From “no collusion” to “collusion is not a crime.” What next?

There is no crime in simple "collusion".

Something of value must be given or exchanged within the act of colluding for there to be criminality.

The charge is not collusion, its conspiracy.
"Conspiracy" to do what, dumbshit?

Conspiracy to collaborate with a foreign country to get dirt on his opponent. Also obstruction. Money laundering most likely as well. Lying on IRS forms, opening up shell companies to launder money. Pay for play on steroids.
You name it.

and he left the toilet seat up.

then get him for those crimes, stop whining about collusion.

it's not a crime

There is not such law for collusion, its conspiracy. Just because Trump says it over and over again, don't believe him.

Also I'm sure he probably has an automatic toilet seat.

There is not such law for collusion, its conspiracy.

Trump, and his Admin, are not the only ones calling it collusion
This not an either or.

There is no collusion AND collusion isn't a crime.
What do mean it’s gone from no collusion to collusion isn’t a crime? Both arguments have been present from day one. There is no collusion and even if there was it isn’t a crime.

Which is why it’s obvious this investigation is a witch hunt. They are Searching for evidence to something that isn’t a crime in the hopes that they can find some ancillary crime they don’t have probable cause to investigate.

But you geniuses are so desperate for Trump to have cheated that you’ll completely ignore this. All because you are so arrogant you can’t admit your issues and campaign sucked and make changes
No one has ever said collusion would be a charge.
Collusion is simply a synonym for conspiracy, dope.

You're right. There is no crime of "collusion" in the federal statutes but conspiracy is.

There is no crime of " bank heist" either.
"Bank robbery" is a crime.

You all think this is a clever defense when in reality, it's just dumb as shit.
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Collusion isn’t a crime because Trump supporting experts say so.

Actually it is. The dictionary definition of collusion “an illegal cooperation”

As in conspiracy. Trump isn’t just facing conspiracy charges but 10 different criminal charges.

An illegal cooperation being just one of them.

I don't care what your 8th Grade Dictionary says, Collusion is NOT a crime.

Now, 'conspiracy'? THAT is a crime, knucklehead.

You people need to get your news from an actual real news source instead of Comedy Central. Seriously

Conspiracy and collusion are the same thing, dope.
Collusion isn't a crime. So what is this 'investigation' really about? Seems to me, they just keep moving the goal posts and are desperately trying to get Trump for something. It does look like a very costly Witch Hunt. Time to wrap it up.

Arguing over a word is not a defense either, dope.
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians

It’s not and as much has been said since it all started. Lay off the special K and you won’t miss so much.
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
Try to find the term 'bank heist' in penal law.

But it is really easy to find the words 'criminal conspiracy to defraud' in penal law.

Defense by synonym. That won't get you very far.

I think you nailed it.
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
But "conspiracy" is there.
Really? Where is it?
Lol! Of course, the Gargoyles wouldn't know. Conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice, illegal campaign violations, using Cambridge Analytica to use false data through FB, Illegal Crosscheck The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast, and 868 poll closings in mostly minority areas; There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act,

Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. - When did Trump do that?
obstruction of justice, - When did Trump do that?
illegal campaign violations, - What campaign violations
using Cambridge Analytica to use false data through FB - Even if Trump did that, it's not illegal, dumbass.
Illegal Crosscheck - Crosscheck isn't illegal, dumbass.

Here we have another example of the "I wish it was true. Therefore, it must be true" brand of snowflake "logic." As usual, everything you claimed either isn't true or it isn't illegal. You are a certified moron.
There is no crime in simple "collusion".

Something of value must be given or exchanged within the act of colluding for there to be criminality.

The charge is not collusion, its conspiracy.
"Conspiracy" to do what, dumbshit?

Conspiracy to collaborate with a foreign country to get dirt on his opponent. Also obstruction. Money laundering most likely as well. Lying on IRS forms, opening up shell companies to launder money. Pay for play on steroids.
You name it.

and he left the toilet seat up.

then get him for those crimes, stop whining about collusion.

it's not a crime

There is not such law for collusion, its conspiracy. Just because Trump says it over and over again, don't believe him.

Also I'm sure he probably has an automatic toilet seat.
"Conspiracy" to do what, dumbass?
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
Try to find the term 'bank heist' in penal law.

