Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do.

Fuck head....I was born there....what a moron...
This idiot has proven again and again that he knows nothing about the Constitution and Constitutional Law but also that he has no clue referencing history and now has also proven he either cheated his way to a History degree or is lying about having one. Basically he's a pathetic, clueless, lying hack that isn't worth anyones' time let alone any degree of respect.
From now on I'll treat him with nothing but the derision and scorn he deserves, no more wasting my time trying to teach him anything or trying to respond with fact and rational discussion, he's not worth it.

Sadly, I have taken that point of view with most of the lefties here on U.S. message...for the longest time I was polite to people who called me names and attacked me viciously when I simply disagreed with them. Mike Gallagher is at the Conservative leadership conference this weekend...and he talked about a speech given by Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer stated a truth in political debate......conservatives see lefties as dumb....lefties see conservatives as absolute evil...not an exact quote but close enough. That is why they treat us with such disrespect and attack us so quickly and easily. I have grown tired of dealing with them politely. I used to watch Bill Maher's show in it's original configuration on HBO. I would watch one conservative facing off against Maher and 3 other lefties...the conservative be polite...and the lefties be rude and outright mean.....over and over again, guest after guest. It became apparent that being nice, and polite and responding to their hate and attacks with reasoned arguments just wasn't enough.....

I have pretty much had it. From now on when they are rude or worse, I will let fly.
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do.

Fuck head....I was born there....what a moron...
This idiot has proven again and again that he knows nothing about the Constitution and Constitutional Law but also that he has no clue referencing history and now has also proven he either cheated his way to a History degree or is lying about having one. Basically he's a pathetic, clueless, lying hack that isn't worth anyones' time let alone any degree of respect.
From now on I'll treat him with nothing but the derision and scorn he deserves, no more wasting my time trying to teach him anything or trying to respond with fact and rational discussion, he's not worth it.

Sadly, I have taken that point of view with most of the lefties here on U.S. message...for the longest time I was polite to people who called me names and attacked me viciously when I simply disagreed with them. Mike Gallagher is at the Conservative leadership conference this weekend...and he talked about a speech given by Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer stated a truth in political debate......conservatives see lefties as dumb....lefties see conservatives as absolute evil...not an exact quote but close enough. That is why they treat us with such disrespect and attack us so quickly and easily. I have grown tired of dealing with them politely. I used to watch Bill Maher's show in it's original configuration on HBO. I would watch one conservative facing off against Maher and 3 other lefties...the conservative be polite...and the lefties be rude and outright mean.....over and over again, guest after guest. It became apparent that being nice, and polite and responding to their hate and attacks with reasoned arguments just wasn't enough.....

I have pretty much had it. From now on when they are rude or worse, I will let fly.
Well I'm not a lefty or a righty, righties are constantly calling me a moonbat, libtard, libturd, etc and lefties are always calling me wingnut, neo-con, etc...... So I have fun with both....... :D
No, the rest of Germans endured them. Go to Lich sometime. There is a nice little cemetery in the Catholic cathedral there that houses German victims of the Gestapo. Ordinary Germans who somehow pissed off the authorities. As usual you ignore very real history. The facts are if you were a member of the Nazi Party you did pretty well. You had a good job, your wages were good, basically if you wanted to be able to do business in the Reich, you HAD to be a member.

But, membership had its costs too. In addition to the good jobs there were duties involved with being a member. One of those duties was making sure that no one got out of hand so the Police force in Germany was HUGE. They had city police. Highway police, mountain police, water protection police, postal protection police, railway police, fire protection police, customs police, tax collection police etc. etc. etc. They also had the National Labor Service (which Bill Clinton wanted to bring to this country, he didn't even bother to change the name) which was a para military organization that taught people to obey the authorities and arranged its workers in a military system. That way in addition to doing public works, they were also being trained as soldiers at the same time.

No, joeb, the population of Germany endured, they din' "support".

Though I have no doubt you would have risen high in the ranks of the Party.

Guy, the Population of Germany supported HItler up to the bitter end.

In fact, a poll taken in the 1950's showed that most Germans considered Stauffenberg and his group traitors for trying to take HItler out.

The Good Germans who didn't support HItler never showed up. It's why all you gun nuts with your fantasies about being "Freedom fighters" is so laughable.

No, they didn't. They survived him and his SD, and Abwher, and Gestapo as best they could. Germany was a country ruled by terror. I suggest you read some histories, Germany WAS the country you wish this country to become.
I have heard this is a good one...and it bears on the topic.....

Gun Control in the Third Reich Disarming the Jews and Enemies of the State - Kindle edition by Stephen P. Halbrook. Politics Social Sciences Kindle eBooks

You can find lectures by this gentleman on Youtube.......

But it's still horseshit. The gun laws in Nazi Germany are more liberal than they are today in Germany.

