Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

MOST GERMAN JEWS SURVIVED THE HOLOCAUST? well that is because so many fled Germany before it happened because they saw what sort of nastiness the scum bag Nazis were planning for them.

stupid claim from a moron

Just putting the lie to the notion that the 'holocaust" was caused by "gun control", which is pretty stupid, given that the Nazis actually LOOSENED the gun laws. It was easier to get a gun in Nazi Germany than any time in German history.

Moron, the nazis banned guns for non nazis....what an idiot.......
MOST GERMAN JEWS SURVIVED THE HOLOCAUST? well that is because so many fled Germany before it happened because they saw what sort of nastiness the scum bag Nazis were planning for them.

stupid claim from a moron

Just putting the lie to the notion that the 'holocaust" was caused by "gun control", which is pretty stupid, given that the Nazis actually LOOSENED the gun laws. It was easier to get a gun in Nazi Germany than any time in German history.

yeah if you were a party member dipshit, Not so much if you were a Jew
Well, for one thing, Mr. JoeB, if this was a REAL debate, you would have been disqualified for resorting to personal attacks, typical for the losing side in the argument. Also, I challenge you to find one post of mine that is "crazy rantings." Just one. Will you accept my challenge? Probably not., crazy people rarely understand how crazy they sound.


Exhibit A. :lol:
It sucked to be a Jew in Nazi Germany in General.

Having guns would not have made it suck any less.

so taking a few nazi bastards with you wasn't something you'd want to do?

figure not-you're a coward

Since we know what happened to unarmed, innocent people when their government decided to murder them....and the other countries of Europe handed their citizens over to the nazis as about we try it the other way...and make sure we are armed instead...see how that turns out.....since 12 million dead added to the European murder totals puts their murder rate much higher than ours.......
It sucked to be a Jew in Nazi Germany in General.

Having guns would not have made it suck any less.

so taking a few nazi bastards with you wasn't something you'd want to do?

figure not-you're a coward

Since we know what happened to unarmed, innocent people when their government decided to murder them....and the other countries of Europe handed their citizens over to the nazis as about we try it the other way...and make sure we are armed instead...see how that turns out.....since 12 million dead added to the European murder totals puts their murder rate much higher than ours.......

yeah that 12 million never gets included in the braying eurofags' whining about american death counts
Moron, the nazis banned guns for non nazis....what an idiot.......

But everyone in Germany was pretty much a Nazi, so it wasn't a problem.

Germany was about as close to a gun nutter paradise as Europe ever got.

Bullshit. At its height the Nazi party numbered 5.5 to 6 million. The total population of Germany was over 60 million. Are you simply ignorant of history or lying again?
yeah if you were a party member dipshit, Not so much if you were a Jew

It sucked to be a Jew in Nazi Germany in General.

Having guns would not have made it suck any less.

Tell that to the Jews who revolted and escaped from the Sobibor death camp. My gosh but you're an ignorant twerp.

Alexander Pechersky on the Revolt and Escape

From the Sobibor Death Camp

Alexander Pechersky The Revolt and Escape From Sobibor Death Camp
Bullshit. At its height the Nazi party numbered 5.5 to 6 million. The total population of Germany was over 60 million. Are you simply ignorant of history or lying again?

And the rest of the Germans enthusastically supported them. That was the point.

Oh, non party members had no problem getting guns unless they weren't classified as Aryan.

The Hitler gun control lie -

Unfortunately for LaPierre et al., the notion that Hitler confiscated everyone’s guns is mostly bogus. And the ancillary claim that Jews could have stopped the Holocaust with more guns doesn’t make any sense at all if you think about it for more than a minute.

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them.

The 1938 law signed by Hitler that LaPierre mentions in his book basically does the opposite of what he says it did. “The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition,” Harcourt wrote. Meanwhile, many more categories of people, including Nazi party members, were exempted from gun ownership regulations altogether, while the legal age of purchase was lowered from 20 to 18, and permit lengths were extended from one year to three years.
Since we know what happened to unarmed, innocent people when their government decided to murder them....and the other countries of Europe handed their citizens over to the nazis as about we try it the other way...and make sure we are armed instead...see how that turns out.....since 12 million dead added to the European murder totals puts their murder rate much higher than ours.......

Guy, the problem wasn't that "the government" murdered them, it was that their NEIGHBORS murdered them.

You see, when you have a myth that Group A killed your Imaginary Sky Man on a Stick, killing group A becomes acceptable.

The reality is, if you guys ever took up arms against the government, the government would totally take you out and most of your neighbors would be cheering them on because you were frightening their children. Just ask Koresh or McVeigh.

You might need one of these, though.

so taking a few nazi bastards with you wasn't something you'd want to do?

figure not-you're a coward

Yawn, guy, you gun nuts talk smack all day, but when Timothy McVeigh did his thing, you all headed to the tall grass.

I don't know any gun buff who headed to the tall grass. Every single one of them wanted him caught, tried and executed.

You seem to like to tell everyone else what they think. And yet you are the first to ignore the laws of the land.
I don't know any gun buff who headed to the tall grass. Every single one of them wanted him caught, tried and executed.

You seem to like to tell everyone else what they think. And yet you are the first to ignore the laws of the land.

Really? Hey, what I remember was that after Waco, Wayne LaPeirre called the ATF "Jack Booted Thugs" and screamed about how we needed guns to fight the government.

After OKC, not so much. The nuts all got really quiet and the Militia movement, which had over 858 groups in the 1990's. By 2001, they had largely disappeared.
I don't know any gun buff who headed to the tall grass. Every single one of them wanted him caught, tried and executed.

You seem to like to tell everyone else what they think. And yet you are the first to ignore the laws of the land.

Really? Hey, what I remember was that after Waco, Wayne LaPeirre called the ATF "Jack Booted Thugs" and screamed about how we needed guns to fight the government.

After OKC, not so much. The nuts all got really quiet and the Militia movement, which had over 858 groups in the 1990's. By 2001, they had largely disappeared.

The attack in Waco was a debacle. They could have grabbed the guy they wanted without all the bloodshed. He went into town several times a week.

YOu are claiming to know what every gun buff thinks and what they did? Just more lies, huh?
The attack in Waco was a debacle. They could have grabbed the guy they wanted without all the bloodshed. He went into town several times a week.

YOu are claiming to know what every gun buff thinks and what they did? Just more lies, huh?

Guy, you gun nuts pretty much expose yourself. And until 2008, I was on your side of the fence and got to hear a lot of the crazy-first hand.

No, the only debacle in Waco is that they didn't come back the next day with tanks. They shouldn't have waited 40 days for these whacks to work their way up to mass suicide.
Tell that to the Jews who revolted and escaped from the Sobibor death camp. My gosh but you're an ignorant twerp.

Yawn. Fact was, guns didn't stop the Holocaust. Guns didn't stop the Nazis, even though many Germans had them.

The person who tells me "I needs my guns in case the government goes bad" is delusional.

Fact is guns did stop the nazis and the death camps......the U.S. soldiers didn't use rainbows and pixie dust moron....

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