From a recent interview with the designer of the AR-15....

He would first have to have brains of which there is no evidence to support. And all of these anti gunners can whine and snivel all they want. The guns have been used in the civilian market since they were mass produced. I bought my first AR-15 waaaaay back in 1965.

Well, how "impressive" you've had an AR-15 for 60 yeras. ....obviously, My "hero",,,,,,,
Sounds reasonable to me. In your warped world, the criminal has the knife and the woman being raped should just lay back and take it and think about something else.

NO, NO......regarding the raping, according to your ilk that's only done my illegal Mexicans. LOL

And in your perfect world she will have no means to defend herself. Why do you hate women so much? Do you let them go to school or do they have to remain barefoot and pregnant in your home?
He would first have to have brains of which there is no evidence to support. And all of these anti gunners can whine and snivel all they want. The guns have been used in the civilian market since they were mass produced. I bought my first AR-15 waaaaay back in 1965.

Well, how "impressive" you've had an AR-15 for 60 yeras. ....obviously, My "hero",,,,,,,
Sounds reasonable to me. In your warped world, the criminal has the knife and the woman being raped should just lay back and take it and think about something else.

NO, NO......regarding the raping, according to your ilk that's only done my illegal Mexicans. LOL

And in your perfect world she will have no means to defend herself. Why do you hate women so much? Do you let them go to school or do they have to remain barefoot and pregnant in your home?

You laugh but why don't you answer the question? Afraid to let the world know what a misogynistic asshole you are?
And in your perfect world she will have no means to defend herself. Why do you hate women so much? Do you let them go to school or do they have to remain barefoot and pregnant in your home?

No, women have "great heroes" like you armed and caped...Ready to defend all humanity.....from under your bed in the basement......What an..:ahole-1:
And in your perfect world she will have no means to defend herself. Why do you hate women so much? Do you let them go to school or do they have to remain barefoot and pregnant in your home?

No, women have "great heroes" like you armed and caped...Ready to defend all humanity.....from under your bed in the basement......What an..:ahole-1:

Better me than a infantile twerp like you who demand they spread their legs and take it.
Velcro was not designed for civilian use. Toddlers are just going to have to learn how to tie shoelaces.

Tanks weren't either. Like the AR-15 they were designed for war, GPS, TANG and velcro have uses not designed to kill people. I think this line of argument is a tad dishonest.

And surprise surprise, civilians can own tanks too. This is Jacques Littlefield and a very small part of his collection. He sadly passed away a few years ago, but a lot of his collection has gone to other CIVILIANS. Gosh, there's that dread word and classification of people. Damn civilians.


Yes, and those tanks are about as lethal as a tractor trailer since their guns are non functioning. But, you would have to be a total moron to not understand the difference, amiright?

Care to bet? The majority of those cannons are LIVE bucko. From memory the Pzkpfw IV was not, the Sherman was, the Isherman was, the T-55 was not, the Stug III was, the M-60A1 was, the M 3 Stewart on the left was, the T-34/85 wasn't, the T34/76 was, the Chieftan was, the M60A2 was, and that's all I can identify in this picture. Jacques owned over 200 tanks and AFV's and additionally owned TWO SCUD B missile launchers, and around 100 pieces of artillery. Most of which were live.

All of this at his Pony Tracks Ranch a couple of miles from Stanford.

According to this the main guns were not functional.

The Littlefield Collection: A Heavily Armored Glimpse Into the Past
Velcro was not designed for civilian use. Toddlers are just going to have to learn how to tie shoelaces.

Tanks weren't either. Like the AR-15 they were designed for war, GPS, TANG and velcro have uses not designed to kill people. I think this line of argument is a tad dishonest.

And surprise surprise, civilians can own tanks too. This is Jacques Littlefield and a very small part of his collection. He sadly passed away a few years ago, but a lot of his collection has gone to other CIVILIANS. Gosh, there's that dread word and classification of people. Damn civilians.


Yes, and those tanks are about as lethal as a tractor trailer since their guns are non functioning. But, you would have to be a total moron to not understand the difference, amiright?

Care to bet? The majority of those cannons are LIVE bucko. From memory the Pzkpfw IV was not, the Sherman was, the Isherman was, the T-55 was not, the Stug III was, the M-60A1 was, the M 3 Stewart on the left was, the T-34/85 wasn't, the T34/76 was, the Chieftan was, the M60A2 was, and that's all I can identify in this picture. Jacques owned over 200 tanks and AFV's and additionally owned TWO SCUD B missile launchers, and around 100 pieces of artillery. Most of which were live.

