Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?

Guy, read up on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. They had weapons. Didn't stop the germans even a little bit.
Sorry, but that doesn't trump my rights. The whole is more important than the part.

No, it really isn't. I think if you let 100 people read your fucked up, crazy rantings here, 99 of them wouldn't let you have a gun.

with turds like you in this world, single ladies like Chris need to be well armed

I've still got my knife, and I would stab him right in the eye ball! :wink_2:

If we are talking about JoeyB, I doubt you would need your knife. A stern look would send him running. Being a female, I am pretty sure you have mastered "The Look".
Sorry, but that doesn't trump my rights. The whole is more important than the part.

No, it really isn't. I think if you let 100 people read your fucked up, crazy rantings here, 99 of them wouldn't let you have a gun.

Well, for one thing, Mr. JoeB, if this was a REAL debate, you would have been disqualified for resorting to personal attacks, typical for the losing side in the argument. Also, I challenge you to find one post of mine that is "crazy rantings." Just one. Will you accept my challenge? Probably not. :D

OTOH, I can find MANY such posts from you, Mr. JoeB, so perhaps you should rethink this silly statement of yours. You are the one who is threatening innocent people with harm in this thread. I have done no such thing. mean the practice that was world wide...that we as a country ended after it was here when the Europeans arrived and when the Europeans and Africans brought the slaves here.........and again that we ended as a country......moron...

The Europeans ended slavery long before we did. and we had to have a civil war to "end:" it because a lot of people in the South decided, "We's gonna take our guns and fight the Yankees, Cleetus!"

Less mayhem....yes...when defenseless people are quietly marched to death camps you have a lot less mayhem....right?

Uh, most of the people who died in German Death Camps had guns, but the Germans had tanks and bombers, dumbass. A lot of the people in those countries WITH guns were happy to turn on their neighbors and help the Germans send their neighbors there.

It's why all the "War Criminals" they caught in the 1970's and 80's weren't Germans. They were guys who signed up for that nifty new job at the Death Camp.

Of course, after the war, most of these countries decided it was kind of stupid to let average citizens have guns. but before the war, that wasn't much of an issue.

The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?
You are painting with a very broad brush.

Not all Democrats want to ban guns.

I have a brother and a sister who are Democrats. Both of them own guns and have concealed weapon permits. My sister carries a 9mm SIG Sauer handgun in her purse practically everywhere she goes.
The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?

Guy, read up on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. They had weapons. Didn't stop the germans even a little bit.
Read up on it yourself, why did they rise up when they did and why did it ultimately fail..........? Can you answer both questions without Googling it?
The fact they had weapons has no bearing, or correlation to the statement 2aguy made, your association is faulty.
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The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?

Guy, read up on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. They had weapons. Didn't stop the germans even a little bit.

They didn't have enough weapons and they it took the Germans far longer than it would have if they were know joe...we have seen what happens to innocent people when the government has guns and the people don't....100 million mass graves.......we would like to try it the other way next time....... mean the practice that was world wide...that we as a country ended after it was here when the Europeans arrived and when the Europeans and Africans brought the slaves here.........and again that we ended as a country......moron...

The Europeans ended slavery long before we did. and we had to have a civil war to "end:" it because a lot of people in the South decided, "We's gonna take our guns and fight the Yankees, Cleetus!"

Less mayhem....yes...when defenseless people are quietly marched to death camps you have a lot less mayhem....right?

Uh, most of the people who died in German Death Camps had guns, but the Germans had tanks and bombers, dumbass. A lot of the people in those countries WITH guns were happy to turn on their neighbors and help the Germans send their neighbors there.

It's why all the "War Criminals" they caught in the 1970's and 80's weren't Germans. They were guys who signed up for that nifty new job at the Death Camp.

Of course, after the war, most of these countries decided it was kind of stupid to let average citizens have guns. but before the war, that wasn't much of an issue.

The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?
You are painting with a very broad brush.

Not all Democrats want to ban guns.

I have a brother and a sister who are Democrats. Both of them own guns and have concealed weapon permits. My sister carries a 9mm SIG Sauer handgun in her purse practically everywhere she goes.

The democrats who hold political office want to ban guns....and I bet your brother and sister voted to put them in office...right?
The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?

Guy, read up on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. They had weapons. Didn't stop the germans even a little bit. are some details....

they didn't have enough guns....

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hanna Krall, who interviewed the only surviving uprising commander, Marek Edelman (from the left-wing Jewish Combat Organization, Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa, ŻOB), stated that the ŻOB had 220 fighters and each was armed with a handgun, grenades, and Molotov cocktails.

His organization had three rifles in each area, as well as two land mines and one submachine gun in the whole Ghetto.[17][18][19][20] The insurgents had little ammunition;

more weapons were supplied throughout the uprising, and some were captured from the Germans. Some weapons were handmade by the resistance; sometimes such weapons worked, other times they jammed repeatedly.

This is why we fight for the 2nd amendment.........we remember history..... mean the practice that was world wide...that we as a country ended after it was here when the Europeans arrived and when the Europeans and Africans brought the slaves here.........and again that we ended as a country......moron...

The Europeans ended slavery long before we did. and we had to have a civil war to "end:" it because a lot of people in the South decided, "We's gonna take our guns and fight the Yankees, Cleetus!"

Less mayhem....yes...when defenseless people are quietly marched to death camps you have a lot less mayhem....right?

Uh, most of the people who died in German Death Camps had guns, but the Germans had tanks and bombers, dumbass. A lot of the people in those countries WITH guns were happy to turn on their neighbors and help the Germans send their neighbors there.

It's why all the "War Criminals" they caught in the 1970's and 80's weren't Germans. They were guys who signed up for that nifty new job at the Death Camp.