Nope. There are today almost as many legal gun owners in Germany as there was in Nazi Germany. Now, as it was true then, the wealthy have guns and the poor don't. Interestingly enough they estimate there are 20 million ILLEGAL firearms in the country. Who knew....

Information Graphic Gun Ownership in Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE
No, they didn't. They survived him and his SD, and Abwher, and Gestapo as best they could. Germany was a country ruled by terror. I suggest you read some histories, Germany WAS the country you wish this country to become.

Guy, again-

The problem with this view, which a lot of Germans would want you to believe, is that Hitler was an abberation.

No. Hitler was the manifestation of the worst aspects of German culture. Hitler didn't invent German Antisemitism, Authoritarianism, or Militarism. Those things were in the German Cultural DNA before the "Third Reich". It's why they had a First and Second Reich, after all.

It's why Hitler didn't need to ban guns for Germans. He knew they'd fight for him to the last teenage boy and old man, and that's pretty much what they did. (By Contrast, the Italians and the Japanese gave up with much less prodding. They actually did turn on Mussolini and Tojo.)

Or do you really think Hitler was such an evil genius that he could completely change the nature of a country in only a couple of years?
Sadly, I have taken that point of view with most of the lefties here on U.S. message...for the longest time I was polite to people who called me names and attacked me viciously when I simply disagreed with them. Mike Gallagher is at the Conservative leadership conference this weekend...and he talked about a speech given by Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer stated a truth in political debate......conservatives see lefties as dumb....lefties see conservatives as absolute evil...not an exact quote but close enough. That is why they treat us with such disrespect and attack us so quickly and easily. I have grown tired of dealing with them politely. I used to watch Bill Maher's show in it's original configuration on HBO. I would watch one conservative facing off against Maher and 3 other lefties...the conservative be polite...and the lefties be rude and outright mean.....over and over again, guest after guest. It became apparent that being nice, and polite and responding to their hate and attacks with reasoned arguments just wasn't enough.....

I have pretty much had it. From now on when they are rude or worse, I will let fly.

I'm not worried about your rudeness, dude.

I worry about the fact that you regurgitate NRA talking points over and over again without anything resembling critical thought.

Here's the thing. From 1980 to 2008, I was pretty fucking right wing. and then I figured out the whole conservative movement is about erasing all the gains working people like me (and I suspect you) by distracting you by playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears.

So when you question things like, "Why are all the good jobs going to China?" they'd rejoinder with "Hey, those homos want to take your guns."

Except now I realize, It really doesn't matter if the homos get married, and frankly, most of you don't need guns. I haven't touched a gun since I left the Army and my life is no worse off for it.
Sadly, I have taken that point of view with most of the lefties here on U.S. message...for the longest time I was polite to people who called me names and attacked me viciously when I simply disagreed with them. Mike Gallagher is at the Conservative leadership conference this weekend...and he talked about a speech given by Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer stated a truth in political debate......conservatives see lefties as dumb....lefties see conservatives as absolute evil...not an exact quote but close enough. That is why they treat us with such disrespect and attack us so quickly and easily. I have grown tired of dealing with them politely. I used to watch Bill Maher's show in it's original configuration on HBO. I would watch one conservative facing off against Maher and 3 other lefties...the conservative be polite...and the lefties be rude and outright mean.....over and over again, guest after guest. It became apparent that being nice, and polite and responding to their hate and attacks with reasoned arguments just wasn't enough.....

I have pretty much had it. From now on when they are rude or worse, I will let fly.

I'm not worried about your rudeness, dude.

I worry about the fact that you regurgitate NRA talking points over and over again without anything resembling critical thought.

Here's the thing. From 1980 to 2008, I was pretty fucking right wing. and then I figured out the whole conservative movement is about erasing all the gains working people like me (and I suspect you) by distracting you by playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears.

So when you question things like, "Why are all the good jobs going to China?" they'd rejoinder with "Hey, those homos want to take your guns."

Except now I realize, It really doesn't matter if the homos get married, and frankly, most of you don't need guns. I haven't touched a gun since I left the Army and my life is no worse off for it.

Dumb fuck, I don't regurgitate anything about guns it is half wits like you that spew the anti gun extremist talking points all day long. Try looking up actual information some time.
Dumb fuck, I don't regurgitate anything about guns it is half wits like you that spew the anti gun extremist talking points all day long. Try looking up actual information some time.

I did. I've refuted every whacky study you've put on there.

joe, moron, just saying "I refute thee," does not mean you have done anything more than show how stupid you are.
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.

I've got a degree in history. What I also have - which you don't - are RELATIVES FROM GERMANY. My father was born there. I have uncles, aunts and cousins who lived through the war, and yes, I had one Uncle who was a minor government official who joined the Nazi Party to keep his job.

