French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies'

France will not be able to save itself unless it is prepared to sterilize these areas. Cordon it off, carpet bomb the place with daisy cutters and the islamic problem in France will be over.
There are separate Islamic enclaves all over Europe in the UK, Germany etc, I think I read somewhere about a few of them here in the US, I will look and see if I can find links.
even the french cops are scared shitless to go into these area's. and many have out right refused. same in the UK. its their problem let them solve it.
We need to pay close attention....the Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well in the United States...

We have large groups of Muslims growing ever larger in various cities here in the U.S.....particularly in Los Angeles, Detroit, New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C...

Here's an example of what is going on in the greater Detroit, MI area....looks suspiciously like how things got started in those French suburbs....

[ame=]Arab Festival 2010: Dearborn Police Defending Islam against the Constitution - YouTube[/ame]
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The muslims were having a nice private family day.

When these 3 trouble makers showed up in order to cause problems.

The police did the right thing. :cool:
It's just a matter of time before whites are a minority in the lands they brutalized and stole.
Where any of us alive when this happened. NO!! Quit living in the past why should we be blamed for things are ancestors did???:cuckoo:
The muslims were having a nice private family day.

When these 3 trouble makers showed up in order to cause problems.

The police did the right thing. :cool:

No they didn't......that was a public to ALL the public, not just muslims....the local police are being controlled by the muslim community......much the same way they are controlled in European muslim communities....

This is a clear violation of the First Amendment.....something you muslims do not believe in....
The muslims were having a nice private family day.

When these 3 trouble makers showed up in order to cause problems.

The police did the right thing. :cool:

No they didn't......that was a public to ALL the public, not just muslims....the local police are being controlled by the muslim community......much the same way they are controlled in European muslim communities....

This is a clear violation of the First Amendment.....something you muslims do not believe in....

Most abrahamic religions are lacking quite a bit in the First Amendment area.
The muslims were having a nice private family day.

When these 3 trouble makers showed up in order to cause problems.

The police did the right thing. :cool:

No they didn't......that was a public to ALL the public, not just muslims....the local police are being controlled by the muslim community......much the same way they are controlled in European muslim communities....

This is a clear violation of the First Amendment.....something you muslims do not believe in....

Most abrahamic religions are lacking quite a bit in the First Amendment area.

Pls take note that it was Christians who wrote the First Amendment....:eusa_whistle:

Islam certainly is lacking in the First Amendment area....because Islam is not merely a is a comprehensive socio-economic and political system that is more similar to communism than is diametrically opposed to individual liberty....
No they didn't......that was a public to ALL the public, not just muslims....the local police are being controlled by the muslim community......much the same way they are controlled in European muslim communities....

This is a clear violation of the First Amendment.....something you muslims do not believe in....

Most abrahamic religions are lacking quite a bit in the First Amendment area.

Pls take note that it was Christians who wrote the First Amendment....:eusa_whistle:

Islam certainly is lacking in the First Amendment area....because Islam is not merely a is a comprehensive socio-economic and political system that is more similar to communism than is diametrically opposed to individual liberty....

Please note that it was Deists ( that created our Bill of Rights.
Most abrahamic religions are lacking quite a bit in the First Amendment area.

Pls take note that it was Christians who wrote the First Amendment....:eusa_whistle:

Islam certainly is lacking in the First Amendment area....because Islam is not merely a is a comprehensive socio-economic and political system that is more similar to communism than is diametrically opposed to individual liberty....

Please note that it was Deists (Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) that created our Bill of Rights.

Who was that.....James Madison?.....he was an Episcopalian (altho some claim he had some Deistic ideas).....George Mason?....he was Anglican, Episcopalian....there was also input on the Bill of Rights from the various states....

