Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

I don't know any gun buff who headed to the tall grass. Every single one of them wanted him caught, tried and executed.

You seem to like to tell everyone else what they think. And yet you are the first to ignore the laws of the land.

Really? Hey, what I remember was that after Waco, Wayne LaPeirre called the ATF "Jack Booted Thugs" and screamed about how we needed guns to fight the government.

After OKC, not so much. The nuts all got really quiet and the Militia movement, which had over 858 groups in the 1990's. By 2001, they had largely disappeared.

The attack in Waco was a debacle. They could have grabbed the guy they wanted without all the bloodshed. He went into town several times a week.

YOu are claiming to know what every gun buff thinks and what they did? Just more lies, huh?

the loons in waco shouldn't have raised arms against their government. that seems to be what the righties don't get.

toons even defend koresh.
The attack in Waco was a debacle. They could have grabbed the guy they wanted without all the bloodshed. He went into town several times a week.

YOu are claiming to know what every gun buff thinks and what they did? Just more lies, huh?

Guy, you gun nuts pretty much expose yourself. And until 2008, I was on your side of the fence and got to hear a lot of the crazy-first hand.

No, the only debacle in Waco is that they didn't come back the next day with tanks. They shouldn't have waited 40 days for these whacks to work their way up to mass suicide.

Bullshit. You weren't a part of any gun group except perhaps some lunatic fringe, where you fit in quite well.

When McVeigh was caught the gun buffs were adamant about him being executed.

Oh, and why are you adding McVeigh in anyway? Do you think a gun ban would have saved any lives in OK?
I don't know any gun buff who headed to the tall grass. Every single one of them wanted him caught, tried and executed.

You seem to like to tell everyone else what they think. And yet you are the first to ignore the laws of the land.

Really? Hey, what I remember was that after Waco, Wayne LaPeirre called the ATF "Jack Booted Thugs" and screamed about how we needed guns to fight the government.

After OKC, not so much. The nuts all got really quiet and the Militia movement, which had over 858 groups in the 1990's. By 2001, they had largely disappeared.

The attack in Waco was a debacle. They could have grabbed the guy they wanted without all the bloodshed. He went into town several times a week.

YOu are claiming to know what every gun buff thinks and what they did? Just more lies, huh?

the loons in waco shouldn't have raised arms against their government. that seems to be what the righties don't get.

toons even defend koresh.

Link? Anyone here defending Koresh?
Bullshit. You weren't a part of any gun group except perhaps some lunatic fringe, where you fit in quite well.

When McVeigh was caught the gun buffs were adamant about him being executed.

Yeah, after everyone realized that a "War on the Government" includes dragging dead kids out of rubble. Helllllooooooo.

Yet again you claim to know what people are thinking. Just more bullshit.

I know a lot of gun buffs, shooters and hunters. Not a single one said a single word in support of McVeigh.

They were adamant about executing a criminal who murdered all those people. Your claims to the contrary are nonsense.
Bullshit. You weren't a part of any gun group except perhaps some lunatic fringe, where you fit in quite well.

When McVeigh was caught the gun buffs were adamant about him being executed.

Yeah, after everyone realized that a "War on the Government" includes dragging dead kids out of rubble. Helllllooooooo.

Yet again you claim to know what people are thinking. Just more bullshit.

I know a lot of gun buffs, shooters and hunters. Not a single one said a single word in support of McVeigh.

They were adamant about executing a criminal who murdered all those people. Your claims to the contrary are nonsense.

He's a gun ban nut. What else could we expect? :cuckoo: His posts are completely off the wall whacked. That's why the last post he made to me was so ironic. We have Joe here being an advocate for locking up innocent people who have broken NO laws. Forgive the Godwin's law reference, but he really seems to have much in common with the Nazis. :wink_2:
Moron, the nazis banned guns for non nazis....what an idiot.......

But everyone in Germany was pretty much a Nazi, so it wasn't a problem.

Germany was about as close to a gun nutter paradise as Europe ever got.

Bullshit. At its height the Nazi party numbered 5.5 to 6 million. The total population of Germany was over 60 million. Are you simply ignorant of history or lying again?
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.
Joe, if you want a clue at least read The Dark Valley, a Panorama of the 1930s by Piers Brendon for a great study of all the nations that eventually became embroiled in WWII. Also read They Thought They Were Free, the Germans 1933-45 by Milton Mayer. Neither one are Read with Dick and Jane books so ya might have to get someone to read them too you or get them in audio books........
Bullshit. At its height the Nazi party numbered 5.5 to 6 million. The total population of Germany was over 60 million. Are you simply ignorant of history or lying again?

