Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

No, there are plenty of legal uses for guns, such as competition shooting and self defense. Sorry that you are a paranoid schizophrenic. A psychiatrist can help you with that.

If there are any "gun nuts" it would be you and people like you. You are utterly ridiculous.

Maybe he stabs the boyfriend, maybe he beats him to death . . . Absolutely pointless, is what you are.

There are ALREADY background checks. What is WRONG with you?

Background checks that apparently said a guy who thought he was the fucking Joker could have a machine gun... are totally inadequate.

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year. That's what's ridiculous.

There was no information on him because the mental health professionals didn't do their job.

And the idea that you can tell someone is crazy by having them fill out a form shows that you know as much about this as you do about what constitutes a "machinegun".
There was no information on him because the mental health professionals didn't do their job.

And the idea that you can tell someone is crazy by having them fill out a form shows that you know as much about this as you do about what constitutes a "machinegun".

There was no information on him because no one bothered to look for it.

When someone did, namely the media, yup, everyone in his life, including HIS MOTHER, said he was crazy.
There was no information on him because the mental health professionals didn't do their job.

And the idea that you can tell someone is crazy by having them fill out a form shows that you know as much about this as you do about what constitutes a "machinegun".

There was no information on him because no one bothered to look for it.

When someone did, namely the media, yup, everyone in his life, including HIS MOTHER, said he was crazy.

You cannot be this dense. If nobody documented it and it wasn't put into the system, then there is no way no one could know! Please! Try to use your brain for once!
No, there are plenty of legal uses for guns, such as competition shooting and self defense. Sorry that you are a paranoid schizophrenic. A psychiatrist can help you with that.

If there are any "gun nuts" it would be you and people like you. You are utterly ridiculous.

Maybe he stabs the boyfriend, maybe he beats him to death . . . Absolutely pointless, is what you are.

There are ALREADY background checks. What is WRONG with you?

Background checks that apparently said a guy who thought he was the fucking Joker could have a machine gun... are totally inadequate.

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year. That's what's ridiculous.

And MANY more people have defended themselves using a firearm.
You cannot be this dense. If nobody documented it and it wasn't put into the system, then there is no way no one could know! Please! Try to use your brain for once!

Again, the media was able to find out that he was as crazy as batshit within hours of the shooting.


The information was there. Nobody looked for it.

And MANY more people have defended themselves using a firearm.

Not really. When you estimate something with a range of 65,000 to 5 million, but can only document 200 deaths in self-defense, that becomes kind of dubious.
You cannot be this dense. If nobody documented it and it wasn't put into the system, then there is no way no one could know! Please! Try to use your brain for once!

Again, the media was able to find out that he was as crazy as batshit within hours of the shooting.


The information was there. Nobody looked for it.

And MANY more people have defended themselves using a firearm.

Not really. When you estimate something with a range of 65,000 to 5 million, but can only document 200 deaths in self-defense, that becomes kind of dubious.

It's not 65,000 to 5 million, as you've been told DOZENS of times. It is 500,000 to 2.5 million. Get your facts straight.

No, the information was not there. The media found out through other sources, like the police reports, etc. Not only that, but there is a little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality. If you really want to "blame" someone, blame that nut's psychiatrist for not locking him up.
Wouldn't want the women to be able to protect themselves, would you?

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. I knew a lady who bought a gun for protection and had to bury her teenage son after he shot himself with it.

I know you don't consider this a big deal, but she did.

Oh, and the NRA doesn't sell women guns. They just make sure gov't worshipping wimps like you don't take away their right to own one. And they provide more firearm training than anyone in the nation except the military. So those women who were unable to use their gun, didn't store it properly, or did something stupid with it could certainly use the NRA courses.

The NRA are shills for the gun industry and their desire to make sure every lunatic can get a gun, so everyone else will want one.

Wasn't always that way. Back in the 1960's, they helped draft gun control laws after we had riots and assassinations.

Which is a lie that has been debunked time and time again. You're simply a liar.
It's not 65,000 to 5 million, as you've been told DOZENS of times. It is 500,000 to 2.5 million. Get your facts straight.

Depends entirely which source you cite. The problem is, the standard is completely subjective. I find even the 65,000 figure rather implausible just by virtue of the fact that the one thing you can quantify- perpertrators killed by civilians in justified homicides - is pretty low- about 200 a year according to the FBI.

So even using the low 65K number, you'd have to believe that the bad guys got out of a deadly force situation 99.7% of the time. You'd have to believe that thousands of murderous, drug addled thugs are intimidated by someone holding a gun in a shaking hand.

No, the information was not there. The media found out through other sources, like the police reports, etc. Not only that, but there is a little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality. If you really want to "blame" someone, blame that nut's psychiatrist for not locking him up.

No, I blame the gun industry for making guns so accessible that someone as disturbed as Holmes had no problem getting one. Could we do mental health better? Yes. If Republicans were willing to spend more and Democrats weren't so hung up on hurting the feelings of the mentally ill, we could. But until we do, letting them walk into a gun store and buy a gun designed to fight the Vietnam War is a pretty stupid idea, don't you think.
It's not 65,000 to 5 million, as you've been told DOZENS of times. It is 500,000 to 2.5 million. Get your facts straight.

Depends entirely which source you cite. The problem is, the standard is completely subjective. I find even the 65,000 figure rather implausible just by virtue of the fact that the one thing you can quantify- perpertrators killed by civilians in justified homicides - is pretty low- about 200 a year according to the FBI.

So even using the low 65K number, you'd have to believe that the bad guys got out of a deadly force situation 99.7% of the time. You'd have to believe that thousands of murderous, drug addled thugs are intimidated by someone holding a gun in a shaking hand.

