Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

He fired a few rounds and it jammed. The shotgun and Glock were the main weapons that killed people. But don't let the facts get in your way.

And yes, the rifle Holmes used is lethal. But to claim it is the same thing as a full auto M16 is simply a lie. And you know it. One is a machine gun and one is not. That they are shaped the same is not relevant.

They fire the same round that is designed to "tumble", doing a massive amount of damage to human flesh.

They both have a very high rate of fire. In fact, they army discourages soliders from using the full-auto feature of the M-16 and eventually introduced the M249 SAW to serve as an infantry squad's full automatic weapon.

Bullshit. The only round that has been designed to tumble on impact is the Soviet era 5.45X39 which was designed with an air pocket in the nose thus biasing the center of gravity of the bullet to the rear which, upon impact will indeed cause the bullet to tumble.

You're simply lying here.
Maddow Blasts Law Requiring Aurora Shooting Victim s Parents To Pay Gun Manufacturers

its about time the courts start doing this. Assholes trying to slake their grief by suing innocent makers or being used as pawns by scumbags like Bloomberg need to get absolutely destroyed for this sort of nonsense

Pissing Rachel Madcow off-added bonus
Where does the link say the suit was ruled frivolous?
The judge cited the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in the ruling, which in no uncertain terms renders the suit frivolous. Not only should the Brady Campaign be forced to pay, the lawyers should be disciplined before the board for even bringing a lawsuit they knew wouldn't hold up in court.
He fired a few rounds and it jammed. The shotgun and Glock were the main weapons that killed people. But don't let the facts get in your way.

And yes, the rifle Holmes used is lethal. But to claim it is the same thing as a full auto M16 is simply a lie. And you know it. One is a machine gun and one is not. That they are shaped the same is not relevant.

They fire the same round that is designed to "tumble", doing a massive amount of damage to human flesh.

They both have a very high rate of fire. In fact, they army discourages soliders from using the full-auto feature of the M-16 and eventually introduced the M249 SAW to serve as an infantry squad's full automatic weapon.

Bullshit. The only round that has been designed to tumble on impact is the Soviet era 5.45X39 which was designed with an air pocket in the nose thus biasing the center of gravity of the bullet to the rear which, upon impact will indeed cause the bullet to tumble.

You're simply lying here.
I have about 20K rounds of that stuff that I stashed away when it was cheap. Its corrosive so I don't shoot it much but you are absolutely correct
He fired a few rounds and it jammed. The shotgun and Glock were the main weapons that killed people. But don't let the facts get in your way.

And yes, the rifle Holmes used is lethal. But to claim it is the same thing as a full auto M16 is simply a lie. And you know it. One is a machine gun and one is not. That they are shaped the same is not relevant.

They fire the same round that is designed to "tumble", doing a massive amount of damage to human flesh.

They both have a very high rate of fire. In fact, they army discourages soliders from using the full-auto feature of the M-16 and eventually introduced the M249 SAW to serve as an infantry squad's full automatic weapon.

Bullshit. The only round that has been designed to tumble on impact is the Soviet era 5.45X39 which was designed with an air pocket in the nose thus biasing the center of gravity of the bullet to the rear which, upon impact will indeed cause the bullet to tumble.

You're simply lying here.
I have about 20K rounds of that stuff that I stashed away when it was cheap. Its corrosive so I don't shoot it much but you are absolutely correct

That's why the Afghans called it the "poison bullet". Mujahideen who were shot with the 7.62X39 tended to do OK if they weren't killed outright. Those hit by the 5.45 though, would do OK for a couple of days then die.
stop lying and stop whining about safety issues when you have already admitted your jihad against gun owners is based on how you think we voted in 2000

Guy, the point is, I've shown you that "good guy with a gun" has never stopped a mass shooter. Another NRA lie debunked.

JoeB is a mindless mad dog gun banner. He doesn't have a sensible argument or position because he has admitted he wants to punish gun owners for our voting patterns. So he doesn't have a rational plan that would actually control criminals. Rather his scheme is to harass GOP voters which he figures includes most gun owners

Yawn, guy, you gun whacks vote against my economic interests, I'm voting against your "tiny pecker compensation" interests. The top thing it to make you own every dead child shot by a gun-toting crazy person. They are all on you.
The Brady Center should have to pay the tab for the parents, as they are apparently the ones who instigated these lawsuits to begin with, and they provided attorneys, etc.