Of course, after the war, most of these countries decided it was kind of stupid to let average citizens have guns. but before the war, that wasn't much of an issue.

The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?
You are painting with a very broad brush.

Not all Democrats want to ban guns.

I have a brother and a sister who are Democrats. Both of them own guns and have concealed weapon permits. My sister carries a 9mm SIG Sauer handgun in her purse practically everywhere she goes.

The democrats who hold political office want to ban guns....and I bet your brother and sister voted to put them in office...right?
I've no doubt that they vote Democrat, however, as I previously pointed out, not all Democrats want to ban guns.

I think the Democrats that do want to ban guns are just a hell of a lot more vocal regarding the issue than the ones who are against banning guns. mean the practice that was world wide...that we as a country ended after it was here when the Europeans arrived and when the Europeans and Africans brought the slaves here.........and again that we ended as a country......moron...

The Europeans ended slavery long before we did. and we had to have a civil war to "end:" it because a lot of people in the South decided, "We's gonna take our guns and fight the Yankees, Cleetus!"

Less mayhem....yes...when defenseless people are quietly marched to death camps you have a lot less mayhem....right?

Uh, most of the people who died in German Death Camps had guns, but the Germans had tanks and bombers, dumbass. A lot of the people in those countries WITH guns were happy to turn on their neighbors and help the Germans send their neighbors there.

It's why all the "War Criminals" they caught in the 1970's and 80's weren't Germans. They were guys who signed up for that nifty new job at the Death Camp.

Of course, after the war, most of these countries decided it was kind of stupid to let average citizens have guns. but before the war, that wasn't much of an issue.

The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?
You are painting with a very broad brush.

Not all Democrats want to ban guns.

I have a brother and a sister who are Democrats. Both of them own guns and have concealed weapon permits. My sister carries a 9mm SIG Sauer handgun in her purse practically everywhere she goes.

The democrats who hold political office want to ban guns....and I bet your brother and sister voted to put them in office...right?
Explain New Mexico then....... :eusa_whistle:
The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?

Guy, read up on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. They had weapons. Didn't stop the germans even a little bit.
IF all the Jews in Nazi areas had resisted at the same level the Polish Ghetto did, the nazis would have been beaten in half the time. If one out of every ten jews who was gassed had killed one Nazi before being murdered, that would have been 600K less Nazis the US, Brits and Russians would have had to kill.
Well, for one thing, Mr. JoeB, if this was a REAL debate, you would have been disqualified for resorting to personal attacks, typical for the losing side in the argument. Also, I challenge you to find one post of mine that is "crazy rantings." Just one. Will you accept my challenge? Probably not., crazy people rarely understand how crazy they sound.
IF all the Jews in Nazi areas had resisted at the same level the Polish Ghetto did, the nazis would have been beaten in half the time. If one out of every ten jews who was gassed had killed one Nazi before being murdered, that would have been 600K less Nazis the US, Brits and Russians would have had to kill.

Uh, yeah, I htink your tactical understanding is laughable, dude.

Fact is, there were all sorts of "partisan movement" in WWII. And they didn't dislodge one Nazi. The allies gave them a shitload of weapons, and most of them didn't fight.

Case in point, the "Free French". There were more Vichy than Maquis. All the way up until the end of the war.
Uh, yeah, I htink your tactical understanding is laughable, dude.

Fact is, there were all sorts of "partisan movement" in WWII. And they didn't dislodge one Nazi. The allies gave them a shitload of weapons, and most of them didn't fight.

Case in point, the "Free French". There were more Vichy than Maquis. All the way up until the end of the war.

Hey shit for brains: the jews couldn't fight back because assholes who think like you disarmed them before the holocaust started
Hey shit for brains: the jews couldn't fight back because assholes who think like you disarmed them before the holocaust started

Uh, no, not really.

You see, here's the thing. Most GERMAN Jews survived WWII. Most of the ones who got genocided were in countries that Germany DEFEATED on the battlefield. IN fact, half the victims of the Holocaust came from Poland, which had an oppurtunity to resist Germany with guns.

But the Germans brought tanks... and Stukas...

Hey shit for brains: the jews couldn't fight back because assholes who think like you disarmed them before the holocaust started

Uh, no, not really.

You see, here's the thing. Most GERMAN Jews survived WWII. Most of the ones who got genocided were in countries that Germany DEFEATED on the battlefield. IN fact, half the victims of the Holocaust came from Poland, which had an oppurtunity to resist Germany with guns.

But the Germans brought tanks... and Stukas...


MOST GERMAN JEWS SURVIVED THE HOLOCAUST? well that is because so many fled Germany before it happened because they saw what sort of nastiness the scum bag Nazis were planning for them.

stupid claim from a moron
MOST GERMAN JEWS SURVIVED THE HOLOCAUST? well that is because so many fled Germany before it happened because they saw what sort of nastiness the scum bag Nazis were planning for them.

stupid claim from a moron

Just putting the lie to the notion that the 'holocaust" was caused by "gun control", which is pretty stupid, given that the Nazis actually LOOSENED the gun laws. It was easier to get a gun in Nazi Germany than any time in German history.
IF all the Jews in Nazi areas had resisted at the same level the Polish Ghetto did, the nazis would have been beaten in half the time. If one out of every ten jews who was gassed had killed one Nazi before being murdered, that would have been 600K less Nazis the US, Brits and Russians would have had to kill.

Uh, yeah, I htink your tactical understanding is laughable, dude.

Fact is, there were all sorts of "partisan movement" in WWII. And they didn't dislodge one Nazi. The allies gave them a shitload of weapons, and most of them didn't fight.

Case in point, the "Free French". There were more Vichy than Maquis. All the way up until the end of the war.

Those partisan movements never had enough weapons moron........

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