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From love love love to hate hate hate..

If you're old enough, you remember Tipper Gore.

The Democrats are now the party of Tipper Gore: shaming, clucking their tongues, forever morally outraged.

It's vastly, fundamentally uncool. And the kids have finally caught on.

They're in trouble--the Dems I mean.
Hello SweetSue92 .. and a pleasant smile for you..
If you're old enough, you remember Tipper Gore.

The Democrats are now the party of Tipper Gore: shaming, clucking their tongues, forever morally outraged.

It's vastly, fundamentally uncool. And the kids have finally caught on.

They're in trouble--the Dems I mean.
C'mon. Magaturds are the furthest thing from cool. :auiqs.jpg: Democrats have attempted to censor for 'the sake of the children' in the past. :rolleyes:Tipper Gore thought heavy metal music and rap was the culprit. She was even moderately successful, as albums got a new ratings system. Did it ultimately prevent children from consuming the media? No.

In 2024, democrats are going after social media. How do you regulate it? Politicritters have no idea. Will it ultimately prevent children from consuming the media? No.

This crap goes in circles, because humans refuse to learn from their own history.

Shall I do the right now?
I'm wondering about your age group.
This is a fairly broad take. Mileage will vary.

My age group (X) were products of neglect. Latch key generation. Both parents had to work out of necessity due to the economic consequences of Reagan era recession and inflation. Thus, thrown into the fire of adulthood whether we liked it or not. No cheap higher education or 'free love' nonsense. Just student loans (previous generations instilled in us the fear that we were nothing without a diploma), and a crappy job market with Boomers ruling middle management. Nancy told us to 'just say No' to the drugs the previous generations had done for decades. Sex was risky, because of a nasty AIDS pandemic. Which wasn't just an illness affecting the gheys.

Once called 'slackers', we loved our MTV and video games as an escape from our realities, but were forced to be self-starters. Some even join the armed forces and went to pointless conflicts people of the Greatest/Boomer generation started and some got wounded or died. Shell shock became PTSD. Refused promotion in private industry because Boomers refused retirement because they didn't save or predicted their ultimate obsolescence in the evolving job market.
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I don't post unless I'm smiling..
Im always laughing and smiling too. It’s a way better experience.

The ignore feature is brilliant on this forum too, actually works.

You just cant reason with trump derangement syndrome. 😀
Im always laughing and smiling too. It’s a way better experience.

The ignore feature is brilliant on this forum too, actually works.

You just cant reason with trump derangement syndrome. 😀
Some don't like your orange bag 'O shit candidate. We laugh and smile as well. You can't seem to accept this fact. And for that, I have zero fucks to give you. :dunno:
Some don't like your orange bag 'O shit candidate. You can't seem to accept this fact. And for that, I have no fucks to give you. :dunno:
You are making assumptions and you are projecting.

I saw a friend yesterday and she had a vote for Kamala tshirt on.. im totally fine with people having their own opinion. She didn’t mention Kamala to me, I did make jokes about her tshirt though but i didnt mention i love trump to her because she would have had a meltdown. You have to tread carefully with these leftist people, the emotions are like that of a 2 year old.

From love love love to hate hate hate..​


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