And the rest of the Germans enthusastically supported them. That was the point.

Oh, non party members had no problem getting guns unless they weren't classified as Aryan.

The Hitler gun control lie -

Unfortunately for LaPierre et al., the notion that Hitler confiscated everyone’s guns is mostly bogus. And the ancillary claim that Jews could have stopped the Holocaust with more guns doesn’t make any sense at all if you think about it for more than a minute.

University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them.

The 1938 law signed by Hitler that LaPierre mentions in his book basically does the opposite of what he says it did. “The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition,” Harcourt wrote. Meanwhile, many more categories of people, including Nazi party members, were exempted from gun ownership regulations altogether, while the legal age of purchase was lowered from 20 to 18, and permit lengths were extended from one year to three years.

No, the rest of Germans endured them. Go to Lich sometime. There is a nice little cemetery in the Catholic cathedral there that houses German victims of the Gestapo. Ordinary Germans who somehow pissed off the authorities. As usual you ignore very real history. The facts are if you were a member of the Nazi Party you did pretty well. You had a good job, your wages were good, basically if you wanted to be able to do business in the Reich, you HAD to be a member.

But, membership had its costs too. In addition to the good jobs there were duties involved with being a member. One of those duties was making sure that no one got out of hand so the Police force in Germany was HUGE. They had city police. Highway police, mountain police, water protection police, postal protection police, railway police, fire protection police, customs police, tax collection police etc. etc. etc. They also had the National Labor Service (which Bill Clinton wanted to bring to this country, he didn't even bother to change the name) which was a para military organization that taught people to obey the authorities and arranged its workers in a military system. That way in addition to doing public works, they were also being trained as soldiers at the same time.

No, joeb, the population of Germany endured, they din' "support".

Though I have no doubt you would have risen high in the ranks of the Party.
Moron, the nazis banned guns for non nazis....what an idiot.......

But everyone in Germany was pretty much a Nazi, so it wasn't a problem.

Germany was about as close to a gun nutter paradise as Europe ever got.

Bullshit. At its height the Nazi party numbered 5.5 to 6 million. The total population of Germany was over 60 million. Are you simply ignorant of history or lying again?
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.
Joe, if you want a clue at least read The Dark Valley, a Panorama of the 1930s by Piers Brendon for a great study of all the nations that eventually became embroiled in WWII. Also read They Thought They Were Free, the Germans 1933-45 by Milton Mayer. Neither one are Read with Dick and Jane books so ya might have to get someone to read them too you or get them in audio books........

Another good one is The Nazi Seizure of Power.
Moron, the nazis banned guns for non nazis....what an idiot.......

But everyone in Germany was pretty much a Nazi, so it wasn't a problem.

Germany was about as close to a gun nutter paradise as Europe ever got.

Bullshit. At its height the Nazi party numbered 5.5 to 6 million. The total population of Germany was over 60 million. Are you simply ignorant of history or lying again?
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.
Joe, if you want a clue at least read The Dark Valley, a Panorama of the 1930s by Piers Brendon for a great study of all the nations that eventually became embroiled in WWII. Also read They Thought They Were Free, the Germans 1933-45 by Milton Mayer. Neither one are Read with Dick and Jane books so ya might have to get someone to read them too you or get them in audio books........

Another good one is The Nazi Seizure of Power.
Been cleaning out my WWII library and replacing it with pre and post Rev War volumes, now that I'm in El Paso will probably start adding Spanish colonial history.
Moron, the nazis banned guns for non nazis....what an idiot.......

But everyone in Germany was pretty much a Nazi, so it wasn't a problem.

Germany was about as close to a gun nutter paradise as Europe ever got.

Bullshit. At its height the Nazi party numbered 5.5 to 6 million. The total population of Germany was over 60 million. Are you simply ignorant of history or lying again?
The German population was 80 million, at it's height the Nazi party membership was 5% of the population, add another couple of million supporters (non-members) inside and outside Germany (German and non-German) and you might have a total of 10% max, sure doesn't look like "most" to me....... Maybe if JoeBum actually studied the German and European history period from Bismarck's unification of Germany to 1945 he might develop a clue but I won't hold my breath.
Joe, if you want a clue at least read The Dark Valley, a Panorama of the 1930s by Piers Brendon for a great study of all the nations that eventually became embroiled in WWII. Also read They Thought They Were Free, the Germans 1933-45 by Milton Mayer. Neither one are Read with Dick and Jane books so ya might have to get someone to read them too you or get them in audio books........

