From The Ground Up. A 99%ers Revolution

Do you think consumers should demand proof of a basic morality of the company they do business with?

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
...inspired by this conversation... Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker Page 20 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year. This tax bracket by the way doesn't qualify for any significant tax breaks. Uncle Sam would consider this hypothetical person as "too well off"...

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.
The tipping point in Pre-Revolutionary France was when the cops there woke up and realized where the actual problem was. Seems the thin blue line is the only thing standing between the 1% and the 99% when the oppression reaches a zenith.

The magic bullet for this situation is universal healthcare. It wouldn't even cost employers a dime. In fact, it would save them money: they wouldn't have to provide healthcare insurance. Their workers would be healthier, more productive, their savings in monthly outlay could stimulate the economy.

I've said this like a 100 times and it always falls on deaf ears. The loyalty to the BigHealth is admirable, if foolish.

Why do you hate rich people, is it envy? Jealousy? Or do you hate them simply because you were told to hate them and you obeyed mindlessly? I suspect you know very little about "rich" people, the amount they give to charity, the things the support. Its sad to see so many buying into the acidic rhetoric the left uses to get votes.
I don't recall saying I hate rich people.
My grandfather was one of the best off people in his town financially. Want to know what he did with all his money? He fed people knocking on his door during the Great Depression. He did charity work and gave at church. He lived frugally so his two kids could not have to struggle so hard. He was a rich guy, the best of them.

What if the 99% insisted that the products they buy come from a company where the CEO and other ranking members attended church regularly? Be it a synagogue, Catholic, Christian or Muslim sublime faith? The CEO would have to attend regularly, humbly. S/he could not be a member of that churches committes, fathers or other controlling influences. They would have to enter the doors as a sinner among sinners in the pews, with head bowed, listening and soaking in the weekly message.

It could be a new kind of revolt. It would be one where a message would be sent to the 1% that if they lack basic human morality, their business will fail. You'd watch jobs and profit sharing begin to rise. The economy would be back on its feet in no time at all.
Welfare recipients own telephones that are functional from anywhere. When I was a kid only the richest man on TV had something like that. The poorest among us are wealthier than the richest in many countries. There is enough for everyone of the poorest to live to 80 if they try, regardless of how rich the richest are.
It would be great to know the morality of a company. Which ones support same sex marriage or abortion. Which ones give money to the girl scouts or boy scouts.

Most people only care that a product works, won't kill them and is cheap.
Welfare recipients own telephones that are functional from anywhere. When I was a kid only the richest man on TV had something like that. The poorest among us are wealthier than the richest in many countries. There is enough for everyone of the poorest to live to 80 if they try, regardless of how rich the richest are.
You cannot eat a cellphone. You cannot offer a cellphone to a healthcare billing clerk to pay your bills. You cannot pay your mortgage with a cellphone. And you cannot drive your cellphone to work. And you cannot trade your cellphone for the goods that most of the 1% sell.

We are talking about the American economy. We'll leave the relative topic of Bangladesh to Bangladesh...
Welfare recipients own telephones that are functional from anywhere. When I was a kid only the richest man on TV had something like that. The poorest among us are wealthier than the richest in many countries. There is enough for everyone of the poorest to live to 80 if they try, regardless of how rich the richest are.
You cannot eat a cellphone. You cannot offer a cellphone to a healthcare billing clerk to pay your bills. You cannot pay your mortgage with a cellphone. And you cannot drive your cellphone to work.
You can't qualify for a mortgage if you need a welfare cellphone. People don't drive easily accessible public transportation unless it's their job. No one in this country has to go hungry other than children of irresponsible parents.
You can't qualify for a mortgage if you need a welfare cellphone. People don't drive easily accessible public transportation unless it's their job. No one in this country has to go hungry other than children of irresponsible parents.
Depends on what you're calling "food"... Seen the price of fresh produce lately? With the California drought, look for that to rise. Read the OP about the cop and the likely cause of his poor health.

Demanding jobs require excellent nutrition. Poor & working poor people cannot afford the foods that are best for them. Ah, the little details of the general excuse make all the difference.

"Let them eat Wonderbread!" declares RoshawnMarkwees...
You can't qualify for a mortgage if you need a welfare cellphone. People don't drive easily accessible public transportation unless it's their job. No one in this country has to go hungry other than children of irresponsible parents.
Depends on what you're calling "food"... Seen the price of fresh produce lately? With the California drought, look for that to rise. Read the OP about the cop and the likely cause of his poor health.

