From The Ground Up. A 99%ers Revolution

Do you think consumers should demand proof of a basic morality of the company they do business with?

  • Yes

  • No

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We can probably cut to the chase, here.

Customers do not need to demand to see proof of morality by any company.

It's the free market, and consumers have the freedom to purchase products where they want. They have the freedom to research companies and decide for themselves if that company is a fit for their worldview.

It's called the Free Market, Silhouette .

I thought Righties were for the Free Market and not for litmus tests... hmmmmm... interesting....
The magic bullet for this situation is universal healthcare. It wouldn't even cost employers a dime. In fact, it would save them money: they wouldn't have to provide healthcare insurance. Their workers would be healthier, more productive, their savings in monthly outlay could stimulate the economy.

Everything would be fine then, huh? In truth, that wouldn't come close to solving all our problems. What we need is universal care across the board. Food, housing, clothes, transportation - everything we need to lead happy, productive lives should be provided for us by government.

Including government approved Group Think.

Exactly. Freedom of choice is a joke - a luxury for the elite.
Morality isn't subjective.

That is a NON-answer answer.

Exactly what things are moral, and exactly what things are not?

Gee, why are you suddenly being so evasive??..... hmmmmmm.....

Brutally ripping helpless human fetuses from wombs = NOT moral is that clear enough?

Well, since I am pro-life and against abortion, it would probably surprise you to know that I AGREE with you on that point.

See how that works?

But that's just one issue. And Silhouette is still evading...

Stay off my side that makes me very uncomfortable :laugh: But seriously good for you.

And children, what does that teach us? Never judge a person just because of one issue.

We are ALL a little more complicated than that.

It is therapeutic and praying gives serenity and peace of mind just as meditation...

When I need therapy or peace of mind I hit someone with a rattan stick or go out and shoot a couple hundred rounds of pistol, rifle and shotgun ammo. Those are my meditations. I'm more of a destructive firce than a constructive one. Except in my writing.
It is therapeutic and praying gives serenity and peace of mind just as meditation...

When I need therapy or peace of mind I hit someone with a rattan stick or go out and shoot a couple hundred rounds of pistol, rifle and shotgun ammo. Those are my meditations. I'm more of a destructive firce than a constructive one. Except in my writing.

338 Win Mag, 2-3 rounds is all that's required to forget about whatever is bothering you, you'll be too busy rendering first aid to your shoulder.
338 Win Mag, 2-3 rounds is all that's required to forget about whatever is bothering you, you'll be too busy rendering first aid to your shoulder.

Not my boat. I'm more if a run and gun type. Action pistol. Three gun. Combat shotgun. Things like that.
338 Win Mag, 2-3 rounds is all that's required to forget about whatever is bothering you, you'll be too busy rendering first aid to your shoulder.

Not my boat. I'm more if a run and gun type. Action pistol. Three gun. Combat shotgun. Things like that.

I thinned the herd over the last year, currently -

1. Sig Elite Dark 9mm
2. Sig Elite Dark .45 ACP
3. H&K P30 .40 S&W
4. Colt AR15
5. Ruger Guide Gun .338 Win Mag (my mountain gun, it will drop any dangerous game in North America)

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