No, the information was not there. The media found out through other sources, like the police reports, etc. Not only that, but there is a little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality. If you really want to "blame" someone, blame that nut's psychiatrist for not locking him up.

No, I blame the gun industry for making guns so accessible that someone as disturbed as Holmes had no problem getting one. Could we do mental health better? Yes. If Republicans were willing to spend more and Democrats weren't so hung up on hurting the feelings of the mentally ill, we could. But until we do, letting them walk into a gun store and buy a gun designed to fight the Vietnam War is a pretty stupid idea, don't you think.

It isn't that many, Joe. Out of 320,000,000 people, 2.5 million (the high end) is less than 1% of the entire population, and the figures I quoted also include crimes that were not necessarily reported.
It's not 65,000 to 5 million, as you've been told DOZENS of times. It is 500,000 to 2.5 million. Get your facts straight.

Depends entirely which source you cite. The problem is, the standard is completely subjective. I find even the 65,000 figure rather implausible just by virtue of the fact that the one thing you can quantify- perpertrators killed by civilians in justified homicides - is pretty low- about 200 a year according to the FBI.

So even using the low 65K number, you'd have to believe that the bad guys got out of a deadly force situation 99.7% of the time. You'd have to believe that thousands of murderous, drug addled thugs are intimidated by someone holding a gun in a shaking hand.

No, the information was not there. The media found out through other sources, like the police reports, etc. Not only that, but there is a little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality. If you really want to "blame" someone, blame that nut's psychiatrist for not locking him up.

No, I blame the gun industry for making guns so accessible that someone as disturbed as Holmes had no problem getting one. Could we do mental health better? Yes. If Republicans were willing to spend more and Democrats weren't so hung up on hurting the feelings of the mentally ill, we could. But until we do, letting them walk into a gun store and buy a gun designed to fight the Vietnam War is a pretty stupid idea, don't you think.

It is a right. It is supposed to easily accessible. We don't revoke rights because of a couple rejects and their actions. Yes, SOME people are going to abuse their rights. That is why we have a criminal justice system.
They dif
There was no information on him because the mental health professionals didn't do their job.

And the idea that you can tell someone is crazy by having them fill out a form shows that you know as much about this as you do about what constitutes a "machinegun".

There was no information on him because no one bothered to look for it.

When someone did, namely the media, yup, everyone in his life, including HIS MOTHER, said he was crazy.

All they had to do aS submit the data like they were supposed to do.

Everyone came out after, but no one said a word before. Send the mother & all those who sat idly by to prison.
Anyone who would think of buying a gun at all is nuts.

The best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk.

That aside. Guy finds out his wife is cheating on him. He goes out, buys a gun, shoots her boyfriend.

Or he is forced to wait a week, maybe he works it out, maybe he sees a divorce lawyer, maybe he realized the bitch was no good to start with.

But in the immortal words of Homer Simpson... "Waiting period? I'm mad now!"

you just make this crap up.
It isn't that many, Joe. Out of 320,000,000 people, 2.5 million (the high end) is less than 1% of the entire population, and the figures I quoted also include crimes that were not necessarily reported.

EXCEPT- that's 1% every year. Over 30 years, that would be 30% of the population, or one out of three people you would know had an experience where they chased off a bad guy with a gun and didn't have to shoot him.

I'm 53 years old and I know a lot of gun owners. I don't know one who ever had to use his gun defensively. I do know THREE who had family members killed with guns (One murder and two suicides.)
All they had to do aS submit the data like they were supposed to do.

Everyone came out after, but no one said a word before. Send the mother & all those who sat idly by to prison.

His mother and his doctors weren't the ones who gave him a machine gun.

Holmes without a machine gun is harmless.
Holmes with a machine gun kills or wounds 82 people.

And put a gun dealer in jail, the next one WILL call his mom.
All they had to do aS submit the data like they were supposed to do.

Everyone came out after, but no one said a word before. Send the mother & all those who sat idly by to prison.

His mother and his doctors weren't the ones who gave him a machine gun.

Holmes without a machine gun is harmless.
Holmes with a machine gun kills or wounds 82 people.

And put a gun dealer in jail, the next one WILL call his mom.

Put some mental health professional in jail for dereliction of duty and the next one will report his crazy patient to the database. There is no way a dealer is derelict. He got the approval of the federal government.
All they had to do aS submit the data like they were supposed to do.

Everyone came out after, but no one said a word before. Send the mother & all those who sat idly by to prison.

His mother and his doctors weren't the ones who gave him a machine gun.

Holmes without a machine gun is harmless.
Holmes with a machine gun kills or wounds 82 people.

And put a gun dealer in jail, the next one WILL call his mom.

Someone sold Holmes a machine? Wow! Good thing he didn't have it with him, huh? All he had was a semi-auto rifle, a shotgun and a Glock. And the rifle jammed after firing only a few rounds.

So where did he buy the machine gun?
And what percentage of those homicides were committed by legal gun owners?

I debunked the whole gang thing pages ago, guy. Most gun homicides are done by legal gun owners.

Okay, let's try this again. The typical argument by the gun nuts is that '80% of gun homicides are gang related" - Translation - "It's just the Darkies killing each other, so it's okay."

Now as horrible and racist as that thinking is, it also has the vice of NOT BEING TRUE.

Request Rejected

  • The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States ( These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually.
Did we get that? The majority of homicides are not committed by gang members.

However, the majority of homicides ARE committed by gun owners, as of that 15,500 homicides, 11,000 are committed with guns.

So, no, it isn't the gangbanger you have to worry about. It's more than likely your neighbor or your significant other.
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