Demanding jobs require excellent nutrition. Poor & working poor people cannot afford the foods that are best for them. Ah, the little details of the general excuse make all the difference.

"Let them eat Wonderbread!" declares RoshawnMarkwees...
You do have a point with the increased cost of consumer goods. Thanks to shithead's energy policy all consumer goods prices have increased due to energy overhead increases. So the real enemy of poor people right now is this hack president.
...inspired by this conversation... Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker Page 20 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year. This tax bracket by the way doesn't qualify for any significant tax breaks. Uncle Sam would consider this hypothetical person as "too well off"...

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.
The tipping point in Pre-Revolutionary France was when the cops there woke up and realized where the actual problem was. Seems the thin blue line is the only thing standing between the 1% and the 99% when the oppression reaches a zenith.

The magic bullet for this situation is universal healthcare. It wouldn't even cost employers a dime. In fact, it would save them money: they wouldn't have to provide healthcare insurance. Their workers would be healthier, more productive, their savings in monthly outlay could stimulate the economy.

I've said this like a 100 times and it always falls on deaf ears. The loyalty to the BigHealth is admirable, if foolish.

Why do you hate rich people, is it envy? Jealousy? Or do you hate them simply because you were told to hate them and you obeyed mindlessly? I suspect you know very little about "rich" people, the amount they give to charity, the things the support. Its sad to see so many buying into the acidic rhetoric the left uses to get votes.
I don't recall saying I hate rich people.
My grandfather was one of the best off people in his town financially. Want to know what he did with all his money? He fed people knocking on his door during the Great Depression. He did charity work and gave at church. He lived frugally so his two kids could not have to struggle so hard. He was a rich guy, the best of them.

What if the 99% insisted that the products they buy come from a company where the CEO and other ranking members attended church regularly? Be it a synagogue, Catholic, Christian or Muslim sublime faith? The CEO would have to attend regularly, humbly. S/he could not be a member of that churches committes, fathers or other controlling influences. They would have to enter the doors as a sinner among sinners in the pews, with head bowed, listening and soaking in the weekly message.

It could be a new kind of revolt. It would be one where a message would be sent to the 1% that if they lack basic human morality, their business will fail. You'd watch jobs and profit sharing begin to rise. The economy would be back on its feet in no time at all.

^^^ points and laughs, the 1% have nothing to fear from the likes of you.
You can't qualify for a mortgage if you need a welfare cellphone. People don't drive easily accessible public transportation unless it's their job. No one in this country has to go hungry other than children of irresponsible parents.

You can under the Obama administration. Make payments on your mortgage? Don't worry about it.
You can't qualify for a mortgage if you need a welfare cellphone. People don't drive easily accessible public transportation unless it's their job. No one in this country has to go hungry other than children of irresponsible parents.

You can under the Obama administration. Make payments on your mortgage? Don't worry about it.
My bad.
You can't qualify for a mortgage if you need a welfare cellphone. People don't drive easily accessible public transportation unless it's their job. No one in this country has to go hungry other than children of irresponsible parents.
Depends on what you're calling "food"... Seen the price of fresh produce lately? With the California drought, look for that to rise. Read the OP about the cop and the likely cause of his poor health.

Demanding jobs require excellent nutrition. Poor & working poor people cannot afford the foods that are best for them. Ah, the little details of the general excuse make all the difference.

"Let them eat Wonderbread!" declares RoshawnMarkwees...
You do have a point with the increased cost of consumer goods. Thanks to shithead's energy policy all consumer goods prices have increased due to energy overhead increases. So the real enemy of poor people right now is this hack president.

On the other hand, more people have jobs now. When the former shithead bush crashed the economy, it took Obama awhile to get people working again.
People may have more electronic gadgets today, but I think we were better off back in the older days. No cell phones, but someone was always home answering the phone, usually mom. This was when one income could support a family. Since then, most of the gains in wealth have gone to those at the top and it takes two or three incomes to support a family. Thanks reagan and trickle down
You can't qualify for a mortgage if you need a welfare cellphone. People don't drive easily accessible public transportation unless it's their job. No one in this country has to go hungry other than children of irresponsible parents.
Depends on what you're calling "food"... Seen the price of fresh produce lately? With the California drought, look for that to rise. Read the OP about the cop and the likely cause of his poor health.

