From “no collusion” to “collusion is not a crime.” What next?

The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians

Is Rudy Giuliani still Trump's attorney---:abgg2q.jpg: He's as bat shit crazy as his client. No I don't think this country is going to tolerate this love affair with Vladimir Putin any longer. 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea deals and hundreds of criminal charges aren't just going to disappear with this tactic.

We consider hacking into public or personal private computers to be a FELONY in this country, and there's lots of people in prison over it today. When Americans collude with a foreign adversary to commit that kind of crime to interfere into an American election it will be considered TREASON, as we consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century ACT OF WAR.

And there's plenty of evidence of collusion.
Go to this link on this board you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


So Mueller already has the collusion part, but he is not going to hand it over to a Republican congress that would bury it or just turn it into another FOXNEWS conspiracy. For more on that go to these links on this board.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Mueller is wating for this


If you don't vote or vote for Republicans this coming November, Trump will remain in office for another 2 years. Republicans haven't done anything because they are terrified of their right wing base. They along with Trump have admitted that if Democrats win one or both houses of congress this coming November, Trump will get impeached. Which is an admittance of guilt.
Republicans fear potential impeachment move if Democrats win in 2018 - CNNPolitics
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

So this November you either vote for your country or your political partisan politics. Your choice.

For more on the anticipated blue wave go to this link on this thread.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians

Actual legal experts have been saying this from the beginning you moron. They said even if you could prove they talked to the Russians it does' matter....and you still can't show they had any ties to Russia...Hilary did, Trump didn't.

Keep guys will be the lone Japanese soldier waiting for the island to be invaded.

You moron.

The collusion is NOT the crime.

It is how the collusion leads to other crimes you fucking, obviously uneducated, hick.

It's like punching you in the face is not a crime in and of itself. But how that relates to other crimes is how it is part of a crime. Trumpbots have GOT to be the stupidest, most uneducated, major group of American political supporters I have ever seen (at least since the hey day of the KKK - but I was not around for that).

Shit stain.... you do not know what you are talking about.... you are stupid, and have no idea what the issue actually is....

To become educated on the subject, read Andrew McCarthy, then come back when you have some idea what you are talking about. are desperately spinning,'s obvious.

And I am still waiting for your links that I asked you for earlier...which you still have not provided.
Which proves you were lying earlier.

So you are stupid and a liar...not good.

As for me? I have been government tested to have an IQ of 125. And I have a BS in business admin.. I am no genius...but I am light years from stupid.

And 'shit stain'...Lol. That is the best you can come up with? Some 1980's insult? I am guessing your education is minimal and your IQ not worth mentioning.

So...since you are clearly ignorant and a liar and clearly a troll of the first magnitude...I am not wasting any more time on you.

Welcome to my ignore list. That means I don't have to waste my time with your troll replies to me.
But I still might rip you to shreds on other posts...when I am bored. After all, you are such an easy target.

Ta ta.
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f your boys was saying it over a year ago.

Were you as upset then?

Democrat Alan Dershowitz: I Don't See Any Evidence of Collusion - Even if There Was That's Not a Crime (VIDEO)

"Democrat Alan Dershowitz: I Don’t See Any Evidence of Collusion – Even if There Was That’s Not a Crime (VIDEO)"

Since Those remarks were made over a year ago, and there has been extensive ongoing research since then, and Dershowitz has no idea what evidence has been found, What makes you think those particular remarks are accurate, or ever were?

did they change the laws since then?

Harvard lawyers/academics don't know what they're talking about?

"Dershowitz has no idea what evidence has been found, "

Is there evidence that makes collusion a crime now?

The word collusion is nothing more than shorthand for a wide range of crimes. Lets wait until Mueller's report is published. I doubt he will list many things that can be ignored by the use of the word collusion.

No... it is not short hand for a wide range of crimes.... it was a word thrown out because it sounded sinister and since it is not an actual legal term or an actual crime, the democrats don't have to actually produce results when they accuse Trump of "Collusion."

You think all the evidence Mueller is gathering will be classified as collusion?
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians
We all know what's next.

Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
But "conspiracy" is there.
Trump twitter raged this morning telling Sessions to end the special counsel investigation. Seems the prey can smell the blood in the water as well as the circling sharks :laugh:
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians
We all know what's next.

View attachment 207914
Yes, we do what is next: snowflake tears.
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
But "conspiracy" is there.
Really? Where is it?
Lol! Of course, the Gargoyles wouldn't know. Conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice, illegal campaign violations, using Cambridge Analytica to use false data through FB, Illegal Crosscheck The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast, and 868 poll closings in mostly minority areas; There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act,

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The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians
We all know what's next.

View attachment 207914
Yes, we do what is next: snowflake tears.
"Snowflake tears" is not a legal strategy. Try again.
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
Its god himself:
The latest talking point from the White House is that collusion is not a crime. They’re preparing for what they know is coming. I expect in a couple weeks for the new orders to Faux and other conservative MSM sources to be to start arguing that treason is okay if committed by the President. Then worse and worse as it snowballs.

Rudy Giuliani says 'collusion is not a crime' – after months of Trump denying he colluded with the Russians
We all know what's next.

View attachment 207914
Yes, we do what is next: snowflake tears.
You've already got your sign made don't you.

Probably two of them. One thank you Russia sign and on Bill Engvall style.
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.

Yup. He was POTUS. Not Trump. In fact they knew it was happening and didn't stop it. They all thought Hitlery would win so there was no need.

The FBI told the DNC IT guy to watch for it and he did nothing.

They should be asking Barry and his intelligence and cyber people about it. Not Trump. Trump was a candidate. Not the POTUS.
There is no crime in simple "collusion".

Something of value must be given or exchanged within the act of colluding for there to be criminality.

The charge is not collusion, its conspiracy.
"Conspiracy" to do what, dumbshit?

Conspiracy to collaborate with a foreign country to get dirt on his opponent. Also obstruction. Money laundering most likely as well. Lying on IRS forms, opening up shell companies to launder money. Pay for play on steroids.
You name it.
There is no crime in simple "collusion".

Something of value must be given or exchanged within the act of colluding for there to be criminality.

The charge is not collusion, its conspiracy.
"Conspiracy" to do what, dumbshit?

Conspiracy to collaborate with a foreign country to get dirt on his opponent. Also obstruction. Money laundering most likely as well. Lying on IRS forms, opening up shell companies to launder money. Pay for play on steroids.
You name it.

and he left the toilet seat up.

then get him for those crimes, stop whining about collusion.

it's not a crime
Try to find the word "collusion" in the penal law, state and local or federal statutes. Better still don't bother because it ain't there. If there was any interference by the Russians it's on Barry Hussein's skinny shoulders.
Try to find the term 'bank heist' in penal law.

But it is really easy to find the words 'criminal conspiracy to defraud' in penal law.

Defense by synonym. That won't get you very far.
There is no crime in simple "collusion".

Something of value must be given or exchanged within the act of colluding for there to be criminality.

The charge is not collusion, its conspiracy.
"Conspiracy" to do what, dumbshit?

Conspiracy to collaborate with a foreign country to get dirt on his opponent. Also obstruction. Money laundering most likely as well. Lying on IRS forms, opening up shell companies to launder money. Pay for play on steroids.
You name it.

and he left the toilet seat up.

then get him for those crimes, stop whining about collusion.

it's not a crime

There is not such law for collusion, its conspiracy. Just because Trump says it over and over again, don't believe him.

Also I'm sure he probably has an automatic toilet seat.

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