French Are "Resenting" America's Leadership On Tsunami Relief

j07950 said:
I don't's hard to say. But there are proofs that indicate that it could have been faked. Maybee a lie detector hooked up to the astronauts who went...
No I don't think we'll ever be sure until someone goes again, with technologie nowadays it would be hard to fake it if indeed it was faked.

If I recall correctly, most of the austronauts have met untimely deaths.

CSM, yes, seeing the rover and the flag would be enough proof for me. Until then, I am very skeptical of it all for many, many reasons.

The Chinese say they are going to the moon soon. If they do, I hope they find the flag and rover there. If not, we are going to have egg on our face.
j07950 said:
I don't's hard to say. But there are proofs that indicate that it could have been faked. Maybee a lie detector hooked up to the astronauts who went...
No I don't think we'll ever be sure until someone goes again, with technologie nowadays it would be hard to fake it if indeed it was faked.
Actually, it has been proven that the US did indeed land a man on the moon. There is a lot of satellite imagery (visual, radar, etc) that shows the abandoned equipment...of course, tehre are those who will say that the imagery is faked too.
freeandfun1 said:
If I recall correctly, most of the austronauts have met untimely deaths.

CSM, yes, seeing the rover and the flag would be enough proof for me. Until then, I am very skeptical of it all for many, many reasons.

The Chinese say they are going to the moon soon. If they do, I hope they find the flag and rover there. If not, we are going to have egg on our face.
and you expect teh Chinese to honestly declare ANYTHING??? If I were the Chinese, I would destroy the evidence when I got there and categorically deny that the US had ever been there. That would be one hell of a propaganda coup, wouldn't it?
CSM said:
and you expect teh Chinese to honestly declare ANYTHING??? If I were the Chinese, I would destroy the evidence when I got there and categorically deny that the US had ever been there. That would be one hell of a propaganda coup, wouldn't it?

Yup. Even if it is there, they will likely say it is not.
freeandfun1 said:
If I recall correctly, most of the austronauts have met untimely deaths.

CSM, yes, seeing the rover and the flag would be enough proof for me. Until then, I am very skeptical of it all for many, many reasons.

The Chinese say they are going to the moon soon. If they do, I hope they find the flag and rover there. If not, we are going to have egg on our face.

Yeah tell me about it..Forgot about the chinese...I guess we'll get our proof from there...Unless people think the chinese are going to dissimulate proof just so to oppose the US. Who knows but I think it will probably have 24hr camera and all...Hopefully.
j07950 said:
Yeah tell me about it..Forgot about the chinese...I guess we'll get our proof from there...Unless people think the chinese are going to dissimulate proof just so to oppose the US. Who knows but I think it will probably have 24hr camera and all...Hopefully.
Here is some proof for you:

Please note especially the last paragraph....those laser mirrors are still there and still being used....
CSM, where did I say that the US help was not enough ?
Never said a such thing.
I only said that it was the duty of advanced - on the economic point of view - and rich nations to help the poor countries when a such thing - tsunami - comes.

And if you really want to know what I think, read j07950's messages.
About Iraq, or the other things, we thçink same things.

The Chinese would not necessary destroy the prooves...The first chinese astronauts said that the China Wall couldn't be seen from Space, and then he destroy an old legend, proud of, if they're ready to destruct some old myths, maybe they'll not destroy your equipment and flag.

personly, I 'm convinced that Apollo missions landed on the moon.
padisha emperor said:
...I only said that it was the duty of advanced - on the economic point of view - and rich nations to help the poor countries when a such thing - tsunami - comes.
And I replied...who says it is our duty???

By the way, I dont think I ever said you made such a statement.
j07950 said:
Yeah ok...but then again maybee it due to good luck...It's all assumtion...
But like I said I'd like to believe it...It's kind of like God, I've got this problem with not seeing things myself.
You lost me here. What do you mean by good luck? Do you mean that the mirrors were placed effectively by luck? The mirrors are not assumption, they are there...
Got to go guys...don't fight, be open minded and straight with your facts (very important here it seems)...Peace...
j07950 said:
Got to go guys...don't fight, be open minded and straight with your facts (very important here it seems)...Peace...
Have a good one!
TheEnemyWithin said:
I talked to a Frenchie in a Yahoo chatroom a few weeks ago. He thought that the Apollo moon landings were fake!!! :cof: Spewed Pepsi all over the computer.

There are whole websites dedicated to that as well as ones to debunk the debunkers. LOL. To me it sounds like the Flat Earth Society.
CSM, nobody said it was our duty, their is no sanct-ion if you don't do it, excpet maybe the bad feeling of non-help......

Users on this board always say proudly that USA is the most generous country of the world and that USA's people are the most generous.....So, respect this statement, try to make it right !
I think that if we want a good cooperation foer the welfare of all the inhabitants of earth, the rich nations have to pay to help the poors.
Of course, if you prefer to have your own good life, and that people die from hunger or anything else, it is your right. but after, don't tell me that USA is the most generous.
padisha emperor said:
CSM, nobody said it was our duty, their is no sanct-ion if you don't do it, excpet maybe the bad feeling of non-help......