All of this at his Pony Tracks Ranch a couple of miles from Stanford.

According to this the main guns were not functional.

The Littlefield Collection: A Heavily Armored Glimpse Into the Past

That's nice. I knew the man and spent many a night at his home. The ATF certainly knew they were live. Now, he has been dead for years so the curators may have had the guns deactivated to make them easier to sell, I have no knowledge of what they may have done to the collection since he passed away. But when he was alive the majority of the cannons were good to go.
Better me than a infantile twerp like you who demand they spread their legs and take it.

Your party's (and hero) statements about women........Enjoy

  1. “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
  2. A woman MUST be hot in order to be a journalist.
  3. All women hate prenups, because they are gold diggers.
  4. Women fawn all over me because I'm rich and powerful.
  5. .I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
Better me than a infantile twerp like you who demand they spread their legs and take it.

Your party's (and hero) statements about women........Enjoy

  1. “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
  2. A woman MUST be hot in order to be a journalist.
  3. All women hate prenups, because they are gold diggers.
  4. Women fawn all over me because I'm rich and powerful.
  5. .I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

I'm registered Democrat, and Sanders was my pick. So, yet again, you show what a complete fucking moron you are.
Sorry but even Jim Sullivan disagrees with you

AR-15 Inventor Says HBO Grossly Distorted His Views On Guns

A recent anti-gun segment on ‘Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel’ didn’t lie about what I said, it just omitted key parts, which changed the meaning.
MAY 31, 2016 By Jim Sullivan

The anti-gun HBO sports interview misrepresented much of what I had said. They were apparently trying to make the AR-15 civilian model seem too dangerous for civilian sales. They didn’t lie about what I said, they just omitted key parts, which changed the meaning.

The examples I most object to are: 1) When I appear to say that the civilian-model AR-15 is just as effective or deadly as the military M16, they omitted that I had said “When firing semi-auto only” and that “the select fire M16 on full auto is of course more effective”; and 2) the interviewer pretended not to understand the relevance that, due to the Hague Convention, military bullets cannot be expanding hollow points like hunting bullets that give up all of their energy in the target body instead of passing through with minimum wound effect, with most of the energy still in the bullet and wasted.
Inventor Of AR-15s Says HBO Distorted His Views On Guns
Sorry but even Jim Sullivan disagrees with you

AR-15 Inventor Says HBO Grossly Distorted His Views On Guns

A recent anti-gun segment on ‘Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel’ didn’t lie about what I said, it just omitted key parts, which changed the meaning.
MAY 31, 2016 By Jim Sullivan

The anti-gun HBO sports interview misrepresented much of what I had said. They were apparently trying to make the AR-15 civilian model seem too dangerous for civilian sales. They didn’t lie about what I said, they just omitted key parts, which changed the meaning.

The examples I most object to are: 1) When I appear to say that the civilian-model AR-15 is just as effective or deadly as the military M16, they omitted that I had said “When firing semi-auto only” and that “the select fire M16 on full auto is of course more effective”; and 2) the interviewer pretended not to understand the relevance that, due to the Hague Convention, military bullets cannot be expanding hollow points like hunting bullets that give up all of their energy in the target body instead of passing through with minimum wound effect, with most of the energy still in the bullet and wasted.
Inventor Of AR-15s Says HBO Distorted His Views On Guns

Well shit. Color me unsurprised that the media lied yet again. It appears that the only way these anti gunners can ever get a message out is to lie about the content. Figures.
Everyone with half a brain knows Stoner designed the M16
Here he is with Kalishnikov the AK47 man

Fine...So you agree that Sullivan simply designed tennis rackets and he had nothing to do with AR-15....

You know morn, I have other interests besides who designs weapons.....Try reading a fucking book on ethics, history, astronomy, etc....not just who made weapons to kill others
Big problem with your attempt at humor. It doesn't agree with your topic sentence
I'll give you an F on English 101
But I'll give you an A on hijacking your own thread.
I've already explained that the AR-15 that he designed is a fully automatic rifle now known as the M16-A1. The modern day civilian Colt AR-15 is not that weapon. It is a semiautomatic designed by Colt.

Again, an explanation that should be MUCH appreciated and comforting to the families of those 50 dead human beings......."Ma'am, I'm a gun nut, and your son was not killed by a FULLY automatic rifle, but from a SEMI-automatic, stop the whining..."
I'm sure that this guy will now be maligned by the right wingers who seem to have an eternal and unrequited LOVE for their lethal weapons.

