Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

I bet a lot of people have died from one cause or another in your vicinity.

And if he committed suicide then that was his choice not yours

True enough.

His was preventable. If the cops had taken his gun during his dry run where he shot a bullet out into the common area, he might not have killed himself later.

Sorry, but that doesn't trump my rights. The whole is more important than the part.
we have a constitution where the supreme sovereign is the people. you are an idiot.

So if a majority of the people decided they wanted gun registration or licencing or waiting periods or real background checks, you'd be totally down with that?

Because the majority supports those things.

If the majority in a certain jurisdiction wanted to ban gun ownership altogether, you'd be all power to the people?

Probably not.

the temporary whims of the sheeple are controlled and restricted by the Constitution
I bet a lot of people have died from one cause or another in your vicinity.

And if he committed suicide then that was his choice not yours

True enough.

His was preventable. If the cops had taken his gun during his dry run where he shot a bullet out into the common area, he might not have killed himself later.

It's no one's fault so stop trying to blame the cops, the gun, the gun seller, the gun maker and everyone else under the sun.

It was his right to end his life PERIOD
You're an idiot. and your faux crocodile tears about crime are facade

Your inability to answer the point is duly noted.

So what are we doing "right' that the Japanese, Germans, british, Canadians, Italians and French are all getting wrong?

What they have in common...they all experienced Fuedalism....they have a respect for central authority, with a monopoly on weapons, that Americans do not have......they also experienced both World Wars....which helped reinforce a national pacifism that is seen today...

Europe has extreme gun laws....but their criminals still get guns when they want and need them...all the time....easily....

Japan keeps control over their people with police powers we would never tolerate, and their people put up with it because they were on of the last countries to leave feudalism and the centralization of authority.....

And Keep in mind.....Europe gave us socialism and mass graves...filled with people who had no weapons to stop before you go all mushy on how wonderful Europe is, remember......millions of them were butchered by their own government in a time the world was supposed to be civilized and sophisticated.....

What they have in common...they all experienced Fuedalism....they have a respect for central authority, with a monopoly on weapons, that Americans do not have......they also experienced both World Wars....which helped reinforce a national pacifism that is seen today...

Europe has extreme gun laws....but their criminals still get guns when they want and need them...all the time....easily....

Japan keeps control over their people with police powers we would never tolerate, and their people put up with it because they were on of the last countries to leave feudalism and the centralization of authority.....

And Keep in mind.....Europe gave us socialism and mass graves...filled with people who had no weapons to stop before you go all mushy on how wonderful Europe is, remember......millions of them were butchered by their own government in a time the world was supposed to be civilized and sophisticated.....

Yeah. Americans weren't repsonsible for "mass graves" Except for the Native Americans. And the Slaves. And Wars like Iraq and Vietnam and the Philippine War where we gleefully massacred the shit out of brown people who happened to be standing somewhere a rich person wanted.

But no, the thing is, all those other countries realized that you have LESS mayhem if you don't let every schlub who wants a gun have one.
So. Just why is it that the US cities with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest violent crime rates?

What they have in common...they all experienced Fuedalism....they have a respect for central authority, with a monopoly on weapons, that Americans do not have......they also experienced both World Wars....which helped reinforce a national pacifism that is seen today...

Europe has extreme gun laws....but their criminals still get guns when they want and need them...all the time....easily....

Japan keeps control over their people with police powers we would never tolerate, and their people put up with it because they were on of the last countries to leave feudalism and the centralization of authority.....

And Keep in mind.....Europe gave us socialism and mass graves...filled with people who had no weapons to stop before you go all mushy on how wonderful Europe is, remember......millions of them were butchered by their own government in a time the world was supposed to be civilized and sophisticated.....

Yeah. Americans weren't repsonsible for "mass graves" Except for the Native Americans. And the Slaves. And Wars like Iraq and Vietnam and the Philippine War where we gleefully massacred the shit out of brown people who happened to be standing somewhere a rich person wanted.

But no, the thing is, all those other countries realized that you have LESS mayhem if you don't let every schlub who wants a gun have one.

Yes...let's dismiss the deliberate murder of close to 100 million people point out wars...the socialists murdered people...100 million of them......because they were simply class really need help... mean the practice that was world wide...that we as a country ended after it was here when the Europeans arrived and when the Europeans and Africans brought the slaves here.........and again that we ended as a country......moron...

What they have in common...they all experienced Fuedalism....they have a respect for central authority, with a monopoly on weapons, that Americans do not have......they also experienced both World Wars....which helped reinforce a national pacifism that is seen today...

Europe has extreme gun laws....but their criminals still get guns when they want and need them...all the time....easily....

Japan keeps control over their people with police powers we would never tolerate, and their people put up with it because they were on of the last countries to leave feudalism and the centralization of authority.....

And Keep in mind.....Europe gave us socialism and mass graves...filled with people who had no weapons to stop before you go all mushy on how wonderful Europe is, remember......millions of them were butchered by their own government in a time the world was supposed to be civilized and sophisticated.....

Yeah. Americans weren't repsonsible for "mass graves" Except for the Native Americans. And the Slaves. And Wars like Iraq and Vietnam and the Philippine War where we gleefully massacred the shit out of brown people who happened to be standing somewhere a rich person wanted.

But no, the thing is, all those other countries realized that you have LESS mayhem if you don't let every schlub who wants a gun have one.

Less mayhem....yes...when defenseless people are quietly marched to death camps you have a lot less mayhem....right?
the temporary whims of the sheeple are controlled and restricted by the Constitution

Again- circular logic of a gun nut.

They don't want the people deciding gun laws because the constitution.

