Freedom of the Press????


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.

And it has been proven that Fox allowed its employees to LIE and LIE about the 2020 election pushed by its owner Murdoch.

Fox is not a news service, it has never been one.

Lying has consequences.
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Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
As the link says, it is asking for public input on it. It is not summarily taking Fox's license.
Its a group trying to deny a license to a station in Philly that happens to be a fox affiliate. By the end of this; it will be he Biden FCC trying to put Guffield and Hannity in jail. Watch.
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
I am aware that normal TV and radio stations coming up for license renewal post notices in public service for the FCC of the same thing, inviting comment.
If you are thinking they will not be renewed, you can probably forget it.
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
I am aware that normal TV and radio stations coming up for license renewal post notices in public service for the FCC of the same thing, inviting comment.
If you are thinking they will not be renewed, you can probably forget it.
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
I am aware that normal TV and radio stations coming up for license renewal post notices in public service for the FCC of the same thing, inviting comment.
If you are thinking they will not be renewed, you can probably forget it.
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
I am aware that normal TV and radio stations coming up for license renewal post notices in public service for the FCC of the same thing, inviting comment.
If you are thinking they will not be renewed, you can probably forget it.
Is this really saying what I think it says??? The FCC is considering denying Fox their license because some 'grassroots' group got their panties in a wad because they disagree with what they publish???

While I don't pay that much attention to most all media sources, including Fox.......I do still think they have the right to publish whatever 'news' they see fit. Is that not what Freedom of the Press even means??? What would be the difference of Fox, CNN, NYT, or even National Enquire???

Right now, I'm tired and going to it is possible I'm reading this wrong but I just wanted to put it out there to see what anyone else thought.
I am aware that normal TV and radio stations coming up for license renewal post notices in public service for the FCC of the same thing, inviting comment.
If you are thinking they will not be renewed, you can probably forget it.
I am aware that normal TV and radio stations coming up for license renewal post notices in public service for the FCC of the same thing, inviting comment.
If you are thinking they will not be renewed, you can probably forget it.

You ok there dude??? You quoted me and repeated yourself like 6 times, but in response........that's why I was asking
And it has been proven that Fox allowed its employees to LIE and LIE about the 2020 election pushed by its owner Murdoch.

Fox is not a news service, it has never been one.

Lying has consequences.

Your opinion of them wasn't the question.

But if lying was the justification for not renewing their license......every 'news' source or station would be shut down

As I said in the OP.........what's the difference between Fox, CNN, NYT, etc and even National Enquirer for that matter???
Your opinion of them wasn't the question.

But if lying was the justification for not renewing their license......every 'news' source or station would be shut down

As I said in the OP.........what's the difference between Fox, CNN, NYT, etc and even National Enquirer for that matter???
If you out of touch with the news, then of course you do not know wha the difference is.

Fox IS like the National Enquirer. Neither is a news organization.
If you out of touch with the news, then of course you do not know wha the difference is.

Fox IS like the National Enquirer. Neither is a news organization.
FOX is just like NBC or ABC, they're all AP/Reuter's news oulets. All propaganda (sorry, "news")

starts with AP/Reuter's and is disseminated by the networks.

They all take the main stories and put their own little spins on them.

Just remember that no matter what English is put on a cue ball, it's still being knocked forward.
If you out of touch with the news, then of course you do not know wha the difference is.

Fox IS like the National Enquirer. Neither is a news organization.

Once again.......your opinion wasn't the question.

Like it or not, Fox and it's affiliates have every right to publish what they want and is legally protected to do so under the First does any other media source, just like WaPo, CNN, ABC, CBS, etc, etc, etc And every one of them have lied knowingly and intentionally, and they too have every right to publish those lies. And whether I like it or not, you have every right to believe it, or not.

If you weren't so out of touch, maybe you would have seen that a so called 'non-partisan' (that obviously is partisan) group is calling to have that stations license rejected because they don't like their content. Article mentions the Dominion Voting machines effecting election results..........which we all know is actually true.

FCC requesting public comment on the matter like White 6 says, is understandable I suppose, as long as all other news sources are subject to the same treatment

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