French President Welcomes Refugees Despite Paris Attack

Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Any plan which involves "killing all the terrorists" would require a ten year commitment of troops and treasure in Syria.

You going to roger up on that?
Under Obabble it would be a 50 year commitment...realistically we will have to wait for his resignation.
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Any plan which involves "killing all the terrorists" would require a ten year commitment of troops and treasure in Syria.

You going to roger up on that?
Under Obabble it would be a 50 year commitment...realistically we will have to wait for his resignation.
I don't hear you rogering up. Are you prepared to commit us to a ten year occupation of Syria?
Anyone who says we need to "wipe out ISIS" is committing the next two Presidents to the occupation of Syria.
indeed it is
Yeah, that's what the MUSLIM countries refusing refugees believe...
Who gives a shit? History and facts would shun your fallacy and propaganda off the island!
Oh, you don't want to start talking about history and religion. You definitely don't want to go there.
If you could actually stay on topic, I would LOVE to!
Would you like to take muslim violence to the bull ring?
Slavery, the Inquisitions, the KKK, the IRA, the Crusades, the Conquistadors, the Thirty Years War, the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries, the sack of Magdeburg, the Croatian extermination camps, the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know what's funny about the Crusades? The Crusaders probably killed more Christians than they did Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

Goddamn strawman.
I didn't even MENTION Christianity. We were talking about MUSLIM violence. That is why I was clear about staying on topic :)
Christian violence is well known.
I am not religious, so I am not biased.
I am also very well informed about the Christians in Africa.
Hell, I saw a video of one of them chopping off the head of a 3 or 4 year old.
NOW, would you try to STAY ON TOPIC or do you want to give me another strawman and divert from the subject?
Political Gain Disrespectful for the victim's of Fridays terrorists attack~
What do the French really think about the Republicans politicizing the tragedy for their own Agenda..

As we’ve seen before, conservatives couldn’t wait to make France’s tragedy an excuse to further their own agendas. Unable to understand things like context and sensitivity, they managed to again become a national embarrassment to an international audience. As France begins the long struggle to heal, the last thing they need is for American conservatives exporting their ignorance to French shores. It’s no surprise that the journalists in France have little time for a guy like Newt Gingrich.

French TV SLAMS Conservatives For Politicizing Paris Attacks: ‘Newt Gingrich, Shame On You’ (VIDEO)

Yeah, that's what the MUSLIM countries refusing refugees believe...
Who gives a shit? History and facts would shun your fallacy and propaganda off the island!
Oh, you don't want to start talking about history and religion. You definitely don't want to go there.
If you could actually stay on topic, I would LOVE to!
Would you like to take muslim violence to the bull ring?
Slavery, the Inquisitions, the KKK, the IRA, the Crusades, the Conquistadors, the Thirty Years War, the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries, the sack of Magdeburg, the Croatian extermination camps, the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know what's funny about the Crusades? The Crusaders probably killed more Christians than they did Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

Goddamn strawman.
I didn't even MENTION Christianity. We were talking about MUSLIM violence. That is why I was clear about staying on topic :)

Yes, it is important for bigots to frame the picture carefully so that it can appear Islam is the only religion of violence without having the same measurements applied to any other religion.

You wanted to talk only about Islam because you are hypocritical.

Right behind that is a motive, and that motive is to sign Muslims up for "special treatment". But that bigotry gets shredded when you use the exact same benchmarks for Christianity and your excuses explode in your face. If we are going to ban violent religions, then by your own standards Christianity goes to the head of the queue.

