses some sort of constitutional right not to have his employment terminated at A&E for reasons of his behaviour,

on or off the show,

has been comprehensively destroyed...your obstinate denials notwithstanding.

You didn't do anything of the sort. I remember you not answering me when I posited this:

How do you know what's in his contract? How do you know there's "morals clause" in his contract? Have you read it personally?

1) There is a "morals clause" in his contract"


2) You are speculating. With no way to back up your contention.

You're changing the subject.

You claimed it was impossible for there to be a morals clause in his contract. Now grow up.

I'm sorry, did I catch you obfuscating? I said its impossible to place clauses in a contract that prohibit a person from having religious opinion or taking advantage of constitutional rights.

As I have pointed out, Robertson's Civil Rights were indeed violated, his comments did not meet any of the criterion set forth in EEOC guidelines to warrant his suspension or termination.
I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

If having religious beliefs and having the guts to stand up for them is ignorant and hateful then a majority of the country is ignorant and hateful----and so were the founders of this country.

The ignorance and hate is coming from those of you on the left, who are determined to destroy anyone who does not comply with your statist politically correct bullshit.

You can say anything you want about Christians or white people, but say one negative thing about a gay, black, or a muslim and you are to be destroyed.

As I said in another thread, we are living in a very fucked up society. A society where good honest people are demonized and sexual deviants and exhibitionists are idolized.
I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.
I don't agree with the guys views. But, they do seem to be his sincere religious beliefs. What is the big deal? He is not advocating violence or hatred against gays. Let it go people.

Then why did he compare it to bestiality?

Making love to another person is the expression of love, regardless if that other person is of the same or of the different sex.

So, using the same logic, having sex with animals is the expression of love you have for animals.

See how ridiculous this can get, although not any more ridiculous than taking offense to anything that is not an enthusiastic approval of and the desire to try and join the homosexual life style, by the LGBT community to anything a normal person says.

So, donating to the ASPC, thereby expressing your love and care of animals make you a homophobe?
I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

If having religious beliefs and having the guts to stand up for them is ignorant and hateful then a majority of the country is ignorant and hateful----and so were the founders of this country.

The ignorance and hate is coming from those of you on the left, who are determined to destroy anyone who does not comply with your statist politically correct bullshit.

You can say anything you want about Christians or white people, but say one negative thing about a gay, black, or a muslim and you are to be destroyed.

As I said in another thread, we are living in a very fucked up society. A society where good honest people are demonized and sexual deviants and exhibitionists are idolized.

The amount of bigotry and hatred expressed in this thread toward white southerners has been stunning.
I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.

luddy is a typical liberal-------full of hate and bullshit.
Yes he/she can. The fact you don't think so proves you know nothing about employment laws.

Personal disparagement of the boss or the company would probably be actionable. BUT if you did an interview with the the local paper and stated "I don't like assholes," then the boss fired you because the boss views himself as an asshole and found your opinion offensive, you have a case to sue.

None of this means anything though, Robertson is not and never was an employee of A&E television. Whether they renew his contract or not has no bearing on Title VII. They are not discharging him. It is one corporation signing a contract with another corporation.

This issue here is the general assault on civil liberty by the left and the corrupt media. The democratic party sicked GLAAD on Robertson through the party controlled media in a concerted campaign of slander and libel as punishment for his expression of opinions contrary to party goals. And as warning to others that opinions contrary to party dogma will be met with vicious attack and the utter destruction of the person and reputation of anyone so targeted.

This is an assault on civil liberties, but A&E are just a spineless bunch of goobers bowing to intimidation by the left.
I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.

How the fuck is that "racist"? Do you know what racism means? Apparently not.
Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.

How the fuck is that "racist"? Do you know what racism means? Apparently not.

It isn't racist, it is stereotypical, though. Bigoted if you want to push the envelope.
Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.

How the fuck is that "racist"? Do you know what racism means? Apparently not.

you don't consider "redneck" a racist term?
Where has anyone denied Robertson his religious freedom?
That one is a whopper there.
More power to the Robertson family, I admire the hell out of them as they did it the old fashioned way. They EARNED everything they have.
But to claim this is religious persecution is absurd.

The left has constructed a campaign of demagoguery against the Robertson's purely because of religious views that are contrary to party dogma.
I suspect A&E will reverse this pretty quick.

Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.


Good of you to admit that teachers can be ignorant, even someone with a Master's Degree in Education.

Phil Robertson | Duck Commander
Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.

luddy is a typical liberal-------full of hate and bullshit.

I am a southerner, so is my wife. We both have postgraduate degrees. Yankees on this message board seem to throw around a lot of racists and bigoted remarks regarding Southerners that are frankly offensive.

Cracker is racist and offensive. Redneck is racist and offensive. Knock it off.
Reverse what?

No one really belives they're firing an ignorant old redneck for being exactly what his audience loves - ignorant and hateful. If anything, A&E will give them a raise.

As for "freedom of religion", that's not at issue here. Nor is the First Amendment.

The same small minority who worship the stupid and haeful will go right on watching and worshiping DD.

AND, they will go right on playing victim, whining about the same things they always whine about.

Who cares?

The ignorant and hateful right.

Your phrase above is ignorant, racist, and hateful. You are as intolerant as anyone you attempt to dismiss.

How the fuck is that "racist"? Do you know what racism means? Apparently not.

Define it.

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