Demanding jobs require excellent nutrition. Poor & working poor people cannot afford the foods that are best for them. Ah, the little details of the general excuse make all the difference.

"Let them eat Wonderbread!" declares RoshawnMarkwees...
You do have a point with the increased cost of consumer goods. Thanks to shithead's energy policy all consumer goods prices have increased due to energy overhead increases. So the real enemy of poor people right now is this hack president.

On the other hand, more people have jobs now. When the former shithead bush crashed the economy, it took Obama awhile to get people working again.
People may have more electronic gadgets today, but I think we were better off back in the older days. No cell phones, but someone was always home answering the phone, usually mom. This was when one income could support a family. Since then, most of the gains in wealth have gone to those at the top and it takes two or three incomes to support a family. Thanks reagan and trickle down
So you believe women belong in the kitchen?
If you want to talk about economic hardship, look no further than Obama energy policy. It is the driving force behind things costing more while people make less than when, yes, W Bush was president.
...inspired by this conversation... Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker Page 20 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year. This tax bracket by the way doesn't qualify for any significant tax breaks. Uncle Sam would consider this hypothetical person as "too well off"...

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.
The tipping point in Pre-Revolutionary France was when the cops there woke up and realized where the actual problem was. Seems the thin blue line is the only thing standing between the 1% and the 99% when the oppression reaches a zenith.

The magic bullet for this situation is universal healthcare. It wouldn't even cost employers a dime. In fact, it would save them money: they wouldn't have to provide healthcare insurance. Their workers would be healthier, more productive, their savings in monthly outlay could stimulate the economy.

I've said this like a 100 times and it always falls on deaf ears. The loyalty to the BigHealth is admirable, if foolish.

Why do you hate rich people, is it envy? Jealousy? Or do you hate them simply because you were told to hate them and you obeyed mindlessly? I suspect you know very little about "rich" people, the amount they give to charity, the things the support. Its sad to see so many buying into the acidic rhetoric the left uses to get votes.
I don't recall saying I hate rich people.
My grandfather was one of the best off people in his town financially. Want to know what he did with all his money? He fed people knocking on his door during the Great Depression. He did charity work and gave at church. He lived frugally so his two kids could not have to struggle so hard. He was a rich guy, the best of them.

What if the 99% insisted that the products they buy come from a company where the CEO and other ranking members attended church regularly? Be it a synagogue, Catholic, Christian or Muslim sublime faith? The CEO would have to attend regularly, humbly. S/he could not be a member of that churches committes, fathers or other controlling influences. They would have to enter the doors as a sinner among sinners in the pews, with head bowed, listening and soaking in the weekly message.

It could be a new kind of revolt. It would be one where a message would be sent to the 1% that if they lack basic human morality, their business will fail. You'd watch jobs and profit sharing begin to rise. The economy would be back on its feet in no time at all.
This 99%er says quit crying like a little bitch, your morality is not the same as mine
...inspired by this conversation... Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker Page 20 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year. This tax bracket by the way doesn't qualify for any significant tax breaks. Uncle Sam would consider this hypothetical person as "too well off"...

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.
The tipping point in Pre-Revolutionary France was when the cops there woke up and realized where the actual problem was. Seems the thin blue line is the only thing standing between the 1% and the 99% when the oppression reaches a zenith.

The magic bullet for this situation is universal healthcare. It wouldn't even cost employers a dime. In fact, it would save them money: they wouldn't have to provide healthcare insurance. Their workers would be healthier, more productive, their savings in monthly outlay could stimulate the economy.

I've said this like a 100 times and it always falls on deaf ears. The loyalty to the BigHealth is admirable, if foolish.

Why do you hate rich people, is it envy? Jealousy? Or do you hate them simply because you were told to hate them and you obeyed mindlessly? I suspect you know very little about "rich" people, the amount they give to charity, the things the support. Its sad to see so many buying into the acidic rhetoric the left uses to get votes.
I don't recall saying I hate rich people.
My grandfather was one of the best off people in his town financially. Want to know what he did with all his money? He fed people knocking on his door during the Great Depression. He did charity work and gave at church. He lived frugally so his two kids could not have to struggle so hard. He was a rich guy, the best of them.