I warned you that you did not want to start talking about history and religion. You did not want to go there.
Who gives a shit? History and facts would shun your fallacy and propaganda off the island!
Oh, you don't want to start talking about history and religion. You definitely don't want to go there.
If you could actually stay on topic, I would LOVE to!
Would you like to take muslim violence to the bull ring?
Slavery, the Inquisitions, the KKK, the IRA, the Crusades, the Conquistadors, the Thirty Years War, the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries, the sack of Magdeburg, the Croatian extermination camps, the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know what's funny about the Crusades? The Crusaders probably killed more Christians than they did Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

Goddamn strawman.
I didn't even MENTION Christianity. We were talking about MUSLIM violence. That is why I was clear about staying on topic :)

Yes, it is important for bigots to frame the picture carefully so that it can appear Islam is the only religion of violence without having the same measurements applied to any other religion.

Right behind that is a motive, and that motive is to "ban Muslims". But that bigotry gets shredded when you use the exact same benchmarks for Christianity and your excuses explode in your face.

I warned you that you did not want to start talking about history and religion. You did not want to go there.
I NEVER claimed Islam is the only religion of violence.
I didn't say I wanted to ban muslims either.
This started by you implying Islam isn't violent. That is bullshit
The only place you went to was Strawmen central. When you get back from your fairytale, holler at me.
I have NO PROBLEM discussing Christian atrocities. Never said I did. But that wasn't what we were talking about.
Oh, you don't want to start talking about history and religion. You definitely don't want to go there.
If you could actually stay on topic, I would LOVE to!
Would you like to take muslim violence to the bull ring?
Slavery, the Inquisitions, the KKK, the IRA, the Crusades, the Conquistadors, the Thirty Years War, the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries, the sack of Magdeburg, the Croatian extermination camps, the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know what's funny about the Crusades? The Crusaders probably killed more Christians than they did Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

Goddamn strawman.
I didn't even MENTION Christianity. We were talking about MUSLIM violence. That is why I was clear about staying on topic :)

Yes, it is important for bigots to frame the picture carefully so that it can appear Islam is the only religion of violence without having the same measurements applied to any other religion.

Right behind that is a motive, and that motive is to "ban Muslims". But that bigotry gets shredded when you use the exact same benchmarks for Christianity and your excuses explode in your face.

I warned you that you did not want to start talking about history and religion. You did not want to go there.
I NEVER claimed Islam is the only religion of violence.
I didn't say I wanted to ban muslims either.
This started by you implying Islam isn't violent. That is bullshit
The only place you went to was Strawmen central. When you get back from your fairytale, holler at me.
I have NO PROBLEM discussing Christian atrocities. Never said I did. But that wasn't what we were talking about.
Islam is not a religion of violence. Nor is Christianity.

This is what you don't get. It just does not sink in.

Even in the face of Muslim countries reacting in fear to refugees, you don't get it. It's right there in front of your face, and you STILL don't get it.

You tards want to ban refugees in the belief Islam is a religion of violence, and it does not sink into your thick skulls that is not the reason the Muslim nations are refusing refugees.

It does not occur to you that your reasons are seriously bigoted and fucked up. Because after the danger has passed, you will still be walking around believing all Muslims are evil.

You are suffering from the same stupidity as people who want to ban guns in the belief guns are evil.

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

If you could actually stay on topic, I would LOVE to!
Would you like to take muslim violence to the bull ring?
Slavery, the Inquisitions, the KKK, the IRA, the Crusades, the Conquistadors, the Thirty Years War, the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries, the sack of Magdeburg, the Croatian extermination camps, the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know what's funny about the Crusades? The Crusaders probably killed more Christians than they did Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

Christian militia in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has determined.

I bet you didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

Goddamn strawman.
I didn't even MENTION Christianity. We were talking about MUSLIM violence. That is why I was clear about staying on topic :)

Yes, it is important for bigots to frame the picture carefully so that it can appear Islam is the only religion of violence without having the same measurements applied to any other religion.

Right behind that is a motive, and that motive is to "ban Muslims". But that bigotry gets shredded when you use the exact same benchmarks for Christianity and your excuses explode in your face.