Another good one is The Nazi Seizure of Power.
Been cleaning out my WWII library and replacing it with pre and post Rev War volumes, now that I'm in El Paso will probably start adding Spanish colonial history.

I have heard this is a good one...and it bears on the topic.....

Gun Control in the Third Reich Disarming the Jews and Enemies of the State - Kindle edition by Stephen P. Halbrook. Politics Social Sciences Kindle eBooks

You can find lectures by this gentleman on Youtube.......
He's a gun ban nut. What else could we expect? :cuckoo: His posts are completely off the wall whacked. That's why the last post he made to me was so ironic. We have Joe here being an advocate for locking up innocent people who have broken NO laws. Forgive the Godwin's law reference, but he really seems to have much in common with the Nazis

I don't think the gun sellers are "innocent". They k now who they are selling to, they just don't care.

Here we have another case, 9 people dead because someone who never should have had a gun was able to get one.
No, the rest of Germans endured them. Go to Lich sometime. There is a nice little cemetery in the Catholic cathedral there that houses German victims of the Gestapo. Ordinary Germans who somehow pissed off the authorities. As usual you ignore very real history. The facts are if you were a member of the Nazi Party you did pretty well. You had a good job, your wages were good, basically if you wanted to be able to do business in the Reich, you HAD to be a member.

But, membership had its costs too. In addition to the good jobs there were duties involved with being a member. One of those duties was making sure that no one got out of hand so the Police force in Germany was HUGE. They had city police. Highway police, mountain police, water protection police, postal protection police, railway police, fire protection police, customs police, tax collection police etc. etc. etc. They also had the National Labor Service (which Bill Clinton wanted to bring to this country, he didn't even bother to change the name) which was a para military organization that taught people to obey the authorities and arranged its workers in a military system. That way in addition to doing public works, they were also being trained as soldiers at the same time.

No, joeb, the population of Germany endured, they din' "support".

Though I have no doubt you would have risen high in the ranks of the Party.

Guy, the Population of Germany supported HItler up to the bitter end.

In fact, a poll taken in the 1950's showed that most Germans considered Stauffenberg and his group traitors for trying to take HItler out.

The Good Germans who didn't support HItler never showed up. It's why all you gun nuts with your fantasies about being "Freedom fighters" is so laughable.
He's a gun ban nut. What else could we expect? :cuckoo: His posts are completely off the wall whacked. That's why the last post he made to me was so ironic. We have Joe here being an advocate for locking up innocent people who have broken NO laws. Forgive the Godwin's law reference, but he really seems to have much in common with the Nazis

I don't think the gun sellers are "innocent". They k now who they are selling to, they just don't care.

Here we have another case, 9 people dead because someone who never should have had a gun was able to get one.

Moron, he passed the background least that is what CNN is implying.....he bought the gun himself,at a gun store......

you do realize that background checks never stop mass shooters...right....because the mass shooting is their first and only crime so they can pass the background check with flying colors...and the ones too illegal guns like the two monsters in .columbine...
I have heard this is a good one...and it bears on the topic.....

Gun Control in the Third Reich Disarming the Jews and Enemies of the State - Kindle edition by Stephen P. Halbrook. Politics Social Sciences Kindle eBooks

You can find lectures by this gentleman on Youtube.......

But it's still horseshit. The gun laws in Nazi Germany are more liberal than they are today in Germany. the book I just picked up...."Gun Control in the 3rd Reich"...gun registration was implemented in 1928 during the Weimar keep people safe. when the nazis came to power they used those lists to take guns away from Jews,and their political enemies...moron
Oh and Jo(ke), here's another one you should attempt to read:
The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton John Jay and James Madison

Again, could care less about the thoughts of dead slave rapists.

Here's how I see it. Does it make sense TODAY to have guns so easily available that Joker Holmes and Darryl Roof and Adam Lanza can get them?

The two reasons you clowns give is

1) So I can defend myself against criminals (even though a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.)

2) So I can take on the government if they do something I don't like (forgetting the government has tanks and bombers and nukes and shit.)
Moron, he passed the background least that is what CNN is implying.....he bought the gun himself,at a gun store......

you do realize that background checks never stop mass shooters...right....because the mass shooting is their first and only crime so they can pass the background check with flying colors...and the ones too illegal guns like the two monsters in .columbine...

Well, first, no, this guy shouldn't have passed a background check, as he had several arrests including one for gun possession.

Second, the reports are his father gave him a gun, not that he bought it himself. Will his father do some hard time? I honestly hope so.

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