They don't want the courts deciding what the constitution says because the people.

In a perfect world, only those of us who are grandmaster level shooters would be able to decide gun laws. Garment soiling gun haters like you would have no say whatsoever
So. Just why is it that the US cities with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest violent crime rates?

The same reason cities with loose gun laws have high violent crime rates. That's where lots of people live. Duuuuuh.

Yes...let's dismiss the deliberate murder of close to 100 million people point out wars...the socialists murdered people...100 million of them......because they were simply class really need help...

Well, I dismiss it because it isn't even an accurate number. Even if you put all the people who died under Stalin and Hilter together, you don't get ANYWHERE NEAR 100 million. and that's being generous by throwing in WWII fatalities AND actually considering Hitler a "Socialist", because Frankly, the Krupps and the Other German Capitalists didn't get the message. They had a good old time until Germany lost the war.

Of course, the British empire genocided the shit out of Native Australians, Belgian Capitalists in the Congo genocided the shit out the native people there. We genocided the shit out the Native Americans, and did quite a number on the Philippines trying to get them to love Capitalism. mean the practice that was world wide...that we as a country ended after it was here when the Europeans arrived and when the Europeans and Africans brought the slaves here.........and again that we ended as a country......moron...

The Europeans ended slavery long before we did. and we had to have a civil war to "end:" it because a lot of people in the South decided, "We's gonna take our guns and fight the Yankees, Cleetus!"

Less mayhem....yes...when defenseless people are quietly marched to death camps you have a lot less mayhem....right?

Uh, most of the people who died in German Death Camps had guns, but the Germans had tanks and bombers, dumbass. A lot of the people in those countries WITH guns were happy to turn on their neighbors and help the Germans send their neighbors there.

It's why all the "War Criminals" they caught in the 1970's and 80's weren't Germans. They were guys who signed up for that nifty new job at the Death Camp.

Of course, after the war, most of these countries decided it was kind of stupid to let average citizens have guns. but before the war, that wasn't much of an issue.
So. Just why is it that the US cities with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest violent crime rates?

The same reason cities with loose gun laws have high violent crime rates. That's where lots of people live. Duuuuuh.

Yes...let's dismiss the deliberate murder of close to 100 million people point out wars...the socialists murdered people...100 million of them......because they were simply class really need help...

Well, I dismiss it because it isn't even an accurate number. Even if you put all the people who died under Stalin and Hilter together, you don't get ANYWHERE NEAR 100 million. and that's being generous by throwing in WWII fatalities AND actually considering Hitler a "Socialist", because Frankly, the Krupps and the Other German Capitalists didn't get the message. They had a good old time until Germany lost the war.

Of course, the British empire genocided the shit out of Native Australians, Belgian Capitalists in the Congo genocided the shit out the native people there. We genocided the shit out the Native Americans, and did quite a number on the Philippines trying to get them to love Capitalism.

You forgot mao moron....and pol pot.....

The Indians died of disease...genocide is an intentional act.........
You forgot mao moron....and pol pot.....

The Indians died of disease...genocide is an intentional act....

Mao and Pol Pot weren't in "Europe". You were whining about "European" socialists, not Asian ones.

Should point out that China has a pretty bloody history in General. The Taiping Rebellion claimed 20 million lives in the 19th century and not a Communist in sight.

As for Cambodia, you leave out that we killed probably 3 million people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. How is it you only see the other guy's bad acts?

The Indians died of disease...genocide is an intentional act....

You mean like when WHite People "intentionally" gave the Indians blankets infected with smallpox?

The Trail of Tears looked pretty "intentional" to me.

Maybe you can reclassify Wounded Knee as "they died of lead poisoning".
Last edited: mean the practice that was world wide...that we as a country ended after it was here when the Europeans arrived and when the Europeans and Africans brought the slaves here.........and again that we ended as a country......moron...

The Europeans ended slavery long before we did. and we had to have a civil war to "end:" it because a lot of people in the South decided, "We's gonna take our guns and fight the Yankees, Cleetus!"

Less mayhem....yes...when defenseless people are quietly marched to death camps you have a lot less mayhem....right?

Uh, most of the people who died in German Death Camps had guns, but the Germans had tanks and bombers, dumbass. A lot of the people in those countries WITH guns were happy to turn on their neighbors and help the Germans send their neighbors there.

It's why all the "War Criminals" they caught in the 1970's and 80's weren't Germans. They were guys who signed up for that nifty new job at the Death Camp.

Of course, after the war, most of these countries decided it was kind of stupid to let average citizens have guns. but before the war, that wasn't much of an issue.

The democrats in the South decided they liked owning people....and still do...but they branched out and want to own all people, not just blacks......and no, the people in the death camps did not have guns.....the police and soldiers had guns...exactly what morons like you want...and it turned out badly when the government decided to kill people....

And of course they thought it was stupid to let citizens have guns.......they know that armed citizens can actually fight back.....why would they want that.....?
You forgot mao moron....and pol pot.....

The Indians died of disease...genocide is an intentional act....

Mao and Pol Pot weren't in "Europe". You were whining about "European" socialists, not Asian ones.

Should point out that China has a pretty bloody history in General. The Taiping Rebellion claimed 20 million lives in the 19th century and not a Communist in sight.

As for Cambodia, you leave out that we killed probably 3 million people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. How is it you only see the other guy's bad acts?

The Indians died of disease...genocide is an intentional act....

You mean like when WHite People "intentionally" gave the Indians blankets infected with smallpox?

The Trail of Tears looked pretty "intentional" to me.

Maybe you can reclassify Wounded Knee as "they died of lead poisoning".

Wounded Knee was the gov't. You want them disarmed too?

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