I warned you that you did not want to start talking about history and religion. You did not want to go there.
I NEVER claimed Islam is the only religion of violence.
I didn't say I wanted to ban muslims either.
This started by you implying Islam isn't violent. That is bullshit
The only place you went to was Strawmen central. When you get back from your fairytale, holler at me.
I have NO PROBLEM discussing Christian atrocities. Never said I did. But that wasn't what we were talking about.
Islam is not a religion of violence. Nor is Christianity.

This is what you don't get. It just does not sink in.

Even in the face of Muslim countries reacting in fear to refugees, you don't get it. It's right there in front of your face, and you STILL don't get it.

You tards want to ban refugees in the belief Islam is a religion of violence, and it does not sink into your thick heads that is not the reason the Muslim nations are refusing refugees and so maybe your reasons are seriously bigoted and fucked up. Because after the danger has passed, you will still be walking around believing all Muslims are evil.
It has been violent since its inception. It was BUILT on violence. Violence is all over that "holy book"
History is not on your side. The truth isn't on your side.
Hell man, I have a muslim friend from Jordan and he doesn't spit the bullshit some people do. Like what you just did..
Islam sanctions violence. Just like the Torah.
Slavery, the Inquisitions, the KKK, the IRA, the Crusades, the Conquistadors, the Thirty Years War, the burning of "witches", heretics, and homosexuals for several centuries, the sack of Magdeburg, the Croatian extermination camps, the anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19th and 20th centuries.

You know what's funny about the Crusades? The Crusaders probably killed more Christians than they did Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing in Central African Republic

I bet you didn't even know that was going on.

And then there was the Bosnian genocide. Another "ethnic cleansing" by Christians against Muslims.

So don't even pretend Islam has the patent on violence.

Goddamn strawman.
I didn't even MENTION Christianity. We were talking about MUSLIM violence. That is why I was clear about staying on topic :)

Yes, it is important for bigots to frame the picture carefully so that it can appear Islam is the only religion of violence without having the same measurements applied to any other religion.

Right behind that is a motive, and that motive is to "ban Muslims". But that bigotry gets shredded when you use the exact same benchmarks for Christianity and your excuses explode in your face.

I warned you that you did not want to start talking about history and religion. You did not want to go there.
I NEVER claimed Islam is the only religion of violence.
I didn't say I wanted to ban muslims either.
This started by you implying Islam isn't violent. That is bullshit
The only place you went to was Strawmen central. When you get back from your fairytale, holler at me.
I have NO PROBLEM discussing Christian atrocities. Never said I did. But that wasn't what we were talking about.
Islam is not a religion of violence. Nor is Christianity.

This is what you don't get. It just does not sink in.

Even in the face of Muslim countries reacting in fear to refugees, you don't get it. It's right there in front of your face, and you STILL don't get it.

You tards want to ban refugees in the belief Islam is a religion of violence, and it does not sink into your thick heads that is not the reason the Muslim nations are refusing refugees and so maybe your reasons are seriously bigoted and fucked up. Because after the danger has passed, you will still be walking around believing all Muslims are evil.
It has been violent since its inception. It was BUILT on violence. Violence is all over that "holy book"

I see you have not ever read the Bible.
Goddamn strawman.
I didn't even MENTION Christianity. We were talking about MUSLIM violence. That is why I was clear about staying on topic :)

Yes, it is important for bigots to frame the picture carefully so that it can appear Islam is the only religion of violence without having the same measurements applied to any other religion.

Right behind that is a motive, and that motive is to "ban Muslims". But that bigotry gets shredded when you use the exact same benchmarks for Christianity and your excuses explode in your face.

I warned you that you did not want to start talking about history and religion. You did not want to go there.
I NEVER claimed Islam is the only religion of violence.
I didn't say I wanted to ban muslims either.
This started by you implying Islam isn't violent. That is bullshit
The only place you went to was Strawmen central. When you get back from your fairytale, holler at me.
I have NO PROBLEM discussing Christian atrocities. Never said I did. But that wasn't what we were talking about.
Islam is not a religion of violence. Nor is Christianity.

This is what you don't get. It just does not sink in.

