Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down the book I just picked up...."Gun Control in the 3rd Reich"...gun registration was implemented in 1928 during the Weimar keep people safe. when the nazis came to power they used those lists to take guns away from Jews,and their political enemies...moron

You can pick up any horseshit book you want. Fact is for GERMANS (who were 98% of the population of GERMANY) the gun laws were loosened. gun ownership and proficiency was seen as a symbol of Aryan "manliness'.
Oh and Jo(ke), here's another one you should attempt to read:
The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton John Jay and James Madison

Again, could care less about the thoughts of dead slave rapists.

Here's how I see it. Does it make sense TODAY to have guns so easily available that Joker Holmes and Darryl Roof and Adam Lanza can get them?

The two reasons you clowns give is

1) So I can defend myself against criminals (even though a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.)

2) So I can take on the government if they do something I don't like (forgetting the government has tanks and bombers and nukes and shit.)

Of course you site a statistic that is a lie...based on gang members as people who know each other.....

and of course we are walking away from Afghanistan and Iraq....with our satellites, jet fighters and advanced military.....and yet you think we couldn't do the same....moron..
Moron, he passed the background least that is what CNN is implying.....he bought the gun himself,at a gun store......

you do realize that background checks never stop mass shooters...right....because the mass shooting is their first and only crime so they can pass the background check with flying colors...and the ones too illegal guns like the two monsters in .columbine...

Well, first, no, this guy shouldn't have passed a background check, as he had several arrests including one for gun possession.

Second, the reports are his father gave him a gun, not that he bought it himself. Will his father do some hard time? I honestly hope so.

you missed the new info...they gave him money for a birthday gift...he used it to buy the gun....they didn't know what he did with the money....moron...
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do. the book I just picked up...."Gun Control in the 3rd Reich"...gun registration was implemented in 1928 during the Weimar keep people safe. when the nazis came to power they used those lists to take guns away from Jews,and their political enemies...moron

You can pick up any horseshit book you want. Fact is for GERMANS (who were 98% of the population of GERMANY) the gun laws were loosened. gun ownership and proficiency was seen as a symbol of Aryan "manliness'.

gun laws were restricted for the people they ended up sending to the death camps moron.....they disarmed them using the gun registration records from the Weimar Republic...who registered guns to keep people safe....moron...
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do.

moron....he murdered a hated minority....a disarmed minority....he disarmed them first...moron.....
Of course you site a statistic that is a lie...based on gang members as people who know each other.....

We back to the gang thing I've debunked numerous times? Gangs represent about 10% of homicides.

and of course we are walking away from Afghanistan and Iraq....with our satellites, jet fighters and advanced military.....and yet you think we couldn't do the same....moron..

No, actually, I don't think Most Americans can put down their I-Phones long enough. We are walking away from Iraq because it was never worth having to start with.
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do.

Fuck head....I was born there....what a moron...
gun laws were restricted for the people they ended up sending to the death camps moron.....they disarmed them using the gun registration records from the Weimar Republic...who registered guns to keep people safe....moron...

Most of the people who ended up in Death Camps WEREN'T GERMANS. They were people who were lived in countries Germany defeated. (and found their neighbors were happy to hand them over because they killed their Imaginary God Man on a Stick)
Of course you site a statistic that is a lie...based on gang members as people who know each other.....

We back to the gang thing I've debunked numerous times? Gangs represent about 10% of homicides.

and of course we are walking away from Afghanistan and Iraq....with our satellites, jet fighters and advanced military.....and yet you think we couldn't do the same....moron..

No, actually, I don't think Most Americans can put down their I-Phones long enough. We are walking away from Iraq because it was never worth having to start with.

It was worth it to the backwards ass tribesman with rifles who fought us.....and we left....they didn't give up...and they had rifles.......not jets...
gun laws were restricted for the people they ended up sending to the death camps moron.....they disarmed them using the gun registration records from the Weimar Republic...who registered guns to keep people safe....moron...

Most of the people who ended up in Death Camps WEREN'T GERMANS. They were people who were lived in countries Germany defeated. (and found their neighbors were happy to hand them over because they killed their Imaginary God Man on a Stick)

Again...disarmed minorities...see a pattern here?
It was worth it to the backwards ass tribesman with rifles who fought us.....and we left....they didn't give up...and they had rifles.......not jets...

Well, it would have been a GREAT idea had Bush disarmed the Iraqi people like Eisenhower disarmed the Germans after WWII. BUt that would have upset Wayne and the National Rampage Association.
Oh and Jo(ke), here's another one you should attempt to read:
The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton John Jay and James Madison

Again, could care less about the thoughts of dead slave rapists.

Here's how I see it. Does it make sense TODAY to have guns so easily available that Joker Holmes and Darryl Roof and Adam Lanza can get them?

The two reasons you clowns give is

1) So I can defend myself against criminals (even though a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.)

2) So I can take on the government if they do something I don't like (forgetting the government has tanks and bombers and nukes and shit.)
That's what I thought you'd say....... Again you prove you know nothing about US history, go figure.
As for the rest I don't use those reasons, wrong again..... clown.......
As for you assertion that it's super easy for crazies to get firearms....... not as easy as it used to be and regardless of what restrictions you want they will still occasionally drop through the cracks. You want to change it? Get the 2nd Amendment repealed or ensure you stack SCOTUS with activist judges who use revisionist theory to ban private access to firearms. Good luck with that Sputz....... :thup:
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do.
You have a degree in history??!! Bull shit! Lets compare credentials, shall we........
Yes, at first most Germans were good with what Hitler did, he took a country that was suffering the worst from the (worldwide) Great Depression and completely turned it into one of the most prosperous counties in the world at the time. Why did most Germans not turn against him towards the end? Again you show you know nothing about German history during that era and the fact you had relatives in Germany at the time means you only have a micro (single person) view of what was happening.
Keep posting though Sputz, each time you show just how little you know and just how big a liar you are. :thup:
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The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do.

Fuck head....I was born there....what a moron...
This idiot has proven again and again that he knows nothing about the Constitution and Constitutional Law but also that he has no clue referencing history and now has also proven he either cheated his way to a History degree or is lying about having one. Basically he's a pathetic, clueless, lying hack that isn't worth anyones' time let alone any degree of respect.
From now on I'll treat him with nothing but the derision and scorn he deserves, no more wasting my time trying to teach him anything or trying to respond with fact and rational discussion, he's not worth it.
so taking a few nazi bastards with you wasn't something you'd want to do?

figure not-you're a coward

Yawn, guy, you gun nuts talk smack all day, but when Timothy McVeigh did his thing, you all headed to the tall grass.

my office didn't have jurisdiction over him moron

and he did his thing with fertilizer

when the war on guns come, smart patriots target the soft side of the beast first

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