Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

How many fucking more hoops should I have to jump through in order to exercise a constitutionally guaranteed right?

No one is stopping you from joining a Well-Regulated Militia.

It has been explained to you multiple times now how wrong your interpretation of the 2nd amendment is. Obviously it would never be about government control since the Bill of Rights outlines the rights of the PEOPLE and not government. A well regulated militia back then meant that your gun was cleaned and that every able-bodied man (and perhaps women) be ready to fight with their weapon at a moment's notice. It only takes a bit of common sense, you know?
Iowa open-carry nut gunned down mall worker who filed sexual harassment complaints against him
An Iowa mall cop, with a Facebook account loaded with open-carry and right-wing memes and photos of multiple weapons, is under arrest for shooting and killing a fellow mall worker because she filed sexual harassment complaints against him.
see what happens when a victim is not armed
No that is what happens when a punk gun owner shoots a woman in the back....
A mentally ill retard was responsible for that.

Exactly.............a mentally ill retard with an arsenal of guns....
So how does banning guns from the vast majority of people who own guns and will never even point one at another person never mind shoot anyone stop that
I do not call for "banning guns" I call for more effective comprehensive regulation of gun ownership

do not let crazy people own firearms....
A mentally ill retard was responsible for that.

Exactly.............a mentally ill retard with an arsenal of guns....
So how does banning guns from the vast majority of people who own guns and will never even point one at another person never mind shoot anyone stop that
I do not call for "banning guns" I call for more effective comprehensive regulation of gun ownership

do not let crazy people own firearms....

How do you define "crazy people" and how do you suggest we go about doing this?
A mentally ill retard was responsible for that.

Exactly.............a mentally ill retard with an arsenal of guns....
So how does banning guns from the vast majority of people who own guns and will never even point one at another person never mind shoot anyone stop that
I do not call for "banning guns" I call for more effective comprehensive regulation of gun ownership

do not let crazy people own firearms....

If the mental health professionals report them to the database, they wouldn't be able to buy them from gun dealers. You know, the guys JoeB wants to send to prison??
[QUOTE="TyroneSlothrop, post: 11608122, member: 45552"
No that is what happens when a punk gun owner shoots a woman in the back....[/QUOTE]

is there a point to your rant? are you trying to smear all gun owners? or are you a Graboid who thinks if guns are banned murder will go away?
YOU are an idiot and no one believes your fecal jihad against gun owners is based on anything other than your leftwing politics

duly noted that you can't argue the point made.

see what happens when a victim is not armed

So exactly how was having a gun to keep her from being shot in the back? Somehow, I don't think everyone being armed is exactly a solution. So at what point was it okay for her to shoot the guy? Considering he had training and she didn't, it still would have been one-sided.

It has been explained to you multiple times now how wrong your interpretation of the 2nd amendment is. Obviously it would never be about government control since the Bill of Rights outlines the rights of the PEOPLE and not government. A well regulated militia back then meant that your gun was cleaned and that every able-bodied man (and perhaps women) be ready to fight with their weapon at a moment's notice. It only takes a bit of common sense, you know?

5 Justices subscribe to my opinion, and that's all I need, snookums.

Here's the thing. We shouldn't be basing our laws on what some fucked up slave owners thought 250 years ago. Their opinions are pointless in the here and now.

We don't NEED a "Militia". Today we have professional, highly trained Armies and Police Forces. We don't need to rely on Cleetus to show up with his squirrel gun, and usually Cleetus and his squirrel gun are the problem.

Other industrialized nations have figured this out. They have nowhere near our level of Crime and Mayhem.

is there a point to your rant? are you trying to smear all gun owners? or are you a Graboid who thinks if guns are banned murder will go away?

Go Away? No. Be seriously reduced? Um. Yeah. Every other industrial nation has done that and proven that.
You're an idiot. and your faux crocodile tears about crime are facade

Your inability to answer the point is duly noted.

So what are we doing "right' that the Japanese, Germans, british, Canadians, Italians and French are all getting wrong?

we have a constitution where the supreme sovereign is the people. you are an idiot.
we have a constitution where the supreme sovereign is the people. you are an idiot.

So if a majority of the people decided they wanted gun registration or licencing or waiting periods or real background checks, you'd be totally down with that?

Because the majority supports those things.

If the majority in a certain jurisdiction wanted to ban gun ownership altogether, you'd be all power to the people?

Probably not.
You're an idiot. and your faux crocodile tears about crime are facade

Your inability to answer the point is duly noted.

So what are we doing "right' that the Japanese, Germans, british, Canadians, Italians and French are all getting wrong?

Hey move to Japan. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

And I'll repeat a .0035% chance of being murdered with a gun is nothing to get your panties in a twist over
I've posted explanations of thast before maybe you should have read them

Yes, yes, you have posted all kinds of explanations about why the Founding Slave Rapists really didn't mean what they actually wrote and really intended for Joker Holmes to have a Machine Gun.

Because if Comic Book Clowns can't have Machine Guns, are any of us truly free?
He didn't have a machine gun.
Hey move to Japan. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

And I'll repeat a .0035% chance of being murdered with a gun is nothing to get your panties in a twist over

Depends if that .0035% is someone you know.

Someone died of a gunshot wound 50 feet from where I am sitting now, a gun that should have been taken away from him.

I bet a lot of people have died from one cause or another in your vicinity.

And if he committed suicide then that was his choice not yours

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