Even in the face of Muslim countries reacting in fear to refugees, you don't get it. It's right there in front of your face, and you STILL don't get it.

You tards want to ban refugees in the belief Islam is a religion of violence, and it does not sink into your thick heads that is not the reason the Muslim nations are refusing refugees and so maybe your reasons are seriously bigoted and fucked up. Because after the danger has passed, you will still be walking around believing all Muslims are evil.
It has been violent since its inception. It was BUILT on violence. Violence is all over that "holy book"

I see you have not ever read the Bible.
That was referring to the Quran...
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?

I actually agree with killing the terrorists alongside France and return the Muslims back to a safe haven.
Yes...we need not wait for the next more horrific attack to do the obvious.

Small Problem...

When Obama went to find the new leaders of Syria there was none there... You have millions living under fear and repression but no one to rise against them... Rem ISIS has killed far more muslims than Westerners...

Assad is a brutal little prick who caused this crap in one respect... Bush and his buddies have a lot to answer for...

Here is my suggestion: The Indian Army has 1.3 Million members(they are paid less than $100 per month) there are various other armies in Muslim areas... Pay(Bribe) them to defeat ISIS on the ground.

I figure if you pony up $200m a month you would 100,000 army fully equipped, easy. US provide air support..... The $200m would be bonus driven so they would get paid for defeating ISIS... I say all in you could have a new government in Syria in less than a year.

So a big ass Muslim army financed by Western countries taking on ISIS
Final bill about $3billion.... This War as a Service...
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As for refugees coming here to Texas...I am telling our governor to immediately buy them a ticket to NYC...with an introductory letter to Cuomo...vouching for their allegiance to America.
Even low information lefties who only hear what is filtered through left wing blog sites must understand that the French president had to make a deal with the liberal faction to declare war on jihad terrorists. You can bet the French will be more careful about refugees than Barry Hussein.

What cross grovelers like you cannot comprehend is that france is lead by a democratic socialists and the people of france aren't slack jawed gun hugging morons, they will take care of business without the hysteria of the pin headed goobers of the white christian party here
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As for refugees coming here to Texas...I am telling our governor to immediately buy them a ticket to NYC...with an introductory letter to Cuomo...vouching for their allegiance to America.

place all the refugees in jesusland and settle them near fundy churches
Even low information lefties who only hear what is filtered through left wing blog sites must understand that the French president had to make a deal with the liberal faction to declare war on jihad terrorists. You can bet the French will be more careful about refugees than Barry Hussein.

What cross grovelers like you cannot comprehend is that france is lead by a democratic socialists and the people of france aren't slack jawed gun hugging morons, they will take care of business without the hysteria of the pin goobers of the white christian party here
Gino is going to hell.
Certain people...lets call them radical Islamic terrorist for clarity's sake, have forced Syrian people to become refugees. Rather than create programs to accommodate the terrorists and render the refugees status permanent, I move that we kill the terrorists..all of them...and return the refugees to their homeland. If the Syrian government leaders do not support this effort, replace them (as soon as we kill them) with Muslims of a broader perspective. Can I get an amen or an Allahu Akbar on this recommendation?
Any plan which involves "killing all the terrorists" would require a ten year commitment of troops and treasure in Syria.

You going to roger up on that?
Total war.....let's get the U.S. back on a war footing. Everyone pulls their weight.......................yeah, right! :rofl:
That's what it will take. I hear a lot of tough talk from the cowering herd, but I don't hear anyone actually committing to what would need to be done to actually "wipe out ISIS".

I don't think the tards even thought it through. They had some stupid Hollywood movie war in their heads that lasts two hours and then everybody goes home and the world is safe for democracy.

Doesn't work that way in reality.
Yup! We could go hit them with ground troops for a year or so, but the day we pull out, they will return just as strong.

Nation building takes at least 30 years. We can't afford that. Just let the civil wars play out & keep guarding against & killing terrorist.

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