Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

Taking guns away from 85-100 million people because 9,000 commit murders is insane. As for the "God & Gays", that is a completely different topic.

Every other industrialized country does exactly that. They only have murders in the three digits.
You mean you are sucking on the Public teat and you are mad many gun owners oppose the welfare state?

No, guy, I mean you clowns make it easier for big corporations to fuck those of us who work for a living.

I would LOVE to have my life from 2000 back.
Taking guns away from 85-100 million people because 9,000 commit murders is insane. As for the "God & Gays", that is a completely different topic.

Every other industrialized country does exactly that. They only have murders in the three digits.

And this country has different laws and cultural differences. There are more murders without guns than most of those same industrialized countries have too. But I suppose that is conveniently ignored by you and your ilk.
You mean you are sucking on the Public teat and you are mad many gun owners oppose the welfare state?

No, guy, I mean you clowns make it easier for big corporations to fuck those of us who work for a living.

I would LOVE to have my life from 2000 back.

I work for a living. And I am doing much better than I was in 2000.

Maybe you should look to yourself for the blame, instead of these boogiemen?
And this country has different laws and cultural differences. There are more murders without guns than most of those same industrialized countries have too. But I suppose that is conveniently ignored by you and your ilk.

I don't ignore it, I just don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

If we ended private ownership of guns or even treated gun ownership like Germany does (where they have a decent amount of guns, but it isn't considered a 'right' and it is difficult to get one) you'd reduce the crime rate, you'd reduce the murder rate and yes, you would even reduce the suicide rate.

We have a culture of locking up 2 million people, we have 32,000 gun deaths a year, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes. And you have an NRA that really seems to think the best way to fight a fire is to throw gasoline on it.
work for a living. And I am doing much better than I was in 2000.

Maybe you should look to yourself for the blame, instead of these boogiemen?

Yes, I know, you are making a very good living being an enforcer for businesses screwing their employers.

but for those of us actually having to work for a living, not so much.

Point was, I didn't need to work three jobs to make ends meet when Clinton was president. One job got the job done. Then your boy Bush fucked things up, because hey, you gun nuts wanted your bibles and guns.
And this country has different laws and cultural differences. There are more murders without guns than most of those same industrialized countries have too. But I suppose that is conveniently ignored by you and your ilk.

I don't ignore it, I just don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

If we ended private ownership of guns or even treated gun ownership like Germany does (where they have a decent amount of guns, but it isn't considered a 'right' and it is difficult to get one) you'd reduce the crime rate, you'd reduce the murder rate and yes, you would even reduce the suicide rate.

We have a culture of locking up 2 million people, we have 32,000 gun deaths a year, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes. And you have an NRA that really seems to think the best way to fight a fire is to throw gasoline on it.

You have no evidence whatsoever that banning guns would reduce the suicide rate. It didn't in Australia. Japan has no private gun ownership and a suicide rate that is twice ours.

The right to own gun is ours. Want that changed? Amend the US Constitution. Until then you are left with nothing but your fantasies of a gov't run life and your lies.
work for a living. And I am doing much better than I was in 2000.

Maybe you should look to yourself for the blame, instead of these boogiemen?

Yes, I know, you are making a very good living being an enforcer for businesses screwing their employers.

but for those of us actually having to work for a living, not so much.

Point was, I didn't need to work three jobs to make ends meet when Clinton was president. One job got the job done. Then your boy Bush fucked things up, because hey, you gun nuts wanted your bibles and guns.

Right. If we just had unions that campaign for a $15 minimum wage, but then demanded they be exempt, it would all be better.

What I do is make sure my co-workers follow the safety rules. My employer pays me a reasonable salary to make sure his employees don't get hurt or killed. How dare he screw them over by making sure they stay safe.

You are a joke.
You have no evidence whatsoever that banning guns would reduce the suicide rate. It didn't in Australia. Japan has no private gun ownership and a suicide rate that is twice ours.

The right to own gun is ours. Want that changed? Amend the US Constitution. Until then you are left with nothing but your fantasies of a gov't run life and your lies.

Again, not necessary. Scalia takes a dirt nap. Lawrence Tribe takes his place, and the Second Amendemnt is about Militias again. Done.

Right. If we just had unions that campaign for a $15 minimum wage, but then demanded they be exempt, it would all be better.

Guy, most union jobs pay better than 15/hr. And they have awesome benefits.

What I do is make sure my co-workers follow the safety rules. My employer pays me a reasonable salary to make sure his employees don't get hurt or killed. How dare he screw them over by making sure they stay safe.

Oh, is that your story now? Because I thought you were the guy who bragged you caught union guys beating up a scab and got them prosecuted.
You have no evidence whatsoever that banning guns would reduce the suicide rate. It didn't in Australia. Japan has no private gun ownership and a suicide rate that is twice ours.

The right to own gun is ours. Want that changed? Amend the US Constitution. Until then you are left with nothing but your fantasies of a gov't run life and your lies.

Again, not necessary. Scalia takes a dirt nap. Lawrence Tribe takes his place, and the Second Amendemnt is about Militias again. Done.

Right. If we just had unions that campaign for a $15 minimum wage, but then demanded they be exempt, it would all be better.

Guy, most union jobs pay better than 15/hr. And they have awesome benefits.

What I do is make sure my co-workers follow the safety rules. My employer pays me a reasonable salary to make sure his employees don't get hurt or killed. How dare he screw them over by making sure they stay safe.

Oh, is that your story now? Because I thought you were the guy who bragged you caught union guys beating up a scab and got them prosecuted.

