From Commemorative Plates To Nobel Peace Prize, And What Are The Accomplishments?

By the end of Obamas second term he will have relegated the Republican Party to permanent second rate status

He will be credited with ending the Republican reign of terror once and for all
Yeah, you totalitarians like your Final Solutions, don't you?


Yes something like that

Obamas greatest accomplishment will undoubtably be overcoming a totalitarian Republican party bent on bringing the country to its knees if it means bringing down Obama with it

They are teaching America a "lesson" for voting a black man into office.
How about Alec Baldwin? After his "Schweddee Balls" sketch, that should of won him the Nobel Peace Prize.
How about Alec Baldwin? After his "Schweddee Balls" sketch, that should of won him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Why is it that Conservatives never win Nobel Peace Prizes?

Because they are reactionary assholes.....that's why
By the end of Obamas second term he will have relegated the Republican Party to permanent second rate status

He will be credited with ending the Republican reign of terror once and for all
Yeah, you totalitarians like your Final Solutions, don't you?


Yes something like that

Obamas greatest accomplishment will undoubtably be overcoming a totalitarian Republican party bent on bringing the country to its knees if it means bringing down Obama with it
Undoubtedly -- by instituting his own totalitarian regime.

You, of course, dream of that day.
Yeah, you totalitarians like your Final Solutions, don't you?


Yes something like that

Obamas greatest accomplishment will undoubtably be overcoming a totalitarian Republican party bent on bringing the country to its knees if it means bringing down Obama with it
Undoubtedly -- by instituting his own totalitarian regime.

You, of course, dream of that day.

Obamas greatest accomplishment wll be bringing about the demise of the Republican Party
Montel Williams And Oprah must be so honored! And who doesn't forget that commercial in 2008? right? before Obama even started his first job? The commemorative plates? and what do commemorative plates commemorate?
Nobel Peace Prize? Hmm, have we had "World Peace" at anytime since 2009?
If anything, its been more like a preview of World War Three! And what happened a few months after Obama accepted his Wal-Mart Nobel Peace Prize? Gee, was that "World Peace" going on in Iran that June? and why didn't "The One" even take a side???
"Let's See How It All Plays Out". That was his end statement. Yup, just like with the "Affordable Health-Care Act", lets just see how that all plays out later this year:piss2:

President Obama kicked "Conservative" ass on 6Nov12. He got Bin Laden. He pulled us back from the brink of the Second Great Republican Depression. He started us down the path to a reasonable health care system such as the other industrial democracies have. The market has come back, and the housing market is well on it's way to being back.

But best of all, he has whiny little puppies like you crying their eyes out.:razz:
Show us the corpse.
50 years from now, schoolchildren will ask.......What ever became of the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower?

They will be told of the Great Obama who the Republicans were so irate at his election that they were willing to shut down the legislative process to cause him to fail. Obamas coolness and unwillingness to stoop to the level of Republicans led to the ultimate demise of the once Grand and eventually just old party

Oooooookkkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyyy, obama had two years of both houses and still has a majority now, and it's the republicans fault be is a failure. Your a hoot.
50 years from now, schoolchildren will ask.......What ever became of the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower?

They will be told of the Great Obama who the Republicans were so irate at his election that they were willing to shut down the legislative process to cause him to fail. Obamas coolness and unwillingness to stoop to the level of Republicans led to the ultimate demise of the once Grand and eventually just old party

Oooooookkkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyyy, obama had two years of both houses and still has a majority now, and it's the republicans fault be is a failure. Your a hoot.

Actually, yes it is

Part of the downfall of the Republican Party will be its abuse of. The Senate Fililibister and turning a body that once required 51% of the vote to one that requires 60% majorities
Where filibuster was once used judiciously and in rare cases, Republicans now invoke it on even the most mundane legislation
President Obama kicked "Conservative" ass on 6Nov12. He got Bin Laden. He pulled us back from the brink of the Second Great Republican Depression. He started us down the path to a reasonable health care system such as the other industrial democracies have. The market has come back, and the housing market is well on it's way to being back.

Look what Democrats have done to the City of Detroit. 60 years ago it was the wealthiest city per capita in the country. Today it looks like Hiroshima after the bomb was dropped on it.

No matter how destructive their policies are and how blatant and obvious that fact stares them in the face, Democrats will defend them. Their greed and emotional weakness gets the better of them every time.
Look what Democrats have done to the City of Detroit. 60 years ago it was the wealthiest city per capita in the country. Today it looks like Hiroshima after the bomb was dropped on it.

No matter how destructive their policies are and how blatant and obvious that fact stares them in the face, Democrats will defend them. Their greed and emotional weakness gets the better of them every time.

It was the Capitalists who abandoned the city of Detroit......the Democrats picked up the pieces
Yes something like that

Obamas greatest accomplishment will undoubtably be overcoming a totalitarian Republican party bent on bringing the country to its knees if it means bringing down Obama with it
Undoubtedly -- by instituting his own totalitarian regime.

You, of course, dream of that day.

Obamas greatest accomplishment wll be bringing about the demise of the Republican Party
Yes, Comrade, you've made it quite clear that you prefer single-party, authoritarian rule. :cuckoo:
Look what Democrats have done to the City of Detroit. 60 years ago it was the wealthiest city per capita in the country. Today it looks like Hiroshima after the bomb was dropped on it.

No matter how destructive their policies are and how blatant and obvious that fact stares them in the face, Democrats will defend them. Their greed and emotional weakness gets the better of them every time.

It was the Capitalists who abandoned the city of Detroit......the Democrats picked up the pieces
Yes, Detroit's rebirth has been a RESOUNDING success. :clap2:
Look what Democrats have done to the City of Detroit. 60 years ago it was the wealthiest city per capita in the country. Today it looks like Hiroshima after the bomb was dropped on it.

No matter how destructive their policies are and how blatant and obvious that fact stares them in the face, Democrats will defend them. Their greed and emotional weakness gets the better of them every time.

It was the Capitalists who abandoned the city of Detroit......the Democrats picked up the pieces
Yes, Detroit's rebirth has been a RESOUNDING success. :clap2:
Capitalists raped it and abandoned what is your point
Obamas greatest accomplishment wll be bringing about the demise of the Republican Party
Yes, Comrade, you've made it quite clear that you prefer single-party, authoritarian rule. :cuckoo:

Actually, I favor the demise of the party with a stated intention of bringing our government to a halt

Yes, you fascist totalitarians HATE the idea of government that doesn't have the authority to dictate your life decisions to you.
It was the Capitalists who abandoned the city of Detroit......the Democrats picked up the pieces
Yes, Detroit's rebirth has been a RESOUNDING success. :clap2:
Capitalists raped it and abandoned what is your point

The point is, RW, there has been no Republican/Conservative mayor in Detroit in nearly 50 years. If that's what it looks like with 50 years of liberal leadership, you should be freaking ashamed of yourselves. Yes, the "resounding rebirth" as you call it, of Detroit, is the product of a liberal welfare state. To me, that is a colossal failure.
The real question is.......What have the Republicans accomplished in the last ten years?

History will judge them by it. Obstructionism is not an accomplishment.

History will ask......In the face of the worst economic collapse in 75 years, what did Republicans do to resolve it?

Not pretty Republucans......not pretty

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