From a recent interview with the designer of the AR-15....

So? Why is Omar Mateen representative of all AR-15 users when the left keeps insisting his religion is not indicative of all Muslims?

Stupid always..

First of all who the heck stated that Mateen is representative of ALL AR-15 gun nuts?

Second, beside this latest carnage, which weapon was used in:

San Bernardino
Sandy Hook

Omar didn't use an AR 15.
Tang was not designed for civilian use. We better confiscate it from the grocery store shelves!
GPS was also not designed for civilian use. I guess we better uninstall Google Maps from every computer!

Sure many 5 and 6 years old were slaughtered by a GPS???
So? Why is Omar Mateen representative of all AR-15 users when the left keeps insisting his religion is not indicative of all Muslims?

Stupid always..

First of all who the heck stated that Mateen is representative of ALL AR-15 gun nuts?

Second, beside this latest carnage, which weapon was used in:

San Bernardino
Sandy Hook
------------------------- Hilary , mrobama , jeh Johnson and ALL democrats are all going after the AR15 because they understand its effectiveness in full filling the role that is described for ARMS in the 'second amendment' . Second Amendment is not about hunting or target shooting Nat !!
The stupidity of this speaks for itself.
Velcro was not designed for civilian use. Toddlers are just going to have to learn how to tie shoelaces.
The guy in Florida used a "Sig" NOT an AR. NONE of the Sig parts will even interchange with an AR. Learn BEFORE you write or keep looking like an idiot, your choice.

Yet another right winger getting sexual arousal from citing "gun" stats......These fuckers are too stupid to even safely own a BB gun.
I'm sure that this guy will now be maligned by the right wingers who seem to have an eternal and unrequited LOVE for their lethal weapons.

His name is Jim Sullivan, and he was a key designer of the AR-15 back in 1957, almost 60 years ago. Here are excerpts for a recent interview (the interviewer was someone named David Scott):

Jim sSullivan, who also designed the Ruger Mini-14 (a scaled down .223 Remington sporting version of the military M-14), goes on to say he never envisioned the rifle having any civilians applications:

DAVID SCOTT: “Did you ever imagine—“

JIM SULLIVAN: “No. Never even considered that—it had any civilian application.”

DAVID SCOTT: “Concern you at all?”

JIM SULLIVAN: “Of course, everybody gets concerned when there’s one of these school issues where children are killed by an AR-15. I mean, that’s sickening. But that was never the intended purpose. Civilian sales was never the intended purpose.

Jim goes onto say that a fully automatic M16 is not more lethal than a semi-automatic AR-15

DAVID SCOTT: “The lethality of the AR-15, is that reduced in the civilian semi-automatic mode?”


DAVID SCOTT: “It’s not?”

JIM SULLIVAN: “Same effectiveness. I mean, in fact, the gun is functioning exactly the way the military model is in semi-automatic.

Breaking: Jim Sullivan, AR-15 Designer, Makes Some Controversial Statements on HBO Tonight - The Firearm Blog
Everyone with half a brain knows Stoner designed the M16
Here he is with Kalishnikov the AK47 man

The guy in Florida used a "Sig" NOT an AR. NONE of the Sig parts will even interchange with an AR. Learn BEFORE you write or keep looking like an idiot, your choice.

Yet another right winger getting sexual arousal from citing "gun" stats......These fuckers are too stupid to even safely own a BB gun.

In other words, you were wrong and have no mature response.

Guess we can all move on.
The Internet wasn't designed for civilian use either. Shut it down!!!
Soooo....what's your point???

Know why it had no civilian use??? 2 reasons.

Civilians long range use is for hunting deer. With a bullet that can stop a deer. AR15 is a tiny .223 bullet. Sucks for hunting deer. .308 is far better. Sucks for birds. Birdshot is better.

Civilian close range/self defense use is for stopping a human attacker. And while a .223 round can work...a .45 or .40 or .357 magnum or a 12 Guage shotgun is FAR FAR better. had no civilian use...not because it was such an awesome badass weapon...but because for the reasons a civilian would use a gun....other choices are superior.

Beg to differ on the .223 . Does wicked stuff to flesh and is perfectly suited to rip humans to part. This is why I own a few. That and it pisses off the fuds. But I agree with the rest.
A French policeman was attacked in his home yesterday. ISIS is claiming responsibility.

The maniac stabbed the policeman to death with a knife. He then took the cop's wife and three year old son hostage. By the end, the wife was dead, too. He stabbed her to death.

All because French police are not allowed to take their service weapons home with them.

They will be now. This case has taught the French some common sense.
The guy in Florida used a "Sig" NOT an AR. NONE of the Sig parts will even interchange with an AR. Learn BEFORE you write or keep looking like an idiot, your choice.

Yet another right winger getting sexual arousal from citing "gun" stats......These fuckers are too stupid to even safely own a BB gun.
Gun stats? No idiot, just pointing out the FACT that you cannot even correctly post what brand of gun it was. And you are to stupid to learn.

I am amazed how much stupid you can fit into one OP and still have enough room for a full load sh#t.
So? Why is Omar Mateen representative of all AR-15 users when the left keeps insisting his religion is not indicative of all Muslims?

Stupid always..

Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest. Mateen didn't even use an AR-15.

First of all who the heck stated that Mateen is representative of ALL AR-15 gun nuts?

You did since you think nobody else should have one because of what he did.
Taz is right, it was first assumed he used an AR-15, but he actually, as being reported now, used a Sig Sauer .223 caliber assault rifle.
I'm sure that this guy will now be maligned by the right wingers who seem to have an eternal and unrequited LOVE for their lethal weapons.

His name is Jim Sullivan, and he was a key designer of the AR-15 back in 1957, almost 60 years ago. Here are excerpts for a recent interview (the interviewer was someone named David Scott):

Jim sSullivan, who also designed the Ruger Mini-14 (a scaled down .223 Remington sporting version of the military M-14), goes on to say he never envisioned the rifle having any civilians applications:

DAVID SCOTT: “Did you ever imagine—“

JIM SULLIVAN: “No. Never even considered that—it had any civilian application.”

DAVID SCOTT: “Concern you at all?”

JIM SULLIVAN: “Of course, everybody gets concerned when there’s one of these school issues where children are killed by an AR-15. I mean, that’s sickening. But that was never the intended purpose. Civilian sales was never the intended purpose.

Jim goes onto say that a fully automatic M16 is not more lethal than a semi-automatic AR-15

DAVID SCOTT: “The lethality of the AR-15, is that reduced in the civilian semi-automatic mode?”


DAVID SCOTT: “It’s not?”

JIM SULLIVAN: “Same effectiveness. I mean, in fact, the gun is functioning exactly the way the military model is in semi-automatic.

Breaking: Jim Sullivan, AR-15 Designer, Makes Some Controversial Statements on HBO Tonight - The Firearm Blog

Cool story. Listen, why are we talking about AR-15s? Does this have something to do with that Orlando shooting? If so, you might want to know that Mateen actually used a Sig Sauer rifle, not an AR-15.

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