You are pinning all your hopes on one candidate getting elected, a SCOTUS justice dying, and a particular person being confirmed to replace him??? LMAO!! And you think those spineless politicians will gut the 2nd Amendment for you? lol I bet you still believe in the tooth fairy too, huh?

If union jobs pay better (and I didn't say they didn't), why is are the unions demanding exemption from the $15 minimum wage laws?

That has been my story all along. I have been in the same field for almost 20 years. I have never claimed otherwise. Either you are confused or simply lying again.
You are pinning all your hopes on one candidate getting elected, a SCOTUS justice dying, and a particular person being confirmed to replace him??? LMAO!! And you think those spineless politicians will gut the 2nd Amendment for you? lol I bet you still believe in the tooth fairy too, huh?

I think that the American people are tired of the NRA's extremism. Eventually, people will figure out they only speak for a very small minority. then we can actually start having a real conversation on guns without silly notions like, "The Founding Fathers said that Comic Book Clowns can have Machine Guns!"

That has been my story all along. I have never claimed otherwise. Either you are confused or simply lying again.

I thought you said you were a private investigator who got paid to break up union strikes. But whatever.
You are pinning all your hopes on one candidate getting elected, a SCOTUS justice dying, and a particular person being confirmed to replace him??? LMAO!! And you think those spineless politicians will gut the 2nd Amendment for you? lol I bet you still believe in the tooth fairy too, huh?

I think that the American people are tired of the NRA's extremism. Eventually, people will figure out they only speak for a very small minority. then we can actually start having a real conversation on guns without silly notions like, "The Founding Fathers said that Comic Book Clowns can have Machine Guns!"

That has been my story all along. I have never claimed otherwise. Either you are confused or simply lying again.

I thought you said you were a private investigator who got paid to break up union strikes. But whatever.

I think the American people value the 2nd Amendment. Logical and sensible gun laws are one thing. The wholesale ban of private ownership, and the prosecution of people who followed the law, are an entirely different matter.

And just as an FYI, machine guns are heavily regulated and restricted.
You are pinning all your hopes on one candidate getting elected, a SCOTUS justice dying, and a particular person being confirmed to replace him??? LMAO!! And you think those spineless politicians will gut the 2nd Amendment for you? lol I bet you still believe in the tooth fairy too, huh?

I think that the American people are tired of the NRA's extremism. Eventually, people will figure out they only speak for a very small minority. then we can actually start having a real conversation on guns without silly notions like, "The Founding Fathers said that Comic Book Clowns can have Machine Guns!"

That has been my story all along. I have never claimed otherwise. Either you are confused or simply lying again.

I thought you said you were a private investigator who got paid to break up union strikes. But whatever.

No. I have never claimed to be a private investigator. You are lost again.
work for a living. And I am doing much better than I was in 2000.

Maybe you should look to yourself for the blame, instead of these boogiemen?

Yes, I know, you are making a very good living being an enforcer for businesses screwing their employers.

but for those of us actually having to work for a living, not so much.

Point was, I didn't need to work three jobs to make ends meet when Clinton was president. One job got the job done. Then your boy Bush fucked things up, because hey, you gun nuts wanted your bibles and guns.

If you are working three jobs, you need to find another career and get the skills necessary to make a living. Or get off the black-ball list for Workman's Comp Fraud.
I think the American people value the 2nd Amendment. Logical and sensible gun laws are one thing. The wholesale ban of private ownership, and the prosecution of people who followed the law, are an entirely different matter.

If that was the case, then why did the NRA have to go to Congress to get a law passed to exempt gun sellers from civil libability AFTER Bushmaster paid out a big penalty in the DC Sniper case?

Point is, the NRA doesn't trust the system or the law. Their goal is to get as many guns out there so everyone is scared and wants guns, too.
If you are working three jobs, you need to find another career and get the skills necessary to make a living. Or get off the black-ball list for Workman's Comp Fraud.

My skills are just fine, guy. The problem was your Boy Bush fucked up the economy to the point where my employer can cheat me and get away with it.

Get it?

I am doing pretty much the same thing I was doing in 2000, and if anything, I'm a LOT better at it now. But thanks to Bush and his "let's send all the good jobs to China" policy and the his "Let's crash the economy so my rich friends can profit" policy, employers used the recessions of 2001 and 2008 to drive wages down.
I think the American people value the 2nd Amendment. Logical and sensible gun laws are one thing. The wholesale ban of private ownership, and the prosecution of people who followed the law, are an entirely different matter.

If that was the case, then why did the NRA have to go to Congress to get a law passed to exempt gun sellers from civil libability AFTER Bushmaster paid out a big penalty in the DC Sniper case?

Point is, the NRA doesn't trust the system or the law. Their goal is to get as many guns out there so everyone is scared and wants guns, too.

The point is that the manufacturer shouldn't be held liable for what they cannot control. And what someone does with the gun they purchases legally is well beyond their control. Your desire for such prosecution is laughably insane.
If you are working three jobs, you need to find another career and get the skills necessary to make a living. Or get off the black-ball list for Workman's Comp Fraud.

My skills are just fine, guy. The problem was your Boy Bush fucked up the economy to the point where my employer can cheat me and get away with it.

Get it?

I am doing pretty much the same thing I was doing in 2000, and if anything, I'm a LOT better at it now. But thanks to Bush and his "let's send all the good jobs to China" policy and the his "Let's crash the economy so my rich friends can profit" policy, employers used the recessions of 2001 and 2008 to drive wages down.

My boy Bush? You voted for him in 2000. I never voted for him.

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