But most Germans were totally good with what Hitler did, even after he started losing the war badly, even after the cities were reduced to rubble. THey had guns, they just didn't use them.

Because most people never do.

Fuck head....I was born there....what a moron...
This idiot has proven again and again that he knows nothing about the Constitution and Constitutional Law but also that he has no clue referencing history and now has also proven he either cheated his way to a History degree or is lying about having one. Basically he's a pathetic, clueless, lying hack that isn't worth anyones' time let alone any degree of respect.
From now on I'll treat him with nothing but the derision and scorn he deserves, no more wasting my time trying to teach him anything or trying to respond with fact and rational discussion, he's not worth it.

Sadly, I have taken that point of view with most of the lefties here on U.S. message...for the longest time I was polite to people who called me names and attacked me viciously when I simply disagreed with them. Mike Gallagher is at the Conservative leadership conference this weekend...and he talked about a speech given by Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer stated a truth in political debate......conservatives see lefties as dumb....lefties see conservatives as absolute evil...not an exact quote but close enough. That is why they treat us with such disrespect and attack us so quickly and easily. I have grown tired of dealing with them politely. I used to watch Bill Maher's show in it's original configuration on HBO. I would watch one conservative facing off against Maher and 3 other lefties...the conservative be polite...and the lefties be rude and outright mean.....over and over again, guest after guest. It became apparent that being nice, and polite and responding to their hate and attacks with reasoned arguments just wasn't enough.....

I have pretty much had it. From now on when they are rude or worse, I will let fly.
Well I'm not a lefty or a righty, righties are constantly calling me a moonbat, libtard, libturd, etc and lefties are always calling me wingnut, neo-con, etc...... So I have fun with both....... :D

I have that same problem. Bunch of insane nut-tards around here. :up:
Dumb fuck, I don't regurgitate anything about guns it is half wits like you that spew the anti gun extremist talking points all day long. Try looking up actual information some time.

I did. I've refuted every whacky study you've put on there.

Lol! You haven't refuted anything. :lol: You have advocated for putting innocent people in prison though, Nazi.
joe, moron, just saying "I refute thee," does not mean you have done anything more than show how stupid you are.

Uh, yeah, it does, unless you have a religious belief that brave gun nuts are out foiling crimes like Batman every day. You really can't argue with religious beliefs, unfortunately, they are impervious to facts.
Lol! You haven't refuted anything. :lol: You have advocated for putting innocent people in prison though, Nazi.

Someone who armed Joker Holmes or Darryl Roof is not "innocent". They are as guilty as they are. Maybe more so. Those guys were nuts. The person who sold them a gun was supposedly perfectly sane.

No they are not guilty of any crimes. You lose . . . again.
Lol! You haven't refuted anything. :lol: You have advocated for putting innocent people in prison though, Nazi.

Someone who armed Joker Holmes or Darryl Roof is not "innocent". They are as guilty as they are. Maybe more so. Those guys were nuts. The person who sold them a gun was supposedly perfectly sane.
Well, I see you've had your Foot Loops again this morning........ Funny how they go right to your head.......
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No, they didn't. They survived him and his SD, and Abwher, and Gestapo as best they could. Germany was a country ruled by terror. I suggest you read some histories, Germany WAS the country you wish this country to become.

Guy, again-

The problem with this view, which a lot of Germans would want you to believe, is that Hitler was an abberation.

No. Hitler was the manifestation of the worst aspects of German culture. Hitler didn't invent German Antisemitism, Authoritarianism, or Militarism. Those things were in the German Cultural DNA before the "Third Reich". It's why they had a First and Second Reich, after all.

It's why Hitler didn't need to ban guns for Germans. He knew they'd fight for him to the last teenage boy and old man, and that's pretty much what they did. (By Contrast, the Italians and the Japanese gave up with much less prodding. They actually did turn on Mussolini and Tojo.)

Or do you really think Hitler was such an evil genius that he could completely change the nature of a country in only a couple of years?
And you claim to have a degree in History.......

And you claim to have a degree in History.......

Duly noted you couldn't refute a point I made.

So Hitler totally transformed the German Mind Set in six years, then?

Really and Truly?
Refute a proven moron and liar? :lmao:

Never said Hitler transformed the German mindset in 6 years, that's your pathetic, uneducated accusation of those who don't believe your misinterpreted/misrepresented views. Keep going Sputz, you don't know how funny it is to watch you dig that hole deeper....... :thup:
Refute a proven moron and liar? :lmao:

Never said Hitler transformed the German mindset in 6 years, that's your pathetic, uneducated accusation of those who don't believe your misinterpreted/misrepresented views. Keep going Sputz, you don't know how funny it is to watch you dig that hole deeper.......

Then you agree with my point that Germans were already antisemitic, authoritarian and militaristic?

What are we arguing about again?

Or are you just arguing to hear yourself talk?

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