But it is really easy to find the words 'criminal conspiracy to defraud' in penal law.

Defense by synonym. That won't get you very far.

I think you nailed it.
Who did Trump defraud during the election? If anyone is guilty of fraud, it's Hillary.
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians
We all know what's next.

View attachment 207914
Yes, we do what is next: snowflake tears.
"Snowflake tears" is not a legal strategy. Try again.

That's your legal strategy, dumbass.
Definition of collusion
: secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose
  • acting in collusion with the enemy
noun: collusion
  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
    synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming
    "there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
    • Law
      illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.

I mean look it up and look up.

synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

how can the right wing nuts be so darn stupid.
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
Like...with a cloth

Like, removing security headers from classified emails
and replacing them with inconspicuous, generic headers

Like, Bill and Loretta were just making small talk

Shit like that
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
Try to find the term 'bank heist' in penal law.

But it is really easy to find the words 'criminal conspiracy to defraud' in penal law.

Defense by synonym. That won't get you very far.

I think you nailed it.
Who did Trump defraud during the election? If anyone is guilty of fraud, it's Hillary.
He defrauded the American people.
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
Try to find the term 'bank heist' in penal law.

But it is really easy to find the words 'criminal conspiracy to defraud' in penal law.

Defense by synonym. That won't get you very far.

I think you nailed it.
Who did Trump defraud during the election? If anyone is guilty of fraud, it's Hillary.
He defrauded the American people.
In other words, no evidence of fraud. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes doesn't equate to "defrauding the American people."
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
Try to find the term 'bank heist' in penal law.

But it is really easy to find the words 'criminal conspiracy to defraud' in penal law.

Defense by synonym. That won't get you very far.

I think you nailed it.
Who did Trump defraud during the election? If anyone is guilty of fraud, it's Hillary.
He defrauded the American people.
In other words, no evidence of fraud. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes doesn't equate to "defrauding the American people."
No specious boy. He engaged with a foreign nation to influence the outcome of a national election. Crime: conspiracy to defraud.
Try to find the term 'bank heist' in penal law.

But it is really easy to find the words 'criminal conspiracy to defraud' in penal law.

Defense by synonym. That won't get you very far.

I think you nailed it.
Who did Trump defraud during the election? If anyone is guilty of fraud, it's Hillary.
He defrauded the American people.
In other words, no evidence of fraud. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes doesn't equate to "defrauding the American people."
No specious boy. He engaged with a foreign nation to influence the outcome of a national election. Crime: conspiracy to defraud.
Nope, That's not a crime. It certainly isn't fraud. However, paying foreign nationals to influence an election is a crime, and that's what Hillary did.
I think you nailed it.
Who did Trump defraud during the election? If anyone is guilty of fraud, it's Hillary.
He defrauded the American people.
In other words, no evidence of fraud. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes doesn't equate to "defrauding the American people."
No specious boy. He engaged with a foreign nation to influence the outcome of a national election. Crime: conspiracy to defraud.
Nope, That's not a crime. It certainly isn't fraud. However, paying foreign nationals to influence an election is a crime, and that's what Hillary did.
And the spell is complete! This charlatan has convinced unsophisticated yokels like bripat here that conspiracy is not a crime, the press is the enemy of the people, up is down and a huckster like Trump is virtuous!

There is nothing left to say! You are too far gone to reason with.
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians

Its known as "softening up the ground"...I suppose the term comes from the ground needing to be softer for the upcoming crash
Who did Trump defraud during the election? If anyone is guilty of fraud, it's Hillary.
He defrauded the American people.
In other words, no evidence of fraud. Pissing off a bunch of snowflakes doesn't equate to "defrauding the American people."
No specious boy. He engaged with a foreign nation to influence the outcome of a national election. Crime: conspiracy to defraud.
Nope, That's not a crime. It certainly isn't fraud. However, paying foreign nationals to influence an election is a crime, and that's what Hillary did.
And the spell is complete! This charlatan has convinced unsophisticated yokels like bripat here that conspiracy is not a crime, the press is the enemy of the people, up is down and a huckster like Trump is virtuous!

There is nothing left to say! You are too far gone to reason with.

Also the FBI is your enemy, the KGB is your friend....
Canada is your enemy, Russia is your friend...

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