Users on this board always say proudly that USA is the most generous country of the world and that USA's people are the most generous.....So, respect this statement, try to make it right !
I think that if we want a good cooperation foer the welfare of all the inhabitants of earth, the rich nations have to pay to help the poors.
Of course, if you prefer to have your own good life, and that people die from hunger or anything else, it is your right. but after, don't tell me that USA is the most generous.

Go re read post #27 on this thread...YOU said it was our duty! My point is, the US does not and should not succumb to any other nation's or group's idea of "duty". Neither you, any other nation, nor the UN has the right to tell the American people what their "duty" is.

Should the US help poorer nations? In my opinion, yes it should. HOWEVER, that does not mean the United States should hand out money without consideration of their own interests. I have not forgotten how the US was treated when they went in to Somalia on what was supposed to be a humanitarian mission. After events there, I do not care if every last Somalian starves to death.... in my opinion, not one American dollar should go to that country...
CSM said:
Go re read post #27 on this thread...YOU said it was our duty! My point is, the US does not and should not succumb to any other nation's or group's idea of "duty". Neither you, any other nation, nor the UN has the right to tell the American people what their "duty" is.

Should the US help poorer nations? In my opinion, yes it should. HOWEVER, that does not mean the United States should hand out money without consideration of their own interests. I have not forgotten how the US was treated when they went in to Somalia on what was supposed to be a humanitarian mission. After events there, I do not care if every last Somalian starves to death.... in my opinion, not one American dollar should go to that country...
I find that very really don't care if ever last Somalian dies? That's an awful thing to say. Especially since what is going on in Iraq is in a way the same thing. US soldiers are being ambushed and killed in Iraq both by AlQuaeda and Iraquis... SO I don't know how different the situation is. The somalian population had nothing to do with it. It was rebels who wanted no help from the outside and rejected democratie that killed US soldiers. So saying you don't care if every last somalian die is just plain nonsence and cruel.
CSM, I said it was our duty, but I believed that you said "who said it", like "which organization or State said it ?"
We didn't understand the other. nevermind ;)

For Somalia, lke j07950 said, it was not the whole population who shot on US soldiers, but some rebels.
The civilian population was happy to get food and clothes from USa and Europe, Australia.......

Some warlords maybe endoctrinated the population, but the majority was, I think, glad from this help.
j07950 said:
I find that very really don't care if ever last Somalian dies? That's an awful thing to say. Especially since what is going on in Iraq is in a way the same thing. US soldiers are being ambushed and killed in Iraq both by AlQuaeda and Iraquis... SO I don't know how different the situation is. The somalian population had nothing to do with it. It was rebels who wanted no help from the outside and rejected democratie that killed US soldiers. So saying you don't care if every last somalian die is just plain nonsence and cruel.

If you think that is awful, you should hear what I think about some other things! I told you I was not open minded. It may be cruel but it sure isn't least not for me.

The Somalian population had everything to do with "Blackhawk Down". I know a lot of the soldiers involved in that particular incident quite well. The book doesn't even come close to some of the things that went on over there.

What is going on in Iraq is entirely different than what occured in Sommalia. The US went into Iraq with every intention of engaging the Iraqi army and terrorists. That was not the intent in Somalia.
padisha emperor said:
For Somalia, lke j07950 said, it was not the whole population who shot on US soldiers, but some rebels.
The civilian population was happy to get food and clothes from USa and Europe, Australia.......

Yes they were happy to get food and clothes for various countries, but they were also more than happy to steal anything that wasn't nailed down (even then they would try). To say the general population wasn't heavily armed is pure nonesense, since the situation in Somalia was utter chaos. Remember?
padisha emperor said:
CSM, I said it was our duty, but I believed that you said "who said it", like "which organization or State said it ?"
We didn't understand the other. nevermind ;)

For Somalia, lke j07950 said, it was not the whole population who shot on US soldiers, but some rebels.
The civilian population was happy to get food and clothes from USa and Europe, Australia.......

Some warlords maybe endoctrinated the population, but the majority was, I think, glad from this help.

I saw an interview of a Somalian on a news program sometime back. He was bragging about how he had personally been involved in the killing of not just US soldiers, but also UN troops as well. He was not a warlord or a faction leader. In fact, the news commentator was careful to point out that this was a typical Somalian. The man was very boastful of the fact that he had a hand in "defeating the world's superpower". If he indeed was a typical Somalian (I have no reason to believe he was not) then his statements and actions reinforce my feelings about that non-country.

In my opinion, in the future, if the Somolians want US help, then they better overthrow those damn warlords and make damn sure not a single hair on any US soldier's head gets mussed when they go in there. Unfortunately for me, the US has and still is sending military and economic aid there.

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