It's frivolous because it goes against existing laws of Commerce and Trade regarding gun manufacturers and dealers, namely because they have no control over what a customer does with their product once it has been purchased. If, however, the product is defective or there is some other issue for which they are actually at fault (and NOT the individual who purchased the weapon), then they can still be sued.

But that's not the case. Again, go back to the tobacco settlement, where they proved thta the tobacco industry intentionally marketed to children, put out scientific disinformation to debunk the link between smoking and disease, etc.

Lax gun laws and aggressive marketing campaigns cause people like Joker Holmes. The gun industry needs to own him.
The judge cited the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in the ruling, which in no uncertain terms renders the suit frivolous. Not only should the Brady Campaign be forced to pay, the lawyers should be disciplined before the board for even bringing a lawsuit they knew wouldn't hold up in court.

Well, then we need to challenge the constitutionality of the PLCAA. This was something the NRA snuck in when no one was looking to protect the gun industry from it's recklessness.
I think you are missing the point. No Gun Nuts getting whipped up by the NRA, Gore would have won Florida and Tennessee.

No Great recession
No War on Iraq
No letting horse show guys run FEMA.

I think you are missing the point.

But considering the number of lies you have posted, that isn't surprising.
I think you are missing the point.

But considering the number of lies you have posted, that isn't surprising.

not missing the point at all.

The way we get America back for Americans is to neuter the gun nuts, the religious nuts and the homophobic nuts.

Becuase even the stupidest, inbred hillbilly wouldn't vote for the poison pill of corporate globalism if it wasn't wrapped in the bacon of "God, Guns and Gays"
I think you are missing the point.

But considering the number of lies you have posted, that isn't surprising.

not missing the point at all.

The way we get America back for Americans is to neuter the gun nuts, the religious nuts and the homophobic nuts.

Becuase even the stupidest, inbred hillbilly wouldn't vote for the poison pill of corporate globalism if it wasn't wrapped in the bacon of "God, Guns and Gays"

I think you are missing the point.

But considering the number of lies you have posted, that isn't surprising.

not missing the point at all.

The way we get America back for Americans is to neuter the gun nuts, the religious nuts and the homophobic nuts.

Becuase even the stupidest, inbred hillbilly wouldn't vote for the poison pill of corporate globalism if it wasn't wrapped in the bacon of "God, Guns and Gays"

Taking guns away from 85-100 million people because 9,000 commit murders is insane. As for the "God & Gays", that is a completely different topic.
The judge cited the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in the ruling, which in no uncertain terms renders the suit frivolous. Not only should the Brady Campaign be forced to pay, the lawyers should be disciplined before the board for even bringing a lawsuit they knew wouldn't hold up in court.

Well, then we need to challenge the constitutionality of the PLCAA. This was something the NRA snuck in when no one was looking to protect the gun industry from it's recklessness.
I think you are missing the point.

But considering the number of lies you have posted, that isn't surprising.

not missing the point at all.

The way we get America back for Americans is to neuter the gun nuts, the religious nuts and the homophobic nuts.

Becuase even the stupidest, inbred hillbilly wouldn't vote for the poison pill of corporate globalism if it wasn't wrapped in the bacon of "God, Guns and Gays"
I think you are missing the point.

But considering the number of lies you have posted, that isn't surprising.

not missing the point at all.

The way we get America back for Americans is to neuter the gun nuts, the religious nuts and the homophobic nuts.

Becuase even the stupidest, inbred hillbilly wouldn't vote for the poison pill of corporate globalism if it wasn't wrapped in the bacon of "God, Guns and Gays"

If we are bringing up random topics, how about the hypocrisy of those unions pushing for a $15 minimum wage and then demanding they be exempt from it. The union must think it's ok for their people to make less than minimum wage. So much for them looking out for the workers, huh?
Yawn, guy, you gun whacks vote against my economic interests, I'm voting against your "tiny pecker compensation" interests. The top thing it to make you own every dead child shot by a gun-toting crazy person. They are all on you.
that's because your terminology is flawed

I guess you never heard of Charles Whitman

Yawn, guy, you gun whacks vote against my economic interests, I'm voting against your "tiny pecker compensation" interests. The top thing it to make you own every dead child shot by a gun-toting crazy person. They are all on you.

You mean you are sucking on the Public teat and you are mad many gun owners oppose the welfare state?

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