Madison, at the head of the Virginia delegation of the 1st Congress, had originally opposed a Bill of Rights but hoped to pre-empt a second Constitutional Convention that might have undone the difficult compromises of 1787: a second convention would open the entire Constitution to reconsideration and could undermine the work he and so many others had done in establishing the structure of the U.S. Government. Writing to Jefferson, he stated, "The friends of the Constitution...wish the revisal to be carried no farther than to supply additional guards for liberty...and are fixed in opposition to the risk of another Convention....It is equally certain that there are others who urge a second Convention with the insidious hope of throwing all things into Confusion, and of subverting the fabric just established, if not the Union itself."[50]

Madison based much of the Bill of Rights on George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776),[51] which itself had been written with Madison's input. He carefully considered the state amendment recommendations as well. He looked for recommendations shared by many states to avoid controversy and reduce opposition to the ratification of the future amendments.[52] Additionally, Madison's work on the Bill of Rights reflected centuries of English law and philosophy, further modified by the principles of the American Revolution.

United States Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In any case.....please note the religions of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional know.....those people who represented the states that actually ratified and signed our Constitution and the Bill of Rights into law....

Lambert (2003) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of the Founders. Of the 55 delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, 49 were Protestants, and three were Roman Catholics (C. Carroll, D. Carroll, and Fitzsimons). Among the Protestant delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 28 were Church of England (or Episcopalian, after the American Revolutionary War was won), eight were Presbyterians, seven were Congregationalists, two were Lutherans, two were Dutch Reformed, and two were Methodists.

A few prominent Founding Fathers were anti-clerical Christians, such as Thomas Jefferson[13][14][15] (who created the so-called "Jefferson Bible") and Benjamin Franklin.[16] A few others (most notably Thomas Paine) were deists, or at least held beliefs very similar to those of deists.[17]

Founding Fathers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I appreciate your being able to clearly own up to your bigoted nature. While it is clear that people who have the POV that you have, posess limited capacity to think, most are saddled with the additional handicap of being unable to be honest about it.
Pls take note that it was Christians who wrote the First Amendment....:eusa_whistle:

Islam certainly is lacking in the First Amendment area....because Islam is not merely a is a comprehensive socio-economic and political system that is more similar to communism than is diametrically opposed to individual liberty....

Please note that it was Deists (Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) that created our Bill of Rights.

Who was that.....James Madison?.....he was an Episcopalian (altho some claim he had some Deistic ideas).....George Mason?....he was Anglican, Episcopalian....there was also input on the Bill of Rights from the various states....

Madison, at the head of the Virginia delegation of the 1st Congress, had originally opposed a Bill of Rights but hoped to pre-empt a second Constitutional Convention that might have undone the difficult compromises of 1787: a second convention would open the entire Constitution to reconsideration and could undermine the work he and so many others had done in establishing the structure of the U.S. Government. Writing to Jefferson, he stated, "The friends of the Constitution...wish the revisal to be carried no farther than to supply additional guards for liberty...and are fixed in opposition to the risk of another Convention....It is equally certain that there are others who urge a second Convention with the insidious hope of throwing all things into Confusion, and of subverting the fabric just established, if not the Union itself."[50]

Madison based much of the Bill of Rights on George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776),[51] which itself had been written with Madison's input. He carefully considered the state amendment recommendations as well. He looked for recommendations shared by many states to avoid controversy and reduce opposition to the ratification of the future amendments.[52] Additionally, Madison's work on the Bill of Rights reflected centuries of English law and philosophy, further modified by the principles of the American Revolution.

United States Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In any case.....please note the religions of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional know.....those people who represented the states that actually ratified and signed our Constitution and the Bill of Rights into law....

Lambert (2003) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of the Founders. Of the 55 delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention, 49 were Protestants, and three were Roman Catholics (C. Carroll, D. Carroll, and Fitzsimons). Among the Protestant delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 28 were Church of England (or Episcopalian, after the American Revolutionary War was won), eight were Presbyterians, seven were Congregationalists, two were Lutherans, two were Dutch Reformed, and two were Methodists.

A few prominent Founding Fathers were anti-clerical Christians, such as Thomas Jefferson[13][14][15] (who created the so-called "Jefferson Bible") and Benjamin Franklin.[16] A few others (most notably Thomas Paine) were deists, or at least held beliefs very similar to those of deists.[17]

Founding Fathers of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Madison (widely held to be mostly deist in his religious ideology) is the creator of the Bill of Rights, and considered to be the founder of our Constitution.

He did not like organized religion much. Most of them did not.

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