What if the 99% insisted that the products they buy come from a company where the CEO and other ranking members attended church regularly? Be it a synagogue, Catholic, Christian or Muslim sublime faith? The CEO would have to attend regularly, humbly. S/he could not be a member of that churches committes, fathers or other controlling influences. They would have to enter the doors as a sinner among sinners in the pews, with head bowed, listening and soaking in the weekly message.

It could be a new kind of revolt. It would be one where a message would be sent to the 1% that if they lack basic human morality, their business will fail. You'd watch jobs and profit sharing begin to rise. The economy would be back on its feet in no time at all.

Please define "basic morality"

And please be very specific.

No one can honestly answer your question until they know the exact parameters thereof.
...inspired by this conversation... Why should a hamburger flipper make the same as a highly skilled worker Page 20 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

A person making $20/hour still cannot pay all the mortgage, insurance, transporation, food, medical, schooling, sundries etc. that are basic necessities month by month. Once a year tax breaks for people aren't going to patch together the rest of the year. This tax bracket by the way doesn't qualify for any significant tax breaks. Uncle Sam would consider this hypothetical person as "too well off"...

It's slavery. We should just call it what it is. They tell you that you can get ahead with college. But the facts are that there aren't enough jobs out there for everyone to justify going into debt for the rest of their adult life until they die of a stress-related illness of being overworked and underpaid...struggling to afford escalating health costs as their pitiful bodies finally and predictably give out.

It's a sham, a mirage, a false-reality. The American dream died the same time we started importing stuff from China and exporting our jobs there. (where our good capitalists know that their socialized medicine makes it possible for their low wages) Give it up. Don't go to college. Just resign yourself to flipping burgers at McDonalds and dying early and in debt, leaving your kids nothing but a gutted American economy to fight over the scraps of. Hope there are enough police around in about 10-20 years.

I'm not being a nihilist here. This is actually an optimistic prognosis.

The other day I was in a position to watch some police chase down a suspect wanted on multiple felonies, mostly stealing. As I watched from a close vantage point, they finally caught the guy, with the help of a passer by. The cop who caught him was obviously tired, out of shape, struggling. He had an OK haircut, his equipment was a bit rough but clean at least and functional. He was doubled over starting to puke. The exercion made him sick to his stomach. Just another stressful day in a sea of them. I predict he won't live past his late 40s or early 50s. Maybe it was a bad tooth making him sick? Or a poor diet from buying bargain shit at the grocery just to make ends meet on his cop salary?

You'd better hope he's not the thin blue line in your neighborhood as this situation gets worse.
The tipping point in Pre-Revolutionary France was when the cops there woke up and realized where the actual problem was. Seems the thin blue line is the only thing standing between the 1% and the 99% when the oppression reaches a zenith.

The magic bullet for this situation is universal healthcare. It wouldn't even cost employers a dime. In fact, it would save them money: they wouldn't have to provide healthcare insurance. Their workers would be healthier, more productive, their savings in monthly outlay could stimulate the economy.

I've said this like a 100 times and it always falls on deaf ears. The loyalty to the BigHealth is admirable, if foolish.

Why do you hate rich people, is it envy? Jealousy? Or do you hate them simply because you were told to hate them and you obeyed mindlessly? I suspect you know very little about "rich" people, the amount they give to charity, the things the support. Its sad to see so many buying into the acidic rhetoric the left uses to get votes.
I don't recall saying I hate rich people.
My grandfather was one of the best off people in his town financially. Want to know what he did with all his money? He fed people knocking on his door during the Great Depression. He did charity work and gave at church. He lived frugally so his two kids could not have to struggle so hard. He was a rich guy, the best of them.

What if the 99% insisted that the products they buy come from a company where the CEO and other ranking members attended church regularly? Be it a synagogue, Catholic, Christian or Muslim sublime faith? The CEO would have to attend regularly, humbly. S/he could not be a member of that churches committes, fathers or other controlling influences. They would have to enter the doors as a sinner among sinners in the pews, with head bowed, listening and soaking in the weekly message.

It could be a new kind of revolt. It would be one where a message would be sent to the 1% that if they lack basic human morality, their business will fail. You'd watch jobs and profit sharing begin to rise. The economy would be back on its feet in no time at all.

I like political satire

Republicans believing that a person making 20 bucks an hour is "highly skilled" is just bizarre. It shows how out of touch they are. Do any of them actually do a job that takes at most more than a few days to learn?

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