Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

If you are working three jobs, you need to find another career and get the skills necessary to make a living. Or get off the black-ball list for Workman's Comp Fraud.

My skills are just fine, guy. The problem was your Boy Bush fucked up the economy to the point where my employer can cheat me and get away with it.

Get it?

I am doing pretty much the same thing I was doing in 2000, and if anything, I'm a LOT better at it now. But thanks to Bush and his "let's send all the good jobs to China" policy and the his "Let's crash the economy so my rich friends can profit" policy, employers used the recessions of 2001 and 2008 to drive wages down.

If your skills are so much better, why do you need 3 jobs to get by?

I work one job, make decent money, have excellent benefits, and have my weekends free. The days when you could work one job for your entire career are long gone.
The point is that the manufacturer shouldn't be held liable for what they cannot control. And what someone does with the gun they purchases legally is well beyond their control. Your desire for such prosecution is laughably insane.

But that's the point, THEY CAN control it.

They just choose not to.

For instance, the makers of various cold medications put very strict controls on sellers of their products when it was found some of them were using it to make crystal meth.

If the gun industry really wanted to, they could develop their own system of background checks that would weed out guys like Holmes. Instead, they've fought to water down background checks, keep loopholes like the gun show and private sellers intact, and of course the law they got passed AFTER a court determined that the DC Snipers got guns when they shouldn't have and fined them.
If your skills are so much better, why do you need 3 jobs to get by?

Because Capitalism Sucks. Next question.

I work one job, make decent money, have excellent benefits, and have my weekends free. The days when you could work one job for your entire career are long gone.

And that's the problem. You've had a 30 year war on working folks, starting with Reagan, fueled by the fact that the "bitter clingers" voted against their own economic interests for years because of the gun, God and Gays bullshit.

No, guy, I mean you clowns make it easier for big corporations to fuck those of us who work for a living.

I would LOVE to have my life from 2000 back.

ah poor baby. as if Obama has not engaged in crony capitalism

you ought to post less here and work harder. You'd be better off financially
ah poor baby. as if Obama has not engaged in crony capitalism

you ought to post less here and work harder. You'd be better off financially

No, I ought to be able to make a decent living for the skills I bring to the table.

But thanks to idiotic republican policies you Gun Nuts voted for, I'm lucky to be getting by, and so are most people I know.

We had it pretty good in 2000. Bush spent 8 years fucking it up, but you all gots your guns and you managed to put off gay marriage for another half decade.

I'm not seeing it as a good exchange.

But that's the point, THEY CAN control it.

They just choose not to.

For instance, the makers of various cold medications put very strict controls on sellers of their products when it was found some of them were using it to make crystal meth.

If the gun industry really wanted to, they could develop their own system of background checks that would weed out guys like Holmes. Instead, they've fought to water down background checks, keep loopholes like the gun show and private sellers intact, and of course the law they got passed AFTER a court determined that the DC Snipers got guns when they shouldn't have and fined them.

Hey Gorebot. what exactly would have disqualified Holmes at the time he bought his guns.
The DC snipers victims SUED and the dealer and the gun company SETTLED

No, I ought to be able to make a decent living for the skills I bring to the table.

But thanks to idiotic republican policies you Gun Nuts voted for, I'm lucky to be getting by, and so are most people I know.

We had it pretty good in 2000. Bush spent 8 years fucking it up, but you all gots your guns and you managed to put off gay marriage for another half decade.

I'm not seeing it as a good exchange.

you again prove that your rants about guns is nothing more than a dishonest facade serving as a pretext for your real motivation. You assume most gun owners voted for Bush (we did-it was about gun rights and he put pro gun justices on the USSC). I went from making about 1.4 million a year to over 2 by the end of the Bush administration.

if you actually had a skilled trade or a profession you wouldn't be whining. Its not my fault you are some third string cubicle bunny
Finally got JoeBum figured out, it doesn't matter what facts one shows, doesn't matter how badly he's pounded on issues, he's simply a troll, nothing more, nothing less. He has no intention of admitting he's wrong even though he knows it, he just wants to play this ongoing game and thinks he's being clever stinging along what he sees as far right extremists.
Of course to him anyone to the right of Mao is a far right extremist. :dunno:
Hey Gorebot. what exactly would have disqualified Holmes at the time he bought his guns.
The DC snipers victims SUED and the dealer and the gun company SETTLED

Exactly- they settled because they knew if it got in front of a jury, they'd get it a lot worse. There would be discovery, just like you had with the tobacco lawsuits. So they settled and ran back to Congress to get protection.

For Holmes. One phone call to his University would have disqualified him.

you again prove that your rants about guns is nothing more than a dishonest facade serving as a pretext for your real motivation. You assume most gun owners voted for Bush (we did-it was about gun rights and he put pro gun justices on the USSC). I went from making about 1.4 million a year to over 2 by the end of the Bush administration.

if you actually had a skilled trade or a profession you wouldn't be whining. Its not my fault you are some third string cubicle bunny

I thought you said you were a Federal Agent... on, never mind.

Point is, spanky, we have Airline Pilots selling blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps. Bush has fucked it up for most of us, inside and outside cubicles.

But you done gots your gun!

you again prove that your rants about guns is nothing more than a dishonest facade serving as a pretext for your real motivation. You assume most gun owners voted for Bush (we did-it was about gun rights and he put pro gun justices on the USSC). I went from making about 1.4 million a year to over 2 by the end of the Bush administration.

if you actually had a skilled trade or a profession you wouldn't be whining. Its not my fault you are some third string cubicle bunny

I thought you said you were a Federal Agent... on, never mind.

Point is, spanky, we have Airline Pilots selling blood plasma and adjunct professors on food stamps. Bush has fucked it up for most of us, inside and outside cubicles.

But you done gots your gun!

The two have nothing to do with each other.

I am a shooter, Hunter, and staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment. And I never voted for Bush.

You are a socialist, anti-gun, union supporter. And you voted for Bush.
The two have nothing to do with each other.

I am a shooter, Hunter, and staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment. And I never voted for Bush.

You are a socialist, anti-gun, union supporter. And you voted for Bush.

I was referring to the macro, how gun control changed politics after we got a president who finally stood up to the NRA, but never mind.
The two have nothing to do with each other.

I am a shooter, Hunter, and staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment. And I never voted for Bush.

You are a socialist, anti-gun, union supporter. And you voted for Bush.

I was referring to the macro, how gun control changed politics after we got a president who finally stood up to the NRA, but never mind.

Stood up to the NRA? lol Yeah, if that is what you want to call it.
exactly what did the brady bill do to stop gun violence? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Quite a lot.

Gun homicides dropped from 7.07 per 100,000 people in 1993 to 3.48 in 2000

Guns in the United States Firearms gun law and gun control

The gun suicide rate dropped from 7.35 to 5.89

The brady billl had nothing to do with those drops.....considering more people own and carry guns now.....but you are a gun grabber and lying and falsifying data are what you do....

How about explaining the mechanics of how the bradyh law lowered gun homicides in the U.S.?
The brady billl had nothing to do with those drops.....considering more people own and carry guns now.....but you are a gun grabber and lying and falsifying data are what you do....

How about explaining the mechanics of how the bradyh law lowered gun homicides in the U.S.?

You mean that people who wanted to buy a gun because they were "angry now" couldn't?

You see, that's the thing, give a person time to cool off, they will.

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