from 1950-1963 top tax rate was 91-92%, those were good years for our economy

dear god, it is like being in an alternate universe

it really is true you guys are brainwashed and the stupidest people on the planet

You shouldn't talk about your fellow libs like that ... even if it is true.
dear god, it is like being in an alternate universe

it really is true you guys are brainwashed and the stupidest people on the planet

Ok, seeing as you can’t answer the question I’ll do something pointless and ask you another one.

Is military spending higher or lower under Obama than it was under the war mongering evil Bush?
The goal of the Democrat party is to take all earnings and they dole out everything.
They will assign work to those who are not party members,those that are will have a nice government
cush job...

These people really make me sick.
Sticking their hands deeper and deeper in our pockets.

Why do we bother.
We know know how this President feels about business owners....

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

goin thru life an extreme racist idiot is no way to do it son...really isnt
The goal of the Democrat party is to take all earnings and they dole out everything.
They will assign work to those who are not party members,those that are will have a nice government
cush job...

These people really make me sick.
Sticking their hands deeper and deeper in our pockets.

Why do we bother.
We know know how this President feels about business owners....

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

whoa slow it down there, other peoples money, i dont see Hillary or Pelosi throwing their own money at people that need it.
dear god, it is like being in an alternate universe

it really is true you guys are brainwashed and the stupidest people on the planet

Ok, seeing as you can’t answer the question I’ll do something pointless and ask you another one.

Is military spending higher or lower under Obama than it was under the war mongering evil Bush?

Why do you hate the Black President?

where were you when W spent us into oblivion?
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from 1925 to 1931 they were 25 %

Not to mention that the Capital Gains tax rate was 12.5%, which was much more responsible for the economic problems at the time.

It seems neither of you know or possibly care what caused the Great Depression. Grats on that.

In fact here, becuase maybe you're not a typical Obama-bot.

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dear god, it is like being in an alternate universe

it really is true you guys are brainwashed and the stupidest people on the planet

Ok, seeing as you can’t answer the question I’ll do something pointless and ask you another one.

Is military spending higher or lower under Obama than it was under the war mongering evil Bush?

Why do you hate the Black President?

where were you when W spent us into oblivion?

Interesting that you point out "the President's" skin color.... Too bad you see skin color before being able to see just a person like I do, racist much? Don’t feel too bad, there are a lot of bigots like yourself out there TM… I mean…. You’re not TM, but you sound just like her.

I was there when Bush was overspending, doing wonderful things like welfare, DoEducatoin, TARP, stimulus's, homeland security, Guantanamo, Iraq, Afghanistan and so on... You know, all the things Obama is doing today, just spending more doing them.

Oh and btw, amazing job at not answering either of the questions I asked you, just amazing. Instead make it about Bush... Yes, point out Bush's bad spending as a way to argure Obama spending more on mostly the same things makes it ok... lol... wow.
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The goal of the Democrat party is to take all earnings and they dole out everything.
They will assign work to those who are not party members,those that are will have a nice government
cush job...

These people really make me sick.
Sticking their hands deeper and deeper in our pockets.

Why do we bother.
We know know how this President feels about business owners....

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

goin thru life an extreme racist idiot is no way to do it son...really isnt

goin thru life an extreme racist idiot is no way to do it son...really isnt

What part of what I said was racist??? :confused:
As i examine the vile filthy racists posting here and one other place I post, I see a common thread, not a single one of you and there are millions of you, ever has their facts correct, not ever

You are all full of right wing talking points that Ailes tells you to believe thru hannity and so on, not a single one of your facts are facts, not one...

It is rather sad but also treasonous...
The goal of the Democrat party is to take all earnings and they dole out everything.
They will assign work to those who are not party members,those that are will have a nice government
cush job...

These people really make me sick.
Sticking their hands deeper and deeper in our pockets.

Why do we bother.
We know know how this President feels about business owners....

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

goin thru life an extreme racist idiot is no way to do it son...really isnt

goin thru life an extreme racist idiot is no way to do it son...really isnt

What part of what I said was racist??? :confused:

When an Obama-bot drops the race card they are admitting you are right and they were wrong, just for future reference. It's a way of not taking accountability for saying something stupid by changing the subject matter, they learned that from Obama.
As i examine the vile filthy racists posting here and one other place I post, I see a common thread, not a single one of you and there are millions of you, ever has their facts correct, not ever

You are all full of right wing talking points that Ailes tells you to believe thru hannity and so on, not a single one of your facts are facts, not one...

It is rather sad but also treasonous...

I'm still waiting...
What did I say that was racist...
If you can't,don't,won't say....then I want an apology...:mad:
As i examine the vile filthy racists posting here and one other place I post, I see a common thread, not a single one of you and there are millions of you, ever has their facts correct, not ever

You are all full of right wing talking points that Ailes tells you to believe thru hannity and so on, not a single one of your facts are facts, not one...

It is rather sad but also treasonous...

See here is a great example of a Obama-Bot during a moment of self hating. Not only does it play the race card it then calls you a traitor. This is a real low point for this poster, he has proven he has absolutely nothing worth saying, no actual point to make so it then resorts to hijacking the thread. Usually you see this kind of behavior is small children with anger issues, that’s what makes this so easy to diagnose.
Well when they play the race card then I know they got nothin...
It's the last resort of a desperate person....
Someone on here referred to people paying over 92% in taxes as the good old days....
Kind of tells us just what we are up against folks.
Someone on here referred to people paying over 92% in taxes as the good old days....
Kind of tells us just what we are up against folks.

what years of the last 100 did the US have the best economy?
TM is an Obamabot, she doesnt even realize they had even more tax deductions and she really has no clue on tax policy.
Economic history of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Postwar prosperity: 1945–1973

Further information: Post–World War II economic expansion

The period from the end of World War II to the early 1970s was a golden era of American capitalism. $200 billion in war bonds matured, and the G.I. Bill financed a well-educated work force. The middle class swelled, as did GDP and productivity. The U.S. underwent a kind of golden age of economic growth. This growth was distributed fairly evenly across the economic classes, which some attribute to the strength of labor unions in this period—labor union membership peaked historically in the U.S. during the 1950s, in the midst of this massive economic growth. Much of the growth came from the movement of low income farm workers into better paying jobs in the towns and cities—a process largely completed by 1960. Congress created the Council of Economic Advisors, to promote high employment, high profits and low inflation. The Eisenhower administration (1953–1961) supported an activist contracyclical approach that helped to establish Keynesianism as a bipartisan economic policy for the nation. Especially important in formulating the CEA response to the recession—accelerating public works programs, easing credit, and reducing taxes—were Arthur F. Burns and Neil H. Jacoby. ""I am now a Keynesian in economics," proclaimed Republican President Richard Nixon in 1969.[87] Although this period brought economic expanding to the country as whole, it was not recession proof. The recessions of 1945, 1949, 1953, 1958, and 1960 saw a drastic decline in GDP.

The "Baby Boom" saw a dramatic increase in fertility in the period 1942–1957; it was caused by delayed marriages and childbearing during depression years, a surge in prosperity, a demand for suburban single-family homes (as opposed to inner city apartments) and new optimism about the future. The boom crested about 1957, then slowly declined.[88]

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