His name is Jim Sullivan, and he was a key designer of the AR-15 back in 1957, almost 60 years ago. Here are excerpts for a recent interview (the interviewer was someone named David Scott):

Jim sSullivan, who also designed the Ruger Mini-14 (a scaled down .223 Remington sporting version of the military M-14), goes on to say he never envisioned the rifle having any civilians applications:

DAVID SCOTT: “Did you ever imagine—“

JIM SULLIVAN: “No. Never even considered that—it had any civilian application.”

DAVID SCOTT: “Concern you at all?”

JIM SULLIVAN: “Of course, everybody gets concerned when there’s one of these school issues where children are killed by an AR-15. I mean, that’s sickening. But that was never the intended purpose. Civilian sales was never the intended purpose.

Jim goes onto say that a fully automatic M16 is not more lethal than a semi-automatic AR-15

DAVID SCOTT: “The lethality of the AR-15, is that reduced in the civilian semi-automatic mode?”


DAVID SCOTT: “It’s not?”

JIM SULLIVAN: “Same effectiveness. I mean, in fact, the gun is functioning exactly the way the military model is in semi-automatic.

Breaking: Jim Sullivan, AR-15 Designer, Makes Some Controversial Statements on HBO Tonight - The Firearm Blog

Maybe you should have looked a little closer at your link....moron.
BREAKING: Jim Sullivan Responds, He is NOT Anti-Civilian AR-15, HBO Selectively Edited the Interview - The Firearm Blog
Sorry but even Jim Sullivan disagrees with you

AR-15 Inventor Says HBO Grossly Distorted His Views On Guns

A recent anti-gun segment on ‘Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel’ didn’t lie about what I said, it just omitted key parts, which changed the meaning.
MAY 31, 2016 By Jim Sullivan

The anti-gun HBO sports interview misrepresented much of what I had said. They were apparently trying to make the AR-15 civilian model seem too dangerous for civilian sales. They didn’t lie about what I said, they just omitted key parts, which changed the meaning.

The examples I most object to are: 1) When I appear to say that the civilian-model AR-15 is just as effective or deadly as the military M16, they omitted that I had said “When firing semi-auto only” and that “the select fire M16 on full auto is of course more effective”; and 2) the interviewer pretended not to understand the relevance that, due to the Hague Convention, military bullets cannot be expanding hollow points like hunting bullets that give up all of their energy in the target body instead of passing through with minimum wound effect, with most of the energy still in the bullet and wasted.
Inventor Of AR-15s Says HBO Distorted His Views On Guns

Beat me to it.
Velcro was not designed for civilian use. Toddlers are just going to have to learn how to tie shoelaces.

Tanks weren't either. Like the AR-15 they were designed for war, GPS, TANG and velcro have uses not designed to kill people. I think this line of argument is a tad dishonest.

And surprise surprise, civilians can own tanks too. This is Jacques Littlefield and a very small part of his collection. He sadly passed away a few years ago, but a lot of his collection has gone to other CIVILIANS. Gosh, there's that dread word and classification of people. Damn civilians.


Where does he store the live shells for these?

You people find your lies anywhere you can find them. Do you look at a pretzel and immediately think "they didn't twist this nearly enough".

Here's a privately owned tank destroyer shooting live for you. It's truly amazing what you clowns don't know. It truly is!

Yes tell us how it's legal for the public to buy and own and drive around shooting the cannon on a tank, other than via some special use permit.

Your self-delusion is pathologic.
I've already explained that the AR-15 that he designed is a fully automatic rifle now known as the M16-A1. The modern day civilian Colt AR-15 is not that weapon. It is a semiautomatic designed by Colt.

Again, an explanation that should be MUCH appreciated and comforting to the families of those 50 dead human beings......."Ma'am, I'm a gun nut, and your son was not killed by a FULLY automatic rifle, but from a SEMI-automatic, stop the whining..."

This is Donald Trump level bullshit. You keep making false claims, and when you're called out with facts you retreat to emotional appeals to obfuscate your false statements. Either get back on the intellectual level that I know you're capable of, or cede yourself to being the same type of rube the drumpfodder.
This is Donald Trump level bullshit. You keep making false claims, and when you're called out with facts you retreat to emotional appeals to obfuscate your false statements. Either get back on the intellectual level that I know you're capable of, or cede yourself to being the same type of rube the drumpfodder.

You see, beside you and your ilk of ego-compensating through gun knowledge, morons......Not many people care a heck of a lot about the KIND of gun that slaughtered 50 people...Not the 50 dead care, Not the 50+ injured care, Not their families care and NOT sane people care.......Do you think that one of our returning soldiers from Iraq give a crap about the kind of IED that took their legs right off?

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