From burkinni to obesity: sports illustratee swimsuite features morbidly obese bikini model

Muslim girl wearing a burkinni

Being fat is not good for your heart, circulation etc but msm , and the media do a good job brainwashing their weak minded idiots who fall for it all with ease.
I second this. Being overweight is not something to encourage.

God bless you always!!!

Is it something to be ashamed of?
No, but it isn't something to encourage either because of how dangerous it is.

God bless you always!!!

From Burkini to Obesity: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Features Morbidly Obese Bikini Model

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit featured a morbidly obese bikini model this week as part of their new push for ‘diversity.’

Thank your politically correct radical feminist whores for this one LOL, if anybody sees fat as being healthy you have real issues. Being fat is not good for your heart, circulation etc but msm , and the media do a good job brainwashing their weak minded idiots who fall for it all with ease.

Could you mention who you plan on voting for in 2020 and what party you identify with?

I want to see if I can get them to renounce your public support.
That is morbidly obese? I would believe she's probably mid 200's while morbidly obese would be 300 +... Ironically, this is reality, not those anorexic models.

It may be common, but does that mean it's a good thing? It's pretty sad that obesity is such the norm now that everyone's perceptions are skewed, it seems. Not only do we have epidemics of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc (which people seem to accept as normal, lining the pockets of Big Pharma) but gluttonous obese people end up raising everyone else's insurance.

I agree with those who said encouraging / glamorizing this is not a good thing. I'm beyond tired of political correctness and lefties always enabling things they shouldn't be enabling.
Being fat is not good for your heart, circulation etc but msm , and the media do a good job brainwashing their weak minded idiots who fall for it all with ease.
I second this. Being overweight is not something to encourage.

God bless you always!!!

Is it something to be ashamed of?
No, but it isn't something to encourage either because of how dangerous it is.

God bless you always!!!


How about showing a sexy girl in a bikini smoking a cigarette?

So in the interest of political correctness

We can’t show an overweight swimsuit model because being overweight is not healthy

But wearing a bikini in the sun is not healthy
So in the interest of political correctness

We can’t show an overweight swimsuit model because being overweight is not healthy

But wearing a bikini in the sun is not healthy

Oh, brother. We all need sunshine, and obviously within reason there's nothing wrong that. Are you actually defending obesity as something to encourage and glamorize? And what was funny about what I said in my previous post? Point out one thing I said that was false.
Even putting the Pisslam garbage aside, I think anyone who encourages "fat is beautiful" is guilty of manslaughter. No, there is NOTHING BEAUTIFUL about some elephantine, blubbery human dirigible killing themselves with a knife and fork. It's a bunch of avaricious overindulgence and encourages heart disease, diabetes, bone/tendon problems in the legs, etc. Morbidly obese fatties, with their fat rolls oozing back and forth, should NEVER be encouraged, being fat is pure destruction/public eyesore. I'm 5 foot 7 and have never broken 140 pounds; I'm a human telephone pole (if I were lying I'd make myself a lot taller than 5-7)..

I've heard fatties make EVERY medical/genetic excuse for being fat, but the bottom line is this: I've never seen someone get fat without putting food in their mouths. You don't absorb fat from the air and it doesn't get magically beamed into your body from the starship Enterprise; the only way fat can enter one's body is through the mouth. In old, B&W photos I've seen of WWII Nazi death camp survivors, guess what: I didn't see ONE SINGLE case of medical or genetic fat problems among all these skin & bones survivors.
And guess what, they have always been allowed to legally marry.

So what if human Hindenberg dirigibles are allowed to legally marry? What does that have to do with a person binge-eating themselves so fat they develop their own gravitational field? I have a number of 350+ pound family members who are so visually revolting to look at, I simply can't eat in family dinners around them. Why? Because watching my human-hippo relatives food-binging is so utterly disgusting to me I lose my appetite and can't eat my meal around these humans of "infinite mass." It's too vomitous for this 140-lb. dude to watch my enormous, doorway-squeezing blubber-bag relatives (whose fat rolls envelope every chair in which they sit, making it look like their GELATINOUS bodies are somehow INHALING their own chairs) killing themselves with a knife and fork with their addictive, restaurant-hopping food binges and food obsessions.

Did you know that a fairly lightweight smoker (myself) can go more hours without a cigarette than my morbidly obese relatives can go without inhaling fatty foods like one of those industrial-strength vacuum cleaners?
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Even putting the Pisslam garbage aside, I think anyone who encourages "fat is beautiful" is guilty of manslaughter. No, there is NOTHING BEAUTIFUL about some elephantine, blubbery human dirigible killing themselves with a knife and fork. It's a bunch of avaricious overindulgence and encourages heart disease, diabetes, bone/tendon problems in the legs, etc. Morbidly obese fatties, with their fat rolls oozing back and forth, should NEVER be encouraged, being fat is pure destruction/public eyesore. I'm 5 foot 7 and have never broken 140 pounds; I'm a human telephone pole (if I were lying I'd make myself a lot taller than 5-7)..

I've heard fatties make EVERY medical/genetic excuse for being fat, but the bottom line is this: I've never seen someone get fat without putting food in their mouths. You don't absorb fat from the air and it doesn't get magically beamed into your body from the starship Enterprise; the only way fat can enter one's body is through the mouth. In old, B&W photos I've seen of WWII Nazi death camp survivors, guess what: I didn't see ONE SINGLE case of medical or genetic fat problems among all these skin & bones survivors.
And guess what, they have always been allowed to legally marry.

So WHAT if human Hindenberg dirigibles are allowed to legally marry? What does that have to do with a person binge-eating themselves so fat they develop their own gravitational field? I have a number of 350+ pound family members who are so visually revolting to look at, I simply can't eat in family dinners around them. Why? Because watching my human-hippo relatives food-binging is so utterly disgusting to me I lose my appetite and can't eat my meal around these humans of "infinite mass." It's too vomitous for this 140-lb. dude to watch my enormous, doorway-squeezing blubber-bag relatives (whose fat rolls envelope every chair in which they sit, making it look like their GELATINOUS bodies are somehow INHALING their own chairs) killing themselves with a knife and fork with their addictive, restaurant-hopping food binges and food obsessions.

Did you know that the average smoker (myself) can go more hours without smoking than my morbidly obese relatives can go without inhaling fatty foods like one of those industrial-strength vacuum cleaners?
They will outlive you
Shame to see such a pretty face on that body.
Also a shame that people are justifying and supporting her morbid obesity which will eventually kill her.
That like praising a heavy drinker or a three pack a day smoker.
I am having a terrible time mustering a fuck. Besides, there is a whole subsect of society that dig BBWs.

I LIKE.. BIG.. BUTTS! And I cannot lie!
That is morbidly obese? I would believe she's probably mid 200's while morbidly obese would be 300 +... Ironically, this is reality, not those anorexic models.

It may be common, but does that mean it's a good thing? It's pretty sad that obesity is such the norm now that everyone's perceptions are skewed, it seems. Not only do we have epidemics of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc (which people seem to accept as normal, lining the pockets of Big Pharma) but gluttonous obese people end up raising everyone else's insurance.

I agree with those who said encouraging / glamorizing this is not a good thing. I'm beyond tired of political correctness and lefties always enabling things they shouldn't be enabling.

Political correctness.....ridiculing ppl who are not shaped the way you like or who drink or smoke or tan or don't conform to your group's group think.

Really I don't want to encourage ppl to be very overweight either. I don't want to encourage anorexia and a lack of a butt either though.

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